View Full Version : Repairing Enemy Items
2004-02-02, 12:31 PM
I know we have talked about this a lil before. What do you guys think about being able to repair ememy terminals, generators and such? I think this should be allowed only if you have a hack on the base. This would eliminate the 15 mins of waiting you sometimes get when the Gen is taken down and the next base is a long way away.
2004-02-02, 12:34 PM
I thought about this too. I see no reason why this shouldnt be implimented. Unless of course the devs did another dumass thing (I would not put it past them) and made repair items do some bizzar form of friendly fire....
2004-02-02, 12:36 PM
I think you should be able to repair terminals only. Allowing the repair of spawn tubes/generator/phalanx turrets is unfortunately just a ticket for idiots to be able to grief others without fear of actually receiving any grief points. Imagine blowing the gen and everybody is hanging out in the CY waiting for the hack to go through when an enemy switches sides and brings in his engineer to repair the enemy gen and allow people to start spawning again. Or imagine blowing the tubes and everybody leaves the spawn room (as usual) only to have a 'friendly' bring the tubes back up and give the enemy a chance to take the base back.
I guarantee we'd see both of those scenarios.
2004-02-02, 01:10 PM
If you can hack it, you should be able to fix it.
2004-02-02, 01:53 PM
There has been many times when the NC hack a base and get ready for another assult on the next only to find the vech term to be destroyed. :mad: I get on the command channel and to the other CR3's to let your toops know to NOT destroy the next vech terms at the next base and guess what happens at the next base. IT GET DESTORYED!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: so i say F-it and just keep movin on im tired of yelling and scream i dont care anymore. But i wish the devs could let us reapir enemy terms and such.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-02, 02:13 PM
What the Gerbil said.
2004-02-02, 02:42 PM
Gerbil, that is a great idea!! That wouldn't allow anyone to grief with it and also help up keep moving.
2004-02-02, 02:59 PM
If you can hack it, you should be able to fix it.
that is, you should be able to repair it once you've hacked it, eh? (can repair a hacked vehicle/equip term, can repair the gen in a hacked base, unless you want to make the generator control terminal hackable)
2004-02-02, 03:19 PM
I will destroy their medical terminals!
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-02, 03:48 PM
I think what he's saying is no you couldn't repair the Gens. That's really a double edged sword though. If you can't repair them you open yourselves to idiots who will take them down just to be an ass and if you can repair them there will be idiots who want to repair them even when they should stay down. Damned if you do damned if you don't /shrug
2004-02-02, 03:52 PM
I TK the fools that try to down the Gen when we already have the tubes down and everything is under control. That shit happens all the time!
2004-02-02, 03:53 PM
Happy's right. I am saying then need to allow you to repair things that you can currently basically all the terminals. An advanced hacker would have to hack the terminal, turning it to your empires control. An engy could then repair the term.
2004-02-02, 04:15 PM
the other thing I would like to see is if you hack a terminal the nme should not be able to use it until they either hack it back or the hack time expires.
2004-02-02, 04:41 PM
i belive we shud be allowed to create outfits with the enemy and use eachothers guns to make groups outside empires! the dev team cud say there were civial wars within the empires as tghey wanted slightly different things! some ppl were spys etc! ity wud bring a whole new gameplay ever say...relates to the thread you post it in...EVER!
I agree with gerbil, if its hackable it should be repairable, no matter what emp it belongs to.
2004-02-02, 04:53 PM
I know we have talked about this a lil before. What do you guys think about being able to repair ememy terminals, generators and such? I think this should be allowed only if you have a hack on the base. This would eliminate the 15 mins of waiting you sometimes get when the Gen is taken down and the next base is a long way away.
And then there's this thing called the AMS...
2004-02-02, 04:57 PM
Yup, Gerbil's idea is a good one. Excellent in fact.
2004-02-02, 04:59 PM
And then there's this thing called the AMS...
You can't get a vehicle from an AMS.
2004-02-02, 05:03 PM
If you can hack it, you should be able to fix it.
I will destroy their medical terminals!
2004-02-02, 07:23 PM
pork, try keeping your posts ON TOPIC please how old are you, 5? your spelling and grammar are of that standard.
I think that "we are damned if we do, damned if we don't" is about the right attitude with this problem!
2004-02-02, 08:22 PM
First I gotta address this:
pork, try keeping your posts ON TOPIC please how old are you, 5? your spelling and grammar are of that standard. ever say...relates to the thread you post it in...EVER!
Ok guys listen up. PorkFryer/EviloHomer is just a forum Troll who makes moronic posts with the intent to upset other people posting on the topic thread. So the horrific grammar and comments from way in left field are deliberate for his own amusement purposes. Every time you reply in rage to this goober you are feeding the fire. Trust me, use the ignore option and moron-be-gone. FIN
Second I don't think you should be able to repair enemy facility terminals, tubes, or gens for the simple reason that it prevents the "slash and burn" retreat stratagy that the enemy can employ to slow down an advancing attacker. Once you know you are going to lose the base, trash it so they can't use it against you. This buys you some time to muster a counter to the Zerg.
Yes, I know that morons on your own empire will take things out anyway... but, that just requires some guards to counter. If the CR5's ask to spare a gen and JackassJoe proceeds to attack it anyway have a group of enforcers take Joe out and save the Gen. Then you can Global about Joe and his low IQ... Clearly there are other ways to handle this as well, but requiring a Zerg to show some basic coordination to keep the rush rolling is not too much to ask for IMHO. If your Zerg looks like the Keystone Cops then it deserves to trip over itself and suffer the delays.
2004-02-03, 07:33 AM
Trust me, use the ignore option and moron-be-gone. FINI didn't know there was an ignore list... now I know, and he is gone! thankyou for bringing this to my attention!
2004-02-03, 09:36 AM
I didn't know there was an ignore list... now I know, and he is gone! thankyou for bringing this to my attention!
Nice, didn't know there was an ignore list either. *waves goodbye to the idiot*
I agree that this should be put in the game, countless times people have destroyed generators and terminals, either from ignorance or just to be an ass, and by doing so completely screwed over their empire's assault.
What I can't stand is the noobs infront of the destroyed terminal spamming for it to be repaired when it obviously cannot.
Repair our vehicle facilities!
Repair our vehicle facilities!
Repair our vehicle facilities!
Repair our vehicle facilities!
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