View Full Version : Ban Porkfryer
2004-02-03, 05:45 PM
just cause ur all fuckin american dicks who think their sooo great :| i fuckin hope korea bomb u! and iraq will get their own bk! plus r prime minister is a dick for bummin up to u! but he speaks for himself not the country. who r a bunch of fucking ***** anyways! dunno how english ppl cud move and turn to such dickheads! let me just say them trade centers were blockin my garden view, im glad they were destroid and all them ppl died! made u fucking realise u rnt powerful u just think u r!
It's due to this comment that I wish to ban him. I lost my brother in the tragedy when the world trade center went down. and this is an insult to my brother's memory. I know everyone has their opinion. But insulting the memory of the people who died during that is just unacceptable. I hope Hamma reads this soon.Oh and just so no one thinks I'm lying and just made this up here is the thread I got this on
Page three about half way down.
2004-02-03, 05:46 PM
I would agree, and not just for this. But my fellow servicemen, men that I know, love and work with, died as a result of combatting terrorism.
2004-02-03, 05:47 PM
2004-02-03, 05:49 PM
All for banning his ass, what a complete moron.
2004-02-03, 05:51 PM
such flaming doesnt belong, i say aye.
also, if you type worse than xmodo or however you spell his name, you should be banned.
2004-02-03, 05:52 PM
I also am for it
2004-02-03, 05:52 PM
Ah shit I pressed no before I read that comment...didn't read that original post from Pork, or else it would have been a yes without thinking twice.
Oh well, 'tis a yes now. Pork, you're a fuckin idiot for saying that. You've said alot of dumb fuckin shit before, but now you crossed the line.
Nice not knowing you.
2004-02-03, 05:53 PM
I am for Ban on The Pork
2004-02-03, 05:56 PM
I am for Ban on The Pork
2004-02-03, 05:58 PM
ip ban please, not just name, thanks hamma
Red October
2004-02-03, 06:04 PM
2004-02-03, 06:35 PM
What a moron, is that even english?
2004-02-03, 06:39 PM
You can look beyond the double posts and posting nontopical drivel, but that really does cross the line, whether it was made in jest or not. Although I doubt it was. :evil:
2004-02-03, 06:39 PM
dont forget evilohomer. their one and the same.
2004-02-03, 06:41 PM
This ( is pork fryer, except replace the word spoonguard with porkfryer.
*edit* oops wrong one this ( is the right one
2004-02-03, 06:42 PM
It's not our choice whether or not he gets banned. If Hamma feels he needs to be banned, then Hamma will do it.(Or Mars)
2004-02-03, 06:43 PM
pork dun phuk d'up
2004-02-03, 06:43 PM
It's not our choice whether or not he gets banned. If Hamma feels he needs to be banned, then Hamma will do it.(Or Mars)
I just cant pass up the chance to use that pic, still one of my favorites. That movie owns. :D
2004-02-03, 06:50 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: This ( is pork fryer, except replace the word spoonguard with porkfryer.
*edit* oops wrong one this ( is the right one
2004-02-03, 07:17 PM
Ya it is Hamma and Mars�s choice but we can bring some light on the dilemma that we have with Pork
2004-02-03, 07:17 PM
We know that only Hamma can decide to ban him or not. But I also think that once he sees how many people want him gone. He Will hopefully
2004-02-03, 07:20 PM
dont ban him till he replies to this thread, i find his stupidity... errr humourus
2004-02-03, 07:21 PM
made u fucking realise u rnt powerful u just think u r!
we arnt powerful my ass. we wuold kick any countries ass. we are the most powerful country in the world. tell me a country that is more powerfull. the WTC just showed how weak our homeland defenses were. i hope ur dumbass gets banned.
2004-02-03, 07:22 PM
As did I skunk till he insulted the memory of all the people who died in the World Trade center.
2004-02-03, 07:24 PM
Way to incorrectly link rathergood skunk.
2004-02-03, 07:24 PM
As did I skunk till he insulted the memory of all the people who died in the World Trade center.
yes, if only he was one of them... im canadian so i got no idea about how that impacted all americans sry
*edit* rayder, if u notice i edited my post with the real one gg
2004-02-03, 07:29 PM
He's a flaming aol-enhanced troll. Ban!
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-03, 07:32 PM
Ban the ignorant little shitstain.
Pork, wanna come visit the US? I'll be happy to pitch in to buy you airfare and supply a bullhorn so that you can go to various portions of New York and spew that fucking tripe to an audience that, I'm sure, would be very attentive to say the least.
Jesus, you're a worthless little fuck.
2004-02-03, 07:42 PM
OMGOMGOMG!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR SOOOO LONG!!! I was gonna make this thread but noone seemed to even really care about pork for some reason. They just kinda shrugged him off like a small annoyance. I, on the other hand, HATE HIM!!! I vote yes...AND I COMMAND EVERYONE ELSE TO VOTE YES...NOW!!!
porkfryer is evilohomer, so if you hate him click yes also!!!
2004-02-03, 07:45 PM
Ban the ignorant little shitstain.
Pork, wanna come visit the US? I'll be happy to pitch in to buy you airfare and supply a bullhorn so that you can go to various portions of New York and spew that fucking tripe to an audience that, I'm sure, would be very attentive to say the least.
Jesus, you're a worthless little fuck.
Unfortunately he can't come over and visit since all flights to the USA from the UK always seems to get cancelled because of "reputed" terrorist threats from unreliable Intelligence Services....
2004-02-03, 07:45 PM
we arnt powerful my ass. we wuold kick any countries ass. we are the most powerful country in the world. tell me a country that is more powerfull. the WTC just showed how weak our homeland defenses were. i hope ur dumbass gets banned.
Don't turn this into a "who would win if we fought" thread. Who gives a fuck about that? It won't happen.
PS: There will never be a small war ever again IMO, where 2 countries could fight 1v1. Everything now is team or be teamed. But this is for another topic, stick to the fuckbag at hand. Err matter at hand* :D
2004-02-03, 07:47 PM
OMGOMGOMG!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR SOOOO LONG!!! I was gonna make this thread but noone seemed to even really care about pork for some reason. They just kinda shrugged him off like a small annoyance. I, on the other hand, HATE HIM!!! I vote yes...AND I COMMAND EVERYONE ELSE TO VOTE YES...NOW!!!
porkfryer is evilohomer, so if you hate him click yes also!!!
Did you read the comment that was the catalyst for this thread? If so you know why no one really cared till now.
2004-02-03, 07:47 PM
$20 dollars says one of those "no" voters was porkfryer :rofl: And if it wasn't you people should be ashamed.
Edit: Yes I did Jake...that only made him (in my view) worse. He was already a worthless piece of trash. I wanted him out ever since his 1st damn post.
2004-02-03, 08:01 PM
Just wanna say I am ashamed this guy is English...
...time to make a song :P
Episode 3 coming soon
Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-03, 08:02 PM
freedom of speech, but he is pushing it
2004-02-03, 08:12 PM
Errrr......ban.....ban.....ban......ban......BAN.. ...BAN.....BAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2004-02-03, 08:45 PM
/me squints evily at this fucktard.
Ok wtf. Not only should this guy be banned from PSU but he should be banned from the interweb for ever. As a few of you know I live in NYC. I watched the towers fall. I even helped pick up the rubble for a few hours a week. That is COMPLETE BULLSHIT. That person does not deserve to have a freedom of speech let alone thought (if he uses it). That asshat needs the banstick nicely polished and stuck up his ass sideways! We should send this to the devs too, im sure theyd love to find some really stupid excuse to ban him. Make the bastard pay!!
2004-02-03, 09:25 PM
Agreed, ban the bigot, he says he is quiting planetside in his post anyway, so he has nothing to offer but grief.
2004-02-03, 09:38 PM
2004-02-03, 09:40 PM
I concur
2004-02-03, 09:45 PM
Although I totally disagree with what he says just as much as you, I belive he can say what he wants to.
Please hold the flame. I hate him too. However, he hasn't really done anything to merit a ban. He hasn't flamed anyone. Sorry to say this. :(
2004-02-03, 09:46 PM
First off, there is no freedom of speech on the forums. What can and can not be said is dictated by the moderators. Freedom of speech deals with government regulations - not with privately owned institutions. This is a privately owned forum so they can ban anybody they want.
As to whether or not he should be banned - YES. My cousin was a firefighter on 9/11 that was lost and I find his comments extremely insulting, unnecessary, crass, rude and thoroughly, thoroughly unacceptable. If I began spouting ignorant racist comments I would come under a lot of heat (rightfully so).
I feel so strongly about this, that if he were not to be banned for making such cruel, insenstive comments, that I would consider not visiting the forums anymore. Allowing such comments only condones what is being said.
2004-02-03, 09:46 PM
Actually, he has, he is spamming, and trying to start flames "The Nazi's Were Cool", in the FAQ ,come to mind?
2004-02-03, 09:46 PM
Good point.
2004-02-03, 09:57 PM
Don't turn this into a "who would win if we fought" thread. Who gives a fuck about that? It won't happen.
im not trying to do that. is just that truth that we are the most powerful country in the world. i was just pointing that out cuz porkfryer said we were not.
2004-02-03, 09:59 PM
Freedom of Speech is limited people....if you infringe on another person freedom�s then it is denied. In this case he is denying us our freedom of something (edit when I remember the term) and he is making Libel statements�.
2004-02-03, 10:30 PM
Wow 45 to 6
2004-02-03, 10:33 PM
ban his ass
my cat makes more coherent sentences than him
I Hate Pants
2004-02-03, 10:43 PM
Sheesh! This Pork guy makes me sound like a good guy. I say Ban his filthy ass!
2004-02-03, 10:48 PM
IHP agrees with us. This is the end of the world as we know it.
I Hate Pants
2004-02-03, 10:49 PM
Meh! Perhaps I dont agree with most of the stuff said on this board. But I don't like people mocking the death of innocent lives.
IMO, there is no place here for a person that would think in such terms,
let alone have low enough self esteem and IQ to post such a thing in a public forum.
freedom of speech aside, I firmly believe he has used up his pathetic cry for attention here.
banning him is the most merciful way to send him to his next trolling site and remove him from view.
so, I voted yes.
2004-02-03, 10:59 PM
Freedom of Speech is limited people....if you infringe on another person freedom�s then it is denied. In this case he is denying us our freedom of something (edit when I remember the term) and he is making Libel statements�.
I'm sure you are not refering to Freedom of Speech on a private message board are you?
"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech"
Hmm, yeah, nuttin about limiting freedom of speech in a privately owned establishment.
2004-02-03, 10:59 PM
If he was any less annoying, he would qualify as pubic lice.
2004-02-03, 11:00 PM
Anyways, everyone hates him, and it has been almost UNANIMOUSLY VOTED that he must be banned.
2004-02-03, 11:05 PM
down with him!
hurry up hams!
2004-02-03, 11:37 PM
For everyone who makes the freedom of speech argument. Congress is not allowed to make any law that prohibits freedom of speech. There are certain exceptions however, but they are not relevant here.
This site can make any rules they want. They are not making laws. It is the same way they don't want naked women posted. The site can make whatever rules they want. It would be different if the asshole was arrested for making those comments. We are not doing that. There is no law that says assholes can make whatever statements they want to on a private website.
Think about it - if you went to your bosses office and called him a dumb mothaf-er, what would happen? He would fire your ass. Could you turn around and say - hey I have the freedom of speech. No. Same thing here.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-04, 01:23 AM
As has been stated he has no right to freedom of speech on a privately held message boards. This is, when you boil it down, Hamma's soapbox. He has the right to let anyone he wants use his soapbox...and kick anyone who he doesn't the fuck off of it.
Again, freedom of speech protects your right to say thigns. It doesn't, however, protect your ability to say those things in a private forum.
2004-02-04, 03:58 AM
My Vote is Ban the SOB I had a cousin in the towers at work that day, he was in the first tower, preferably I'd like to pay someone to find his street address then ill strap him to a building and fly a f*ckin 747 into him, see how he freaking likes it. Man he better be glad there is an ocean separating us.
2004-02-04, 06:53 AM
Block his garden view of PSU.
2004-02-04, 07:12 AM
Stepping in here, Ban Him. Freedom of Speech? Nay, that as has been pointed out is from government inhibiting you from saying something, in this case, we the memebrs of PSU forums hav ethe right to say "ya know, thats not the kinda dipwad we want here" and thats that.
PS As a side note, while it IS Hamma's decision whom to ban, its also not in the PSU fundrives best interest to ignore the plea's of the forum go-er's, cause really, whose gonna donate if people like this porkfyr are allowed to stay and continue to post? Think about that guys, Hamma's not stupid, he will do the right thing.
PSS Too bad he didn't come play int he political forum, that would have been nice, Lex and I could have played Nazi-Mods and gotten commended for it for once! oh well..
2004-02-04, 09:02 AM
Well Looks like this thread has gone well. Im suprised that the pork hasent replyed to it yet :). (btw freedom of speach thing nvm what i said just ban the ass)
2004-02-04, 09:17 AM
Absolfuckingloutly BAN HIM!
Pork; The Other White Moron.
2004-02-04, 10:18 AM
Keep forums on topic, game discussion should be game discussion, the lounge should be used for misc threads, political debate for political debate, etc. Threads which are posted in the incorrect areas will be locked/moved.
Do not spam or troll the forums. This means do not post meaningless posts just to get post count, or to get a rise out of someone.
He ( broke these 2 rules at least.
2004-02-04, 10:34 AM
2004-02-04, 10:47 AM
I hate teh pork. :P
2004-02-04, 11:22 AM
I wish hamma would jump in and give us a little feed back here. I'm sure he has been on the forums in the past day.
For insulting the pride of the many people that died in that catastrophe, you deserve much more than a ban...not only this, but EVERY post that he posts is totally off topic. But that's nothing compared to what he said. Lock 'im up, boys.
2004-02-04, 12:04 PM
Ban Him!!!!!!!
2004-02-04, 12:16 PM
Maybe he hasn't replied because he's been banned already? or maybe he just forgot about this forum and disappeared never to be seen again? Or maybe he's actually laughing right now reading all these post, thinking its the best joke in the world? Who knows, but all I can say is that, Porkfryer probably from down south, grrr those posh southerners... (Makes fun of all those Brummies & Cockney's)
2004-02-04, 12:20 PM
note /\ is british so she isnt refering to virginia but actually the south of english...
i believe in websites the freedom of speech doesn't apply for us but only for hamma because it is kind of like private property
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-04, 12:25 PM
not only this, but EVERY post that he posts is totally off topic.
No, not every one. Only aout 95% of them, but in any case, that's beside the point.
Once again ship him to NY, give him a bullhorn and let them tear him limb from limb. Oh, and make it payperview.
2004-02-04, 12:29 PM
Maybe he hasn't replied because he's been banned already? or maybe he just forgot about this forum and disappeared never to be seen again? Or maybe he's actually laughing right now reading all these post, thinking its the best joke in the world? Who knows, but all I can say is that, Porkfryer probably from down south, grrr those posh southerners... (Makes fun of all those Brummies & Cockney's)
Quiet ya northern monkey! :p
2004-02-04, 12:31 PM
I'm not paying to watch him being mutilated. Thats inhuman!
BAD Happy lil' Elf!
You should put him in a deserted city surounded by American deserts, give him an empty gun a bottle of water and told to flee to civilization before a squad of horse riding shotgun toting hunters with a pack of robotic killer dogs catches you.
Now that's what i'll pay to watch. (If I can't have "Fox Hunting" I'll have Porkfryer hunting!)
2004-02-04, 12:33 PM
I made a song in the end, and yes, it's absolute shite :D
2004-02-04, 01:33 PM
Talking about us Brits is bad, but mouthing off every one that died in 11/9 is just wrong. Forget banning him, sue him.
I would so pay to see a lil clip of four pigs frying him up for breakfast. =] In fact, I think I'll go draw something now...huddon...
EDIT: Here it is:
The pig has a mustache. omgwtf.
2004-02-04, 01:55 PM
I say who cares.. People need to learn to stop trying to manipulate things aroung them. And everyone who lost people in 911 need to learn it has a politically bad past. Alot of people including me think they never should have been. And the whole world should not be made to act one way about it because of what happened, its unhealthy for everything to start and poeple need to start realizing the world goes on. This is that point that you get to learn that the world does not revolve around something and get to see how much there is in the world and get on with there lifes. There are more than enought reasons to hate the world trade centers and other things and you should not try to control what people say about itor anything else. Thats how you get poeple resenting everything more.
Its up to hamma if he gets banned. Let him decide when hes gone to far and enjoy the fact that people have different opinions on this subject or should i say underlyings feelings about it and just take them as what they are. Theres way to much that isnt being considered about anything now a days and no comment is life ending wether people think it or not.
And whats with all this innocent people crap. There are nor have there ever been innocent people. Were all guilty of things and lots of them. Its a part of reality and were no better than anyone else and just as capable of doing the same things as anyone else. Everyone is capable of doing everything everyone else has ever done and not doing it doesnt make us any better. Were al just as capable so were all just as likely and guilty. And nothing will ever change that.
2004-02-04, 02:03 PM
A bunch of retarded assholisms
Hmph, lets just ban this asshat along with PorkFryer.
2004-02-04, 02:04 PM
DUDE, it's not just over the WTC and 9/11 stuff. That just pushed Jake over the edge. It's all the other shit this moron has been posting for the past 10 days as well.
Seriously Ait'al you're next if you don't start getting on the relavance train and reading the whole thread b4 posting. But at least you make full senthenses.
2004-02-04, 02:07 PM
I know its not over just 911, ok. Neither was my point.
I say who cares..
I say...we do.
2004-02-04, 02:11 PM
Just make it so he can only post to the Political Debate forum.
That'll settle him right out.
2004-02-04, 02:17 PM
Quote: I say who cares..
I say...we do.
Come up with something to say instead of jacking something from my post or you have no reason to be screaming ban about anyone.
2004-02-04, 02:33 PM
Come up with something to say instead of jacking something from my post or you have no reason to be screaming ban about anyone.
Okay. You asked for it.
I say who cares.. People need to learn to stop trying to manipulate things aroung them. And everyone who lost people in 911 need to learn it has a politically bad past. Alot of people including me think they never should have been.
Perhaps if you weren't such an emotional troglodyte, a selfish inner-obsessed clueless typical American, you'd learn something. If you were any sort of intelligent human being whatsoever, as you try to pretend you are in the Political Debate forum, you'd have grasped the concept that 3000 innocent people should not have to pay for the mistakes of a government under both Democratic and Republican leadership (yes that's a hint to you political dick-swingers that neither party is innocent). And furthermore, whatever moral high-horse you're pretending to sit on, kindly dismount before the rest of us verbally knock you off. That is, if you're remotely intelligent enough to grasp what we're saying.
Basically what you're saying is that no one has the right to bitch about anything bad that happens to them. Say, for instance, **** who were slaughtered in Nazi Germany. Say, for instance, blacks whose ancestors were kidnapped from their country and denegrated and sold into slavery, and whose ancestors were discriminated against. Say, for instance, Indians/Native Americans who had their lands stolen and their people killed or herded into camps and beaten into submission. Say, for instance, Muslims who don't want foreigners, unfaithful, and invaders in their homeland (that example, just to get off America's social problems). Say, for instance, the people starving in their own countries because their own governments are corrupt and greedy and cater only to the rich and the powerful.
And the whole world should not be made to act one way about it because of what happened, its unhealthy for everything to start and poeple need to start realizing the world goes on.
Refer to my above post, second-verse same-as-the-first.
This is that point that you get to learn that the world does not revolve around something and get to see how much there is in the world and get on with there lifes.
For those of us who were directly affected, which is something I doubt you'll ever understand, yes- as a matter of fact it does. It's much the same as when your mother gets killed by a drunk driver, and then some assclown runs around saying "Look at me, I drive drunk!" or "HAHA, your mom is dead". For those of us who were directly affected by the loss of a loved one, or sent overseas to kick the ass of the motherfuckers who did this, YES, it DOES revolve around something. And it's quite ironic that a little ignorant turd who can't even type straight is using a word like "learn", and trying to lecture on adult educated topics.
There are more than enought reasons to hate the world trade centers and other things and you should not try to control what people say about itor anything else. Thats how you get poeple resenting everything more.
Again, irony. Someone trying to get everyone to shut up is lecturing us on controlling what people say.
And whats with all this innocent people crap. There are nor have there ever been innocent people. Were all guilty of things and lots of them. Its a part of reality and were no better than anyone else and just as capable of doing the same things as anyone else. Everyone is capable of doing everything everyone else has ever done and not doing it doesnt make us any better. Were al just as capable so were all just as likely and guilty. And nothing will ever change that.
If I could even make some sort of comprehension out of this retarded drivel I might comment on it. But again, my only point in replying to this was simply because you basically dared someone to come up with something to say rather than jacking off in your face or something.
I did. You asked 'who cares'. We, that is, those of us who posted here asking that someone screaming about how happy they were to see so many killed and maimed in a blantant terrorist act, be removed from our
Nor did I 'scream' about anything. It was an obvious attempt to garner attention by posting something they well knew would draw the ire of those who frequent this board.
I merely said so and asked that he not be allowed to return.
trust me, there was little I would care to 'jack' from your post.
you asked.
I answered.
I think thats plain enough.
2004-02-04, 02:35 PM
2004-02-04, 02:52 PM
:rofl: WTF?!
2004-02-04, 03:11 PM
wtf squeeky?
on topic, i say ban him.
I Hate Pants
2004-02-04, 03:13 PM
UGH! Why would anyone want to see a picture of a group of fat balding men in a sauna?
2004-02-04, 05:30 PM
Maybe he hasn't replied because he's been banned already? or maybe he just forgot about this forum and disappeared never to be seen again? Or maybe he's actually laughing right now reading all these post, thinking its the best joke in the world? (Makes fun of all those Brummies & Cockney's)
or mabey somebody got his address from this site somehow and went up there and shot him in the head for benig such a freaking dumbass
2004-02-04, 05:43 PM
I say ban his ass. I dont know anyone that was killed from this , but it impacted me the same.
also, if you type worse than xmodum or however you spell his name, you should be banned.
WTF?!?!?!?! you need to leave me out of something this serious.
2004-02-04, 05:48 PM
lol squeeky bringin t3h funnay to a thread that just couldnt make any on its own :rofl:
2004-02-04, 05:51 PM
Too lazy to quote and write a witty reply.....Ait'al youre a fucking idiot. :)
2004-02-04, 06:01 PM
My problem, besides that quote, is the godawful spelling.
Back on zybez, before W13 became a dick, we gave you three strikes. If you consistently make bad grammered posts like his, that's strike one, we warn you. Same with strike two. Strike three, we ban your ass. It kept threads well organized and kept dicks like him out.
By the way, we have basis for banning:
Some rule basically says this:
"There will be no posts or pictures that serve only to incite or inflame. (ie: Nazis are cool.)"
2004-02-04, 07:00 PM
or mabey somebody got his address from this site somehow and went up there and shot him in the head for benig such a freaking dumbass
Now what did I tell you?
When I say secret, don't tell anyone.
I hope he get's banned. Not one of those ok let's ban his name I think we wanna IP ban.
2004-02-04, 07:03 PM
"There will be no posts or pictures that serve only to incite or inflame. (ie: Nazis are cool.)"
Hamma would have to do some nasty tricks to make that one completely followed!
I say ban his ass. I dont know anyone that was killed from this , but it impacted me the same.
OMG. :love:
Post stuff like that, constantly (Quality, not subject) and we'll like you. Seriously. Best sentence I've seen oyu type yet :D
2004-02-04, 07:09 PM
Yes , I typed like that because of the quote, I can type as good as anyone, but I do like to type my message fast to read the next posts in another thread.
Yes , I typed like that because of the quote, I can type as good as anyone, but I do like to type my message fast to read the next posts in another thread.
Actually, just keep typing like that. It eventually becomes second nature, and, you have to TRY to sound as bad as you once did :p
2004-02-04, 08:53 PM
Too lazy to quote and write a witty reply.....Ait'al youre a fucking idiot
2004-02-04, 08:55 PM
I don't want to read 7 pages. Is Porky banned yet?
2004-02-05, 08:26 AM
No he just posted in the Game Discussion forum under the "Marauder" thread.
2004-02-05, 08:35 AM
or mabey somebody got his address from this site somehow and went up there and shot him in the head for benig such a freaking dumbass
You Americans are so Barbaric and violent. :rolleyes:
Here in the UK we are civilized, peaceloving people (much :love: to Peacemaker) We forbid the use of firearms for the common people because it promotes violence. Therefore it would be unlikely he would be shot.
On contray he would of probably of been stabbed with a swords, knives, shurikens and anyother sharp pointy object as its premitted to carry such items for self defence or intended assault. (hence Ninja's like Fragmatic with British accents roaming our nights)
Don't be a Firearm Barbarian. Stab.
2004-02-05, 08:39 AM
Now now, I don't roam, I stealthily lurk ;)
2004-02-05, 09:39 AM
You Americans are so Barbaric and violent. [...] Here in the UK we are civilized, peaceloving people (much :love: to Peacemaker) We forbid the use of firearms for the common people because it promotes violence.
Yet there are people in the UK with guns anyway. Good law- now that means that innocent law-abiding citizens are defenseless.
We may be barbaric and violent here in America, but I guarangoddamntee you that private common citizens get theirs when some assclown breaks into their house and gets a face full of buckshot.
2004-02-05, 09:48 AM
I have the 'honor' of knowing porktryer personaly, and tbh, hes not as much of a cock as he is on here. While what he said, he said very, very badly, he has some good points, i think what happen on september the 11th has been blown out of preprtion, that dosent mean itw asnt serious, but its been used as an excuse etc for the war on iraq, etc etc. Also, in iraq, the british trooped showd a much higher level of dicipline than the ammericans, our soldiers are better, and i dont want to go into history, as im not great at it, but porktryer is laughing at this, i can guarentee it
2004-02-05, 09:51 AM
Does he live near London? I wanna tear him a new arsehole
2004-02-05, 09:53 AM
Around 100 ish miles away, near bedfordshire, in brohmam ( sp?)
2004-02-05, 09:55 AM
Well, If I'm ever around there, I'll be sure to look for him
2004-02-05, 09:56 AM
Well, if he ever heads to london, ill try and let you know ( yes he is my friend, ish)
2004-02-05, 10:07 AM
I have the 'honor' of knowing porktryer personaly
Because you type like him, and then there's this: Join Date: 02-05-2004 ...
I have reason to suspect you're PorkFryer. :D
2004-02-05, 11:04 AM
FireFlys smarter then your average Bee
2004-02-05, 11:18 AM
check the ip's hamma ;)
2004-02-05, 11:48 AM
Ban the dumb fuck
2004-02-05, 12:09 PM
Because you type like him, and then there's this: Join Date: 02-05-2004 ...
I have reason to suspect you're PorkFryer. :D
Well he could be a friend using his know how it is.
2004-02-05, 12:13 PM
It would be a real shame if someone who is obviously working hard at getting banned didn't get what he wanted.
2004-02-05, 12:14 PM
It's a possibility, but the "coincidences" and "happenstance" is too overwhelming. I work in a job field that heavily relies on analysis and following of hunches using educated guesses (which is a BS-explanation to pretty-up the word "analysis" hehe).
It was speculation, but consider this. How ironic is it that PorkFryer supposedly was banned under the name EviloHomer (provided I read all that right)? How ironic is it that once again, he's made a flaming ass out of himself? How ironic is it that someone joins today and immediately comes to his aid, stopping nowhere else and saying nothing else aside from "Hi I know him, go easy on him, he's nice in real life."?
Not bloody likely. That's all I'm saying.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-05, 12:21 PM
Well he could be a friend using his know how it is.
Why would using his computer make him type like Pork though? I really doubt Porks almost amazing ability to garble a post does not have enything to do with what computer he's on...
2004-02-05, 01:33 PM
Why would using his computer make him type like Pork though? I really doubt Porks almost amazing ability to garble a post does not have enything to do with what computer he's on...
Typical eMachines/AOL user ;)
2004-02-05, 01:38 PM
:lol: Aye
2004-02-05, 02:01 PM
/\ is a retard @ DARKBANE
2004-02-05, 02:02 PM
Branleur :p
2004-02-05, 02:12 PM
I think our wishes have been granted, his post in the PS idea lab thread have been as one said 'Expunged'
2004-02-05, 02:14 PM
Expunged? Now that's a cool word! :rofl:
2004-02-05, 02:58 PM
they have, rbstr. porkfryer is gone.
2004-02-05, 03:04 PM
2004-02-05, 03:08 PM
Futurama� Mark groening�
2004-02-05, 03:10 PM
Request Granted - Ban stick has been swung. :eek:
2004-02-05, 03:14 PM
Futurama� Matt Groening?
Fixed you fool!
And the ? wont work in italics :S
2004-02-05, 03:20 PM
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