View Full Version : Sniper Transport
2004-02-04, 08:48 PM
Well I was thinking today how cool it would be if the Rexo suit could fly. I told my self how over powered this would be and thought up a new aircraft. The grasshopper ELT (extremly light transport). This aircraft has only one purpose, a quick method of transport for snipers and cloakers without having to deal with a reaver or mosquito. The aircraft is unarmed and to counter act a pilot unbalancing the flight the system "clicks" onto your armor resulting in an unability to eject. Un armed and with a trunk that of 3/4ths the size of a reaver it has no attack purposes. It is invisible to enemy radar and when landed cloaks itself in the same fashion of a wraith. It has virtualy no armor and is composed of very thin sheets of various alloys. A full AP clip from a gauss will nearly render it usless. Any sort of heavy calibure amunition will absolutly destroy the grasshoper. It can carry all armor excluding MAX's and does not carry enough room to fit an AV weapon or sniper rifle such a decimator. Depending on armor type its speed and manuverabilty varry. Rexo being the slowest and most slugish. It can only be purchased from a facility with Adv Tech from a tech plant and can only be used when the person certs in both Air cav or mosquito and sniper.
Quick Recap:
1. Carries Rexo's
2. Speed depends on armor
3. Very little armor
4. Cloaks when landed with no pilot
5. No weapons
6. Cannot bail from aircraft
7. Very small trunk
8. Does not appear on radar
9. No sensor package
2004-02-04, 08:51 PM
You know what, as much as I feel that I will be flamed for this, I like it :) . It's neither cheap nor terrible, and fills an unnaccounted for purpose. Sounds good to me *shrugs*.
2004-02-04, 08:59 PM
The ELT is a cool idea, but I still think the Mosquito would offer better transportation for cloakers and snipers (a task it's already quite good at). It's faster than anything currently available, it's invisible to radar, and it can get snipers to good spots and cloakers to the tops of towers/bases. Of course, the big point of the ELT is to transport Rexos, but I don't think sniping in Agile's that huge of a tradeoff.
2004-02-04, 09:11 PM
Yea the big thing is transporting Rexo's. The idea that it cant bail means that its nerfed for hot drops. Sure the mossi is good but an enemy aircraft always finds it. Then its gone.
2004-02-04, 09:13 PM
That is one of the balancing aspects of heavier armor, hard to get around. I normally just use agile when on offenise (where you need high ground to sniper into enemy CY) and rexo for defence (where you are provided stairs to high ground :p)
2004-02-04, 09:50 PM
By "It can carry all armor excluding MAX's and does not carry enough room to fit an AV weapon or sniper rifle such a decimator." You mean the trunk right?
2004-02-04, 09:58 PM
sounds cool, but one thing, couldnt a whole sqaud just get one and fly into an enemy courtyard or land on the roof and umm.... well.... you know?
2004-02-04, 10:22 PM
Cant land on the roof of a base. It would deconstruct, cant bail out its not allowed in this. Talked to LNS and he said the word hang glider. Brilance! The aircraft flys like a mossy or something untill it leaves a friendly SOI. When it leaves an SOI your on an almost glider power, you get a bunch of After burner to keep you going for a little while but thats it. You can base hop from friendly to friendly but you can only go about one enemy base away with the burners even at max alt. Not a long range thing, could easily be owned by AV and such. I think its pretty well balanced.
2004-02-04, 10:23 PM
We aim to please.
2004-02-04, 10:56 PM
I don't like the afterburner thing, otherwise, good
2004-02-05, 10:18 AM
So let me get this straight, so far:
1) Carry infantry wearing any armor up to Rexo.
2) Powered only while inside a friendly SOI. After that, you will start to lose altitude.
3) Has a short, one time burn AB for once you leave the SOI.
4) Small trunk (similar in size the an infiltrators backpack?)
5) Cloaks upon landing.
Hmm, I like it. I have a few ideas.
* Remove the trunk, something this small would have room to carry any extra inventory.
* No lock-on by AA weapons, again, it is very small. Same reason it wouldn't have a signature on radar. Unless there was an interlink facility of course, then the green dot would show, but nothing else.
* Can be purchased from a standard terminal. Imagine an inventory item, the size of a AV box of ammo. When placed in your inventroy, an icon would appear in your hotkey bar. When triggered, it would unfold and you would begin gliding. Press the key again, and you would disconnect from the glider. If you were in the air, you would begin a standard hotdrop and the glider would deconstruct.
* Infs + glider would be invisible, similar to the wraith.
* Small power cell so if you are in a friendly SOI you could circle-climb to the flight ceiling, then glide out. Descent rate would be fixed at like 10 meters per second. You could of course descend quicker by flying towards the ground.
* Could be used in conjunction with standard flying vehicles such as the galaxy. You could fly or be transported to a remote location, then bail and deploy the glider while in the air. Imagine a galaxy circling just off the coast, you and your squad bail and glide in for a sneak assault on an enemy base.
2004-02-05, 10:26 AM
I like this idea alot. I like the other ideas about it being the size of an AV ammo box.
Sweet... That would spice things up immensely.
2004-02-05, 02:37 PM
Making it into a glider that is only powered within a friendly SOI sounds like a very cool idea. It doesn't sound unbalancing at all and has some very interesting tactical applications. Instead of cloaking just have it deconstruct upon landing. You would most likely be gliding to some point outside of the SOI anyway so there's no need to keep it around. Make it a 2 point cert and allow any infantry use it. This would give them some option to glide over ground vehicles, but run the risk of being shot down by air vehicles. Some interesting airborne assaults would develop, but they would be very fragile. At least if you ride in a Galaxy you have some armor and a few weapons to shoot back with.
The whole idea sounds fun and completely balanced. :thumbsup:
2004-02-05, 02:40 PM
Well I was thinking today how cool it would be if the Rexo suit could fly. I told my self how over powered this would be and thought up a new aircraft.
Tribes Vengance?
It is cool how Smokejumper was a Tribes Dev tho
2004-02-05, 02:41 PM
I think Gerbil has a very awesome idea. Something like a combination of the 2 ideas would be most practical. MAybe like a limited fuel (ammo) that does the same things as spoken of here?
2004-02-05, 02:57 PM
Ok. I REALLY like the inventory idea. Thats AWSOME. Gal hot drops with a glider would rock. But the one thing I dont like is the whole bail out thing. Rexo's hot droping on an enemy base is too powerfull. Esp with no gal. How about u can deploy from a gal but u loose half your alt b4 u deploy. THe Gal is still vulnerable and you have to land outside the enemy base (inside if your crasy). It should deconstruct b/c it has no trunk (good idea). I dont want a new cert tho. I think it should be coupled with sniper and mossy or air cav (you pick either mossy sniper or air cav and you get the ELT). No missle locks is good.
Bad Mojo
2004-02-05, 03:02 PM
One small change, IMO.
No armor. Damage is done directly to the individual. Infnatry in the air are hard enough to hit as it is and AA does little damage against them.
2004-02-05, 03:10 PM
Indeed. Small arms weaps are needed to take them down.
2004-02-05, 05:20 PM
Not sure if I like the idea of it being an inventory item, especially the size of AV ammo. That would pretty much make it useless to infils since something that size would fill or almost fill their inventory.
-Make it available at vehicle terms.
-When inside a friendly SOI, you can use that standard aircraft "up" button (default is "E") to gain altitude due to (insert suitable technobabble here like NTU deflection panels under wings). Once out of the SOI, you will slowly lose altitude as you glide. You can tilt your nose down to quickly gain speed and lose altitude. You can tilt your nose up to gain altitude. However, your glider will automatically level out if you hit the minimum gliding speed.
-Once you land, you can't do anything until you dismount from the glider. If you land outside a friendly SOI, the glider is useless because its too heavy to be moved. If you land inside a friendly SOI, you can remount the glider and take off normally.
-Glider makes no noise. Good for stealthy insetions.
-Cannot bail from glider. Kinetic dampers that allow you to bail from normal aircraft require a larger power source than the glider has.
-No armor, no weapons.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-05, 06:03 PM
I like it. Would need tweaking but it's a starting point. It's also a good bet there would be quite a bit of support. How many people have the Mossy simply for trasnportation?
Tribes Vengance?
What was suggested has nothing to do with Tribes. At all. Next time try reading the whole thread before you speak.
Always good to know you're still around to make idiotic comments though, Oxo. :love:
2004-02-05, 06:13 PM
I can�t believe the bus driver�s union has not kicked in yet with how this would ruin Planet Side by making Gal and Sund rides obsolete
2004-02-05, 06:18 PM
If it costs a cert point I think it should cost 1 cert point. Due to the fact that it has little to no armor and no weapons. and the bus driver legion would be wrong it doesn't really have a long range capability. (maybe because I'm BR19 and all my points are being used.
They are still busy keeping their picket lines active around the HART terminal. God only knows why...
2004-02-05, 07:36 PM
Nerf teh Hart!
2004-02-05, 07:39 PM
lol, wouldn't it be great if like a hundred bussers got together at one HART terminal and formed four crowds thickly-packed enough to prevent anyone else from getting into the HART :lol: ?
2004-02-05, 07:50 PM
That would be great to see.
2004-02-05, 08:30 PM
Very intresting...I am for it if you make it so you cant fire while your using the jet pack.
2004-02-05, 10:16 PM
It's a good idea but if it's a glider wouldn't the physics calculations for gliding be an insanely big calculation?
2004-02-06, 08:58 AM
Um no. Make it just loose alt just like it looses speed.
Sweettater: Everything you suggested has been said already.
If your worried about the busdrivers, dont be, this transport can only fly one base away without "leapfroging" over another friendly SOI. And when I say one base away I mean the size of one bases SOI, not from the center of one to the center of another. Example would be you prolly could not get it from Igaluk to Akkan. It would just make the walk time dramaticly smaller.
That brings up another idea, a new term set on the roof of the bases, it alows the spawning of only the Grasshopper as to not crowd the V terms.
This sounds like a great idea. If this ELT was actually in the game I would give up mosquito for ELT in a split second because I have moss just for transportation. The ELT would make getting to a certain sniping spot a lot easier seeing as how I can be in ReXo. I think it would be good idea if you could purchase it from a normal equipment terminal and then once you are outside only then can you deploy the ELT. Once deployed it would then free up the space it took up in your inventory. It would also not crowd the vehicle terminals and you wouldn't get OSed while waiting for you vehicle.
That is a really good idea only I think it would be better if you could eject from it.
2004-02-06, 12:58 PM
I realy like this idea.
2004-02-06, 01:29 PM
I'm not going to go into the advanced reasons but in short let me say it.
No more air shit.
No more vehicles.
2004-02-06, 02:05 PM
IF you want to cart people around in your deliverer/gal/sunderer then joing a guild. Otherwise fook the stupid arsed drivers.
2004-02-06, 03:44 PM
Ok ya guys gotta realise the reason for no ejecting/ bailing out. Making it able to do so would make it over powered, droping adozen rexo's on a base with no risk to a gal kinda sux.
2004-02-06, 06:58 PM
Jesus, I shudder to even dare to think about helplessly watching hundreds of ReXo drop onto my base with almost no way to take them out... :scared: :scared: :eek:
2004-02-06, 07:47 PM
This idea is one of the best out there right now. And to sum up my feelings on it:
1. It costs cert points, so not everyone is going to have it.
2. Only climbs if you're in friendly SOI. Decent rate when leaving the SOI is same as forward distance traveled.
3. Has no weapons and user can't use personal weapons or bail out while using it.
4. Makes no sound, so infils will love it.
5. Personally I think it should be the size of an ACE and you can purchase it at an equipment terminal. Go outside to deploy it just like an ACE. Hit "G" to put it on. And you have to hit "G" again to take it off and it deconstructs if you do so. Obviously it won't fit through a doorway.
6. It has no armor, you just shoot the guy using it.
7. Personally I feel that AA should be able to shoot them. This makes it more risky to use in a very hot zerg battle and you won't have the problem of 50 or 60 Rexo users all dropping out of the sky on top of you if that's even possible. Galaxys will still be safer to use in such cases.
8. I love this glider idea and I think it would be useful and fun at the same time. I can already picture in my mind guys putting this thing on and jumping off the base walls as they climb in spirals into the sky and then sail out across the land like little sparrows. They just better pray no reavers or mosquitos catch them. Could lead to some hilarious chases as they jink and dive to get away. :lol:
2004-02-06, 08:08 PM
LMAO, that would be awesome. Imagine a little squad of ReXos diving and swooping like terrified pigeons as a Reaver swoops through their mist :lol: :rofl: .
2004-02-06, 10:39 PM
Glad you like the idea so much. :D Time to get some more seasoned vets looking at this.
2004-02-07, 03:52 AM
i think you should be able to land on buildings but you shouldnt be able to hot drop. the reason for this is that if you can actually pull this off(wont be easy) then why shouldnt you be able to. You can only get going from a base so it will on be useful for jumping on towers that are close to bases other wise it will be just transportion but hopefully fun.
2004-02-07, 03:54 AM
Jesus, I shudder to even dare to think about helplessly watching hundreds of ReXo drop onto my base with almost no way to take them out... :scared: :scared: :eek:
You could make it easily damagable. Or should i say easily made unstable in the air and basically instantaly forcing the person to the ground almost always killing them.(no ejection so....) Real hangliding can be very deadly.
That would be low person damage(but still some), from fire that is, high vehicle damage with low vehicle life but high almost alway lethal damage from crashes. If htey make it they make it farly healthy, but if htey get hit enought, which shouldnt that much, they almost certainly die or make it barly alive? You could say 25% of the time they make with a sliver of life so that they could be taken out instantly with even a beamer type weapons. This would give your more kills and more fun if you do shoot them down. Or fun if you enjoy the exitement of trying to fly this thing and surviving 8)
Edit: literally the weakest weapon shot could kill htem so you can enjoy taking it out and one shot killing all of them that actualy tried to invade a base or whatever after you shot them down. :D
2004-02-07, 11:22 PM
.... Tch! Aital killing the convo.... what he said made no sence.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-08, 12:10 AM
Here are my thoughts on it.
-Needs to have a semi-slow speed but not too slow. Not sure on exact numbers but I'd say somewhere around 40-45 for Rexo, 45-50 for Agile and 50-55 for Cloakers would be ok but this is more than open to adjustment as needed. No afterburner.
-You can walk with it on, but due to it's weight and the sheer akwardness of walking with it on you move significantly slower and are unable to fire weapons.
-Cloakers flying while in one are effectively cloaked except for the two small telltale engine thrust graphics.
-Drop the glider idea. Just make it a straight propellant type of thing with one catch: no ability to change speed. Once you kick it in you rapidly accelerate up to your top speed and stay there until you land. This has to do with landing.
-For landing you need some space to do it. Once you hit the ground you rapdily decelerate to a stop over say 5-10m. This is to make landing exactly where you want a little more challenging. If you're a cloaker possibly with some sort of giveaway like a dust trail on the ground or something.
-Not bailing at all. You have to land.
-Once you've landed you can drop it at anytime by hitting a key or walk with it on with the prior mentioned restrictions. It drops off your back and cloaks. You can put it back on after it has recharged.
-Mulitple use but with a decent recharge time between uses say something around 60-120 seconds and it must be dropped to recharge. If dropped in an friendly SOI there is no recharge time or recharge time is cut very significantly, say by a factor of ten.
-It takes a little time to get it back on, say 5 seconds or so. It's supposed to be a transport, not a tool for quick retreat.
-It doesn't work in enemy SOIs. Supposed to be a transport, not subitute for hotdrops. If you fly into an enemy SOI the engines are disrupted and you begin to fall immediately, possibly taking damage.
-Give it a small trunk. Something a little smaller than an ATV.
-It provides you no additional armor while flying.
-No radar signature while in flight. However you are treated as an aircraft for the purposes of AA weaponry. Bursters maul you, Sparrows blow you the hell up and Starfires light you up like a bonfire and Skyguards? You don't want to know.
-It has no weaponry and you can't fire any of your own weaponry while in flight.
2004-02-08, 12:18 AM
I like it, except I think it should be able to carry MAX's too, they'd just be even slower. It'd be cool to have max's in some sniping places and the like. :D
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-08, 12:22 AM
Don't agree on the MAX thing. MAXs give up mobility and versatility to get, basically, big guns.
2004-02-08, 01:00 AM
Indeed. But personaly I like the glider thing ALOT. It restricts it from being over used and makes it very limited. You dont HAVE to use it in a friendly SOI u can use it in an enemy to get to that great sniper spot u cant walk to.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-08, 01:12 AM
My concern with being able to use this in an Enemy SOI lies with the fact that who is going to want to hotdrop when you can just glide in. If you're allowed to us it in an enemy SOI I'd say drop it entirely. The gals aready unused enough, no reason to add to it.
2004-02-08, 01:52 AM
.... you dont like to read a post do you? Ive mentioned countless times that you CANT hot drop from this thing. The explination for the freaks is that the armor needs to lock in so it wont upset the balance. It has to land and you have to dismount to get out. PRessing ALT + G will just make u auto land and get out.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-08, 02:13 AM
.... you dont like to read a post do you? Ive mentioned countless times that you CANT hot drop from this thing. The explination for the freaks is that the armor needs to lock in so it wont upset the balance. It has to land and you have to dismount to get out. PRessing ALT + G will just make u auto land and get out.
Peacemaker, please don't test me tonight. I'm really not in the mood, as a few people have found out already.
What I said was if you could glide into an enemy base why would people bother with hotdropping. I didn't say you could hot drop from from the glider. My question is why would you want to hot drop (specifically from a Gal) if you can just glide over the enemy base wall? That is why I put the restriction in my list of not being able to use it in an enemy SOI. Granted if they could simply make it so you couldn't fly over the enemy wall I'd be happy, but I don't know that they could.
2004-02-08, 10:42 AM
Gliding over the wall would make you VERY vulnerable to enemy fire. The thing should only take about a clip and a half of say Guass ammo before its inoperable. Gliding over the wall of a hot base would be suicide. It also takes a few seconds to take it off. By the time you landed and took it off you would be very dead unless it was undefended.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-08, 05:25 PM
I dunno, the scene of twenty or thirty rexos gliding in over a wall just bothers me for some reason. Granted that wouldn't necesarily be the case in most situations but that could be much harder to defend against than keeping those same people from comiing in through the gates/backdoor.
2004-02-08, 05:49 PM
Well then you Vanu will just have to learn how to defend from your own tactics.
I'm neutral to this specific idea, but sometimes I think the game could stand to be a little faster.
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