View Full Version : How has rexo buff affected the game?
2004-02-07, 12:58 AM
I can't play for a little while, so I am curious, how will the life of my mag scatter belssed NC cloaker change after this patch? Can a knife still kill in the same number of hits? How about the bolt driver?
I was in a rexo today and got jumped by a few stealthers wielding mag scatters. It kinda tickled.
2004-02-07, 01:23 AM
Bolty is still 2, I believe, I was sniping today, and I didn't have to shoot anyone 3 times, and 2 knife hits I'm pretty sure, Mag scat is not affected whatsoever, Beamer, well, fuckin' forget it, it sucked earlier, now it's fucking GHEY.
2004-02-07, 01:30 AM
I'd say it's pretty much a "nerf" for every weapon but shotguns (go figure) do NC scatter pistils and Jacks won't notice a difference, but lashers and MCGs will. I hate to say I dun tole ya so... ;)
It's not a nerf to anything. It just changed the differential between reinforced armor and every other armor, which was previously arguably out of balance.
2004-02-07, 01:57 AM
I wish i could say but nothing is working to get PS to go. I'm very frustrated
2004-02-07, 02:00 AM
Actualy it did affect one piece of NC weaponry, the MAG scatterpistol. Now, if you miss ANY pellets on a person it could take 4 shots.
2004-02-07, 02:14 AM
i it gives a little longer life u can take a tiny bit for damage.
2004-02-07, 03:21 AM
It's not a nerf to anything. It just changed the differential between reinforced armor and every other armor, which was previously arguably out of balance.
I understand, but what I meant was every weapon but a shotgun will notice the difference. Very close to PB shotgun blasts kill just as fast as they did before. So the NC Scatter Pistol's TTK is the same while the AMP, Repeater, and Beamer all have slower TTKs now. Same for the HA... Jack is still the tri-shot kill king and the MCG is a little less effective at medium range (it's advantage over the Jack range) and the Lasher's lashes are not as deadly as before against a rexo... you better get those direct hits in with your slow orbs...
So unless you are NC, you will notice a difference.
2004-02-07, 03:59 AM
One day I'll figure out why NC continually gets improved over other folks. Even if such improvment is indirect and/or unintentional (such as the REXO buff).
2004-02-07, 04:31 AM
NC = freedom fighters
VS = techno fascists
TR = neo-Nazis (kinda)
Too bad all three empires couldn't have a positive message. I mean come on.. Who doesn't want the FREEDOM FIGHTERS to kick ass? Perhaps the disparity was intentional.
2004-02-07, 04:54 AM
Negative, it can be viewed however you want, NC could be valiant freedom fighters or anarchistic scum intent only on the benifit to them, and TR could either be neo-nazis or simply loyalists fighting for a system that has served well for over 1000 years. People see what they want to see.
At least the way i read it the NC came out with an overall nerf in the next patch. At least imho, other then the Jack, which is mostly broken because of the quad shot exploit (which they are at least theoretically nerfing) and surgile (something i doubt the devs anticipated), the only thing which needs a good nerf is the Van. Population problems are the real issue though, the devs need to accentuate the "at all costs" part of the nc philosophy a little bit more and make the incentives to play on the low pop side actually matter.
Edit: I do not want to hijack this thread over a balance issue, send me a pm if you disagree that strongly, if anything i'm defending the NC anyways.
2004-02-07, 05:28 AM
I rarely took any damage to my health during that 2-3 hour battle on Emerald, Cyssor, Itan. VS vs TR + NC. We kicked so much ass, until the TR ran away and the NC got a lucky hack (about 30 minutes after the TR put their tails between their legs and turned their backs). But, I only took health damage from snipers, tanks, and the occasional JH (which btw, did only like 8 damage).
2004-02-07, 05:52 AM
Interesting inturpitation of events and Rexo enhancements...
2004-02-07, 06:07 AM
My impressions from fighting yesterday: things hurt less, alot less. An interesting note for me tho was that the various SA weapons (minus the plasma, it just chipped slowly at the armor now unless you get the nade in your face) hurt me the most. Seems like hard hitting weapons whit few projectiles are going to be the most effective.
And oh yeah, the NC are just a bunch of anarchists and terrorists. They will fall before the glorious 1000 year Republic! :D
2004-02-07, 06:28 AM
erm! as an agile its pissed me off! alot harder to kill now and reinforced is too slow, and obviously u cant pilot vehicals. The lasher has been made just as powerrful as the jackhammer now thanx to it i reckon! But....... the new patch sucks arse apart from all the bug fixes! each empire needs 2 more empire only guns and this is what i think they shud get! tr: flame thrower and a new double barrol sniper rifle!
nc: a cluster granade and a new type of gun that has to power to push the enemy away and make a shield round ontop of the gun to decrease the ammount of bullets hittin u
vs: a new gun like the radiator but different and a gun that has what the vanu quaser max uses :P also the lasher 2.0 to come bk and the lancer to be a sniper rifle too
Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-07, 08:09 AM
i found that when i used it i survived alot longer, and when i was in a max against nc rexos i didnt see much of a difference, but when im using a sweeper it takes like 5 shots to get one thats undamaged, now agile doesnt stand a chance
the weird thing is that alot of nc were using agile armor, i got no idea why
2004-02-07, 10:54 AM
NC on all servers like to wear agile for some strange reason
2004-02-07, 10:59 AM
I think it's habit at this point. Since the predominant playstyle for a majority of NC infantry is the Surgile style. Since that is what they use most of the time, they adapted it to all their loadouts. Even if it's not optimum except in the case of Surgile.
Just a thought anyway, I could be wrong :shrug:
2004-02-07, 11:06 AM
You guys do realize that the only way a shotgun can take a rexo out at the same rate is if every pellet hits. The only way to do that is to get so close that all you can see is the enemy, which is normally impracticle even for cloakers. Bassically, rexo just got the survivability that it needed to be worth 3 points. The NC aren't getting it any better then the rest of the empires. Trust me, I play as NC and I am about to unlearn my infiltrator and turn him into something else because of the rexo buff. Even with the magscatter it takes 4+ shots at any kind of reasonable (as in close, but not so close you can tell what he had for breakfast) distance. The only saving grace will be the ammo changes when infiltrators can carry more grenades.
2004-02-07, 11:11 AM
I see your point about the pellets, MilitantBOB, but consider this, please: The MagScatter and the Jackhammer are still capable of their old shots-per-kill, however the Lasher and MCG are not. Yes, I recognize that it is a bit harder in that you have to ensure every pellet hits, but at least it's still possible. The current state of REXO elminates the possiblity for the other weapons to kill at their previous rate. Thus, it is a slight advantage for the NC over the other empires.
2004-02-07, 11:23 AM
I see your point about the pellets, MilitantBOB, but consider this, please: The MagScatter and the Jackhammer are still capable of their old shots-per-kill, however the Lasher and MCG are not. Yes, I recognize that it is a bit harder in that you have to ensure every pellet hits, but at least it's still possible. The current state of REXO elminates the possiblity for the other weapons to kill at their previous rate. Thus, it is a slight advantage for the NC over the other empires.
Technically they are capable of their old shots per kill, but not practically. The fact is that, unless the oponent is sleeping, getting all the pellets to hit will be impossible. A little easier for cloackers with magscatters, but at that range, why not just whip out my knife? If you think shotguns haven't changed, then go grab a sweeper and see how easy it is to get all of those pellets to hit. I garrentee you'll agree, shotguns aren't the rexo killer ya'll are making them out to be.
Bad Mojo
2004-02-07, 11:45 AM
NC = freedom fighters
VS = techno fascists
TR = neo-Nazis (kinda)
It's actually more like:
NC = Capitalism
VS = Technocracy
TR = Communism (or a heavy socialism)
They all want "freedom". They just want the freedom to make things better in their own way.
2004-02-07, 11:57 AM
The rexo is better now, not by a whole shit load as some of these posters seem to beleive but it deinatly more worth certs needed to spend on it. Bottom line is it SHOULD be harder to kill and I'm damn glad it takes more of my Lasher orbs to take one down.
People are throwing the word "Nerf" around in this post about how a Rexo "Buff" nerfed a bunch of other shit. Yah that's stupid, weapons still do the same damage but the rexo can take more of the stuff thrown at it. There were no nerfs so stop using the damm word.
2004-02-07, 12:01 PM
The rexo is better now, not by a whole shit load as some of these posters seem to beleive but it deinatly more worth certs needed to spend on it. Bottom line is it SHOULD be harder to kill and I'm damn glad it takes more of my Lasher orbs to take one down.
People are throwing the word "Nerf" around in this post about how a Rexo "Buff" nerfed a bunch of other shit. Yah that's stupid, weapons still do the same damage but the rexo can take more of the stuff thrown at it. There were no nerfs so stop using the damm word.
I agree with you except for the part about it not giving the rexo more survivability. With my engineering cert on hand, my shelf life went up quite a bit. It gives me just enough of an edge to put surgiles in their place asuming we are both at full health, which is all I really want, an edge over agile to make rexo worth certing.
2004-02-07, 12:26 PM
Err, well, yea there is more survivablity for sure. I thought that was what i said in part, sorry for the confusion.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-07, 12:26 PM
i think i may get lasher, but then i have to unlearn my mosquito, which i dont want to, and my max, or special assualt, i find all of those useful, but sweeper just plain sucks now
2004-02-07, 12:36 PM
From what i hear(as i can't play yet becasue the path borked PS for some reason) i my rexo survivability we be greatly enhanced becasue now if i just keep my armor repaired i have much greater absorbsion than before
The new improved rexo is quite noticable, I don't think I killed a single ReXo in a 1 vs 1 in agile yesterday, despite 4 hours of playtime. Even in a locked down Dual-Cycler, it was painfully slow to take down the rexos inside bases. I'll have to play some more before I pass final judgement, but while there is much surgile hate going around, I don't think being able to hotdrop onto towers and take out a grunt or two with some quick thinking on your way to the CC was overpowered. Now infiltration may be the only way to paradrop onto towers, as long as you can avoid the enemy.
On a lighter note, I don't know what they tweaked in this patch or if its a combination of things with that registry fix, but my framerates were average 10-20 in zergs, which is like a miracle from God and took me back to the days before Core Combat. Is anybody else experiencing this? It's like a breath of fresh air, now that I can fight on a pop locked continent again!
2004-02-07, 01:38 PM
NC on all servers like to wear agile for some strange reason
The NC wear agile because of the footspeed. The Jack is next to useless at any range but point blank range. But, at point blank range is kills very quickly.
I loaded and played my NC character for a little while last night. By opening my character screen and going to stats I noted my total rexo kills. I then played for about an hour and a half defending with agile/jack in a zerg.
With the use of audio amp and the tri-shot I was droppong rexos the whole time. In 1.5 hours I racked up 91 kills 27 of which were rexos. I died many times but always after I killed 1-3 enemy agile and rexo troops.
You just can't beat the agile/jack combo with surge to ensure you get to PB range ASAP.
After doing that I switched to my VS character and had little trouble taking down rexos while defending the back door of a zerged base. I did not track my kill count, but I got a lot of kills with the agile/lasher combo.
On a few occasions I've blasted the crap outa a rexo only to have them somehow survive and kill me. But I suspect this is a lag or implant combo (second wind+med packs) rather then the new rexo.
Oh and someone mentioned tower drops... agile/HA is still quite effective at this. I pretty much single handedly took out 3 towers with my baby BR 11 character (darklight implant only at this time) with agile and a lasher. Hot drop, kill every agile and rexo in sight, and granny hack <--- that's the hard part... getting the eternal granny hack done before the 4-7 guys you killed respawn...
2004-02-07, 02:00 PM
Heavy assault was not really affected at pointblank-5m by the Rexo buff but it most assuredly was for anything past 10m it makes a huge difference. I lasted much, much longer last night against jack users and everying else from Tank shell splash to Plasma. It is really an ausome buff.
From the Infiltrator side of things it is quite hard to kill a Rexo with a repeater now. It was damn hard. So what I did was just switch over to the Spiker. I had great results with the Spiker and I suggest each Infiltrator explore doing this if you want to continue to kill
2004-02-07, 02:38 PM
I just got it to work and I'm sad becasue the guass takes a few more shots to take a rexo down. Though i exparaments with hitting the with Pheonixes, then shooting and that seems to be promising
2004-02-07, 02:39 PM
I finaly got to play my NC infil this morning, and I can say that I was still kicking major ass. The major bain of my existence is interlink facilities and or spitfires, but if I could get the jump on a full health rexo, with no spits around, the chances were that he was dead. All you really have to do is mimic the surgile style of play. Jump and surge around as fast as you fucking can while staying as close as you can, and they won't be able to get off a clean shot on you. Only fire your weapon at them when you have a clean shot. DO NOT hold down the trigger the hole time. I think I got around 27 kills, but I would of gotten more if the enemy diddnt have two interlink facilities and so many damn spits. :mad:
2004-02-07, 02:47 PM
Man i can't wait for Br20 when i can get CE, mwhahahah!
I've got no beef with the jackhammer, but a lot of NC seem confused at what point blank range is. Point blank is when your character model is beaching itself on your target's character model. The Jackhammer, which I have used extensively on my own, is viable well outside point blank range. It's not crazy deadly like it is at PB, but it's still an extremely effective weapon and definitely far from worthless. If you want to say the magscatter is is only useful at pb range you have a point. Jackhammer, no.
2004-02-07, 05:10 PM
My cloaker ditched Advanced Targeting for Melee Booster, and switched up some favorites to cary more ACE's.
2004-02-07, 05:24 PM
If you want to say the magscatter is is only useful at pb range you have a point. Jackhammer, no.
Saying the the mag scatter is usless at medium range is an over statement. I can easily take out a enemy cloaker with it, or finish off a rexo that I previously damaged at point blank. Even if they are kind of far away.
2004-02-07, 05:53 PM
Well be glad because the Magscatter is the only pistol that isnt nerfed from an Infils perspective. I have an NC infil and I know that you can kill in 3 shots but expect to kill in 4. Not a single thing changed after the Rexo buff in this reguard. Can kill in 3, expect to kill in 4 just like always. The other pistols are shit now, so if you are NC and have the Magscatter, gratz you, but the rest of us have to find a new way to take Rexos now. Ths Spiker simply ownz. I landed on top of the Bio Lab Gen building and killed 7 troopers while my squad was crashing the Gen and was never discovered. Thats just not possible with the other Infiltrator weapons
2004-02-07, 07:58 PM
The only weapon that's really "nerfed" by this is the surpresser. This used to be the best rifle in the game, but now it looks like I might have to pop the 2 points for MA to get a sweeper, as it's highly ineffective now.
For my infantry guy I grabbed rexo last night and was quite pleased to see it finally being worth the 3 points.
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