View Full Version : I hate my outfit.
I am not the best teamplayer in the world, i sometimes say bad joked and so on. im in a outfit called Vanu Corp and we are a TS outfit, i am on TS dont i dont realy like to talk cus of that i cudent lead squads, that was OK for me. Sens i dont use teamspeak i cant get invites to squad cus they ignore the outfit chat, some of the members dont even want me in ther squads cus i dont talk on teamspeak. they tell me i lead squads bad and maybe i do, but when i se the other lead squads they make the same mistakes as me, like forgeting to remove wp and things like that. Today one in the outfit flamed me on the outfits forum, i replyed and the next reply i get from him is "Next time i get on im gone kick you" sens the outfit never kicks people whit out asking the outfit leader i was thinking i was safe. I log in to my char and i have been kicked out of the outfit. I did send a /T to some of the guys whit higher rank about why i got kicked, they dident have a clue....... i lost 20.000 outfits points, i know its not realy that mutch but still........
i dunno why i posted this.... =/
2004-02-07, 09:55 PM
i dunno why i posted this.... =/
Neither do we. :D
J/K, sounds like you need to move to a new outfit, and maybe brush up on your grammer/spelling. ;)
2004-02-07, 09:56 PM
i dunno why i posted this.... =/
Me neither :)
Edit: Damn, MilitantBob beat me to a great comeback. Oh well. Anyway, if you don't like your old outfit... go to a new one!
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-07, 09:58 PM
Here's the thing: If you join an outfit that routinely uses TS, expect to be using TS yourself.
Playing the game with only chat is a pain in the ass after playing it with the use of Teamspeak. Not only that but if you're trying to lead a squad it's an invaluable tool. Quite frankly I can't stand playing with people who aren't on TS with me. Communication is slower which means you're that much less organized.
2004-02-07, 10:38 PM
A cheap headset is like $10 and works fine, just get 1, it will solve this difficulty for you in future. Being on TS isn't that bad, you just keep quiet unless you have something important to say if you don't like talking or your outfit tries to be "professional". TS in my outfit is a bit of a zoo, most of us know eachother IRL and have played with and against eachother in alot of other games before. If you have a disability such as hearing, find a mature outfit who will be understanding of your difficulty and all will be good for you. If you haven't reached puberty, just pretend your a girl and you will be the most popular person in the channel.
2004-02-07, 10:42 PM
Well I have TS and a mic and as you know with big clans, outfit chat is hard to make yoruself known. Im in D2A and they are always on TS, however sometimes I cant use my mic (gf, colds, etc.) Im a fast typer and keep telling them that I can hear them on TS just not talk (it takes about 20 times for them to remember that lol)
i dont talk cus i got asperger syndrome, i did tell my outfit this from the start and it was OK, after a few week it was unacepteble =/
If you haven't reached puberty, just pretend your a girl and you will be the most popular person in the channel. o.O
2004-02-07, 11:17 PM
Deciding it was unacceptable to have you in the outfit because you have Asperger Syndrome shows what a pack of morons they are. You should try TS, no harm in doing so. Just stay quiet unless you have something important to say, be friendly and don't fight with anyone. Or you could not speak and just listen in. If you don't feel the need to lead squads, most outfits would find it acceptable for you to just listen and not talk. A mate of mine has Asperger's, he is 25 and earning 6 figures, married and a very well socially adjusted, makes friends easily. He wasn't like that in his school days, but he worked at it and learned social and pragmatic skills.
If you haven't reached puberty, just pretend your a girl and you will be the most popular person in the channel.
It was a joke.
2004-02-08, 01:08 AM
Well, if you were TR I could offer you a new outfit.
2004-02-08, 01:10 AM
And if you were TR i could shoot you for being a commi, sry I hate tr SOOOO much. I think when i was reading the empire backgrounds i got a little to zealouse of the NC
2004-02-08, 01:23 AM
well, hes vanu, and if your any good, try to get in with Belum or that other elite vanu outfit, future crew, just get into a better outfit, those guys sound like fucktards, hell, im in Ht, and Yinny, shes always on TS, but ive never heard her say a word, and thats fine with us.
2004-02-08, 01:58 AM
Yes, your better off without those idiots and jerks.
Join a outfit that is only there for fun, I did. Everyone is friendly and nothing is really taken seriously. It's a game and you have every right to enjoy it, personally I don't use Teamspeak because I have some problems with my soundcard, I think only those "hardcore" playes use TS.
anyway, cheer up and join another outfit. :D
Happy Killing those technophobics! The Future is Purple! :lol:
2004-02-08, 02:01 AM
Dosen't PS have it's own built in Voice Chat system like TS?
2004-02-08, 02:02 AM
If you don't want to use teamspeak don't use it. If your outfit doesn't like that find a new one. I don't use it and nobody is going to make me.
Diddy Mao
2004-02-08, 03:29 AM
If it makes you feel better I hate your outfit too :groovy:
2004-02-08, 03:35 AM
Me too! your outfit sux, join a new one that isn't t3h sux0rz!!!
2004-02-08, 08:00 AM
Ogge im sorry for what a bunch of morons your outfit was and you shouldn't be shunned for not going on TS if you dont feel like it or even if you have the condition you do, if you play on werner server I have an outfit on TR and NC which would welcome you, we also have some high ranking players (one is 20th on werner), if you wana play with us send me a tell whenever you are on and i will gladly squad you and even let you lead a squad cos hey no-one is a perfect leader ;). To tell the truth, I suck :D .
If you dont play on werner then good luck on finding a good outfit im sure there are loads as i have found a lot of people on the American servers to be really nice, although some can be utter prats to new people but a lot of the people are good fighters and understanding to new people in the squad, im sorry that you unfortunately found the ones who weren't so friendly.
That sucks but if you area in a outfit where no one likes you, leave.
2004-02-08, 02:32 PM
If you're in an outfit that makes Teamspeak a requirement and you either refuse to get it or are too stupid you clearly don't belong in that outfit.
TeamSpeak does WONDERS for organization, our outfit normally runs full platoons every night in an organized, effecient matter, without TeamSpeak none of it would happen. So like others have said, either get TS or move on, quit your crying.
2004-02-08, 06:24 PM
If you're in an outfit that makes Teamspeak a requirement and you either refuse to get it or are too stupid you clearly don't belong in that outfit.
TeamSpeak does WONDERS for organization, our outfit normally runs full platoons every night in an organized, effecient matter, without TeamSpeak none of it would happen. So like others have said, either get TS or move on, quit your crying.
Leave the guy alone.....
anyways jus join a outfit that has a ts server and jus say your mic is broke so u cant speak that works :D
2004-02-08, 06:30 PM
Are you on Emerald? Cuz if you are, and if you could catch Hexabus, then you could join my outfit. I personaly need cr3 and then I can invite.
2004-02-08, 07:26 PM
If you're in an outfit that makes Teamspeak a requirement and you either refuse to get it or are too stupid you clearly don't belong in that outfit.
TeamSpeak does WONDERS for organization, our outfit normally runs full platoons every night in an organized, effecient matter, without TeamSpeak none of it would happen. So like others have said, either get TS or move on, quit your crying.
WTF? you read the whole thread? Have you seen the guys reasons? Well STFU then this guy ain't crying how would you feel being kicked out of and outfit you worked so hard on and for no reason only because you dont use teamspeak? maybe you should be a little less arrogant? Just a suggestion. Ogge mate forget them there are plenty of other outfits that will treat people better than that, sometimes i think people forget this is a game :doh:
2004-02-08, 09:28 PM
Hey there, guess what, if it says "THIS OUTFIT REQUIRES TS" and my ass doesn't have it, I wont be stupid enough to stick around, and I sure as hell wont be stupid enough to whine about being kicked.
Jesus this place gets more like the OF every post.
2004-02-08, 11:01 PM
i did tell my outfit this from the start and it was OK Learn to read, the leader said it was ok for him to stay off ts when he joined.
Edit: Should probably comment on the thread too. If you don't like your outfit, find a new one, there are ALOT of them out there, no reason to stick around with a bunch of assholes.
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