View Full Version : [Video] Second best PS video evar

2004-02-08, 01:26 AM
second only to a video my outfit made that shows a typical hotdrop on a tower (platoon of mossies and one galaxy that one of our outfit guys decided to get and fill, needless to say, we took that tower. that video isnt avalible for download, but lemme tell you, it rocked, bandwith issues is why.)


EDIT: i take no credit for this video, fyi, just letting you know that.

2004-02-08, 01:41 AM
Fucking great man. Good flow of action, and the end scene was just hilarious.

8 1/2 out of 10

2004-02-08, 01:54 AM
Its worth the download just for the credits. :rofl:

2004-02-08, 01:57 AM
I havent watched it yet buy you're from NC so im gonna happily assume that the video is about the NC taking a tower. did you guys see that platoon 3092 video where the TR is taking a tower and about ten NC guy's drop on it and start making their way to the cc. it's great cuz just as the TR is begining to pull back foot by foot from the NC counter attack the video cut's off. I honestly wonder what happened? (sarcasm! of course the NC pwnd em!)

2004-02-08, 02:01 AM
the credits made me laugh out loud think I woke the wife :lol:

2004-02-08, 02:06 AM
Oooh, I hate Smurfs!!
I'll get you~. I'll get ALL of you!!
If it's the last thing I ever dOO!


2004-02-08, 02:10 AM
OMG that was soooooooo FUNNY, LA LA LALA LA LA!
that was AWSOME!!! who ever made that deserves a pizza trophey!
and and and YEAH!!!!!

2004-02-08, 02:14 AM
That ending was hilarious!

2004-02-08, 02:52 AM
Wow...i laughed out load...holy shit, great.

2004-02-08, 03:01 AM
I liked the way it was related to the NC being smurfs!

2004-02-08, 03:27 AM
hehe The ending was definately funny. :lol:

But i like the way the music worked with the fottage even thought al l it really showed was TR & VS getting owned with Jackhammers >.<
But it was great, I don't know how powerful the computer the camera man had but the graphics of my Planetside don't run that good looking or that smooth! :huh:

2004-02-08, 03:41 AM
ok, I give in, that's my new favourite PS video. Can I just ask: What video card was this recorded on to get decent fps even with flora on? :o

2004-02-08, 08:08 AM
Rempel do you always go on about the NC? I mean in every thead ive seen you post replies its either saying that you are NC or how great the NC are. :confused: Don't get me wrong im NC aswell and i think they are great to be in if not a little too strong indoors ;) , but this about the video not the NC.

Just a Thought ;)

Oh and the video was great guys.

EDIT- Gah sorry Rempel getting worked over nothing.

2004-02-08, 11:43 AM
ok, I give in, that's my new favourite PS video. Can I just ask: What video card was this recorded on to get decent fps even with flora on? :o
AGREED. :groovy:

2004-02-08, 12:49 PM
wow! nice!

PSIA Movie Ratings 9/10
(and im a harsh rater too)