View Full Version : XL vs. PC
2004-02-08, 07:15 PM
Ok I just got inspired to make a topic about this.
Which would (I say would because not everyone here has Live) you rather play games on:
Xbox Live or PC?
Me personally, Live. I have it, and it really fuckin owns when everyone has a headset. I have always loved playing with controllers compared to keyboard/mouse. It's amazing to play online with a friend over, and games runs oh-so-smooth on an Xbox. Barely any lag, and it's not like you have to keep upgrading an Xbox.
2004-02-08, 07:19 PM
depends on the game, also, some games are not on both systems, but over all, if my comp could run it, id rather play on PC.
I have to go with PC. Better titles, better quality, more is better.
2004-02-08, 07:20 PM
PC + Teamspeak > Xbox Live
2004-02-08, 07:22 PM
I prefer to play on Live. Mainly cause online games tend to lag on my comp(damn wireless network)
2004-02-08, 07:24 PM
eh depends on the game... mostly I play PC... but MechAssualt is much better on the xbox live then its PC counterparts...
2004-02-08, 08:38 PM
Depends on the game, for Counter Strike here is my opinion
CS at 1280x1400 + 200 FPS + Teamspeak>CS Xbox
2004-02-08, 08:38 PM
PC > Xbox, hell, Mac > Xbox.
2004-02-08, 08:39 PM
I love wasd.
2004-02-08, 08:40 PM
I have to go with PC. Better titles, better quality, more is better.
2004-02-08, 08:59 PM
How about...lag?
Practically non-existant on Live (happens a wee-bit with really laggy servers). On PC though, you can be running any beast you want, on any connection, but there will always be lag.
Oh ya, and prices...Xbox - 200$. PC - 2k originally + do the math :D.
I agree with Everay, overall, PC has better titles. Overall. But alot of the PC games are making their way to Xbox: RTCW, Crimson Skies, the Mech series. Vice versa too, as you can see with Halo.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-08, 09:17 PM
pc is better, but if you dont have the money consoles are, before i had a good comp i got xbox because i didnt have my own comp, after getting my new comp i hardly ever play xbox
2004-02-08, 09:21 PM
Mech assault is a shame to battletech, it is nothing like the boardgame in any way, all it copies are weapon names, mech names, and the way they look.
2004-02-08, 10:22 PM
PC beats consoles in almost every respect. Better games, more games, games that can be patched and upgraded, expansion packs, mods, custom maps, more people to play with, etc. I would take PC over console any day. If you'd rather have Live over PC then you probably just aren't making the most of your PC.
2004-02-08, 10:38 PM
Mouse and keyboard controls are the sole reason I stay away from all console games.
2004-02-08, 10:55 PM
PC beats consoles in almost every respect. Better games, more games, games that can be patched and upgraded, expansion packs, mods, custom maps, more people to play with, etc. I would take PC over console any day. If you'd rather have Live over PC then you probably just aren't making the most of your PC.
Quality over quantity.
Live games have new content and new patches/upgrades too. And who cares about more people to play with? It is the same thing. In most multiplayer games, it doesn't matter how many people are playing in total, as long as you can fill up a server.
I am making the most of my PC, but I prefer consoles/Live. Controllers are easier IMO than a keyboard (depends on game...I'd rather play FPS', my fav. genre on controllers, but strategies and RPG's on keyboards, due to the more buttons needed).
2004-02-08, 11:37 PM
I wish they could make a Console version of Coutner Strike where PC players could compete agaisnt them, we'd own you with your puny little controllers, Mouse and keyboards rule FPS any day of teh week.
2004-02-09, 12:08 AM
Quality over quantity.
Live games have new content and new patches/upgrades too. And who cares about more people to play with? It is the same thing. In most multiplayer games, it doesn't matter how many people are playing in total, as long as you can fill up a server.
I am making the most of my PC, but I prefer consoles/Live. Controllers are easier IMO than a keyboard (depends on game...I'd rather play FPS', my fav. genre on controllers, but strategies and RPG's on keyboards, due to the more buttons needed).
PC definately has more quality games than any console.
You're the first person I've EVER seen or heard say that a controler is better for FPSes than a keyboard and mouse. I want some of whatever it is that you're smokin' :D.
2004-02-09, 12:14 AM
Ok I just got inspired to make a topic about this.
Which would (I say would because not everyone here has Live) you rather play games on:
Xbox Live or PC?
Me personally, Live. I have it, and it really fuckin owns when everyone has a headset. I have always loved playing with controllers compared to keyboard/mouse. It's amazing to play online with a friend over, and games runs oh-so-smooth on an Xbox. Barely any lag, and it's not like you have to keep upgrading an Xbox.
PC, hands down. The only thing Consoles are good for are platformers/sports games/other things where keyboard and mouse=teh suck.
On everything else, computer is the way to go. And if you like the lag free environment of X-Box live, maybe you should get a better computer :p
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-09, 12:49 AM
Better controls, better customization of controls, better games and last but not least I hate Xbox with a passion.
FPS games do not belong on a console. Ever. There's a reason most people who try to play FPS games with a joystick on PC get laughed at and for the most part get their asses kicked: It's a piss poor control scheme. Sure there are people who can become proficient with the style. I mean you can get used to it but that's the point, you shouldn't have to get used to it. Idealy controls should feel natural. A joystick just doesn't do that for games where you're supposed to be looking through someones eyes.
Never actually played XL, but I suppose I'd have to go with PC. Except you can download SP levels off XL. Also, there was meant to be some game-patching system last time I checked.
2004-02-09, 01:08 AM
I wish they could make a Console version of Coutner Strike where PC players could compete agaisnt them, we'd own you with your puny little controllers, Mouse and keyboards rule FPS any day of teh week.
That's exactly why CS is not cross-compatible :p
2004-02-09, 01:10 AM
PC is always good for FPS.. but nothing on the PC comes even fucknig close to the experience Steel Battalion online will offer. also I sometimes prefer XBL because you dont have to play with n00bnuts still using crank powered modems.. you need broadband.. so thats nice. also the whole voice chat in jsut about every game is nice too. and hte buddy list/finder... I will say microsoft has done a fucking amazing job with XBL. dont rule it out. but yea i spend most of my time on the PC.. :)
I salute you OMA. You're a true Xbox follower. But Bungie did a pretty good job with Halo on Xbox. First good FPS I've seen on a console. Controls are pretty quick to learn as well.
2004-02-09, 01:34 AM
I Like my XBL but its only soo good so often, I need my PC.
Things a Console sucks at:
FPS(controller is jsut powned by the accuracy of customized ocntrols and a laser mouse)
MMO games
Flight Sims
Strategy games Again, the mouse owns and memory issues
Consoles rule at:
Racing (sorry but I aint shelling out 90 bucks for steering wheel for my PC)
fighting games, Period. Ever try to play Mortal Combat with a keyboard??
Platform games
Overall, it depends on the games you are playing.
Vic, play Halo. Come back and report.
2004-02-09, 01:41 PM
Vic, play Halo. Come back and report.
Of course you mean the PC Version :p
Halo PC was worth the money for the contoll sceheme alone
Console gamers: OMG!!1111 HALO IS TEH PWN1!!!11
PC Gamers: Okay...Halo is kinda pretty. *Goes back to playing UT2K3*
The only reason Halo was "great" was because it had a non piss-poor control scheme.
2004-02-09, 02:44 PM
Vic, PC users can always buy a gamepad ( (dirt cheap) for the racing, sports, fighting, and platform games.
Of course you mean the PC Version :p
Halo PC was worth the money for the contoll sceheme alone
No that's about as laggy as Planetside.
2004-02-09, 03:03 PM
PC dewds
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-09, 03:37 PM
The only reason Halo was "great" was because it had a non piss-poor control scheme.
And in comparison to keyboard/mouse, it does have a piss poor control scheme. :lol:
I'll grant you Halo for PC isn't all that great or at least I'd say not as good as the Xbox version (controls aside obviously). That's not because it shouldn't or can't be better, it's because the port was done without the effort it should have been given, as ports generally are. Halo should have been a PC game in the first place like it was originally supposed to be and then I can almost promise it would have been much better. However Micorsoft bought out the company so they could have a good launch title. Thus since it was ported over from Xbox it turned out to be sort of lackluster as most ports usually are. Combine that with the fact that the novelty and awe factors of the game wore off quite awhile ago and...well...yeah ;)
2004-02-09, 03:45 PM
Agree with elf. If it came out for PC first as it was supposed to, Halo woulda owned even more (if possible). As for you "Halo-on-PC-is-better" people, you guys haven't played it on Xbox, and don't even try to lie in saying you have. There are alot of lag issues on Halo PC, and the extra couple weapons / vehicles / maps don't make up for the smoothness you get on the box.
I personally love FPS' more on controllers, especially Halo.
But as someone else said, certain types of games are better on either Xbox / PC. (ie. strategies are made for PC, but fighting and sports are jokes on the comp.).
2004-02-09, 03:59 PM
Hmmm....I have Halo on PC and mine was as smooth as a baby's ass.
AMD 2400+
512 2700 Ram
ATi Radeon 9500Pro
2004-02-09, 05:28 PM
and on that note about buying a controller for your PC. I have yet to try one that works as nicely as a Consoles origional controller (be it xbox,ps2,or GC). and all of you are skirting around the main issue of why HALO for the pc really sucked. NO CO-OP!!! NO CO-OP!!!! NO CO-OP!!! oh and hit jsut didnt feel as smooth as the xbox version, it wasn't frame rate problems.. something about it just didnt feel right.
2004-02-09, 05:54 PM
and all of you are skirting around the main issue of why HALO for the pc really sucked. NO CO-OP!!! NO CO-OP!!!! NO CO-OP!!! oh and hit jsut didnt feel as smooth as the xbox version, it wasn't frame rate problems.. something about it just didnt feel right.
PC Gamers: Okay...Halo is kinda pretty. *Goes back to playing UT2K3*
Halo = woopdee-frickin-doo
I wish they could make a Console version of Coutner Strike where PC players could compete agaisnt them, we'd own you with your puny little controllers, Mouse and keyboards rule FPS any day of teh week.
Agreed. Personally I prefer a PC over a console game but there are some console games which would be better suited for a controller than a mouse and keyboard. For example, Gran Turismo 3 is awesome on the PS2. I think it wouldn't be as fun for the PC but you would therefore buy a controller but then it's basically the same but you're playing it on your computer instead of your PC. But some games such as FPSs are much better with a mouse and keyboard instead of a controller. At heart I'm a die-hard PC gamer.
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