View Full Version : Advanced Medic Idea.
2004-02-09, 01:20 AM
This is kind of like the combat engineer, I think it would be cool if the ADV MED cert got you the ACE, but you can only create medical terminals with it, they pop up and if a wonded soldier of your empire stops over it they get healed over time.
I don't think they should be too big because people could use the to block the back and front doors to bases, I also think it would be great if you could depoly them indoors and outdoors.
for Combat engineers they could add something to the ACE like the med station, but that repairs armor.
so what do you think?
Vis Armata
2004-02-09, 02:33 AM
Call it the MACE - Medical Adapative Construction Engine.
Something like what you describe woul make a big difference in sieges. I like the concept.
2004-02-09, 02:34 AM
I think Advanced Medic needs an incentive to be picked up. So few people have it, and when they do they generally just can't be arsed to use it (generally). This might be a good one, I dunno. Something needs to be added so more people'll take it.
2004-02-09, 02:45 AM
I think Advanced Medic needs an incentive to be picked up. So few people have it, and when they do they generally just can't be arsed to use it (generally). This might be a good one, I dunno. Something needs to be added so more people'll take it.
they do they generally just can't be arsed to use it (generally).
can't be arsed to use it (generally).
Mike Bullard's guests after appearing on Open Mike with Mike Bullard because Mike Bullard is a stupid asshole. What's what, Mr.Celebrity, you want to say something? I don't think so! It's time to cut you off so Mike Bullard can talk to the buttertroll he's got hidden in his shirt while he drinks his own urine. ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL NIGHT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!
There are a lot of good ideas floating around for Adv. Medical improvements. I like this general concept, putting down an emplacement which heals those who stand on it. I've heard ones dealing with giving Adv. Medics the ability to give temporary enhancements too, like a temporary health increase (healing over max, slowly degrades over time) similar to Team Fortress Medics. I like that idea also.
To contribute on whim, maybe also giving Adv. Medics a rifle weapon which allows them to shoot darts which can temporarily slow or poison them, or even heal allies from a distance would be good too. It's difficult being a medic in a FPS game where the people need to stand still to be healed, so either of these would help alleviate the problem.
2004-02-09, 02:47 AM
... :(
2004-02-09, 02:50 AM
a med terminal that heals troops while they stand on it eh?
Can't wait to put my sniper crosshair over that one..
2004-02-09, 04:52 AM
It'll have a giant shield around it that reflects your sniper shot and hurts you for twice as much damage if you fail a reflex save of DC 26. If you have Improved Evasion and fail you only take half damage/your character level.
2004-02-09, 07:00 AM
Now would this term blow up like a spitfire, killing everyone around it? Easy target for snipers. Can cloakers hack it? Does it ever run out of med juice?
2004-02-09, 08:02 AM
I would rather see something like a motion alarm sensor. not a big explosion when you kil them. (not sure if they even injure you when they explode because I kill them at range.) and it would have an effect area you don't have to stand on it. it should have a small SOI maybe the size of the motion alarm sensor (or maybe 1/2 the size)
just my 2 cents.
2004-02-09, 10:42 AM
It'll have a giant shield around it that reflects your sniper shot and hurts you for twice as much damage if you fail a reflex save of DC 26. If you have Improved Evasion and fail you only take half damage/your character level.
2004-02-09, 10:53 AM
2004-02-09, 10:56 AM
It'll have a giant shield around it that reflects your sniper shot and hurts you for twice as much damage if you fail a reflex save of DC 26. If you have Improved Evasion and fail you only take half damage/your character level.Clever indeed. I have Adv. Med. and I forget I have it sometimes because it's used too rarely. We just need something that let's us be more effective in the field.
2004-02-09, 11:06 AM
What Adv. Medics should get in my opinion, is the ability to make stimpacks and the such for people. It could be a device, used like an ACE, with a couple different functions. One would be the ability to create a stimpack that a friendly could put in his inventory and use when he/she needs it, but would have to be used from the inventory and not from a hotslot to keep surgiles from exploiting it (although I can still see a problem with it). Another function would be a "boost" they could give to friendlies that would increase their health, much like the health mod.
Another friend of mine had a good idea for adv. medic as well. They should be able to store the matrix data of you and possibly your squad, so they could bind you to a friendly facility or AMS. This would make it easier for squads to regroup, and people wouldn't worry about forgetting to bind at say, a tech plant. Seems like a good idea to me.
2004-02-09, 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Rayder
It'll have a giant shield around it that reflects your sniper shot and hurts you for twice as much damage if you fail a reflex save of DC 26. If you have Improved Evasion and fail you only take half damage/your character level.
:lol: :rofl:
I am combat eng and adv med. I have a lot to say so I'm going to seperate it into med and CE.
I think something needs to be done to stop the peeps that are respawning. I hate more than anything to come all the way out to you when you are down, to revive, under fire. Get there and start the revive get halfway finished and BLAM you click out and I'm reviving a backpack. That right there pisses me off more than anything. I know it use to flash on the screen that you were being healed or revived. That needs to be brought back. Also don't run around yelling for a medic and keep running. Get back out of the fight and stand still unless you come under fire again. We will get to you. Also if you are dead check on the proxy map. It tells you if there are medics around. I do know that it tells you every medic is around. Even the standard meds, you can't see just the adv so you may think there is one and there isn't. The proxy map thing should be for the adv meds only. Also it would be great if that happened without the med ap out. I mean it's not that big a deal to be able to see dead peeps with your rifle in your hand. Half the time the meds can't even see that someone is down in a fight and need to get to them. Also sometimes it hard to find peeps that need revive. In a tower you don't know if they are on the -1 1 2 3 or 4th floors. Give us a plus or minus next to the blip to attempt to locate them. That may be asking to much though. I have noticed that it is getting very hard to revive peeps. You sometimes have to run around the body a few times. You have to get to the exact 5 cm's where the message "corpse of ________" appears then you can revive. PLz god do not let anyone run near you during that time cause it will f the revive and you have to start all over again. I have spent 3 mins before attempting to revive one person cause of this. Okay I think I have covered the medics.
Now on to Eng. Not to much to say about engs. They have it better than the meds. Big thing here, put in a damn armor bar on friendlies. We get the health bar, so I can tell you need healing, but I can't tell if you need repair. I hear every person yelling for repairs but we can't always find you. Also the meds have the med aplicator for revive and heal. Now the CE, I already have to carry around the ACE for deployables. Lets say I'm out there and someone sees me placing deployables. They know I'm eng. So they need repairs. So they stop for them and start spamming vnr. I don't carry my bank and my repair gun if I'm out for mining ops. It's just not going to work no room. So they are left out. If I do have the bank and I am in a combat situation I can't carry my repair gun also, need ammo and extra weapon. If I have all three I don't have any room in my backpack for enough aces to make the deployables worth while, carry enough ammo to make me combat effective and enough med or repair stuff to make me last long in a repair. Maybe take the eng down to just one repair gun. Make it the big gun that would be fine with me.
There are getting to be to many things to carry around in this game. I'm CR 2 so I can carry the CUD(which i usually never carry, but almost cr 3 may carry it more then), I sometimes need an REK(not that often there are adv hackers around all the time), A bank, med ap, repair gun, ACE, and oh yeah the rifle and some ammo.
2004-02-09, 11:25 AM
You know hwne your in a big swarm battle, everytime you reach the spawn tubes there are already lots of Adv. Medic/CE troops already.
I think people find Adv. Med Invaluable already, all i ask for is when an Adv. Medic trying to revive someone it somehows stop the timer, so that the person will have to wait until he/she is back alive and it will prevent people respawning when a Adv. Medic is already working on someone.
2004-02-09, 11:36 AM
Chemical, I keep hearing about this stimpack thing. I know that all us fallout freaks loved them. But they do the same exact thing as something else in this game already. It's call a Medkit. They have them at every purch term near you. The matrix thing not a bad idea. Hopfully your med doesn't forget or you don't add someone to the squad after he binds everyone. The boost thing, get that at a health mod base near you. It lasts and lasts and lasts. I played Sunday with 120 health for 4 hours. I didn't die once I had it. Also SOE is attempting to get CC to take back off and if you make the mod benefits available with out the mods then CC is wasted even more.
edit: for grammer
2004-02-09, 12:08 PM
The health mod is nice, but after a whole week of playing I've only seen a friendly base with a health mod maybe a couple times. Having someone with the ability to give you a boost whenever you need it would definetly be handy. The stamina revival just seemed like a good idea at the time. During a heavy battle, after getting shot up, and using DLV, Surge, and whatever else, I typically end up hiding behind a corner waiting for stamina to regen. This would definelty allow me to come back into the game when we need it. I always seems to run out of stamina right as 4 bunny-hopping surgemonkeys come barreling through the back door.
I also like Warborns rifle idea. It would make medics even more valuable then they are. Surgile tearing your team apart? Shoot them with a dart and slow him to a crawl. Or even poison him. Good stuff.
2004-02-09, 12:10 PM
Healthkits are broken. You should not be able to scam +25 life while you're in the middle of repairing your armor.
Healthkits suck. Cheese central.
2004-02-09, 01:24 PM
Oh chemical sorry about that man. Thought you meant a stempack for health. I have heard peeps talking about them, I'm always hearing them like that. Like they want a replacement for the Medkit. I think a stamina quick fix would be great. I also hate that when I'm using my dl and surge to help my adv hack infiltrator girlfriend clear a tower, She hacks I clear it. If I don't surge with dl she can get the hack before I have completed clearing the tower.
Veteran, I never use medkits. I never was able to use them like I see peeps use them for quick life boosts while in combat. I don't know maybe I just can't hit the right button when in combat. Hate them unless I'm sitting around needing health, but i usually have my med ap for that.
2004-02-09, 01:43 PM
Meh I use Medkits, but since my Comp only allows the use of 2 keyboard buttons at the same time, and my reflexes aren't lightning quick, I never use them in combat. For me, they're just a free replacement for the Med App.
2004-02-09, 01:46 PM
I use medkits too. I just think they should take a little time and effort to apply. When your hand is busy applying a BANK to your rexo, exactly which appendage is going to be opening and using the medkit on your wounds?
Unless of course it's a magical medkit.
Anyhow, I think it robs Medical of some of its scarce potential.
2004-02-09, 02:22 PM
Right now I use a Logitec Dual Optical mouse, and it includes a mouse button on the side of the mouse. I set that button as HotSlot 1, which typically is a medpack. This way I can heal myself without fumbling around. Also, the scroll wheel functions as a button when I press it in, and I have that set to HotSlot 2, which is my surge. The only time I have to fumble around is to use my DLV (ran out of mouse buttons :( ) or to open my inventory. I have a cordless MX700, which includes more buttons, but I took it to a LAN party recently and I'm just too lazy to set it back up. :D
2004-02-09, 02:25 PM
Why not just hotkey? i.e. F1=Medkit, F2=DLV, etc...
2004-02-09, 02:36 PM
The F-keys are too far from the rest of the keyboard to be effective. You have to extend a finger or move your hand to hit them, and thats just uncomfortable, and takes too long. That extra .7 seconds it took for you to reach that button could be the difference between life and death, and I'd rather have life. A simple twitch of my finger gives me an extra +25 health, and there's no unnecessary (sp?) movement involved.
2004-02-09, 02:38 PM
I need me one of these cape wielding super-mice.
2004-02-09, 04:47 PM
All of my configs have 3 medkits.
The F1 reach isn't that hard and when i get my new mouse, ill have all of my implants and my Medkits at my fingertips
2004-02-09, 05:17 PM
Right now I use a Logitec Dual Optical mouse, and it includes a mouse button on the side of the mouse. I set that button as HotSlot 1, which typically is a medpack. This way I can heal myself without fumbling around. Also, the scroll wheel functions as a button when I press it in, and I have that set to HotSlot 2, which is my surge. The only time I have to fumble around is to use my DLV (ran out of mouse buttons :( ) or to open my inventory. I have a cordless MX700, which includes more buttons, but I took it to a LAN party recently and I'm just too lazy to set it back up. :D
Scroll up, implant 1. Scroll down, implant 2. Press mouse wheel in, implant 3. Side mouse button medkit. At least that's what mine was before I got my new cordless optical Microsoft dealie, now when I press the mouse wheel in it minimizes the game to the task bar. Easy way to get killed.
2004-02-09, 06:14 PM
It'll have a giant shield around it that reflects your sniper shot and hurts you for twice as much damage if you fail a reflex save of DC 26. If you have Improved Evasion and fail you only take half damage/your character level.
I actually have a Traveller D20 Campaign based off of Planetside....
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