View Full Version : Sick of surgers
2004-02-09, 04:55 AM
I am playing this game for 5 Months now, and it comes for everyone the day, when he needs to write a whinepost.
Yesterday i was fighting in tower near Gahnon and securing the CC. I was wearing the RExo and had a MCG. Well i god pwnd by a Standart Suit JAcksurger more then 6 times before i got him. HEck he was all over the place, in Walls, in the floor and on the Roof.
I am sick of it. There is a WELL known bug in this game (4th barrel) and the JAckhammer + surge + standart + GOOD CONNECTION combo is nearly unbeatable. I dont know why they just dont want to fix it. As it stands now i wait until end of the month, when this is not fixed i give up.
Ravenshield was a great game too, BUT at a certan level of skill it was not a matter of skill no more it was the connection speed who decided the win or loose on a 1 on 1.
2004-02-09, 05:03 AM
Jammer nades + Audio Implant > Surgiles.
Use audio to locate enemy. Once enemy is located prep a jammer. Throw jammer grenade at surgile. Surgile slows to a crawl. Paste him with MCG. Note Yellow and Blue guts all over the place. Smile and continue to defend tower.
This does work better with one other person with a thumper full of jammer nades.
2004-02-09, 05:06 AM
so u re saying u need 2 Persons to stop an surge exploid user. Well ther is something wrong, is it just me who sees it?
2004-02-09, 05:11 AM
Sentrosi, i believe the word you were looking for is Punisher.
2004-02-09, 05:14 AM
Ahhh yes. TY Incompetent. Punisher + Jammer = dead Surgile.
Not saying two people are needed, but it's often better than one person defending a tower.
2004-02-09, 05:28 AM
So u re saying to get rid of a Jacksurger+Standart u need
Still i see something wrong here
2004-02-09, 05:40 AM
A guy with Punsher/jammers in a decent position can kill a surgile 1v1 with a little luck. Pairing a Punisher/jammer trooper with a MCG trooper can be very effective if they are coordinated. Audio amp is always useful because it cuts down on the surprise factor, which is one of the deadlies aspects indoors. Rexo and a medkit is helpful too.
2004-02-09, 05:43 AM
I iwsh there were add on certs that could change weapons and add things to them. One of the add on certs would be adding the Punisher's nade launcher to the Empire specific MA rifles for example
/wet dream
2004-02-09, 06:58 AM
So u re saying to get rid of a Jacksurger+Standart u need
Still i see something wrong here
There is nothing wrong with teamwork and resourceful fighting. :)
2004-02-09, 07:31 AM
There is nothing wrong with teamwork and resourceful fighting. :)
True but then its REALLY the wrong game what u are talking about. The surge opion give some sides the option do make a ONE MAN ARMY.
Surging in
Kill half of the squat DIE
Lets talk about numbers
TR: 215.885 Souls
VS: 217.703 Souls
NC: 299.848 Souls
First u see a "slight" unbalance here, its not that bad but when u look into the certs of the top 10 Killers u ll see that most of the VS top Killers have UNIMAX, most/well all of TR Top Killer have HA/REXO/SA and only half of NC TOP KILLERS have even Rexo but all HA.
2004-02-09, 07:44 AM
Numbers again
Top 30 Players on Werner
60 % NC
16,6 % VS
23,4 % TR
I think VS is even more problems with the surgers.
2004-02-09, 09:47 AM
Probbally something to do with Lashers having a harder time tracking something thats warping about ( guy just warps around the Orbs).
Theres the Jammer + punisher = Dead surgile jackhammer guy method, but i dislike the punisher quite a bit. I prefere using personal sheild + medpacks + backpedaling and not panicing.
can generally kill Surgile and Surging Standard users. unless im already hurt or something similar, like treding on a mine.
If you miss with the jammer on the punisher, then your stuck with a low ROF, high Bloom, Low damage, inacurate chunky lump of poop to defend yourself with.
Hate the punisher.
2004-02-09, 09:56 AM
I didnt have any trouble killing Surgiles before the Rexo patch (as long as they werent exploiting) and now its even easier
2004-02-09, 10:00 AM
Come on guys, be smart. It's so easy to kill a surgile with a jackhammer. When in a tower, I wait outside the door with my Rexo/HA and wait for surge to come up and full stamina. I run up the stairs, with a big surprise to the MAXes and jackhammers, I kill at least 2 or 3 guys becuase they sit up there and are healing/repairing the MAXes or themselves. I run to the top of the tower, reload/repair/heal, then I come back down with my Striker and kill the MAXes. I rinse and repeat until the tower is taken. Fight the Jh with your own surging and Rexo. It is not that hard and you do not need to dedicate your life to a Punisher to kill one. Do not panic niether when your fighting them becuase thats when they have the most deadly combination.
2004-02-09, 10:10 AM
Or do it the VS way and grab a MAX :p
On another note, whit the rexo buff and liberal use of 3rd person view i don't have as much problem whit the surgiles anymore and it should just get easier and easier to kill them in the comming patches.
2004-02-09, 10:11 AM
Surge is broken and chasing away new players.
It was a bad idea from the start.
2004-02-09, 10:40 AM
Use surge with your Rexo thats what i do, gives you enough time to spin the little gits and paste them.
Well most of the time :s
2004-02-09, 12:14 PM
anyone can kill a jackhammer dude u dont even need jammers to kill them jus spray and pray with the MCG or lasher whatever and u still have the chance to kill them or if U have surge and reinforced jus hop around everywhere not that hard in reinforced either like me taking out 6 ppl that around 80 % of them had jachammer and agile on i waxed all of them by taking some tactical advantage (coming up behind them)
2004-02-09, 12:19 PM
I know I sound like a retard by saying it, but some of us don't use jump in combat because it produces such ludicrous lag-effects. In other games, it looks like you're jumping around. In PlanetSide, it looks like you're teleporting into the floor and ceiling in rapid succession.
Laugh all you want.
2004-02-09, 12:23 PM
I know I sound like a retard by saying it, but some of us don't use jump in combat because it produces such ludicrous lag-effects. In other games, it looks like you're jumping around. In PlanetSide, it looks like you're teleporting into the floor and ceiling in rapid succession.
Laugh all you want.
uhh who said that they jump :confused:
2004-02-09, 12:34 PM
I know I sound like a retard by saying it, but some of us don't use jump in combat because it produces such ludicrous lag-effects. In other games, it looks like you're jumping around. In PlanetSide, it looks like you're teleporting into the floor and ceiling in rapid succession.
Laugh all you want.
Exactly. I admit that I am a surgemonkey. I use MCG combined with surge to gain an advantage over others. BUT the only reason I do so is to counter the large amounts of other people using surge to gain an advantage over ME. However, I do not jump because even I will not sink so low as to use such a huge exploit. It really sucks to be shooting someone, then suddenly have them go through the ceiling, and then through the floor, and then teleport behind you as a head on the ground that you can't shoot because hit detection is client side. I can't count the number of times I've logged off in frustration to people doing this. They should have never made it so you could jump whenever you want. It just gives the surgiles another advantage they can use against the common player just looking for some fun.
infinite loop
2004-02-09, 12:34 PM
I totally agree Vet. The warping is almost as frustrating as the newish lag problems. Those 2 things have me screaming on a daily basis.
What even bothers me is the fact that I know I probably warp sometimes too, and I don't want to. I dropped on a tower last night, and a guy was guarding the cc. I dropped him and only took about half damage or less. I know him, so we talk about it for a bit. Turns out I was warping all over the place. I did nothing to explicitly warp, all I did was surge down the stairs. Lame.
Yeah, I use surge, and I'm not going to stop. They need to fix the warping, period. Surge is far too useful to completely remove it from the game. I probably only use surgile 10% of the time I play. I use surge in the field alot with rexo, even in non-combat situations. I think alot of people would be pissed to see it go, myself included.
2004-02-09, 12:51 PM
Probably the best asset to the surgeling is intimidation. If you remain calm, it is not that difficult to track their movement(when they warp, their avatar does actualy move on your client). You'd be supprised how many surgelings I've killed because the warping caused them to be hovering in some random corner, a perfect target for my gauss.
2004-02-09, 01:37 PM
Jumping causes warping? Dammit, I'm sorry (seriously) to all the people out there who I've inadvertently pissed off :( . I have a damn good comp/connection, and aren't a surge monkey myself, so I don't really experience Surge problems.
2004-02-09, 02:19 PM
It doesnt always cause warping. I am not sure of the connection specifics but It is quite clear on my computer when someone knowing commits a Lag warp and when it is an accident. Jumping on flat ground doesnt cause a warp on my computer but if someone does it on a staircase then its a Warp almost everytime. The lag warp on stairs is extremely easy to spot and I just send tells to people I see exploiting that now and ask them to stop.
2004-02-09, 02:31 PM
Typically the warping is the worst when there's a large battle. Even with a good connection and a higher end machine, there's ALOT of information being displayed and being sorted through. During larger battles, you don't even have to jump to warp around, although it isn't quite as bad. But usually what happens is that someone jumps on a staircase or from a roof or high spot, and on your screen it looks like they just fell through the world or (I especially love this one), they fall almost all the way through the world and appear as just a head on the ground, moving in every direction. It's annoying, but pretty comical. Running up stairs with surge will make you appear to run straight through walls. I haven't gotten hate tells so far, but I bet I warp around alot when I don't mean to (sorry :( )
2004-02-09, 03:04 PM
I have DSL and a Radeon 9800 XT overclocked so maybe that is why I almost never see a warp, but the only place I ever see them from someone not LD is a surgile jumping on his way up a staircase. This can be done at will and all the exploiters know how to do it
2004-02-09, 03:23 PM
LOL, I've literally never seen a warp. But since I've got an Alienware comp with a 1500k connection, I guess it could be a large problem.
2004-02-09, 03:59 PM
2004-02-09, 04:30 PM
I normaly fall to any HA user mostly becuase i use teh guass almost exclusivly, but with the rexo buff, I have found that i can get the HS wielders/Surgiles much easier, because now they have to hit me alot more, and they are not very good at that. I however can hit stuff.
also i have never had a problem with warping, bad framrates sometimes but no warping
warping formula:
z axis movement * speed
2004-02-09, 04:36 PM
I don't see the problem with surgiles. I have never, ever, had a problem with surging. The only time a surger has had the advantage on me or my squad, is if he surges right into a clot of us in a tower fight / indoors. And since our orbs are so slow, it's insta-grief. But that doesn't bother me, as I have patience in these situations and wait until I know I will hit him. Maybe if I had an MCG or JH, I might see differently about surgers, but with a lasher, you're guaranteed to miss alot of the shots anyways and at least get lash damage.
I use surge, yes, because I always prefer speed over anything. It is a great way to escape if need be, get out of the way of vehicles if need be, or to surge around a corner, whip out a deci., and have some barbecued MAX. Also, I'm a CE whore, even with a Rexo on...I use boomers as much as possible, they're just too fun.
2004-02-09, 05:34 PM
There isn't a specific problem with it.. it just need to be fixed in the warping department. As for jumping in a tower, it is like a bouncy ball in the halls and I hope that gets fixed. Jumping in PS seems alot like jumping in DAoC if they haven't fixed that problem yet.
2004-02-09, 09:08 PM
yesterday I felt sorry for a group of surgile jh's I was up defending a tower with some of my outfit guys and lets put it this way, 4 maxes guardgin the stairs up, 6 MCG's guarding with the maxes and for someone getting up and over em, well it was a slaughter, lol they didnt stand a chance, only a handful ever got past the pounders/bursters and only one managed to surge past the wall of lead coming at him from the MCG's. He went past us to the CC and got pwned by one of my squad who had a jackhammer :lol: the ultimate payback heh. If u get a group of organized guys, surgiles are no problem, and if u have good reflexes, a spray and pray weapon and surge of your own, they are just faster moving dead men lol.
2004-02-10, 05:16 AM
If they cant fix the warping, a tempory fix until they do would be to make jumping with Surge on cost 50 points of stamina, they can do the little jump up and bounce around in the ceiling bit, then they land and cant do it again. Means the surgiles wont be able to kill tons of people, simply because they have HA and Surge.
I know the devs Read these boards, i think its a good idea. Opinions?
2004-02-10, 05:50 AM
Yes. I don't like it when people hop around like Killer Death Bunnies. It just doesn't seem right.....
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