View Full Version : what's w/ your avatar?
2004-02-09, 04:09 PM
so there are some pretty sweet avatars around here... my new one's obvious, but some aren't... my old one was a picture of one of my computer's LEDs that i took.
so what's yours/why'd you choose it?
2004-02-09, 04:17 PM
Tis me being a ninja, and ninjas are... uh.. cool?
2004-02-09, 04:24 PM
Pen pen! from eva! :lol:
2004-02-09, 04:28 PM
My avatar is the desert fox from crimson skies: high road to revenge. I used to play that game all the time
2004-02-09, 04:36 PM
self explanatory.
2004-02-09, 04:38 PM
self explanatory.
2004-02-09, 04:38 PM
It's Me!!!!!!! In All My Glory
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-09, 04:42 PM
Rough representation of the doodle that my screen name comes from. Since I have almost no artistic ability at all I just found a pic that's vaguely close (as far as the expression and features go) modified it in MS Paint and tossed an IV logo in /shrug
2004-02-09, 04:44 PM
For some reason I think elf doesn't particularly like me.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-09, 04:48 PM
*blink blink*
Oh wait, you mean the quote in my sig. Actually it's more directed at Tek since I believe the issue was Tek whining and bitching to Hamma about how he should ban you. I don't have any particular problem with you. Now Tek on the other hand.....yeah.
2004-02-09, 04:50 PM
i realy don't know
2004-02-09, 04:53 PM
I don't have any particular problem with you. Now Tek on the other hand.....yeah.
I think the same way :lol: :love:
2004-02-09, 04:56 PM
Because monkey's peeing on things then shaking it off is funny!
Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-09, 05:30 PM
long john pwnz j00
2004-02-09, 05:32 PM
2004-02-09, 05:43 PM
long john pwnz j00
he is right you know. :)
uh well I cant really explain it now. let me get home and i can show you.
2004-02-09, 05:44 PM
it's a crop of Faye Valentine looking bored, right?
Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-09, 05:44 PM
ty, longjohn will continue to pwn
2004-02-09, 06:08 PM
Trioptimum from System Shock.
2004-02-09, 06:18 PM
^that's the one that inspired this thread in the first place
2004-02-09, 06:31 PM
My old one was a red lurker animation from starcraft, cause of TR being called "The Red Zerg" by my outfit. So seeing as how I was terran at the time, I used it as my avatar.
My new avater is keeping with the starcraft theme (just for old times sake) but has a blue coloring instead to represent my switch to NC.
2004-02-09, 06:32 PM
My old one was a red lurker animation from starcraft, cause of TR being called "The Red Zerg" by my outfit. So seeing as how I was terran at the time, I used it as my avatar.
My new avater is keeping with the starcraft theme (just for old times sake) but has a blue coloring instead to represent my switch to NC.
not to mention it's an archon and archons are l337
2004-02-09, 07:12 PM
Get's dirt out.
PS. See handle discussion
2004-02-09, 07:28 PM
<< i was bored
2004-02-09, 07:31 PM
the cheat owns all
even long john apparently
2004-02-09, 07:32 PM
da chort is humbled in Long John's presence
One of the outfit decals that I love.
2004-02-09, 07:40 PM
ok the cheat obviously has a cooler way of talking.
plus hes got a friggin gold tooth
2004-02-09, 07:48 PM
Pen pen! from eva! :lol:
Mine is Commander Misato from Eva, who owns (Pwned!!) PenPen in a freezer.
And thats got nothing to do with past grudges. Honest. :)
(I'm a clone EH?! I'll show you!! Muwahahaha...)
2004-02-09, 07:50 PM
You all know mine is the best.
2004-02-09, 07:52 PM
It's Schopenbulb...and he shall haunt your dreams.... :evil:
2004-02-09, 07:58 PM
i just got a pic of my avatar and added a red tint. i was also bored at the time screwing around with Photo Impression 4.
2004-02-09, 08:07 PM
Mini-Mani :D
2004-02-09, 08:08 PM
here she is.... (which reminds me i should switch it up)
2004-02-09, 08:11 PM
Ooh sexy :brow:
2004-02-09, 08:33 PM
Id from Xenogears, hes the alterego of the main character, when he blacks out at times, what is so great about his name, is that it is the same as what sigmud froid called it, Id.
2004-02-09, 08:47 PM
I think my sig broke
2004-02-09, 10:45 PM
Mine's a modified version of Intel Inside, with a Russian spice.
2004-02-09, 10:57 PM
When Ed (Cowboy bebop) Hacks other systems, he uses this icon to represent himself. Its just plain cool anyways.
Penpen > *
2004-02-09, 10:59 PM
I saved a pic of the NC logo off of some other website, cropped in MS paint, and that's it.
I also have NEVER changed it. NEVER! Since 2002!
2004-02-09, 11:09 PM
Imperial Eagle. For which any of you that don't play Warhammer 40,000. It's the emblem that goes on all loyal troops to the Emperor. *Hail* My marines pwnz0red someone today too.
[Edit] Took out an additional loyal.
2004-02-09, 11:11 PM
Penpen > *
:lol: ;)
2004-02-10, 12:32 AM
Insparation came from oma's previous sig. So I found the original pic, cropped, and added lensflare. I also have an evil counter part to it.
2004-02-10, 01:04 AM
I like that one better. :lol:
My advatar is my stamp, my signature. I might change it to my head cause I dont look like what i do in my advatar in the bohica forums.
2004-02-10, 01:41 AM
When Ed (Cowboy bebop) Hacks other systems, he uses this icon to represent himself. Its just plain cool anyways.
Penpen > *
Ed is a girl dumbass.
2004-02-10, 01:44 AM
i dont have one i own to much for an avatar
2004-02-10, 02:04 AM
OK, avatar is now officially changed. :D
2004-02-10, 02:09 AM
yea well ditto.
2004-02-10, 05:28 AM
When Ed (Cowboy bebop) Hacks other systems, he uses this icon to represent himself. Its just plain cool anyways.
Penpen > *
You know Ed is a chick, right?
Shes my favorite.oops: :bouncy: I LOVE HER!
2004-02-10, 05:47 AM
Solid Snake pwnz all
gg kthx?
2004-02-10, 05:52 AM
You know Ed is a chick, right?
Shes my favorite.oops: :bouncy: I LOVE HER!
I already said this fool, maybe not in as good a way as yours, but I still said it... COPIER!!!!1!two
2004-02-10, 06:00 AM
That theory has already been discredited.
Anywho, I was looking on Google Image search for the .gif from my old and infamous "Dancing Frog" sig (props to OMA for making it) that I had to take down because I was no longer in New Dawn. Well, when I searched for frog-related .gifs, this awesome little hopping ninjafrog popped up.
2004-02-10, 06:09 AM
Well, seeing as how you got your name, couldn't you just get the shot of the frog on the stairs?
2004-02-10, 06:10 AM
But this one kicks 50 times more ass, so no.
2004-02-10, 06:12 AM
I'm going to shoot it in a minute.
2004-02-10, 06:14 AM
Not if it kicks your ass 50 times more than a picture of the frog on the stairs does.
2004-02-10, 06:18 AM
I'd like to see it bring its 2D ass out here and attempt to kick mine when it's 1/60th my size.
2004-02-10, 06:21 AM
You see the little double-frame there? That's a tear in space-time for a split second so he can jump out and kick some random guy's ass.
2004-02-10, 06:51 AM
<---- nuff said pimp:
That theory has already been discredited.
Liseliseliselise! I have one, it's just too damn 1337 for you to see. :]
It's because Mario is a badass. He can nuke things with his hands and jump on things.
2004-02-10, 07:24 AM
Mario's gay
2004-02-10, 09:34 AM
2004-02-10, 09:54 AM
The love of quality mineral water.
2004-02-10, 09:59 AM
im all holy :p
2004-02-10, 12:57 PM
^that's the one that inspired this thread in the first placeMine? :confused:
2004-02-10, 02:14 PM
yeah, i saw that and i'm like "wtf is that thing.... meh, there are a lot of cryptic avatars here." so i searched for a thread about them, and there were none, so i made one.
2004-02-10, 02:25 PM
Now you know :love:
I Hate Pants
2004-02-10, 02:25 PM
Metal Gear Slug
2004-02-10, 06:39 PM
Must I explain my pirateness again?
uh...its fire. I invented it shortly before finalizing my recipe for dirt.
<----- I honestly have no idea.
Mario's gay
I shall rip out your heart and eat your children.
and your kitten
2004-02-10, 08:45 PM
<----- I honestly have no idea.
SDM is teh master of freaky, unusual, avatars that you see and go "WTF???questionmark?"
Tis me being a ninja, and ninjas are... uh.. cool?
pfft. derr.
Mini-Mani :D
Damn, you, stealing my idea... :p
Mines a ninja. :)
'v had it for almost the entire time i've been at PSU, just on and off.
2004-02-10, 11:18 PM
Quote: Originally Posted by Ait'al
You know Ed is a chick, right?
Shes my favorite.oops: :bouncy: I LOVE HER! I already said this fool, maybe not in as good a way as yours, but I still said it... COPIER!!!!1!two
When i scroll its jumpy sometimes and i didnt see it till after word.
And if you didnt get the fire/dirt comment by Xuur, SDM, Your the biggest fucking idiot on earth. So i hope thats not what your talking about.
When i scroll its jumpy sometimes and i didnt see it till after word.
And if you didnt get the fire/dirt comment by Xuur, SDM, Your the biggest fucking idiot on earth. So i hope thats not what your talking about.
Your spinal cord doesn't quite reach your brain, does it.
2004-02-10, 11:51 PM
Your spinal cord doesn't quite reach your brain, does it.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Incase there are some that havn't figured it out yet.
This is an arrow:
You can use them to point at stuff. They can point left, right, up, and even down. In three dimentions, they can point at you, or away from you, or in almost any direction you can think of. Arrows are amazing. They're very handy, and easy to use. I think everyone should try using them.
2004-02-11, 12:00 AM
:confused: ??????
:confused: ??????
Start on page one if you need to Einstien. btw, WB:p
2004-02-11, 12:07 AM
he's right. in fact, you can represent three-dimensional arrows perpendicular to your screen with "O" and "X"
2004-02-11, 12:07 AM
Start on page one if you need to Einstien. btw, WB:p
Ahhhhhhh..... I see... Aital, you're retarded.
Thx btw, SDM :groovy:
2004-02-11, 12:08 AM
You pointed at yourself, SDM, and said i honestly have no idea. What do you think that sounded like 8)
2004-02-11, 12:10 AM
No idea. Really. You make no fucking sense.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-11, 12:29 AM
Meh /shrug I see what he trying to say. Not sure how he confused what SDM was trying to say in the first place but I see what he's trying to get across.
On, btw, GG on starting the same old shit right out of the gate though, Dhark. :thumbsup:
2004-02-11, 01:29 AM
My avatar is pretty much self explanitory. Plus, I should be one. :p
Edit: I wonder how many n00bs I fooled with it. :lol:
2004-02-11, 02:40 AM
I'm sorry but long john still ownz you all.
2004-02-11, 02:41 AM
On, btw, GG on starting the same old shit right out of the gate though, Dhark. :thumbsup:
He asks stupid questions, I give him stupid answers.
2004-02-11, 03:15 AM
Oh yea i forgot. Mines the leader of hte sasqautch from the original Samnmax Video game! 8D
Now all i need is the music from the game linked in my sig. Best music Ever made. :brow:
Banjo struming..
I remember My childhood (being brightened)not sure there*. When dear old dad would bounce me on his knee. Hed say "Son there aint nothing as exciting, as exposing beasts to inhumanity"
Thats why immmm....
5 seconds of music playing with guitar
Happy to be king of The creatures. Im proud to be the lord of the odd. I love collecting things with grotesque features. It makes me feel like some chaldian gggoooddd!!(god not good)
3 second drum solo
Oh, I trapped my first tiger before i could speak. Killed me a bear when i was three. And now with this bigfoot and this Giraffe necked freak, I finaly have a full Minasury. Hit it boys..
Choir: Thats why hes... happy being feared by the wanna (???) . Just to be the czar above us all. None of us can be what we all wanna.
Oh its tough to be a country western staaarrrrr; Choir: chimes in voices: aaaaAAAAAaaaa
Ohhhh laaeeAAeelaayyee
:) the intro music was good.
Soo. if you wanna know whats wrong with me blame Lucas Arts :p
2004-02-11, 12:08 PM
2004-02-12, 12:56 AM
do you make light toast or dark toast? can you toast bagels too? you you have an automatic pop up timer and automatic shut off features to ensure even and proper toasting?
2004-02-12, 01:11 AM
How do you answer yes to a question that asks whether you make one thing or another?
2004-02-12, 01:23 AM
lol!!! woo I'll take 10 of 'em!!!!
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-12, 01:57 AM
Oh yea i forgot. Mines the leader of hte sasqautch from the original Samnmax Video game! 8D
Christ, I thought I recognized that thing. I could never figure out from where though. That's almost beautifully obscure, cool.
2004-02-12, 09:31 AM
Only using this one because I haven't found/made anything better. I really should try though.
2004-02-12, 10:16 AM
Ed is a guy dumbasses. Watch all 27 episodes.
arrows are cool
<------------ LOOK! RUSSIAN!
2004-02-12, 02:40 PM
I've seen the whole thing so many times, I could probably recite the episodes word for almost word. Ed is a girl.
2004-02-12, 07:38 PM
Ok, if anyone knows it'd be me, right?
Ed is a GIRL.
I just made a mistake when I said he musta missed the "s" key.
2004-02-12, 08:48 PM
Germans from WW2 tking are funny.
2004-02-12, 11:37 PM
Corrosion, watch the first two episodes shes in. The fucking plot twist is they think shes a boy because of her name then they find out shes a little girl.
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