View Full Version : This is getting very frustrating...

2004-02-12, 04:54 PM
I had a problem where I would be able to log in, but as soon as I loaded a battle continent (not sanctuary), when it was almost done, my connection to the server would cut out. I fixed this by uninstalling and then reinstalling Planetisde. This worked for one login. The next time I logged in, the problem came back. Sony is no help here, they just keep leading me in circles or not replying at all. I dont know why it happened, I did not change anything about my computer in recent memory. I just started happening. How do I fix it PERMANENTLY?

and while i'm at it, how do you defragment your hard drive?

2004-02-12, 05:43 PM
Go to Run and type defrag and hit enter. Unless they changed it for XP or 2k.

2004-02-12, 06:14 PM
For XP

Start -> run -> type CMD -> type defrag c: (or whatever drive letter you want to defrag)

2004-02-12, 07:26 PM
or start > programs > accesories > System tools > defragment
right click on the drive and hit defrag