View Full Version : Thresher
2004-02-13, 02:41 AM
After today I am officially declaring the thresher as a ground transport. Its gun is practically worthless and its best weapon, mowing, has been nullified. It now takes 2-3 mows per person to kill them. This is just sad and all it does is make the thresher even more of a ground trasport. It's supposed to be an assault buggy :rolleyes: . If any of the devs see this, please fix it. I don't want to see a fun little buggy go down the drain.
2004-02-13, 03:05 AM
After today I am officially declaring the thresher as a ground transport. Its gun is practically worthless and its best weapon, mowing, has been nullified. It now takes 2-3 mows per person to kill them. This is just sad and all it does is make the thresher even more of a ground trasport. It's supposed to be an assault buggy :rolleyes: . If any of the devs see this, please fix it. I don't want to see a fun little buggy go down the drain.
Yeah, what's with that thing's gun? Us TR get the Mortar, NC get the rocket launcher, and you guys get something which, if it even has a blast radius at all, has a very small one? That's a bunch of crap. They can't expect you to kill anything with that. Aiming a gun on a fast moving vehicle isn't easy, which is why you need a blast radius so that you can kill guys if you're slightly off.
So yeah, I think it needs a big buff to its main gun. It needs to have a blast radius to it, or at least an area of effect attack of some kind.
I think it would be pretty nice to have some sort of continuous fire, instant hit beam weapon, like the link gun from UT. That way, even if it doesn't have splash damage, you don't have to lead the bloody thing while making sharp turns at 60 kph.
2004-02-13, 03:12 AM
I think it would be pretty nice to have some sort of continuous fire, instant hit beam weapon, like the link gun from UT. That way, even if it doesn't have splash damage, you don't have to lead the bloody thing while making sharp turns at 60 kph.
The Link Gun in secondary fire?
Either way, instant-hit continuous beam would be too much. Aircraft would be pooched, as would be vehicles. Infantry, well, maybe not so much, but they'd not have an easy time either. It'd be too effective against aircraft and, to a lesser extent, vehicles, though.
Well I don't see it as having to be effective against armor, including air vehicles. It'd be more of an AI weapon, where Inf's smaller size would balance things out a bit.
Anyway, I don't think the solution is to add splash damage, because that really doesn't fit in with the Vanu weaponry motif. Lancer, PPA, Railgun--all accurate, powerful direct fire weapons with little in the way of splash damage. Lasher can do indirect damage, but it's still a direct fire weapon. The others make up for the lack of splash or guidance by being fast and accurate.
I'd rather see the motif preserved than resort to some weird contortions to give us splash damage.
2004-02-13, 03:37 AM
Shooting a weapon, even a continuous stream, from a fast moving vehicle on generally rough terrain, in a manner which you, the gunner, do not control yourself, will make any weapon but a splash weapon effective against infantry a difficult proposition without making it overpowered. It would be simpler to give them some kind of a splash weapon to acknowledge and rectify the fact that nobody will have perfect aim when gunning on a speedy Thresher.
I really don't see what part of the doctrine says weapons which explode are forbidden, either. The VS doctrine has always been flexibility, hasn't it? MAXs which can move over walls and so forth, vehicles which can hover over water, weapons which can switch between armor piercing and regular modes, and that sort of thing. I don't see what that has to do with the presence of exploding weaponry within the VS arsenal.
You're probably right, but every time the devs have tried to add splash damage to the MagRider and Thresher main guns, they royally screwed it up. I don't think they're psychologically capable of doing this.
2004-02-13, 04:37 AM
as a tr i think the threser sux. the cannon is crap.. for the fix put a LOS cannon like the mag has but smaller and faster refire..
what do you think?
2004-02-13, 05:53 AM
You're probably right, but every time the devs have tried to add splash damage to the MagRider and Thresher main guns, they royally screwed it up. I don't think they're psychologically capable of doing this.
:lol: :lol:
Thats the funniest thing I have read today. Thank you for the great start this morning :love:
2004-02-13, 06:42 AM
The Thresher's gun is murderous. Just not for people with low FPS.
2004-02-13, 07:43 AM
if you look at all the curret forems about empire weapons you'll see the vs always have the worst no wonder it's always empire needed: vs
2004-02-13, 09:03 AM
But its also the most rewarding Empire, I mean after everyone is going on how our equipment is bad compared to everyone else.
It really gives you a sense acomplisment when you look at the map and see almost all the continents purple (If only for a few minutes!)
Those who stay with Vanu knows that to be the underdogs is that there isn't anything to lose! :lol:
Vanu for life! :p
2004-02-13, 09:46 AM
The thresers gun is so slow you can't hit anything unless you are standing still, or going real slow, and the target is close.
And it can't even aim downwards, so if the enemy is too close, you can't shoot him.
2004-02-13, 10:01 AM
Eventually, the devs are going to have to look at all the buggies and revamp them; they just aren't viable alternatives to tanks. The Thresher especially needs reconsideration, since there is no real difference between it and a Magrider.
2004-02-13, 10:06 AM
No real difference between it and the magrider?
The magrider is a weapon. The threser transportation. There's the difference.
2004-02-13, 10:41 AM
Although I hate the Magrider already, i heavily agree that the Thresher needs a major buff to it's cannon.
I agree with the previous posters regarding the impotence of the thresher in actual combat. The only buggy that is even remotely capable of engaging a variety of targets is the enforcer, and it accelerates like a geriatric with a broken leg.
if you look at all the curret forems about empire weapons you'll see the vs always have the worst no wonder it's always empire needed: vs
Last I checked, all 3 servers needed TR. Whine whine whine.
2004-02-13, 11:35 AM
Last I checked, all 3 servers needed TR. Whine whine whine.Thank you Jagd.
That's what I'm here for. Well, that and ranting about patches.
2004-02-13, 12:00 PM
The Thresher weapon is shite. Sony needs to make the same as the Maelstrom and be done with it
2004-02-13, 12:56 PM
Basically it boils down to the fact that the only battlefield use for the Thresher was it's mowing, and that has been taken away from us. Leave the gun alone and GIVE US OUR THRASHER BACK.
2004-02-13, 01:12 PM
I love that not even the opposing empires act like the Thresher is worth crap. It's almost impossible to create a weapon/vehicle that is universally pitied across all 3 empires, but the Thresher seems to fit the bill.
2004-02-13, 01:13 PM
Maybe they should put a Dual Quasar weapon on it? :)
2004-02-13, 01:42 PM
I have a great idea, since our magrider has a driver gun and a gunner gun, why not the thresher. Hear me out before saying it is overpowered. The main gun would be the same, maybe the balls would travel faster and/or have a bigger splash radius (they do have one now it's just smaller than a lasher). The driver's "gun" would be a laser/lightning beam that goes from one of the front fender blades to the other. This weapon is used by turning it on and catching infantry inbetween the blades causing severe damage. I don't think it would be to powerful and it would be fun as hell I think. If you don't understand what I am talking about think about the speeder bikes from star wars episode 1. It would be like the lightning thing that held the engines together except the thresher's beam would do a lot of damage. I would like to see a weapon like this or the thresher's mowing abilities given back to it, either way i would be very happy.
2004-02-13, 02:24 PM
I have a great idea, since our magrider has a driver gun and a gunner gun, why not the thresher. Hear me out before saying it is overpowered. The main gun would be the same, maybe the balls would travel faster and/or have a bigger splash radius (they do have one now it's just smaller than a lasher). The driver's "gun" would be a laser/lightning beam that goes from one of the front fender blades to the other. This weapon is used by turning it on and catching infantry inbetween the blades causing severe damage. I don't think it would be to powerful and it would be fun as hell I think. If you don't understand what I am talking about think about the speeder bikes from star wars episode 1. It would be like the lightning thing that held the engines together except the thresher's beam would do a lot of damage. I would like to see a weapon like this or the thresher's mowing abilities given back to it, either way i would be very happy.
Mowing is a skilless way to kill and an annoying thing to be killed by. As much sympathy as I have for the Thresher, I'd rather its capabilities be rested upon a weapon which actually takes some ability to use. Too many vehicles in PS are nothing more than braindead button-mashers that'll rack you up kills faster than most other things to go back to giving people easy kills through being able to do nothing more than drive their vehicle forward.
2004-02-13, 02:45 PM
You don't have to get mowed. Only in extremely wide open terrain do you have to worry about being mowed. Many, many times when you get run over it's your own mistake, you essentially crossed a road without first looking both ways.
2004-02-13, 02:49 PM
Dual Quasar shots could be cool :P
2 shots at a time :)
Heh, or even the MagRider PPA (assuming you could aim down some)
2004-02-13, 03:23 PM
You don't have to get mowed. Only in extremely wide open terrain do you have to worry about being mowed. Many, many times when you get run over it's your own mistake, you essentially crossed a road without first looking both ways.
Anywhere a vehicle can fit and there are enemy vehicles you have to worry about being run over. Running people over is the #1 concern most vehicle drivers have, and they go to great lengths to do it.
2004-02-13, 03:33 PM
It's almost impossible to create a weapon/vehicle that is universally pitied across all 3 empires, but the Thresher seems to fit the bill.
Anyways, the thresher's weapon is horrible, but I don't want the mowing capabilities back. Mowing is a skill-less sport. Give the thresher a gun like the mag's cannon, just less powerful.
2004-02-13, 03:40 PM
Nah, I think if you gave it some down angle, the MagRider PPA would actually be ideal for Thresher.
2004-02-13, 07:19 PM
Of the coarse the Thresher's gun is crap. How dumb could you be if you think you would get lots of kills by using it.
The only reason to get the thresher, as it is now, is because it is the sports car of planetside.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-13, 08:00 PM
I find it ridiculous to hit someone going at 60 kph and them still living. I can understand maxes, but even a cloaker can withstand a hit from a tank. Its just plain stupid.
2004-02-13, 08:29 PM
neon they're not going for realism in the game. They're going for balance.
2004-02-13, 08:35 PM
Well over 18 guns at our disposal, and people resort to mowing, that kind of seems stupid to me...
2004-02-13, 08:36 PM
I find it ridiculous to hit someone going at 60 kph and them still living. I can understand maxes, but even a cloaker can withstand a hit from a tank. Its just plain stupid.
And of course they'd be having a great time if they were killed by someone whose visible talent consists of knowing which button makes the vehicle go forward, and what an enemy player looks like.
2004-02-14, 12:26 AM
Mowing is a skilless way to kill and an annoying thing to be killed by.
Ah, then you have never seen me go flying through an enemy courtyard at full speed avoiding tanks and obstructions mowing every enemy in me, THEN it's a skill :p
2004-02-14, 01:17 AM
Give the gun burn damage a la plasma grenades, or prehaps give it a minor lash effect?
2004-02-14, 01:33 AM
The Thresher is disgustingly powerful. I've been on so many Thresher raids where between mowing and the main gun and the amazing maneuverability, we were able to keep going for almost a half-hour through heavy combat. Killing isn't its only role, however, and in its other roles it is surpassingly versitile.
Just because Marauder is finally getting fixed doesn't mean it's open-season to buff already perfectly adequate, if not awesome, VS assets.
Unfortunatly, due to the insane speed the thresher travels at, mowing is the only viable method of cutting down infantry at medium/close ranges. Long ranges can be handled by the main gun, as can aircraft, if theyre stupid, and vehicles.
Ive actually killed a tank in a thresher just because I could circle-strafe around it faster than it could turn its gun. That was amusing.
2004-02-14, 03:38 AM
Give it an alt-fire with terrible RoF that sucks down 10 ammo to fire a huge, slow-moving, purple ball of death with ginormous splash damage.
GreyFlcn mentioned this on IRC, and it was a good idea - replace the Flux Cannon with the Pulse Particle Accelerator (the front-mounted mag gun). Kudos to him for thinking this one up. Compared to the Flux Cannon the PPA is like the old lasher to an AMP.
2004-02-14, 01:06 PM
As said before, mowing is just a frustrating, no skill way of killing things. Leave its mowing ability alone, raise the damage and splash radius and the buggy is good to go.
2004-02-15, 02:04 AM
You don't know how to use this vehicle if you think it needs a buff.
Sorry, but that's how it is.
2004-02-15, 02:46 AM
When the enforcer 1 shot kills any infantry and the marauder can spam like crazy, the thresher needs to be buffed. Don't tell us we don't know how to use it because that is just a really dumb thing to say.
2004-02-15, 03:03 AM
You don't seem to realize that the other empire buggies maneuver like turds in a kiddie pool compared to the Thresher.
2004-02-15, 04:15 AM
I'd rather have an assault buggy for an assault buggy, not an atv.
2004-02-15, 04:52 AM
I've assaulted plenty of people with the Thresher. Killed tanks, aircraft, MAXs, infantry.
Thresher also carries LLUs over water, allowing for many more tactical approaches for the VS.
All in all, if anything, it's too good. TR and NC have to move every single LLU through a series of choke-points or use the ponderous Deliverer which is a sitting duck in the water when maneuverability is at a premium.
I'd dance a *** if TR's weapons magically switched with VS'. Thresher is one of the reasons.
2004-02-15, 04:59 AM
If you killed an aircraft with a thresher then that is just a really really really bad pilot, the gun is HORRID compared to the others. The fact that the thresher is fast and can hover is not worth a bad gun.
2004-02-15, 08:40 AM
But its also the most rewarding Empire, I mean after everyone is going on how our equipment is bad compared to everyone else.
It really gives you a sense acomplisment when you look at the map and see almost all the continents purple (If only for a few minutes!)
Those who stay with Vanu knows that to be the underdogs is that there isn't anything to lose! :lol:
Vanu for life! :p
Agreed. Nothing more satisfying then killing a Surgile Jackhammer or MCG Rexo with my pulsar. Back to topic
The thresher is indeed FUBARed but with the later buffs to VS that might be coming soon I think that will compensate for the thresher
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