View Full Version : The translation thread

2004-02-17, 11:41 PM
Translate your favorite quote into the language of your choice!

Vertaal uw favoriet citaat in de taal van uw keus!

Traduisez votre citation pr�f�r�e en langue de votre choix !

***924;***949;***964;***945;***966;***961;***940;***963;***964;***949; ***964;***959; ***945;***947;***945;***960;***951;***956;***941;***957;***959; ***945;***960;***972;***963;***960;***945;***963;***956;***940; ***963;***945;***962; ***963;***949; ***947;***955;***974;***963;***963;***945; ***964;***951;***962; ***949;***960;***953;***955;***959;***947;***942;***962;


***45320;***51032; ***49440;***53469;***51032; ***50616;***50612;***47196; ***45320;***51032; ***47560;***51020;***50640; ***46308;***45716; ***46384;***50740;***54364;***47484;

***1055;***1077;***1088;***1077;***1074;***1077;***1076;***1080;***1090;***1077; ***1074;***1072;***1096; ***1083;***1102;***1073;***1080;***1084;***1077;***1081;***1096;***1080;***1081; quote ***1074; ***1103;***1079;***1099;***1082; ***1074;***1072;***1096;***1077;***1075;***1086; ***1074;***1099;***1073;***1086;***1088;***1072;!

Note: these may not be very accurate, so if you actually speak the language, and see a problem, STFU. Ty.

http://www.worldlingo.com/wl/translate <-- the Translator I use.

Please include your quote in English as well as any other language you use.

2004-02-17, 11:43 PM
/ich sex0rz Hamma im Kolben

Amo el sexo del hombre

EineBeBop est ma chienne

2004-02-17, 11:44 PM
Normally I'd ask for the English too, but dont worry about it this time Dhark. :scared:

2004-02-17, 11:58 PM
Ziege Testikel zu essen ist nicht eine Spa�sache, zum zu tun.


2004-02-18, 12:04 AM
I am cruel, but no one will get what language this is.

Xo'al lu' usieva nindol xanalress...

Nindyn vel'uss kyorl ninta rath orn thalra streea dal l' alust.

Siyo, Usstan dosib jivvin ragrubahen lu' tagnik'zun.

I Hate Pants
2004-02-18, 12:05 AM
I'd like to give a shout out to threads with no context.


2004-02-18, 12:17 AM
68 104 97 114 107 98 97 121 110 101 32 105 115 32 102 117 99 107 105 110 103 32 103 97 121

hehe (http://members.cox.net/dfenner/files/ASCIIConvertVersion3.exe)

2004-02-18, 12:21 AM
convert to ABC doesnt work in that VB app.

BTW anyone curious about what language my messages were in:


2004-02-18, 12:26 AM
when you click convert to abc you have to have the ascii code in the bottom text box and the words will end up in the top text box. Other way around for abc to ascii.

2004-02-18, 12:38 AM
Ah, that wasnt very nice.

2004-02-18, 12:45 AM
well I have to find SOME use for my software...