View Full Version : Petition: Bigger Lockers
2004-02-19, 04:28 PM
I Need More Room Damn It. I Own Too Much And Want More Space. Higher Br = Bigger Locker.
2004-02-19, 04:29 PM
Not a bad Idea but I think it should be by 5 br so that some guy in a VR training can't get a garage like locker.
2004-02-19, 04:37 PM
Or make it so theres a secondary tab to get small items and call it the cubby hole or something so any Frags, medkits or other assorted crap wont take up room. But only alow small Items no decis or anything
2004-02-19, 04:38 PM
Why the fuck is ever post of yours a double, THERE IS A FUCKING EDIT BUTTON IDIOT!
I would love more room for my growing collection of cyclers
2004-02-19, 04:44 PM
Before anyone sez something I know the likelyhood of any changes suggested by us are slim to none but plz don't ruin our fantasies! Seriously though maybe there should be like a heavy backpack ability that only costs like a cert or two. It should decrease speed though and If you were an infiltration suit it is unwearable. flames, Ideas, add ons? I'm open to all and any criticism. (except "YOU SUCK NOOB, I COULD OWN YOU ANY DAY blah blah...)
2004-02-19, 04:47 PM
2004-02-19, 04:48 PM
:rofl: :rofl:
anyways, good Idea with the backpack, and as for more locker space, sure why not, I go regularly to the caves and stock up on CC weapons as well as my engy stuff so I can repair blown equip term/gen and have some weapons to defend myself. I got a good collection of JH's and Lashers, I could always use more room.
2004-02-19, 04:49 PM
Your The Reason People Are Afraid To Post, Chat Etc... They Make A Little Mistake And Get Anal Raped By Some Dick Monger Like You! So For Further Notice Chill And Keep All Analistic Comments To Yourself!
2004-02-19, 04:55 PM
Uber buddy please if you want to make a point do it in a mature and educated manor, by swearing at him you only make your self look dumb. I feel your pain and all but if you would of said "Thanks for the over critical advise rbster but ill do it my way" or something along thoes lines. Come on people feel the love and throw out the hate.
2004-02-19, 04:59 PM
I like the heavy backpack idea. but slowing down the rexo with it would be a pain unless it ahd a bit more benifit, like more armor
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-19, 05:02 PM
Not needed.
OK GET OFF YOUR POWER TRIP SO I FUCKED UP! GET THE ROD OUT OF YOUR SNOTTY ASS AND STFU AND YES I'M NOT USING THE EDIT BUTTON :nazi:Turn caps lock off, use the damn edit button instead of double posting and use the size commands to shrink those cliche quotes in your sig.
2004-02-19, 05:06 PM
My opinion:
Uber dumb, the freakin lockers are so big...why would you need more space??
2004-02-19, 05:15 PM
I want enough room to stuff annoying BR3 n00bs in it!
2004-02-19, 05:17 PM
Because we use them to their fullest. I'm a collector, and recently managed to get every single weapon and equipment piece in the game, practically filling my locker. However, I would love to also be able to collect weapons simply to use them in battle, rather than to just stare longingly at them and know that if I use them and die, it'll take me forever to get another one of them :( .
2004-02-19, 05:19 PM
I agree they should be a bit bigger
2004-02-19, 05:28 PM
ROFL a "Collector" sounds like some freaky shit man. You got ears and skulls in there too?
2004-02-19, 05:33 PM
I take the heads of the surgile jh noobs I kill. muhahahah
2004-02-19, 05:39 PM
Queenside, do you have any particular attachment to your nose? :D
2004-02-19, 05:41 PM
Not needed.
Turn caps lock off, use the damn edit button instead of double posting and use the size commands to shrink those cliche quotes in your sig.
:lol: owned
2004-02-19, 05:51 PM
No, but I am in the process of creating a Dead Skin Mask that I store in my locker. wait, no I dont, that would be crazy. DO NOT OPEN LOCKER 179, I REPEAT, DO NOT OPEN :scared:
2004-02-19, 05:52 PM
:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
2004-02-19, 05:58 PM
:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
I think they're big enough.
If they get any bigger, then it would be like playing a different empire...
i.e.: every time you respawn, you load up your favorite with an empty rifle slot, run to your locker, and pick up a Jack. Then you find an NC (or 2nd account) and refill once a week.
I Hate Pants
2004-02-19, 06:14 PM
I want enough room to stuff annoying BR3 n00bs in it!
Making them bigger would probably run up data storage costs at soe on top of being difficult to implement. Leave them as they are.
2004-02-19, 07:01 PM
soz keyboard fucked up! just editin it all out.
yeh my keyboard is typing on its own!
I think its too much work for the devs for sumthing little! If you used them enough, then they wouldnt becoem full :S
2004-02-19, 07:47 PM
What a waste of time, there is no need to make them bigger just so you can put more looted items in them.
2004-02-19, 07:55 PM
:ban: soz keyboard fucked up! just editin it all out.
yeh my keyboard is typing on its own!
I think its too much work for the devs for sumthing little! If you used them enough, then they wouldnt becoem full :S
2004-02-19, 07:58 PM
I could use a bigger locker...I think they should increase with BR. More BR = more certs = more items readily available to you from your enemy.
And Uber, the quote in your sig "Mess with the best, die like the rest", is not from duke nukem, it's from the movie hackers. Get it right, and stop double posting.
2004-02-19, 08:32 PM
I�m kind of a partial collector too. Out of boredom one day with my NC character I looted 2 of each type of VS and TR empire specific weapons and then did the same lay out with the AT weapons. The rest of the space was filled out with VS ammo and a few of each type of grenade. So the locker looks like one of those James Bond hidden arsenals where you press a button and a whole variety of weapons is laid out. So I see a full display of all the empire specific weapons that the NC don�t have access to. LOL Told ya I was bored :) As NC I don�t really have a need for a locker. Maybe with the AT �ammo� coming out in the next patch or two I�ll actually use the locker for AT stuff that I might actually use.
My TR and VS characters both have 16 Jacks and 6 NC Scatter Pistols� of course. Maybe with the ammo buff I may try and loot some Phoenix Rockets and a few Launchers, but before it was not practical with only 3 shots per huge box.
2004-02-19, 08:36 PM
soz keyboard fucked up! just editin it all out.
yeh my keyboard is typing on its own!
I think its too much work for the devs for sumthing little! If you used them enough, then they wouldnt becoem full :S
We should stuff him in a regualr sized locker
2004-02-19, 08:39 PM
We should stuff him in a regualr sized locker
Nah, the smaller the better. I was thinking about a lunchbox of some sort...
2004-02-19, 08:45 PM
2004-02-19, 08:46 PM
2004-02-19, 09:46 PM
You guys may have noticed, but I've been holding myself back lately. But THIS.. I can't ignore this, I just can't.
Caps lock: it's right next to the A on you keyboard. Seven sixteenths of an inch is all you have to move your finger to not sound like a retarded twelve year old. But apparently, that's too difficult for you. I reccomend sell your computer and use the money for basic education, but since even seven-sixteenths of an inch is too much for you, I doubt you'll make any progress.
Besides, you didn't even say anything intelligent. You just spouted off angry gibberish because someone made a worthwhile suggestion. I'm sorry, but if you can't take even the slightest ammount of critisism, you don't belong on the internet.
Now go away junior, the adults are talking.
2004-02-19, 10:59 PM
Normally, I disagree and call you an ass, Kaymon, but you're right there. Very right.
2004-02-19, 11:05 PM
See? I'm getting better.
2004-02-20, 12:35 AM
I take the heads of the surgile jh noobs I kill. muhahahah
Excellent, you should make a necklace out of their ears.
2004-02-20, 02:21 AM
Ok so the general concensus except for a few loners who live in their parents basements (jk) is that we need a biger locker. Further more higher BR = more locker space.
EDIT: Omfg look! This is how you dont DOUBLE POST.
Anyways. God help us all. I, the Peacemaker, am going to make a post on the OFs. God speed PSU. We are going to need it.
2004-02-20, 02:49 AM
This idea gets the Pirate seal of approval, and in Obnoxious Frog's absence, I am going to also give you the Ninja Seal of Approval. That's right folks, this idea is Pirate-Ninja approved!
2004-02-20, 05:24 AM
Caps lock: it's right next to the A on you keyboard. Seven sixteenths of an inch is all you have to move your finger to not sound like a retarded twelve year old. But apparently, that's too difficult for you. I reccomend sell your computer and use the money for basic education, but since even seven-sixteenths of an inch is too much for you, I doubt you'll make any progress.
just to pay my respects...U FRIGGAN PWNED HIM KAYMON
haha nice insult for ur everyday nub cake
any way yah my growing collection of Cyclers needs more space to grow
2004-02-20, 05:39 AM
I have an idea!
When the locker is full, start using the stuff :p
Actually I voted yes... don't know if I should have, but I in principle just filled my locker, and that was quite annoying :/
2004-02-20, 08:23 AM
That would be uber kickass if it got better with BR, its so small now that i dont even bother eith it :(
Bad Mojo
2004-02-20, 08:28 AM
That would be uber kickass if it got better with BR, its so small now that i dont even bother eith it :(
The locker is, AFAIK, the largest storage space you have in the game. If it's so small you can't bother with it, I wonder if you never fill your inventory. It's a LOT smaller. :P
2004-02-20, 09:33 AM
How about more favorites while they're at it?
Yeah I agree more br more locker space.
2004-02-20, 01:40 PM
More favorites would own too.
2004-02-20, 01:45 PM
More favorites? Ten isn't enough :eek: ?
2004-02-20, 01:56 PM
HAHAHAHAHA You dont have Rexo do you?
Id like more veh favs especially
2004-02-20, 02:19 PM
I do have ReXo. But I suppose the bug my computer has that makes it so that I can only have 2 favorites would twist my opinion :tear: :tear: :( :( .
2004-02-20, 03:56 PM
More stuff in lockers = more server strain = more lag. No thanks.
More stuff in lockers = more server strain = more lag. No thanks.
2004-02-20, 05:17 PM
More stuff in lockers = more server strain = more lag. No thanks.
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: That wouldn't cause any lag. Derrrrrr....
2004-02-20, 06:32 PM
Fen, what are you talking about? Bigger lockers wouldn't mean more lag, I think... :confused: :doh: :confused: :doh:
2004-02-20, 07:06 PM
More stuff in lockers = more server strain = more lag. No thanks.
That wouldn't cause lag. There are thousands of people firing thousands of bullets and the server has to make sure everyone gets the data back and forth. Making the locker bigger wouldn't cause any more lag than tripling the ammo box on the Striker did.
Code changes are what cause lag. This isn't code. (Damage, physics, that's code. A locker size change is right in there with the ammo patch. No code)
(Edited because I misspelled something so bad my old English teacher would hunt me down and smack me silly if I didn't correct it)
2004-02-20, 07:13 PM
(Edited because I misspelled something so bad my old English teacher would hunt me down and smack me silly if I didn't correct it)
You spelt to wrong, didn't you? :(
2004-02-20, 07:25 PM
Actually, it was the phrase "Code changes are what causes lag". I misspelled half the words, and made a nightmare of a grammatical error.
"Cod echanges is what causs lag"
I'm having an off day...
2004-02-20, 07:26 PM
Every time you open a locker, data about the items in that locker is sent from a database to your computer. This consumes bandwith.
Larger lockers would mean more data would have to be sent, consuming more bandwith.
Larger lockers would also mean a larger database about what is in players' lockers. Meaning it will take longer for the server to dig through said database to find the enteries for an individual player whenever they open their locker.
More data to store + more data to send = more lag.
2004-02-20, 07:29 PM
Give me a break, Fen, that's an infentesimal amount of lag, even if every player on a server was opening and closing their locker non-stop. :rolleyes:
2004-02-20, 07:31 PM
Every time you open a locker, data about the items in that locker is sent from a database to your computer. This consumes bandwith.
Larger lockers would mean more data would have to be sent, consuming more bandwith.
Larger lockers would also mean a larger database about what is in players' lockers. Meaning it will take longer for the server to dig through said database to find the enteries for an individual player whenever they open their locker.
More data to store + more data to send = more lag.
Now I want bigger lockers more than ever. Some of the people I smack around come up with creative excuses in their hate tells. My new goal is to recieve a "Locker Lag" hate tell/got owned excuse! ;)
2004-02-20, 07:32 PM
Every time you open a locker, data about the items in that locker is sent from a database to your computer. This consumes bandwith.
Larger lockers would mean more data would have to be sent, consuming more bandwith.
More data to store + more data to send = more lag.
But then again, how often do people access their lockers? I doubt it's often enough to make any difference.
Unless someone tries to bring the server down by organizing a mass-opening-and-closing of people's lockers ;)
2004-02-20, 07:38 PM
Every time you open a locker, data about the items in that locker is sent from a database to your computer. This consumes bandwith.
Larger lockers would mean more data would have to be sent, consuming more bandwith.
Larger lockers would also mean a larger database about what is in players' lockers. Meaning it will take longer for the server to dig through said database to find the enteries for an individual player whenever they open their locker.
More data to store + more data to send = more lag.
Oh give me a BREAK. You could say the exact same thing about using an equipment terminal. After all, you open the equipment menu, and it has to send you information about what weapons you can aquire. So more weapon certs = more lag? The same goes for vehicle terminals. You access the terminal, and it has to send your computer data on what vehicles you can get.
Which leaves me with the question: how much of a lag spike did you see when they merged the vehicle certs?
2004-02-20, 07:50 PM
lol Kay :lol:
2004-02-20, 08:04 PM
Equipmet from terminals is stored differently than equiptment in lockers.
Each item in a locker is unique and requires its own database entry(s) (with the possible exception of the REK) to keep track of its status (ie how much ammo is in it).
Items from terminals are all essentialy the same object.
Of course this is all speculation based on what programming experience I have.
Equipmet from terminals is stored differently than equiptment in lockers.
Each item in a locker is unique and requires its own database entry(s) (with the possible exception of the REK) to keep track of its status (ie how much ammo is in it).
yes, but that database entry is as simple as
Theyre simply names stored on a database, that, when you put into your inventory, are recognized as model x, y, or z, and then treated as it would be in the game.
No different than seeing a name above a person.
2004-02-20, 08:42 PM
Equipmet from terminals is stored differently than equiptment in lockers.
Each item in a locker is unique and requires its own database entry(s) (with the possible exception of the REK) to keep track of its status (ie how much ammo is in it).
Items from terminals are all essentialy the same object.
Of course this is all speculation based on what programming experience I have.
um.... It's all the exact same thing. And the ammo diffrences you're yammering about... Like I said, that's not code. Diffrences in code is what causes lag.
If you have a locker full of Cyclers, it's the exact same piece of data sent to your computer telling you what it is that a TR gets when he hits an EQ terminal - only with the diffrent number for ammo. (Try to remember, they just changed the ammo box sizes for a lot of weapons and they did it very quickly. It's a passive variable, it doesn't matter)
Your health changes. Your inventory changes. Your armor changes. The ammo in your gun changes (quite rapidly, I might add) If numbers like that caused lag, then the TR would be lag-machines when using the MCG. (OR god forbid, the DC max)
2004-02-20, 08:57 PM
um.... It's all the exact same thing. And the ammo diffrences you're yammering about... Like I said, that's not code. Diffrences in code is what causes lag.
If differences in code caused lag, there would be no way to reduce lag - each change you made to try and get rid of it would only add more. Obviously this is not the case.
If you have a locker full of Cyclers, it's the exact same piece of data sent to your computer telling you what it is that a TR gets when he hits an EQ terminal - only with the diffrent number for ammo. (Try to remember, they just changed the ammo box sizes for a lot of weapons and they did it very quickly. It's a passive variable, it doesn't matter)
That different number for ammo is the kicker. Keeping track of 1,000's of said number will put more stress on the server. How much? Only a SOE-type has that kind of info.
Your health changes. Your inventory changes. Your armor changes. The ammo in your gun changes (quite rapidly, I might add) If numbers like that caused lag, then the TR would be lag-machines when using the MCG. (OR god forbid, the DC max)
A players health/armor/ammo may change, but each number is still going to be just a number. The crux is the number of numbers to keep track of. More players logging in creates more numbers to keep track of, thus more non-internet/fps lag. Allowing each player to add multiple items to their locker would add exponentialy to the amount of data the server needs to keep track of.
Exponentialy increasing algorithims are the bane of smooth performance.
Larger lockers WILL have an influence of server performance, but without an inside-SOE perspective it is impossible to know how hard performance will be hit.
It is entierly possible that the impact would be so small as to not be noticable . . . however an opportunity cost would still be absorbed. That processor power could have been put to use in other new content.
2004-02-20, 09:03 PM
If differences in code caused lag, there would be no way to reduce lag - each change you made to try and get rid of it would only add more. Obviously this is not the case.
pfft... ha ha... HA HA HA!! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Are you playing the same Planetside we are? The lag's gotten worse with each patch, you can't deny that. My god, the fact that you can say something so blatantly backwards and still claim to know anything about this game is mind boggling.
So all these people on the OF that complain about how much more lag they have, you know, the ones that make those posts right after every patch is released, they're full of shit, right?
My god, you just lost every ounce of credibility you had.
2004-02-20, 09:21 PM
Kaymon, what programming languages do you know.
How many games have you made?
I've made 2 (one in C++, one in Java). They were simple, but thats not the point.
The point is you don't know shite about how computers actually work. I've no doubt that you know how to use them well, but knowing how electricity is manipulated inside them is altogether different.
2004-02-20, 09:25 PM
Fenrys is retarded. Just stop talking, you're making yourself sound even stupider.
2004-02-20, 09:35 PM
Insults are the last resort of those that can't come up with a good comeback.
Same goes for spouting off "facts" about how much you know. (How do I know you're not making any of that up? Backup your statements, junior) Please, don't wave around your ePenis, it just makes you look like an ass.
Fact is, you don't know shit about what I know, so don't try even try to stand on that pedestal. Smokejumper even said that Planetside may have its similarities to other games, but for the most part, it's vastly diffrent, so anything you might know about programming, or making games, is moot.
Larger lockers WILL have an influence of server performance, but without an inside-SOE perspective it is impossible to know how hard performance will be hit.
So really then, you have no clue. The sky is not falling chicken little.
Fen, STFU. You lose, and also fail at life.
No one loves you.
2004-02-20, 10:58 PM
lol give the kid a break guys
he dont noe how this all works and really none of us really have 100% true arguments
so lets stop the bitching and try to convince the Planetside staff to come here and make another Player Response Patch
and any way the ammount of lag that will increase for u is so god dam minimal...its not like ur in any big fight and have no time to wait 2 seconds for ur locker to open
come on...
2004-02-20, 11:10 PM
its not like ur in any big fight and have no time to wait 2 seconds for ur locker to open
come on...
Hey, I like this guy. Someone get him a hooker. That's the most clear-cut thing I've heard on this lag bitchfest. That data only gets sent to you... when you're at your fucking locker!
"Sporkfire, this lag is intolerable. I go to my locker and have to WAIT for it to open!"
"OMG These idiots keep going to their locker and it keeps LAGGING ME! Fix this NOW!"
Really, how many people use their locker that regularly that it would cause lag in the first place?
2004-02-20, 11:46 PM
What do you guys STORE in there that takes up that much space? Weed?
2004-02-20, 11:53 PM
Bodies. Errr... I mean, uhh.... Gauss rifles? :p
You guys have demonstrated that you have no idea what you are asking for with bigger lockers. Fenrys may not be exactly right about the lag, but the cost for this venture would be extremely great. It's not worth it in the slightest.
2004-02-21, 02:49 AM
Gee, what would they have to do, change
2004-02-21, 04:16 AM
hey Kaymon im still waitin on that hooker :bananasex
back to the subject some ppl would like a bit more room for enemy weapons since things like cyclers r priceless to the VS such as me and i got loads of them and find loads of them and use loads of them and die and lose loads of them :groovy:
so in that confusion of speech just above its all about stealing weapons :vsrocks:
2004-02-21, 11:01 AM
You don't really need that much locker space if you know how to manage it. If you're locker is getting full, it means you're not using what's in it! And if you're not using what's in your foot locker soldier, what's the good in having it!
Dhark, to give us more favorites and more locker space, they'd have to undergo an expensive overhaul of the database. Then they'd have to give each of our characters more space on the server. That's what caused SWG per-character costs to skyrocket. It would be extremely expensive--they've stated this much before.
2004-02-21, 12:42 PM
ive gotta agree with seer....they would have to do that, or clear all our lockers
2004-02-21, 01:21 PM
...Then they'd have to give each of our characters more space on the server. That's what caused SWG per-character costs to skyrocket. It would be extremely expensive--they've stated this much before.
2004-02-21, 01:57 PM
Planetside - SWG
Apples - Oranges
2004-02-21, 04:02 PM
THey charge you per char on SWG?
Anyways, the data is alot different, the PS players don't have very many variables, SWG ones do, PS characters take WAY much less space than SWG characters, bigger lockers would NOT cause a big problem.
2004-02-21, 04:21 PM
There is no need for more locker space!
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