View Full Version : Maxs Power Showdown!
2004-02-20, 11:34 AM
This is a pole to see how the community feels about the empire Maxs.
2004-02-20, 11:38 AM
This is a pole that contains high power lines.
2004-02-20, 11:42 AM
I say that NC are waaaaaay tooo underpowered except for our AA max. the NC scattercannon sucks bad and all the empires luagh at it. The scattercannon lacks range,rate of fire, and damage per shot. With the scattercannon the enemy just kinda jumps around and its hard as hell to hit them.
Try no to flame just put your opinion no outbursts plz.
2004-02-20, 11:45 AM
Personally, I think the NC AA MAX is gimped until they fix the lock. The missiles don't do enough damage to bring things down unless you can pump a bunch of shots into them, and somebody staying still long enough to get 12 shots out of the magazine with the lock-on warning happening just isn't going to happen. Once the lock-on bug is fixed it will be fine.
Scattercannon MAX is fine. I use it on occasion and am never unhappy with the results. It's only worth grabbing inside bases or towers, but big deal. It can clear a room in a hurry.
Falcon is crap.
2004-02-20, 11:47 AM
Hmm, I dont think MAXs as they relate to other empires are a problem right now. What I think the problems are:
A) All non-AA MAXs need an armor boost because thier survivability is a friken joke
B) All AV MAXs have pathetic damage output on anything other than against enemy MAXs. This MAX isnt needed at all because everyone has a Decimator. It also is so weak against vehicles, and speed of projectiles so slow there isnt any point at shooting at them. Basically all AV MAXs do is a weak form of supression fire
2004-02-20, 11:50 AM
True True
But what about Anti infantry maxs. The nc is the weakest by far the TR is fine for me and the VS is a tiny bit overpowered on range and accuracy.
Blah NC scattercannon sucks if u clear a room u get what mabye 1 or 2 kills before u are decimatored to death. And the sheild just plain sucks we should get a new ability.
2004-02-20, 11:56 AM
I disagree. I think all AI MAXs rock supremely against thier intended targets and I dont think there is disparity from one empire as opposed to another. I dont think that TR MAXs get enough benefit for the Lockdown ability but its not game breaking
2004-02-20, 12:00 PM
I have talked with tons of of TR and VS on emerald and they say the scattercannon sucks and i quote "the scattercannon sucks ass but i wouldnt tell the devs that cuzz they might buff it".!!!
2004-02-20, 12:06 PM
Dude thats just crazy. I have spent many many hours operating a ScattMAX and it is the best indoor MAX by a friken longshot. Its not good out in the open but I dont really see a problem with that. I have operated all MAX suits extensivly and the Quasar is my favorite, but indoors the Scatt has much more killing power and the shield lets you survive a decimator when no other MAX can
2004-02-20, 12:41 PM
The concept that TR MAXes do not fight at full efficency when unanchored is BS. The VS and NC MAXes are at 100% efficency when not using their specials. They are simply bonuses to make the armor more effective. Terran MAXes should fight at 100% efficency unanchored, 120% anchored.
2004-02-20, 12:55 PM
Terran MAXes should fight at 100% efficency unanchored, 120% anchored.
I agree, especially considering the current state of the Decimator. Even though it is not that way currently, I dont see it all as way off balance
2004-02-20, 01:13 PM
Thier Ballenced to me
if the TR get changed it should be for 90% un locked and 110% locked
2004-02-20, 01:33 PM
That makes no sence. Why would not using our special penalise us and using our special also penalise us?
BTW dont you dare bitch about your AA MAXs NC and VS. The god damn things own compaired to TR Burster.
The scatter cannon definatly does not make me laugh. I cower at the thought of one of those things.
The DC max is no where near what it should be. Needs a smaller COF.
VS maxs are the best in the game, they shouldnt need any friggen buffs.
2004-02-20, 01:40 PM
Peace, if you're TR, than that post is just plain biased, and if you're not, then you're just plain crazy. First of all, while the Burster isn't amazing, it's almost up to par with the Sparrow and Starfire in most situation, and is actually better than them in a few, such as when a Reaver/Mosquito comes by for a close strafing run. Second, when I briefly played as a TR, facing a ScatMAX was no treat, but it wasn't really something to be afraid of. You just hafta stay back a bit in order so that some of it's rounds dissipate, and blow it away with a Deci. As for the DC, it does what the ScatMAX was supposed to do: crowd control. Stick a couple of those things in a backdoor corridor and laugh as the incoming zergers are ripped to shreds. Ah' course, you're right about the VS MAXes: They are the best, no ifs, ands or buts.
2004-02-20, 02:03 PM
The TR AA max is NO WHERE NEAR what the other two AA maxs are. Look at the damn burster, it cant engage at max alt. It cant fire at a target moving in any direction other than away or towards it. If you lead the target the only rounds that will detonate are direct hits (you need to have your reticule on the target for the rounds to blow up when they are close).
Now lets look at the NC and VS AA maxs. Point and click. All you have to do with the NC one is lock on once and let loose a volly, if the pilot is approaching you AT all and has anything less than full afterburners you will kill or damage him incredibly. Flying below the trees and breaking lock does nothing b/c the missles still follow you. Dodging the missles only works till your out of after burner. The VS max is a little easyer to dodge. YOu only have to break the lock to loose the missles. MASSIVE damage potential. Very hard to break the lock even with full AB. They can jump out of the way of any counter attack and still shoot at you.
Now please explain to me how the Burster is on par with the other two? The only situation that it beat them is when the target is not moving. And in that case the pilot deserves to die and all three of them will kill the taget. Even a target moving directly at a burster can escape by turning. The shots will miss if he turns and burns at the same time.
2004-02-20, 02:14 PM
I disagree with that as well. I find the Burster in some cases to be vasty superior than the other 2 AA MAXs. It is more situational, but it has a level of psycological parinoia that the other 2 AA MAXs dont get. Reavers get sloppy and they go down with no warning. The Burster is really the only one you can take out Veterans with because if done properly it hits like a freight train out of no where. It really comes down to play styles. Really good players with no lag can be vastly more effective with a Burster than the other 2. Really crappy players are going to do decidedly worse.
2004-02-20, 02:17 PM
You smokin some serious dope. Vetrans above all else will know to NOT STOP. THats where the burster gets people. Hovering over a base or something. Any noob can use the other two but it takes serious skill to use the burster. Im not half bad with it but really. COmpaired to the other two its a POS. You cant even shoot down an aircraft without being locked down. And when you do that if they simply burn over your head and turn around your ass fucked by a pack of 16 rockets.
2004-02-20, 02:26 PM
Peace, I already explained to you in my other post that the Burster is better in "close" situations, such as within 150 meters. Granted, that's a fucked up premise for an AA MAX, but the range is easily concievable if you're fighting against strafing Reavers and Mosquitoes. Against Galaxies, you just have to lead them sufficiently, which is possible, but it's true that, against max alt. Liberators, the Burster is truly screwed.
2004-02-20, 03:12 PM
I can explain that I own the skies in the Starfire, and that my kill rate is better with the Burster than the Sparrow. The Burster is far better than your complaints make it sound, because there is no lock on message aircraft is normally doomed before the first flak even hits them. By that point there is enough flak in the air that it's too late to try and AB away.
The Sparrow, with it's dodgy lock and weak missiles, can only prey successfully on aircraft that was previously gimped. I still get kills with it, but it's far more effective at chasing things off than actually killing things. Keeping the reticule trained on an aircraft that is fairly close to you for 2-3 seconds waiting for it to actually recognize the lock is ridiculous. Often times the lock breaks itself after 2-3 missiles have left your MAX, even though the reticule hasn't left the target. I've gotta believe you haven't used it for much time at all if you're comparing it to the Starfire.
2004-02-20, 03:43 PM
True True
But what about Anti infantry maxs. The nc is the weakest by far the TR is fine for me and the VS is a tiny bit overpowered on range and accuracy.
Blah NC scattercannon sucks if u clear a room u get what mabye 1 or 2 kills before u are decimatored to death. And the sheild just plain sucks we should get a new ability.
If you are a solo max, the first part might be true, however a group of scattermaxes can clear a room just as fast or faster than a group of TR or VS. Those shotguns fill the entire room with lead, and where one by itself can't kill fast enough to avoid being decimated, a squad of them all hiting multiple targets for a little damage each is fearsome. One or two max's might go down, but that is why you bring an Adv Med/Engi with you.
For assulting a base, the NC shield is even better than the VS jumpjets (jumpjets being better in every other situation). You can turn it on, go into runmode, and sprint to some critical area inside before taking any hits to your armor. Jumpjets let you bypass 'certain' chokepoints - shields let you run through 'any' of them.
The TR lockdown is a purely defensive capability. Setting pop locks at 33% was a huge TR max buff (since defenders now have more than a snowball's chance in hell of pushing the nme back).
2004-02-20, 04:24 PM
Well I think the TR MAXs need some help myself then again I'm TR so my view may be biased (SP?). The NC got the best MAXs for siege assault. VS got the best all around and the TR got the best defensive. Since their MAXs lock down and become immobile they should be the best firing platform when locked down. When compared to other MAXs when mobile TR MAXs should be 80-90% combat effective, and when locked down the should be anywhere from 120-125%(in terms of either A.putting out more rounds then they currently do when locked down or B. the damage rating per round gets upped) effective when compared to others. In short I think TR MAXs should be medicore at best when mobile and should put the fear god into anyone when locked down (that being the price of being completly imobile.)
2004-02-20, 04:35 PM
Won't even comment about AV MAXs as they all blow...but the Comet is the worst, not like it matters.
AI MAXs are another story. IMO the Quasar is the best outdoors, while the Scatter is the winner indoors. Since most of the battles are indoors, Scatter is the better. Maybe it would be reversed were the specialties reversed, but shields of a huge advantage over the jets.
AA MAXs are all good for what they need to do, but only because the jets does the Starfire come out on top. The jets allow you to get in places other MAXs can't, while giving you a better view of the sky, does make you bait for a missile.
Overall > NC MAXs are the best.
2004-02-20, 04:44 PM
Won't even comment about AV MAXs as they all blow...but the Comet is the worst, not like it matters.
Comet is actually my favorite of the Vanu MAXs, I think it's amazingly effective against infantry and enemy MAXs, and it tickles vehicles nicely.
AI MAXs are another story. IMO the Quasar is the best outdoors, while the Scatter is the winner indoors. Since most of the battles are indoors, Scatter is the better. Maybe it would be reversed were the specialties reversed, but shields of a huge advantage over the jets.
Quasar is great indoors and outdoors, main Scattermax advantage in my opinion is that it seems to go through enemy MAXs even faster than the Quasar in AP mode. I'm well happy with the AI MAXs though, it would be nicer if their survival rate went up a bit but other than that they're all pretty effective.
AA MAXs are all good for what they need to do, but only because the jets does the Starfire come out on top. The jets allow you to get in places other MAXs can't, while giving you a better view of the sky, does make you bait for a missile.
I agree, although the Starfire would come out on top even without the jets. It's just that fast at killing air. The jump jets are just an added bonus, it's nice to 'sucker' a pilot into coming after you and then jet above his spam while you're blowing him out of the air. I love the Starfire, I grab it whenever I feel like grabbing fast BEP with my VS character. For a long while I had as many Reaver kills as Agile kills, and I was using the Starfire ~10% of the time I played.
Overall > NC MAXs are the best.
VS MAXs are the best by far (only empire with the Uni-MAX being a worthwhile cert). I'll delay my decision on whether TR or NC is 2nd once I've had some time to play with the TR changes and once the Burster change comes down.
2004-02-20, 06:38 PM
With the scattercannon the enemy just kinda jumps around and its hard as hell to hit them.
:huh: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :huh: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :huh:
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-20, 07:03 PM
Personally I think all AV and AI MAXs are underpowered and underarmored. But then I want people to shit their pants when they turn a corner and see a MAX. I'm ov the opinion that MAXs should own indoor combat but as it is they don't come anywhere near that.
2004-02-20, 07:25 PM
While I don't believe that MAXes should utterly own indoor combat, I also don't believe that the average trooper should have an incredibly commonplace answer to them. Either the Deci must be nerfed slightly, or the MAX's weapons and armor should be buffed.
2004-02-20, 07:33 PM
I say that NC are waaaaaay tooo underpowered except for our AA max. the NC scattercannon sucks bad and all the empires luagh at it. The scattercannon lacks range,rate of fire, and damage per shot. With the scattercannon the enemy just kinda jumps around and its hard as hell to hit them.
Try no to flame just put your opinion no outbursts plz.
I think you underestimate the ScatterCannon. The secondary and tertiary modes tighten the CoF, allowing for longer range (at the cost of a lower RoF). Damage isn't affected, but since it is a shotgun-type projectile, you're more likely to miss some of the pellets, meaning lower damage.
But still, you can use this Max at range.
2004-02-20, 09:04 PM
A scattercannon set on its tightest spread can 1-hit a cloaker on the edge of DL. Or the guy I did that to the other day was already hurt.
2004-02-20, 11:44 PM
A Starfire camping in a tree can get you many, many experience very quickly.
Anyone who's played VS will admit they have the best AA MAX.
If they don't, check their medical records for cranial injury as infants.
2004-02-21, 05:04 AM
The TR AA max is NO WHERE NEAR what the other two AA maxs are. Look at the damn burster, it cant engage at max alt. It cant fire at a target moving in any direction other than away or towards it. If you lead the target the only rounds that will detonate are direct hits (you need to have your reticule on the target for the rounds to blow up when they are close).
Thats a false statement, you do NOT need to have the reticule over the aircraft for the shells to detonate. They do that 100% automaticly when a aircraft gets inrange.
The Burster just needs some help whit the longer range engangements, 50% faster speed on the shells or something like that.
The rest of the TR MAX suits are just plane gimped. A waste of cert points. You have to lose all your mobility just to gain the same firepower as the other MAX suits, broken and gimped. Not even worth the polygons on the screen heh.
2004-02-21, 10:59 AM
There are rumors that the Devs are looking at possibly tweaking the TR MAXes further after the results of these changes can been seen. The main reason being that the other two empires do not sacrifice offensive capabilites when using their special ability. Before any NC geniuses leap on the "can't fire when sheild is up", what that means is that if you want to use your special ability, you're not at all limited in what you can do in a base assault. The TR, on the other hand, cannot use their assault suits in an assault, which is kind of silly.
In my opinion, the changes to bring the TR MAXes more in line:
- Raise all suits RoF when unanchored. A burster should be able to take out an aircraft when unanchored about 33-40% of the time...not 0%.
- No CoF for DC when anchored. Yes, that will make it a nasty weapon at range, almost a MAX sniper, but then the special ability is not so much of a liability as you can get a bit of range between you and the decimator (which would give us the TR at long range, the VS at medium and the NC at close range...on the AI MAXes).
- Convert Pounder to more Rocklet style munitions (fast, decent range), but remove the splash damage so it's not an AI machine as well.
- Give the Burster some means of hitting Libs at max alt. Different fire mode, increased range...SOMETHING. As it stands, TR infantry get to point at the lib and go "boy, that sucks"
- Some sort of defensive bonus when anchored. Make them able to survive 3 deci shots like a shielded NC. That as well is still fair as the NC MAX is still mobile when shielded, so it may take four or five Decimator shots to get it if it can evade (which the TR MAX has exactly 0% chance of when anchored) and the VS can jump jet out of the way. Overall though in PS, flexibility generally means a decrease in durability...look at the Agile vs. the VS get no pity on the 2 decimator issue.
My $.02
2004-02-21, 04:02 PM
There are rumors that the Devs are looking at possibly tweaking the TR MAXes further after the results of these changes can been seen. The main reason being that the other two empires do not sacrifice offensive capabilites when using their special ability. Before any NC geniuses leap on the "can't fire when sheild is up", what that means is that if you want to use your special ability, you're not at all limited in what you can do in a base assault. The TR, on the other hand, cannot use their assault suits in an assault, which is kind of silly.
In my opinion, the changes to bring the TR MAXes more in line:
- Raise all suits RoF when unanchored. A burster should be able to take out an aircraft when unanchored about 33-40% of the time...not 0%.
- No CoF for DC when anchored. Yes, that will make it a nasty weapon at range, almost a MAX sniper, but then the special ability is not so much of a liability as you can get a bit of range between you and the decimator (which would give us the TR at long range, the VS at medium and the NC at close range...on the AI MAXes).
- Convert Pounder to more Rocklet style munitions (fast, decent range), but remove the splash damage so it's not an AI machine as well.
- Give the Burster some means of hitting Libs at max alt. Different fire mode, increased range...SOMETHING. As it stands, TR infantry get to point at the lib and go "boy, that sucks"
- Some sort of defensive bonus when anchored. Make them able to survive 3 deci shots like a shielded NC. That as well is still fair as the NC MAX is still mobile when shielded, so it may take four or five Decimator shots to get it if it can evade (which the TR MAX has exactly 0% chance of when anchored) and the VS can jump jet out of the way. Overall though in PS, flexibility generally means a decrease in durability...look at the Agile vs. the VS get no pity on the 2 decimator issue.
My $.02
/agree with most changes ther but you cant make them all or we will be overpowered.
def no on the DC max with no COF maybe a small one or one like the guass where the first 10 shots hit did on or 30 whatever the number is.
2004-02-22, 10:17 AM
When they say max you think they're so very powerful and when you actually meat when you shoot 2 or 3 deci shots at them and there dead as fast as I snap my fingers(snap)So I think all maxes should be the rulers of the field. So when someone sees a max they'll say "fuck" instead of "Ill kill him easily with my deci".
2004-02-23, 03:13 AM
I think you underestimate the ScatterCannon. The secondary and tertiary modes tighten the CoF, allowing for longer range (at the cost of a lower RoF). Damage isn't affected, but since it is a shotgun-type projectile, you're more likely to miss some of the pellets, meaning lower damage.
But still, you can use this Max at range.
ya, umm wy did they take the zoom out? whats up with that .the zoom is needed for medium range.
2004-02-23, 03:16 AM
When they say max you think they're so very powerful and when you actually meat when you shoot 2 or 3 deci shots at them and there dead as fast as I snap my fingers(snap)So I think all maxes should be the rulers of the field. So when someone sees a max they'll say "fuck" instead of "Ill kill him easily with my deci".
I think i have sumtin here. The reason why the Max is soo freaken weak is becuase so many people use it, if it were as strong as hell then u wouldnt want a shit load of people usin it soo the solution is buff the max and make it more certs so its alot harder to get and they are not so damn common. Another thing is they are too damn slow and its hard to dodge fire and not get run over.
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