2004-02-20, 03:42 PM
Just thought I'd drop by to post not a "goodbye", but an "until we meet again." My subscription to PS ran out today, and unfortunately my account has been cut off and I won't be renewing for a while. I was actually kind of hoping the account wouldn't have been closed so fast, as two of my friends who used to play had their accounts left open for months, although they were so not into the game that they never bothered to make use of it. It seems kind of ironic to me, since I have put more money into SOE's pockets than both of them combined had!
Well it's been nice fighting and flaming with and against you all both here on PSU and of course on our beautiful Auraxis. I'm sure there will be a some of you clicking your heels with joy to see an old troll like me depart, but don't worry there are still plenty of pricks around to let you know that you're an idiot. :p I know I'll still lurk around here now and then and watch for a good time to get back into the game. I am trying to picture what would bring me back, and I know it would have to be after some kind of optimization pass that fixes the awful performance problems the dev's have been uncapable of resolving over the past several months. Anyways, I don't want this to turn into a whine post, so I'll just leave it at that.
Good hunting,
Well it's been nice fighting and flaming with and against you all both here on PSU and of course on our beautiful Auraxis. I'm sure there will be a some of you clicking your heels with joy to see an old troll like me depart, but don't worry there are still plenty of pricks around to let you know that you're an idiot. :p I know I'll still lurk around here now and then and watch for a good time to get back into the game. I am trying to picture what would bring me back, and I know it would have to be after some kind of optimization pass that fixes the awful performance problems the dev's have been uncapable of resolving over the past several months. Anyways, I don't want this to turn into a whine post, so I'll just leave it at that.
Good hunting,