View Full Version : Bandwidth

2004-02-22, 05:28 AM
This is kinda inbetween Tech and Gameplay, but i didnt know wht to put it in. I was thinking that maybe the devs could make a lower bandwidth setting than low, for dial up people. maybe take some things that are bandwidth demanding away that arent nessicery, and stuff like that. I was just wondering if you all think its a good idea. And like i said i didnt know wether it should go under gameplay or tech, so sry if its wrong.

2004-02-22, 05:44 AM
I think you can play the game on Dialup. You just cant DL the patches fast enough.

I think its more game discussion, but some of the more rash mods would stick it in here if they saw the first sentence or the title.

2004-02-22, 11:20 AM
I used to have dialup, and played this game for a while with it, the thing is there's not much they can get rid of, the only things i can think of are the voice messages and /emot things.

Dialup users are basicaly screwed with this game and most every other game

2004-02-22, 01:53 PM
couldnt they remove the kil screen? do you think that would help bandwidth?

2004-02-22, 02:28 PM
What do you mean the kill screen? The only thing they could take out is what rbstr said and some other things that other people do. The problem is what you have to download to view the game. You have to download everyones actions, thats why dialup is bad for this game. It can only take in so much at a time.