View Full Version : Lasher shifting Populations?
2004-02-24, 03:21 AM
With the lasher owning all people are starting to go VS or play it more often(shit i admit that i play VS alot more often just cuzz the lasher is too powerful). Lasher really needs a nerf mainly on damage or Rate of fire. I was in VR and i just spammed evry guy i could find and got tons of VR kills and in real combet i find myself killing tons of really good players that would own me if i had any others weapon. I am tellin you it needs a nerf its way too powerful and now its shifting the populations. For the 1st time ever the VS are outnumbering NC and TR on almost every server. Something must be done! :mad: :mad:
2004-02-24, 04:54 AM
With the lasher owning all people are starting to go VS or play it more often(shit i admit that i play VS alot more often just cuzz the lasher is too powerful). Lasher really needs a nerf mainly on damage or Rate of fire. I was in VR and i just spammed evry guy i could find and got tons of VR kills and in real combet i find myself killing tons of really good players that would own me if i had any others weapon. I am tellin you it needs a nerf its way too powerful and now its shifting the populations. For the 1st time ever the VS are outnumbering NC and TR on almost every server. Something must be done! :mad: :mad:
Know what kills a Lasher? A Jackhammer. If you don't like HA use the Gauss and if you get close and can aim your TTK is faster than the Lasher. Don't like MA? Use SA then as the Thumper and Rocket Rifle both work wonders against Lasher users.
Today I watched a good Gauss user in Rexo kill 3 Agile Lashers in a hallway... and I saw a Jackhammer in a Rexo pounce on 4 Lasher users and kill them all... one had a backpack so these were not noob Lasher users.
Part of the problem with the Lasher is it might be bugged to do a minor amount of extra damage... The main problem is that with the larger clip size, lashing within 5m, and slightly faster reload time many more people are trying it out... and the NC are just not used to opponents that can fight back so well. The lasher has always been an excellent weapon... but is no real match for the Jack... However, in numbers like what you have now...
With the increase of purple zergs comes the increase of purple steamroller wins... kind of like what the NC have been doing for the last few months... so forgive my apathy towards your new found "pain"... My TR character bids you welcome to the world of pain... Time to tuff it up and actually learn to fight...
2004-02-24, 05:02 AM
Everything the lasher needs is a bug fix.
2004-02-24, 05:07 AM
You have the following "*best of" weapons:
The Best Pistol
No. AMP has the fastest TTK. Repeater for staying out of DL range.
The Best MA
Yes. Gauss owns.
The Best AV
Yes. Phoenix owns too. Unless you're aircraft, then striker owns you, even if half the users can't get it to lock onto you. If it doesn't own you, its because you're a half decent pilot who flies away, which means it disrupts you and vicariously does a decent job.
The Best Tank
No. Magrider is just as good. It gives up more armor for increased range and a substantially greater effectiveness against aircraft.
The Best HA
Erm...ahh...its good, but too specialized. Outside you at least have a *chance* with other HA weapons. And the JH kills new rexo in 4-5 hits, and the lasher kills in 5-7 hits, which is almost exactly the same ttk since the lasher fires 4 rounds/sec. as opposed to the JH's 3 rounds/sec. Indoors there isn't much room to dodge, so if you're a JH user trying to get close to do damage, you're already half dead, and at point blank the Lasher does almost as much damage as the JH does.
It doesn't matter. They aren't gonna throw out HA, so Lasher is gonna get a nerf, then another nerf and then a "bug fix" after 2 more months of constant OF bitching.
2004-02-24, 09:04 AM
i have a solution that will end all problems ..................get rid of HA :groovy:
2004-02-24, 09:10 AM
Four credits for a bigger gun and a boatload of troubles. Not a deal for a game that ultimately forces close-quarters combat for any real conquest.
Surge needs to be balanced, then HA won't be as bad.
2004-02-24, 09:15 AM
The NC had their moment in the sun, now it's the VS.
The Lasher is not this insanely powerful ueber killing machine...just like the JH is not this insanely powerful ueber killing machine.
If there are bugs associated with it (lashing through walls, lashing behind the gun, etc.) then yes...fix them.
As it stands, the reason the Lasher is so prevelant is not so much because it is insanely's the sorry state of the Pulsar and Beamer. The bandwagoners that went over are idiots anyway, looking for a perceived advantage. The veteran VS who are using the Lasher are doing so because the Pulsar is useless at long range, and the Beamer is just flat out useless unless you have some paper you don't want blown off your desk.
All the common pool AI weapons are kind of iffy, so that leaves us with the Sweeper and the Lasher as viable weapons. Hmmmm....I wonder what 99% of people would pick. Buff the Pulsar a bit (at least at long range) and give the VS soldiers a viable alternative.
Not every NC is a Jackwhore, why? Because the Gauss is a great weapon. Not every TR totes around a MCG, why? Because the Cycler is a great weapon.
Pulsar is only good at medium to short range...where the Lasher is better. See the problem here?
And be happy when you see a Lasher user. From the VS battles I've been involved with, their MAXes are still more deadly. The Quasar in particular beats the Lasher in every single category except area of effect. Higher RoF, higher clip, higher ammo capacity, faster TTK, better range. In the time it took for the guy on the range with a lasher to take out four people, the Quasar had taken out nine. Be glad the VS have moved away from being the MAX empire to this assumed advantage. Uni-MAX is cheaper then HA, don't forget.
2004-02-24, 09:17 AM
Pulsar has a 40 shot clip and an AP firing mode. I just don't get what sucks about it.
2004-02-24, 09:23 AM
The damage degradation at long range.
Sorry to yoink this Grey, but it illustrates the point nicely:
At long range, it does less damage per hit than the Cycler, which already does a slight amount at long range. Right about the time you start to see it get back up into the middle is where the Lasher's range begins. That's why it sucks, about the time it becomes an advantage over other empire's weapons, one of it's counterparts becomes more useful than it. Make it roughly equal at long range to the Cycler (Cycler still has higher RoF) and you'd probably see more use out of it. As it stands, why go for a marginal advantage with the Pulsar when you can get a big advantage with the Lasher and just staying out of sight until you're in range?
2004-02-24, 09:25 AM
and the Beamer is just flat out useless unless you have some paper you don't want blown off your desk.
Not to sidetrack this too much, but I've personally changed my opinion on this. Using a looted Beamer as an infil against the VS is extremely gratifying, and it's a far better weapon than I had given it credit for. I wouldn't want to use it as a VS, or against the TR who would quickly track the sound down, but using it against the VS is as easy as it gets. Grab Enhanced Targetting, stay a bit away from a person/group, wait for them to get below half health and lay into them from well beyond DL range. It's absurd how accurate that thing is from long distances. The damage blows and it's slow firing, so you have to prey on the wounded but you get the added bonus of their humiliation from dying at the hands of that pistol.
2004-02-24, 09:28 AM
Only works against the VS b/c it's a VS weapon. ;) I cleared off a tower top of about 8 or 9 NC once because I had the prescence of mind to grab a Gauss before heading up...funny how people don't figure it out and pay attention to that kill box and go "hey...there's a red gauss...."
Against anyone else, that weapon is a deathtrap. AMP beats it hands down. It *IS* useful for clearing mines though...but so are jammer grenades and those take up much less space. ;)
2004-02-24, 09:32 AM
Everyone says the lasher is to overpowered but its not its balanced. And it only got 5 extra shots per clip. And lashes a bit fast. WOW that makes it alot more powerful dosent it.
2004-02-24, 09:36 AM
The biggest thing that changed after the patch is that the lasher does more damage in that 5m range, and it has been proving.
Before the path you would take around 20-22 health dmg and 6 armor dmg from a DIRECT HIT from the lasher orb. That would take 5 hits to kill me if I had 100 health.
AFTER the patch, a direct hit from the lasher does 30-33 health dmg and 12 armor damage. That would take 4 hits to kill me if I had 100 health.
That extra shot is a huge difference and changes the dynamics that PLanetside sits on. It swings the Lasher in a huge benefit to those who use it. It's TTK has been reduced because of it.
Now if the programmers ALWAYS intended it to LASH and DIRECTLY damage it's target, then this is fine, and it will sit and be very powerful and be very useful for the VS. HOWEVER if the intent is that the lasher does EITHER lash damage OR direct orb damage, than this is a bug and needs to be fixed because it is changing a major component in the game.
Go and try out the Lasher with a friend sometime, I did just to make sure I got the facts straight.
2004-02-24, 09:36 AM
Only works against the VS b/c it's a VS weapon. ;) I cleared off a tower top of about 8 or 9 NC once because I had the prescence of mind to grab a Gauss before heading up...funny how people don't figure it out and pay attention to that kill box and go "hey...there's a red gauss...."
Against anyone else, that weapon is a deathtrap. AMP beats it hands down. It *IS* useful for clearing mines though...but so are jammer grenades and those take up much less space. ;)
Oh, I agree. That distinct sound is suicide unless you're firing it against the VS. And like I said, you can really only take on the people who are limping along anyhow. That's completely forgotten when you experience the joy of killing multiple people with the flashlight, though. At this point if I'm fighting the VS I go out of my way to loot them to use against them.
2004-02-24, 09:37 AM
In all fairness, there's a handful of legitimate complaints amongst the whining. There is at least one bug associated with it (the fact that someone standing behind the Lasher still gets hit...which isn't fair or sensical as it means Lasher users have a 5m "can't touch me" zone which wasn't the designed purpose...much like the quad shot was not) and maybe more, but outside of bugs like that...the cries that the Lasher is ruining the game is a bit overboard, IMO.
2004-02-24, 09:38 AM
If you want to see what it used to do, Hit a friendly with a direct hit. Frienldy VS units are NOT lashed, therefore you can see the weapons core damage. Then hit a friend that is a TR or NC and see the escalated damage because of the Lash AND the direct damage.
Again, if this was intended, then everything in the entire world is a moot point!
Damn skipity.
2004-02-24, 09:56 AM
1V1 I can take a lasher user with a thumper and sometimes a gauss if I'm feeling agile that night. However, what I have run into this week is multiple users. Just like every NC picked up the Phoenix this week I think every VS picked up the Lasher. I cannot take more than 2 Lashers on at a time even with a thumper and them in tight formation.
The VS were sieging our back door last night. I opened the door to go lay some CE. There were 2 -4 VS with lashers waiting to spam the hallway. I was dead before the door opened all the way. Pretty sad... I'm sure everyone behind me wasn't alive long either.
So conclusion = I don't know if the lasher is stronger or everyone and their mother has one.
2004-02-24, 10:02 AM
Im a guy who likes to use the thumper with a rexo suit. and every time i got up against a vs with a lasher i always die even when i get a jump on them.
p.s. this is my first post ever
2004-02-24, 10:04 AM
And was up liquidtide. i belong to sons to hope to see you in game and sorry for not squading with you yesterday i had to logg. damn brother
2004-02-24, 10:07 AM
It's cool, nice to see some Sons representing.
2004-02-24, 10:22 AM
Just fix the bugs (lash behind the guy and someone metioned behind walls), i'm far too agile to ever be hit by an orb, usually :)
2004-02-24, 10:49 AM
I canceled my subscription a few months ago, couldn't afford it, but I remmember the last time the lasher was overpowered. in big battles all you saw was purple spam, comming from behind the maximum view distance killing you.
I think it would be cool if the devs just made the orbs explode after 30-40 meters at random. that way it won't be a long range high damage weapon.
2004-02-24, 10:52 AM
I canceled my subscription a few months ago, couldn't afford it, but I remmember the last time the lasher was overpowered. in big battles all you saw was purple spam, comming from behind the maximum view distance killing you.
I think it would be cool if the devs just made the orbs explode after 30-40 meters at random. that way it won't be a long range high damage weapon.
Err, the Lasher orbs die well before they reach the maximum draw distance. It's not all that difficult to stay outside of their range.
2004-02-24, 11:01 AM
I described what was back then. I just remmember blury images of lasher orbs flying at me like a purple cloud. I know it was cut down in a patch later.
2004-02-24, 11:07 AM
No, the orbs have always had a fairly short life. They certainly never travelled beyond the maximum draw distance.
2004-02-24, 11:09 AM
Don't they have Damage Degration aswell?
2004-02-24, 12:37 PM
Ok I have the solution to all the lasher/jackhammer and Surge problems. Just remove Heavy Assault from the game completely. No one will complain anymore about anyone elses HA being more powerfull then theirs. No on will complain about surgiles. AND everyone with HA gets to use the 4 cert points to spend on something more usefull to their empire on the whole then their own kill count.
2004-02-24, 12:41 PM
Ok I have the solution to all the lasher/jackhammer and Surge problems. Just remove Heavy Assault from the game completely. No one will complain anymore about anyone elses HA being more powerfull then theirs. No on will complain about surgiles. AND everyone with HA gets to use the 4 cert points to spend on something more usefull to their empire on the whole then their own kill count.
No... you know why, becuase then the people will complain about thumpers or emprie specific MA that's then owning. Where does it stop? It doesn't till we're all holding pocket knives.
2004-02-24, 01:13 PM
I noticed a slight pattern since the last patch; on Markov in the morning (PST) TR usually has the uperhand on population with NC having the least but during primetime VS are getting the advantage in population 7 out of 10 times and NC usually having the other times, then again late night VS usually dominates even before the patch. NC has been losing players and planetsidestat's daily winners chart shows the effect of it.
I haven't paid much attention to Emerald's population shift changes though I know Emerald's VS are extremely annoying to fight no matter what.
2004-02-24, 01:43 PM
I haven't paid much attention to Emerald's population shift changes though I know Emerald's VS are extremely annoying to fight no matter what.
Yep they are like a bunch of damn locusts. always coming in when we are about to finish kicking the NC off one of our home conts. And then after the VS are kicked out we tend to have to wait around for about 30minutes to an hour making sure they don't spring up out of no where.
2004-02-24, 02:10 PM
Yep they are like a bunch of damn locusts. always coming in when we are about to finish kicking the NC off one of our home conts. And then after the VS are kicked out we tend to have to wait around for about 30minutes to an hour making sure they don't spring up out of no where.
and when that doesn't work we annoy you until you just let us have the continent :p
2004-02-24, 02:17 PM
and when that doesn't work we annoy you until you just let us have the continent :p
Why do you think my outfit tends to leave anywhere from 10-20 people on defense at the first base your linked to for about an hour?
2004-02-24, 03:51 PM
A salute to the TR and their oppinions, I as being VS know that anyone who actually steals a pulsar and or beamer must be very skilled and only uses it to embaras enemy troops, I steal as many enemy weapons as I can, with my certs I can steal and Enemy weapon really beside SA (I have HA,MA,AV and rexo)
I get complaints from whinny NC bitches all the time because, "Thats not fair! you only killed me because of that damned buff!" Well, I'll tell you what, I killed just as many people before the buff! but now the NC have an actual reason to Bitch aboot it!
I salute the TR in their noble cause to sortthis all out and try to get our MA weapon a buff even if it does take away from the lasher, I dont really care I try not to use the lash damage, bacause there is a fine line between skills and buff.
You have to hit a person directly on to do that "32" damage or what ever, the lash damage soesnt do that much, but yet a /\/00b hammer can run up behind me when i'm fighting and still manage to kill me, If you ask me, The NC need t wake up and feel the Lasher burn, Cause now is our time, not your oppresionistic asshole terror! :)
Once again, A Salute to the TR and their "seeing" how things really are.
Trust us NC, You're power whores :)
A friendly message from A markov Dutchbasterd! Have a nice day, Fucktard!
2004-02-24, 04:51 PM
A salute to the TR and their oppinions, I as being VS know that anyone who actually steals a pulsar and or beamer must be very skilled and only uses it to embaras enemy troops, I steal as many enemy weapons as I can, with my certs I can steal and Enemy weapon really beside SA (I have HA,MA,AV and rexo)
I get complaints from whinny NC bitches all the time because, "Thats not fair! you only killed me because of that damned buff!" Well, I'll tell you what, I killed just as many people before the buff! but now the NC have an actual reason to Bitch aboot it!
I salute the TR in their noble cause to sortthis all out and try to get our MA weapon a buff even if it does take away from the lasher, I dont really care I try not to use the lash damage, bacause there is a fine line between skills and buff.
You have to hit a person directly on to do that "32" damage or what ever, the lash damage soesnt do that much, but yet a /\/00b hammer can run up behind me when i'm fighting and still manage to kill me, If you ask me, The NC need t wake up and feel the Lasher burn, Cause now is our time, not your oppresionistic asshole terror! :)
Once again, A Salute to the TR and their "seeing" how things really are.
Trust us NC, You're power whores :)
A friendly message from A markov Dutchbasterd! Have a nice day, Fucktard!:huh:
2004-02-24, 04:53 PM
Unless you have hard numbers and info such as those from thott bot, dont talk to me.
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