View Full Version : Your thoughts on ratings:

2004-02-24, 05:34 PM
At what point do you feel it is alright to play the following rated games:


I think T=10, M=16, younger if you're more mature, Ao=18

2004-02-24, 05:40 PM
Unless it's adult, I don't see a point to keeping kids from playing a game... played some bloody/messed up games as a kid and I turned out ok... :bang:

2004-02-24, 05:45 PM
I think it totally depends on the kid. A good parent can tell if his/her child is ready or not, by the way they react to movies and how they immitate people.

2004-02-24, 05:47 PM
its hard for me to relate to the ratings. Im not a parent and sure as 773H not a kid anymore, so I rarely give it much thought.

I do suppose they have their place, but for the most part, the games I've seen rated M, I dont think I'd have a problem with my child playing them. Ao...I've yet to see that rating on anything. Does anyone have an example of a game with that rating?

2004-02-24, 05:50 PM
T shouldn't be a limit, M i think it matters how mature you are but a good baseline would be 13. I know a kid younger than 13 whos mature, and iknow plenty of freshmen (3/4 in my school) that are more immature than a 10 year old. It's all relative

Ao should still be 18 IMO.

2004-02-24, 06:04 PM
No game has ever recieved an AO rating

2004-02-24, 07:05 PM
I think it totally depends on the kid. A good parent can tell if his/her child is ready or not, by the way they react to movies and how they immitate people.

2004-02-24, 07:25 PM
The only restriction I'd give is restrict M to 11/12 and under. Kids don't care about blood, and regardless to what people say, it does not give people the urge to commit violence (unless it's like wrestling, but you can't really get hurt from that). I don't even look at the ratings, never have and never will.

younger if you're more mature
How do you plan to put that in to effect? Going to go door-to-door giving each kid a test to see if they're mature enough?

What is an Ao rating, BTW? Never even heard of it...

Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-24, 07:37 PM
ratings mean nothing to me, my parents dont care either

2004-02-24, 08:31 PM
Ratings no longer affect what I can buy so I don't really give a rat's behind

2004-02-24, 08:49 PM
anyone can play an M game as long as their not very impressionable.

2004-02-24, 08:51 PM
Game ratings arent enforced right now really, someday they will be because politicians are fucking uptight about that crap, and parents wll start sueing game companies (if they havent already)

2004-02-24, 08:53 PM
^they have. All these strict laws are in the works, but no one cares now anyway, I've bought quite a few Mature games at 16. look at weed, its illegal, but I could get a 1/4 ounce of it faster then ordering something online. the truth is about laws regulating stuff like drugs or video games, no one really gives a shit, and if they do, its so they dont get fired.

2004-02-24, 09:04 PM
What is an Ao rating, BTW? Never even heard of it...

AO = Adult only...Postal 2 should be rated that just for the hell of it (i play it religiously)

Happy lil Elf
2004-02-24, 10:33 PM
(unless it's like wrestling, but you can't really get hurt from that).

Ummm, yeah, you can. It's just that if you do, you deserve it. Course then there was that kid who killed a young girl by showing her wrestling moves too.

Meh in any case, it's up to the parents to judge their kids.

2004-02-24, 10:37 PM
Ummm, yeah, you can. It's just that if you do, you deserve it. Course then there was that kid who killed a young girl by showing her wrestling moves too.

Meh in any case, it's up to the parents to judge their kids.

Well I didn't mean it's impossible to get hurt from wrestling...look at Owen Hart. I just meant that it's rare you see a big injury from wrestling, or it turning someone into a homicidal maniac.

And it is up to the parents to judge the kids, but nobody knows kids' limits/tolerance more than kids themselves.

2004-02-24, 11:38 PM
AO = Adult only...Postal 2 should be rated that just for the hell of it (i play it religiously) That game is so bloody brutal hehe.

2004-02-24, 11:43 PM
No game has ever recieved an AO rating

2004-02-24, 11:46 PM
What I think:

Ao= wait there are no Ao games :lol:

2004-02-25, 12:27 AM
The government has actually made several attempts to regulate games, but they have failed repeatedly (I'll try to find some more information on the individual cases). So I guess video gamers won't have to worry about politicans breating down our necks for awhile.

Anyway, some M games are worse than others, so I suppose it matters on both the game and the person playing it.

I think the only software with Adults Only (Ao) ratings are those that are basically interactive sex guides for couples.

2004-02-25, 10:29 AM
Im 18 so i don't really care =P
But ratings aren't going to stop a determined enough kid from playing violent games

2004-02-25, 11:41 AM
The ratings shouldn't actually make it ILLEGAL for you to buy them, just like, so a parent can see "Hmmm... extreme gore, foul language, sexual themes, Billy, go find another game" not "You can't buy this cuz you're not 18!"

The parents who bitch about the games aren't very good parents, because THEY shouldn't allow their kid to play that if they don't want them to, simple as that.

If you don't want your kid playing violent games, don't let him. Don't sit on your fat ass watching Sex in the City and expect the governments/game companies to control him.

My $2.23

Happy lil Elf
2004-02-25, 02:36 PM
Well I didn't mean it's impossible to get hurt from wrestling...look at Owen Hart. I just meant that it's rare you see a big injury from wrestling, or it turning someone into a homicidal maniac.

For professional wrestlers, this is true. They also have the training and experience to keep themselves from getting seriously hurt. The morons who try to pull off the same stuff at home though, not so much. Again though, if you jump off your roof onto a friend and you both get broken bones the only tragedy is that those broken bones didn't sever any major arteries.

2004-02-25, 07:10 PM
Parents control it. If your 10-year-old can handle AO in your opinion (a rare case) then let him have it. If your 16-year-old can't handle M, don't let him have it.

2004-02-25, 07:15 PM
As long as i can play them, ratings are bullshit.

Hell i watched Saving Private Ryan when i was like 9 or whenever it came out, i think my parents can handle me playing a gory game.