View Full Version : Personal waypoints
2004-02-24, 08:13 PM
I�d like to see the ability to lay more than one personal waypoint added to the game. When piloting I�d find it convenient to lay a few waypoints at enemy targets and a few to friendly bases and air towers that I can head to for repairs when needed. Currently I just kind of fumble around moving my single personal waypoint all over as needed.
Also, while on the way point topic� um, I really wish I could remove the lame �giant bouncing arrow pointer of doom� at the base of every waypoint. It�s ugly, annoying, and serves no purpose� like the giant column of colored light stretching well into the clouds was not indication enough of where the SL wants me� LOL.
Perhaps a toggle to select from BIG AND OBVIOUS waypoints (like the default now) to a thinner colored line only version that won�t obstruct the target area�
2004-02-24, 08:32 PM
We also need a way to turn of squad wps completly. As a former sniper, I know there is nothing worse then then trying to snipe a tower with a big arrow bouncing around in my crosshairs while a well placed enemy sniper is hiding somehwere in it.
2004-02-24, 08:33 PM
Or maybe even the ability to toggle the waypoints off in the game view - ie, only see them on radar and on the map.
2004-02-24, 08:34 PM
Lol, thats kinda what I said.
2004-02-24, 08:42 PM
lol :groovy:
2004-02-24, 08:47 PM
They already said there were going to be options to tweak your WP settings, but i agree you should be able to have more than one personal WP.
As for disabling completly, I dont think that should be possible. What is the point of CMD waypoints if yoyur squad members can turn them off?
2004-02-24, 08:49 PM
Well you can still see them on the map, Hamma. The wps only get in the way once you get to the location.
2004-02-24, 08:50 PM
Hamma (can I call you Ham? :D ), squad WPs can be incredibly frustrating sometimes, especially if you have to fight directly in them. If you have to worry about squaddies turning off all their WPs and just fighting randomly, then why are they in your squad in the first place?
2004-02-24, 08:59 PM
As for disabling completly, I dont think that should be possible. What is the point of CMD waypoints if yoyur squad members can turn them off?
I agree, so how about a compramise: perhaps SL's should have to / be able to allow their squad to be able to toggle them on or off? Or if we really want to get complicated, how about allowing squad members to ghost only certain waypoints set by the SL (with the ability to hide all of them, if desired), so that they are out of the way for those who need them out if the way.
2004-02-24, 09:02 PM
Yea, having a big squad waypoint bouncing up and down over the top of enemies you are trying to shoot at is just plain annoying and distracting. Sometime it even obscures them from view. Would be nice to have some way to turn it off once you get there.
2004-02-24, 09:11 PM
If you dont like the WP's play solo. :p
2004-02-24, 09:28 PM
If you dont like the WP's play solo. :p
Though normally I like to disagre with the Hamma, cuz well, what's more entertaining than annoying the Admin? ;)
I do agree with his position on turning off SL way points. You should not be able to because that's the best tool he has to guide the team to exactly where he wants them.
I just hate when a WP happens to be set right on a doorway and I can't see the enemy that might be there or even tell if the door is open of closed. Man, just nerf that ugly thing! Don't these Devs know I don't have time for that kind of thing? I got stuff to shoot!! :)
2004-02-24, 09:35 PM
Yeah, multiple waypoints are definately needed. So is the turning off of waypoints, only on the actual screen though. Both the map and the radar should be mandatory.
Yeah I agree we should be able to make more than one personal wp.
2004-02-25, 12:34 AM
just get rid of the stupid bouncing arrow. make it just a line like it is in the air
2004-02-25, 05:34 AM
I realise most people here are high BR but I'd like to see more incentive\reward for gaining BR and also don't want just anyone being able to benefit from things that IMHO make the game 'easier' (in a sense).
So I'd really like to see multiple personal WPs, but would suggest you start with one and get an additional WP every 5th BR? So for me, currently at BR 14 I'd have 2WPs and at my next BR (man xp comes slowly on a 38k dial up) I'd be rewarded with the ability to place another.
Turning of the blummin' great big bouncing arrow would be good, even if you couldn't toggle squad WPs (personally I'm quite happy asking my SLs to turn them off if required and abusing them if they don't ;-)
2004-02-25, 07:59 AM
when im SL i just put wp near the back door of bases alittle away from it so it doesnt get in the way, and for towers just put it in the out skirt of the SOI.
and i like the idea of more personal wp the higher the BR..
2004-02-25, 08:03 PM
A toggle for waypoints isn't a bad idea. But, you can always just ask the SL to move them. When I waypoint a base, it is behind it (just in the soi) and on the opposite side of the attack. I use Waypoints for general guidance. More specific stuff I just draw on the Map!!!
2004-02-25, 08:32 PM
Yeah the bouncing arrow sucks and does not enhance the ability to see the beam from afar and only causes problems up close. One thing they should at least do is let CR1-5 set thier WPs whether they are in a squad or not. As far as everyone else? well that would be an incentive to get CR1
2004-02-25, 08:42 PM
Remove the bouncing arrow. It really is a pointless and distracting example of a graphics programmer with too much time on his hands. Also, make the waypoint taper in transparency down to invisibility about 20 meters above whatever base wall, tower or piece of ground it's sitting over. That should be a happy compromise for squad leaders and snipers.
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