View Full Version : Can the TR ever win?
2004-02-25, 05:35 PM
I personally see us never winning the entire planet ,or for that matter a battle, even if we had the BEST weps, armor, etc... We have ranks chocked full of noobs with there heads up there asses! Plz tell me of a way the TR can win a battle. (Having the people on the other side die of the plague doesn't count..) :rant:
2004-02-25, 05:38 PM
TR wins in many ways. The first and foremost is we get nookie with the NC and VS wives when their husbands are out pwning r bas3s!11
But seriously... TR are the 'tough guys' of this game. They do everything with added difficulty and never fall back on over-powered assets.
In the words of the great poet... "If you see black and red, you're already dead."
2004-02-25, 05:45 PM
All the NC and VS do is come to TR home continents and if the NC start a hack, here come on VS, and vise versa.
It's good commanding though, I just wish we went on the offensive more.
2004-02-25, 05:45 PM
As hard as I try I can't find any flaws with your post! :huh: you've gotta a point. Rbstr's mom (or wife I don't know what he's into...) was pretty good last night! Some of the TR do have the patience of a monk though so I guess we are the most committed. (We have to be!) :lol:
If I were TR, I would add a masturbatory quote to this giant circle-jerk of lameness.
2004-02-25, 05:56 PM
Something like... "Shine your helmets, TR... Thrust to victory!"
Or am I out of whack?
2004-02-25, 05:57 PM
LMAO Veteran :lol: :rofl: :lol: :rofl:
2004-02-25, 06:11 PM
Is anyone going to tell me a good way for the TR to win a battle!? :ugh: p.s. LMAOROFL!
2004-02-25, 06:14 PM
"Is anyone going to tell me a good way for the TR to win a battle!?"
Common pool and hacked enemy assets.
2004-02-25, 06:20 PM
/broadcast TR lend me your ears drop those HA certs and get adv. Hacking ASAP! /mumbles to myself- we might have a chance after all....
2004-02-26, 07:41 PM
umm yea i love my MCG. call me crazy but ever since i went TR i havent been able to use the JH. i tried going without it and man in my opinion MCG>Cycler. Lasher is a close second even b4 buff.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-26, 08:43 PM
Can the TR ever win?
Any other questions I can answer for you?
2004-02-26, 08:50 PM
We used to be the badass players of Planetside. Before the server merge the Konreid TR were doing quite nicely. We will have our day again. As far as I can tell Emerald TR have some of the Defense Response teams I've ever seen. And we have our good outfits. Sooner or later the TR will get some kind of "advantage" and the bandwagoners will come flying. (I really hate to say it but this really is a numbers game in the name of "winning")
2004-02-26, 09:18 PM
First, I don't agree with the premise, since I have seen many TR "wins" (I don't count late night ghost hacks. Also, the "population problem" argument has no merit anymore. I used to be an advocate of the "population" argument, but with the new continental lock rules, no one empire can ever truely dominate. Battles on a continent turn more on luck/tactical surprise/organization/tactics than on sheer numbers.
Where the "population" problem comes into play, is during a global offense. We have had serveral times where we pushed the battle, locking our home plus two more. But, during that time, there is always some folks who make it into the backfield and hack out a base. Without a large population, there just isn't anyone to defend these hacks.
Now, with the coming broadcast warpgates (and the dominion/pop lock rules) you should see a more defensible rear area, thus allowing a lower population empire to actually win. That is, if they reduce active warpgates down to two (instead of three).
Just thought I would put a serious reply into this thread.
2004-02-26, 10:29 PM
Go to a different server.
2004-02-27, 02:44 PM
THANK YOU KIASON!! That was the response (or something close to it..) I was waiting for! So just wait and be patient for our day? hmmm..... Ok. Back to getting owned! :)
2004-02-27, 03:10 PM
You just don't know how many NC fear the sight of a Prowler rolling up. Vanguards hate them, and justifiably so; Vanguards get to fire fewer shots than Prowlers. Add to that an independent machine gunner for the Prowler and better armor, you will find it's superior.
Since the nerf, MCG > JH. I despise you chaingun spammers.
2004-02-27, 04:12 PM
You just don't know how many NC fear the sight of a Prowler rolling up. Vanguards hate them, and justifiably so; Vanguards get to fire fewer shots than Prowlers. Add to that an independent machine gunner for the Prowler and better armor, you will find it's superior.
Since the nerf, MCG > JH. I despise you chaingun spammers.
Vanguard has more armor.
And poplation still matters, if anything they matter more. If you can poplock x conts and still have the manpower to poplock one more cont while the enemy is unable to field sufficient troops on that cont, well then you've just gotten yourself one free cont.
2004-02-27, 08:34 PM
Can the TR ever win?
Just for fun, had to link this poster ;)
Nothing is easy to the unwilling.
Nothing is too difficult if your used to it.
The difficult we do immediatly. The impossible takes a little longer.
2004-02-27, 09:41 PM
Im a die hard TR man, even though I have an NC alt, And I love being the underdogs, we always fight hard, like well, rabid dogs. I mean we do damn good for an empire who's pop is always well below the other two. Markov the other night was 40% VS 32% NC and 28% TR and we still were fighting off vs zergs and holding off nc backhacks. Since the patch the NC have become less of a threat, which unfortunatly means a lot of empire jumpers went for VS. Just once I want a time where empire jumpers go TR. However I have to say that I was fighting against the TR with my NC char and I really saw how freaking tough the TR can be even when faced with an NC zerg of major proportions.
2004-02-28, 02:23 AM
out of all my kills, i have TR as my most killed
2004-02-28, 10:55 AM
out of all my kills, i have TR as my most killed
Thats good for you..........................shut up :stoppost:
2004-02-29, 05:35 PM
OMG That poster KICKS ASS! I love it! Now if I can just get someone to do a "Thirdcousin Richard" poster. (Think Uncle Sam ripoff.)
2004-03-01, 02:26 AM
NC own this game. I love the helplessness of enemy snipers as my Phoenix tears them a new pie-hole. So what if it takes more shots. I can sense their blood-pressure rising as my AV weapon forces them to withdraw from sniping without any chance of retaliation.
2004-03-01, 02:49 AM
technology <= might
2004-03-01, 09:22 AM
I got a potiential idea on how TR can win....we must exclusively use our enemies weapons against them, yeah I know it sounds absurd but listen. Imagine how utterly ticked off the VS will be when they get lasher spammed to death trying a back door hack! Imagine the fear the NC will have of us and our mighty Vanguard squads! If we keep giving them the utter misery that that their weapons have put on us for all this time, soon enough they will ask to have their own weapons nerfed. And eventually their weapons will be so nerfed that if one day we happen to switch back to our own weapons they will utterly conquer them! Then all the fair weather people will switch to the TR and we'll be back on top of the food chain where we rightfully belong!
....Sounds ridiculious huh? Thought so, well back to the drawing board....
2004-03-01, 09:36 AM
How'd we get all the enemy weapons and vehicles?
2004-03-01, 10:14 AM
Steal them.
2004-03-01, 10:17 AM
Simple, we convince all those guys who like to change teams to whichever one who has the best weapons that they will gain far more fame and noriety if they steal tons and tons of their equipment for us, than just being a no name traitor in the zerg. Example, get a squad of 10 of these guys and have 9 of them cert in Armored Assault, 1 in air support then have them get on a deserted cont that they've already captured. then have them start pumping out tanks, then once all 9 reach a certain meeting place they'll get off their tanks, hop on a gal and go back to pick up more tanks, meanwhile we have a squad of advance hackers jack the tanks, have another squad load them onto lodestars, then fly them back to Sanc. Sure its an awful lot to do but if we do a huge raid at that time with the enemy equipment, people might consider it worth it. For small arms, they'll just run a emporiums laying out dozens of enemy HAs with advanced hackers hacking the lockers so that the TR can load their lockers up with such valuable equipment and ammo
The team changers get the fame of being announced on a global thanking them for all the phat lewt they garnered. The enemy will be shocked and awed by a massive strike by TR using their own weapons, they'll see how ridiculiously overpowered they truely are in the hands of the enemy. And after several successful raids using the tactic, they'll be screaming at the devs to nerf their weapons.
Of course I was kinda kidding with the idea at first....
2004-03-01, 07:41 PM
^^^^^^ I like this idea.
2004-03-02, 04:38 AM
NC own this game. I love the helplessness of enemy snipers as my Phoenix tears them a new pie-hole. So what if it takes more shots. I can sense their blood-pressure rising as my AV weapon forces them to withdraw from sniping without any chance of retaliation.
And you're the reason why the phoenix is and always will be a really screwed up weapon that's almost never used for it's intended purpose and will probably get nerfed in that respect in time.
2004-03-02, 09:14 AM
No offense, but the Markov TR, as stated elsewhere, are in desperate need of guidance. I don't know where the bad eggs came in during the server merge, but they're the most back assward group I've seen. I used to think that the VS on Markov were bad (as evidenced by the fact that at one hack there were 25 people in the spawn room and nobody had advanced hacking....) but they picked up about the time of the recert.
The TR on Markov...bleh, I feel sorry for you. The TR on Emerald are much better, if that's any consolation. :) Konreid had some nasty TR assault elements (was NC there, so I knew first hand) and the Emerald crew excelled at breaking up assaults and raids and sending them home crying to their mothers....or spawn tubes....whatever. Combine those two and you have a fairly dynamic fighting force, and while they don't win ALL the time, we tend to not get the crap knocked out of us either.
I think the problem with Markov is seriously the response time of the CR5s. It's like nobody is paying attention to anything. The NC on Markov are no better. My VS character was trudging around Hossin and arrived when the VS had Ghannon and the rest of the cont was NC. We took everything except Mulac before the NC response grew above 8 people. Of course by this point, the VS have every facility link benefit and tons of people, so the response force gets smashed at the WG. I'm sure many of those players left and then complained about how overpowered the Lasher is.
On Emerald, especially as TR, we can't those guys to SHUT UP about continents that are under attack, especially Ishundar....jeez those guys do NOT stop asking for troops on Ishundar. Under my Emerald NC characters, I also see defined commands coming down from the CR5s...the moment an incursion begins, they get a force rolling to counter it. I don't play VS on Emerald, so I don't know what their tactics are, but I'd be willing to bet something along the same lines as piecemeal invasions are whacked upon arrival.
On Markov, it appears the concept of a defense force is somewhat foreign. We'll let them march across the whole continent and THEN mount a resistance! Yes! Why bother to stop them when all they have is a tower and can't get advanced vehicles unless they bring them in from off continent? That makes....sense! DOWN WITH THAT IDEA! We will let them fortify and dig in, and then charge into the teeth of weapons designed to be used from dug in positions! Then we will complain about how overpowered these defense weapons are as we charge blindly into them!
I remember being on Searhus as VS when it was locked by us a while back and noticed a hot spot at the Forseral tower. So I charge on over and get there to find a harasser and a couple guys. I smash them both and then blow up their harasser and the guy actually sends me a tell asking what I was doing just wandering around on a locked continent. Didn't have the heart to tell him that the VS had over 20 troops on the continent to keep little pests like them out.
The fact that the idea was unknown to these guys kind of illustrates the lack of coordination amongst the Markov TR. Improve that and maybe you won't get smacked around as much. You won't always win, but God...can you guys do something more entertaining than die in front of my guns?
Every time I fight the TR on Markov, I'm tempted to start up a character and try and raise an outfit to fight PS the way it needs to be fought, at a global level...not a zerg level.
Sorry for such a long post, but I agree with the original poster...and the idiots in the TR on Markov (which is not *all* TR on Markov, but a large portion of the visible ones) are a real sore point with me.
2004-03-02, 09:19 AM
"And you're the reason why the phoenix is and always will be a really screwed up weapon that's almost never used for it's intended purpose and will probably get nerfed in that respect in time."
NC get nerfed? Triumph the Insult Dog has nothing on your comedic talents. NC owns PlanetSide. The devs wouldn't dare touch them. Ever. Nope.
Heh. You're right, of course. An AV weapon shouldn't be used as an AI or AE platform, but I didn't balance this game, and if I don't use every weapon to its maximum potential, the TR will eventually manage to peck us to death with their little popguns.
2004-03-02, 11:10 AM
Watch Biohazzards video, you will see just how many NC use the stupid ass Phoenix.
2004-03-02, 11:39 PM
NC get nerfed? Triumph the Insult Dog has nothing on your comedic talents. NC owns PlanetSide. The devs wouldn't dare touch them. Ever. Nope.
Heh. You're right, of course. An AV weapon shouldn't be used as an AI or AE platform, but I didn't balance this game, and if I don't use every weapon to its maximum potential, the TR will eventually manage to peck us to death with their little popguns.
Hmm, you know there's just a lot of things that you make so easy to say about your post. Such as your tone making you sound arrogant, conceited, and out of touch with reality. However in the interest of trying to keep this thread on topic, I will forego the easily created response which you so easily invite upon yourself and say that yes, the phoenix has no business being used for AI.
However, once they fix the mouse turning radius exploit for it I suspect it'll be much less useful against infantry.
2004-03-03, 12:09 AM
Such as your tone making you sound arrogant, conceited, and out of touch with reality.
/me whispers i think thats the point
2004-03-03, 10:56 AM
However, once they fix the mouse turning radius exploit for it I suspect it'll be much less useful against infantry.
Mouse turning radius exploit? Mouse sensitivity is an in-game preference option. It's not an exploit. Sorry, but my peeve is gonna have to be this whine.
The Phoenix is fine as it is. The only thing they need to "fix" is the bases with exposed vehicle terminals. Either make them hardened terminals that can't be destroyed or create a covering/shelter so the terminals are not liberator/flail/phoenix bait.
And to the TR problem... on Markov the TR are a cluster with no leadership past continent X is the target. Then about half way through that conflict you hear something like "continent Y is being back hacked, everyone go there". Why win or stalemate on one front when you can lose on two?
Our motto is:
"We snatch defeat right from the jaws of victory"
2004-03-03, 11:15 AM
TR Emerald is just like that too BadAsh.
No leadership what so ever.
2004-03-03, 01:22 PM
However, once they fix the mouse turning radius exploit for it I suspect it'll be much less useful against infantry.
uhhhh... how is it an exploit? It's an ingame option , that you ALSO can do. :/
2004-03-03, 01:42 PM
Allow me to elaborate a bit better here. As we all know certain items in the game are by design created to turn slower than others. However in the current setup it's very easy to bypass the restriction by cranking up your mouse sensitivity.
For example lets say bob keeps his sensitivity on 50% and then gets into a MAX. Suddenly he realizes he's turning slower so he cranks it up to 100% and suddenly he no longer turns slower anymore.
Get the idea now? It's using the option to bypass a designed flaw in something. You can read all about it here.
I guess the proper term is "abuse" and not actually exploit, but you get the idea.
The same sort of thing happens with the phoenix so it can be more manuverable than it's meant to be. It will be intresting to see how the fix they say they'll do at the end of the post will affect the phoenix.
2004-03-03, 01:48 PM
Right now the TR on Werner are having a MASSIVE drive!
Basically, we all know that a well communicated squad can help turn the tide of battle, no? (IE, put a squad of text typers up against a teamspeak/ventrillo squad and see who wins, it's always the teamspeak/ventrillo squad, no matter what skill).
So... we do the following -
Get a BIG TeamSpeak server, have 11 Platoons, with all 33 squad leaders communicating with channel commander as well, and organise a massive assault.
2004-03-03, 02:50 PM
Allow me to elaborate a bit better here. As we all know certain items in the game are by design created to turn slower than others. However in the current setup it's very easy to bypass the restriction by cranking up your mouse sensitivity.
For example lets say bob keeps his sensitivity on 50% and then gets into a MAX. Suddenly he realizes he's turning slower so he cranks it up to 100% and suddenly he no longer turns slower anymore.
Get the idea now? It's using the option to bypass a designed flaw in something. You can read all about it here.
I guess the proper term is "abuse" and not actually exploit, but you get the idea.
The same sort of thing happens with the phoenix so it can be more manuverable than it's meant to be. It will be intresting to see how the fix they say they'll do at the end of the post will affect the phoenix.
Then in that case I�m an abuser, hacker, and exploiter. I use my superior knowledge of computer programming to tap into the menu options and slide my mouse sensitivity indicator bar from left to right. Fear my elite hacking skills!
The mouse sensitivity is an option that anyone can use straight through the user interface. Blasting someone for preferring a higher setting is as moronic as accusing someone of �exploiting� or �abusing� a vehicle�s top speed. �Well, we intended you to cruise at medium speed but those pesky full throttle abusers are moving at speeds not intended�.
That�s just fucking stupid.
2004-03-03, 03:51 PM
Blasting someone for preferring a higher setting is as moronic as accusing someone of �exploiting� or �abusing� a vehicle�s top speed. �Well, we intended you to cruise at medium speed but those pesky full throttle abusers are moving at speeds not intended�.
That�s just fucking stupid.
2004-03-03, 06:55 PM
ROFL Ash :rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
2004-03-03, 08:48 PM
Reguarding TR Markov,
I'm not sure what to say really.
I know that my outfit and everyone in it are old hands in the TR. Most of us have been here since PS went live; we've always been about tactics instead of the zerg - and let me tell you, we're all very much frustrated. Been so for quite some time.
The zerg for the most part is comprised of D2A. They recruit any body they can. They're no 666th. They have a nasty habit of being fixated on a singular object. If they set out to capture a base they tend to ignore EVERYTHING else. Down gens, back hacks, NC or VS owning every tower on the cont other than the one their at..etc etc.
The rest of the empire is generally in an alliance. I'm not sure what the story with D2A is, they're either part of the alliance, or their making their own, i dont know anymore. The TR is more or less divided into 2 "poltical" camps, D2A (and 1 associate outfit ive heard of), and the rest of the TR.
Most of the other outfits will go work on another cont, and avoide the zerg, or try and pick up all the shit D2A and the zerg chooses to ignore. Other times we're inadvertnatly paving the way for the zerg with our own operations. Alot of times (ok most of the time) the whole TR on a cont gets corraled into a base, and the night ends with the typical "Alamo".
As to the CR5's, they're like any other group of people. A few winners, a whole lot of losers. Considering how few victories we have, i'm amazed we have so many of them; often contradicting each other, or acting like jackass'es on global chat. Hardly anyone pays most CR5's much mind anymore. Too much Bullshit.
2004-03-03, 08:56 PM
Allow me to elaborate a bit better here. As we all know certain items in the game are by design created to turn slower than others. However in the current setup it's very easy to bypass the restriction by cranking up your mouse sensitivity.
For example lets say bob keeps his sensitivity on 50% and then gets into a MAX. Suddenly he realizes he's turning slower so he cranks it up to 100% and suddenly he no longer turns slower anymore.
Get the idea now? It's using the option to bypass a designed flaw in something. You can read all about it here.
I guess the proper term is "abuse" and not actually exploit, but you get the idea.
The same sort of thing happens with the phoenix so it can be more manuverable than it's meant to be. It will be intresting to see how the fix they say they'll do at the end of the post will affect the phoenix.
What about the guy that plays with the sensitivity at 100% all the time? Should he be nerfed?
2004-03-03, 10:09 PM
What about the guy that plays with the sensitivity at 100% all the time? Should he be nerfed?No.
I play TR with no maxes and I play at about 75% sensitivity.
2004-03-03, 11:59 PM
Hey I play with high mouse sensitivity too. I think a lot of us do. Go read the thread I linked to. What you're talking about is the reason the thread exisits.. however I will say this.. they are gonna fix it, it will affect certain things. Yes, it will be a nerf for those of us using higher sensitivites than intended for that item. Should it be done? Well.. if the reduced turning radius is intended as a penalty to balance something and it's being bypassed, even if unintentional.. well.. yeah. If it should or should not be that way, well that's a balance discussion about that particular item.
I can't believe this is four goddamn pages now.
2004-03-04, 10:36 AM
I can't believe this is four goddamn pages now.TR winning to mouse sensitivity bitching.
Gotta love PSU.
2004-03-04, 12:40 PM
Back to the TR:
It's funny, because even though TR MAXes are not on the level that NC or VS MAXes are at, I believe that the DC is simply the way to go for the TR. Last night, a couple of other people were using it, and it was devestating . I, along with several othe Engy/Medics, camped behind two DCs, and held off the Lashern00bs charging the BD hallway for ten minutes! For an idea of the math, that means that 6 guys (4 Engies+2 MAXes) held off a total of around 40 people for a huge chunk of time(And, mind you, those 40 people attacked us quite a few times, due to respawning, so all in all we probably killed about 200 'clones'). Now, if 6 guys can do that, what could a platoon do?
2004-03-04, 01:09 PM
Back to the TR:
It's funny, because even though TR MAXes are not on the level that NC or VS MAXes are at, I believe that the DC is simply the way to go for the TR. Last night, a couple of other people were using it, and it was devestating . I, along with several othe Engy/Medics, camped behind two DCs, and held off the Lashern00bs charging the BD hallway for ten minutes! For an idea of the math, that means that 6 guys (4 Engies+2 MAXes) held off a total of around 40 people for a huge chunk of time(And, mind you, those 40 people attacked us quite a few times, due to respawning, so all in all we probably killed about 200 'clones'). Now, if 6 guys can do that, what could a platoon do?
The TR design concept has always been, "More is better". I think it carries into EVERYTHING the TR has.
From tanks, to buggy,s to MAX's. We spew more bullets, and place more chairs in vehicles than any other empire. So ya, if a bunch of max's locked down, more is better.
Of course the kink to all that is, More is better works for ANY empire.
The thing about your average TR player is this:
"If it doesnt get me kills, its worthless".
Example of this is after the balance pass, everyone dropped strikers like a load of bricks. Players had to be litterally forced to cert into AV before anyone would use them; now they're everywhere, and they're effective, bugs and all.
As to the DC, i imagine 3 or 4 DC's could shred anything. But good luck trying to get people to cert in one. Anyone in a TR MAX is basically a dead man walking. MAX's in general are having life expectancy issues, and i think TR MAX's double so.
I've always been able to make do with what we have, and try to adapt to the problems, but i'm a minority in that view.
2004-03-04, 01:18 PM
Not much...because you can only fit in a limited number of MAXes...and god help you if an intelligent pair bring forth some decimators. :p
Sure, the VS only cert HA, but eventually a few will grow brains.
Defense in depth can be devastating, but generally something happens to foul it up. I've seen some impressive set ups as a TR that some idiot ruins.
One case, there was literally about three layers of defense set up at the backdoor (first level of steps, at the corner where it goes into the base and then a wide fan inside that door that blocked any access). Then some idiot n00b parks an AMS over top (it was a TR AMS) and the cloak bubble makes it so you can't see what was coming out of the corridor. Despite repeated requests, the AMS was never moved (even the Emerald TR have their share of bone-heads...but they're readily indentified by their backpacks :angel: ) and the NC eventually broke in because you couldn't see them till they were in your face.
The DC MAX is not *that* effective. Quasars and ScatMAXes would have done just as good of a job, just require different deployment. The Quasar, in particular, is murder in such a battle. Those bolts are fast, shoot fast, and damage lots. Get two or three in there...ugly for an attack. If you're accurate enough to use a DC, you can use a Quasar with *no* problem.
It's not that the TR MAXes are bad weapons that don't work, they just aren't nearly as powerful as the other two empires. Look at the AA MAXes, the Starfire is near insta-death for aircraft, the Sparrow in groups can wipe the skies clean (one is not so much of a threat). The Burster? Not really a big threat. Most successful pilot is NC, followed by the VS. My TR pilot has no luck because those MAXes down you in two seconds. The Burster can take down an aircraft, but rarely with the ability that the other two manifest. That's the way it works across the board too.
And now we've gone from TR to Mouse sensitivity to TR MAXes...shall we discuss vehicle buffs next? :) Prowler < Vanguard...I don't care what the devs say. :D
2004-03-04, 01:46 PM
Krin, the thing is, at least 2 of us were Adv. Meds, so even when our MAXes died, we'd just revive and repair them, then keep on fighting. And, since they were spiked and we were crouching, the MAXes literally formed a wall of steel that orb-lash couldn't get through, and when the orbs hit them, we'd just keep repairing. Good times. Still, I agree with you that, in general, The DC is inferior to the Quasar and the ScatMAX. However, in defensive situations, DC's+plenty of Engineers can be pretty sweet, possibly better than anything else.
2004-03-04, 02:00 PM
Pray they never discover thumpers ;) Plasma nades would throw a ***** in that plan. With the VS, you don't have to worry because their thought process is "Lasher...Lasher...Lasher...Lasher"....still waiting for someone to try and attack my sniper character with a Lasher from 150m+ (hey, the NC did it with a Jackhammer...those guys are probably now using Lashers) but eventually someone will.
Coordinated squad would send two guys with Decis, shoot the middle MAX, two guys with thumpers lob in as many plasma nades with 3 second fuses as they could before getting shredded, kill off the infantry behind the MAXes most likely. Other six guys with lashers charge in and wipe up the MAXes. Not going to happen in a zerg, but I've seen more than a few crews put together stuff like that (Sturmgrenadier springs to mind...).
You'll stop the idiots who are bandwagoneers, but watch out for those veteran troopers. ;)
2004-03-04, 02:36 PM
True, but when you're righting agaibst the VS nowadays... Let's just say bandwagoners have a huge impact... :p
2004-03-04, 04:28 PM
That they BR always sky-rockets when I play those bandwagon guys. :) God bless the mindless targets.
2004-03-04, 04:51 PM
God bless them indeed. I managed last night to Surge up to a Mag being repaired by 7 guys, and kill them all with my MCG :D .
EDIT: It must be nice to be TR: You'd never have to worry about bandwagoners joining you :p ;) .
2004-03-05, 12:04 PM
2004-03-05, 09:44 PM
We have ranks chocked full of noobs with there heads up there asses! :rant:
dude... have you met theredx? :p
2004-03-15, 12:57 AM
I played TR in beta times and am playing now in my first return since beta.
Boyyyyy... have things changed. :D
Same game but somebody put the weapons in a hat and changed all their damage values.
I used to cuddle with a cycler, now I wouldn't be caught dead with one. (well they're not that bad, but greatly diminished) And the VS... they finally got their buff those poor sobs have been begging for and MAN DOES IT HURT. I don't know if you all know this but their fire used to be slow enough that you could outrun it, dodge with minutes to spare, and generally never worry about it. They were once the complete pussies of PS, and everyone laughed and told gay jokes. In typical PS team fashion, instead of just giving things a nudge towards evenness they've made them superpowered and weakened the other side. I don't think those guys understand balance because everytime they try to make one end of the seesaw high and the other low and expect that to be the fairness people are looking for. :doh: Or maybe they just know that controversy keeps people playing, who knows...
Anyway... i was in a 5 hour session on ceryshen (sp) today and the TR took the 5 middle bases... we were doing just fine, and when all hell broke loose we kept at it till we won... but someone asked if there's a way to win... we were getting evaporated by the VS at one of the larger bases that has more corners and is harder to storm... their fire was just ripping out of the place and eating us up. After about an hour of taking this I started making a new favorite at the inv terminal called Mr. Punisher. :evil: Using rexo, I had about 80 plasma nades and 80 of the red ones. I just walked the outer wall lobbing non stop, volleyed for positions where I could see guys in the entrance way and shelled em, and within 5 minutes of me doing this our army was in the base walls for the first time. another 5 minutes, courtyards clear. 5 more minutes we were now at a standoff at the courtyard base door, and so I popped in and out putting plasma on the balconies they were massacreing from. And in the hallways? I use shotgun all the time. That thing is uber now, although if you're catching lag you're probably fked either way, but it's done me some solids. So the answer to fighting back is most definitely common pool weps as they are pretty buff these days. You can also obviously steal enemies goodies but that's certainly a more complex option.
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