View Full Version : A Better Command Structure
2004-02-25, 06:38 PM
Ok, this idea is a little complicated and would need to be fleshed out more to make it feasible in the game but I think it would be a step in the right direction and add some very cool elements to game play. All I ask is that you hear me out before you flame cuz I know my next paragraph will make blood boil.
The first thing I�d change is that I�d remove the EMP Blast and Orbital Strike capability of high CR ranked players. These do not help leading troops, or issuing commands, or help with organizing an attack force in any way. These are simply tools used to �Rambo� by single-handedly clearing mine fields or taking out AMS units. More often then not the OS is used to rack up the kill count of the CR4 or CR5 using it. How many times have you seen an OS hit the CY of a completely overrun base after the defenders have long fled the battle? This is done simply to waste a bunch of people hanging out waiting for the capture BEP or CEP. Why not use this earlier to try and protect the base? Because you won�t kill as many and have a pretty screen shot to brag about. :) Fun? Yes, to be sure. But, what does that have to do with command ability or leadership capabilities?
So I�m thinking what if you just ditch the Rambo abilities and add abilities that actually help with leadership, organization, and fun for everyone and not just the elite few CR5�s?
Here is what I�ve come up with:
Have a special War Room Bunker that is built deep underground below the bases (perhaps capitol base when those come out?) that only CR4�s or CR5�s can enter. To enter you simply deconstruct at that bases spawn tubes and then you will have an option to respawn at the normal local spawn points or the War Room Bunker. Once in the bunker you will see a large room with maps, war tables, and special terminals located throughout the room. In here modified sanctuary rules apply in that weapons can�t be used and the enemy can not enter this area. If the base above the war room is hacked the commanders in the bunker are instantly dumped into the spawn tubes of that base or the next closest spawn tubes if those are destroyed. If the base is resecured the commanders can again enter the war room bunker. If the enemy takes control of the base then they now own the bunker and can use it for themselves.
This gives the commanders a safe place to issue commands and lead troops without being pestered by enemy forces. They would share BEP and CEP if in a squad as normal.
The Command Terminals:
Assault Terminal (offense): Allows the placement of Continental Way Points a Commander can use this terminal to set Global Way Points on the continent than everyone in the empire can see regardless of outfit, platoon, squad, or solo status. This will help accentuate �Defend this base�, �Get this Generator up�, etc. Only once set of 4-6 of these CWP (continental way points) can be set. So commanders will have to decide where they should be and have one person set them or take turns moving them as needed etc. To help give players incentive to actually obey the commanders and their orders there could be a mild BEP and CEP reward for engaging enemy forces within a certain radius from the CWP. This would give a reward for those who help with the battle plan. Players would get their experience bonus and commanders would actually be obeyed and see their plans in action.
Security Terminal (defense): Accessing this terminal would display a detailed Base Map (showing all levels in one view) with enhanced warning indications for door breechings (CC, Gen, Back Door, Spawn Room). All enemy troops would show as red dots on this map and friendly troops would show as green dots. Friendly SLs would show as blue dots. So that at a glance a commander could see how many troops he has and where they are and who the SLs are. He would then have a special chat function that would issue out /l chats to that base�s SOI in a special orange color to denote they are from the local base �Security Commander�. A good commander would crush enemy opposition by having the ability to direct troops exactly where needed. He would have the ability to place �hot spots� on the base map that players see on their mini-map. These would shot as red flashing spots with a little radiation effect to show where the commander wants defensive lined drawn or to expose an enemy incursion.
The Player Interface and New Maps
I�d ditch all of the automatic reporting the maps do such troop warnings and hot spot indications and instead make this a simple manual system of reporting. I�d make the interface similar to how the voice chats in that you have a series of hot keys to navigate multiple choice menu options. So if you press 1 key the menu pops up and the second key stroke sends the report for things like: Enemy Armor, Enemy Troops, Enemy Air, Enemy AMS, Enemy Loadstar, etc. Making these reports would have a quick built in �reality check� the game would to just to verify that enemy troops are indeed in the area. This would prevent some goober from spamming false reports. Thus players could report and update the map that everyone sees rather then it being automated. I�d give a mild CEP reward for SLs who report enemy movements as that should be part of their job. Anyone else can report but they get no reward past the recognition. Making a �report� would put an icon on the map to indicate armor, air, troops, or whatever and it would stay there until the enemy force is dealt with or moves on. This part would be automated to simplify things for players.
Flames? Flames? Or Flames?
2004-02-25, 06:44 PM
This actually isn't such a bad idea. One thing, though; make the /ignore function also have the additional attribute of turning of the /ignored player's Command Waypoints. I sure don't want the continent I'm on to have it's map spammed by a bunch of random assholes :mad: :rolleyes: .
2004-02-25, 06:48 PM
This actually isn't such a bad idea. One thing, though; make the /ignore function also have the additional attribute of turning of the /ignored player's Command Waypoints. I sure don't want the continent I'm on to have it's map spammed by a bunch of random assholes :mad: :rolleyes: .
Well, my thoughts were to only have one set of 4-6 (I'm thinking 4) of these command way points for the entire continent. So each commander would not be able to place a set. They would have to decide where they should go and set them up. Anyone on the bunker or a bunker could move them, but that's a problem for the commanders to deal with. if they organize it could be pretty powerful. Finally, I'd make these alpha (a, b, c, etc.) rather then numeric to help avoid confusion... so when your SL says go to WP 1 you'll know what he means :)
2004-02-25, 06:53 PM
Excellent ideas! The whole war room idea just sounds perfect. It gives commanders a secure place to hang while they issue orders and it gives them a broader range of controls to work with. We'd have to flesh out some limits so it couldn't be abused, but overall, you got some great ideas there.
The first thing I�d change is that I�d remove the EMP Blast and Orbital Strike capability of high CR ranked players.
I think that this would not be nessary to take away as it could be very helpfull to troops.
Have a special War Room Bunker that is built deep underground below the bases (perhaps capitol base when those come out?) that only CR4�s or CR5�s can enter.
I think that this would be a very good idea.
To enter you simply deconstruct at that bases spawn tubes and then you will have an option to respawn at the normal local spawn points or the War Room Bunker.
I think it should be a room that you just walk into only the IFF on the door only lets in CR4s and CR5s
the enemy can not enter this area.
I think that the enemy should be able to enter this area only the area should be really underground like a whole new level down and should have really tall doors like castles used to that are really strong and the IFF could not be hacked by enemies (this has to be put to make sense though I have not thought of how to yet) and they would have to break the doors down which will be stronger than a generator. Maybe 4 to 6 times stronger then a genrator
I would also like to see something like this for squads.
2004-02-25, 06:54 PM
Yes, I know you said 4-6 WPs would be the maximum... for one Commander . But is only one of the Commanders in Planetside retarded/a prick?
2004-02-25, 07:07 PM
-ur damned crazy if ur thinking of ditching OS & EMP
-i really like the idea od the war room & the like
-i've been cr5 for a HELLA LONG TIME... and I know... u cant make them cooperate, much less lead a whole battle, not together t least. many just straight out ignore command chat and just get up there for the big OS
-also, i think the CWPs are ok... but not gtting extra xp for geting to where a commander sets a wp - neither more cep for commanders. i know how this thing works... u cant instantly become a good leader at cr5. the community of players online decide who they follow. there are few cr5s that lead, and even fewer that are actually respected, and remembered longer than taht one battle. on markov nc.. i myself am one of those few commanders. if ur gonnna get the armies fighting to follow your leadership, u have to do it often and earn their trust & respect.
I'll be damned if some rookie cr4/5 starts getting renown simply by putting down wps and saying small things... he'd damn well work like the rest of us "good cr5s" do and earn the ppl to follow his orders. as i am one of those fe commanders that the players follow and remember... i wont stand for someone else having the same imply by using a damned terminal.
2004-02-25, 07:24 PM
I have an idea very similar to this coming out soon so dont say I copied you. But good idea!
2004-02-25, 07:57 PM
Yes, I know you said 4-6 WPs would be the maximum... for one Commander . But is only one of the Commanders in Planetside retarded/a prick?
Good point... I'm still working on a command voting system where the Cr4's and Cr5's can vote in a temporary "General" for the continental struggle... he would remain General until voted down, steps down, or he leaves the continent/game...
There would have to be a way to start a vote and actually vote for a general and then have a system for removing the general if he becomes an ass or goes AFK. Aslo, if he exits the game or leaves the continent he would automatically be removed from office.
Alerts to the commanders would go out letting them know who the General is and if he leaves or is voted out or steps down.
Currently there is a rudimentary form of this going on anyway. Usually I only see 1 or 2 guys using global chat to direct the battle. Usually it�s one guy directing and another guy helping and encouraging troops to follow. If you could have a temporary designated leader then you would have better organization with one boss and all other commanders being like sub-commanders and advisors. I don�t think it would take long to realize who the jerks are and who the good leaders are� just like how it works now... by name I know what CR5 to help out by obeying and what CR5 to TK... hehe :)
Like I said, this whole thing would take some work, but I think it's do-able and definitely worth while.
I'm imagining a final version where commanders take control zones and direct their troops from a war room as they are gathered around a continantal map... kinda like actual military leaders... :)
But for this to work leaders need incentive to lead properly and it has to be FUN... and the troops need incentive to follow orders... and doing so needs to be rewarding, fun, and cool as hell...
I wanna see coordinated, special ops, air assaults, armor pushes, etc facing coordinated defensive positions...
2004-02-25, 08:05 PM
JumpDog, you are exactly the kind of CR5 that I would never want to have special abilities, much less be on PSU at all :rolleyes: :mad: . You seem to be the guy who, rather than use intelligence and tactics to coordinate a large zerg, would rather sit back and say 'TK Blackwidow, I don' like 'im *in a pouting tone*'. However, this system would be worthwhile for commanders with initiative .
EDIT: I didn't actyally believe that there could be retarded old veterans in a video game until I met you :eek: :lol: . You refuse to have any of your special abilities taken away from you, and you seem to have garnered the ridiculous idea that seniority equals intelligence and respect. If a new CR5 has tactical savvy and people skills, then he should be recognized as such!
2004-02-25, 08:10 PM
I don�t think it would take long to realize who the jerks are and who the good leaders are� just like how it works now... by name I know what CR5 to help out by obeying and what CR5 to TK... hehe :)
I wanna see coordinated, special ops, air assaults, armor pushes, etc facing coordinated defensive positions...
1) It's never taken long for the public to realize the difference. I remember once a select few CR5s (who's name I will not mention), started a global curse-fight. I dont think they were ever followed after that. Of course, two of the three dont play anymore. So everyone pretty much instantly knew they had no leadership qualities. If a commander even TRIES to lead a battle on a continent, that's a start and people will like him/her for it.
2) When I lead, I really try and get those to happen. About 40% of the time most of the people cooperate, and it's pulled off nicely. Other times, only some ppl do it. When it does go thru, it proves effective, and fun too. So I do get coordinated attacks going. The ONLY problem is: The enemy doesnt have a coordinated defense when I get there!
2004-02-25, 08:25 PM
JumpDog, you are exactly the kind of CR5 that I would never want to have special abilities, much less be on PSU at all . You seem to be the guy who, rather than use intelligence and tactics to coordinate a large zerg, would rather sit back and say 'TK Blackwidow,
As for what TheNOOB said... I dont think you've ever played with me dude. It sez ur NC on EMERALD... I'm NC on MARKOV! There may possibly be someone with my name on Emerald, I dont know - but it isnt me. And no... I have NEVER said anything to the likes of "tk that person" on a continent-wide channel. I rarely ever even mention names of cont-wide channel, unless I am trying to organize an ANT run, like I'd give the name of a gal pilot to be contacted who is willing to fly it in.
So please keep your comments to yourself unless you truly know how I act. I do not "sit back and coordinate a large zerg", I'm always on the front lines leading while I fight. And I rarely ever use the OS. I admit when I was cr4, I'd use it every chance I got just cuz it was new, but now... It's rare to see me using it at all - only against an AMS or other target or strategic value to the enemy. I am fine with limiting the value, or creating a system where you could only use it against strategic targets... but not fully deleting that ability.
you seem to have garnered the ridiculous idea that seniority equals intelligence and respect. If a new CR5 has tactical savvy and people skills, then he should be recognized as such!
I said nothing of seniority. I said I was a CR5 for a long time, didnt say u had to be a cr5 for a long time to have ppl follow you. Not many do, ur either the kind that tries to lead, or uses CR5 for the abilities only. I respect all new commanders and try and help them lead any way I can. I agree with you that if they have leadership traits that they should be recognized as that, but what I said is that it isnt "instant" at cr5. Many do not even try to lead at CR5... but I encourage that they do.
Once again, please dont post negatively about people that you dont know.
Cauldron Borne
2004-02-25, 08:33 PM
I like, very solid Ideas. I think it would put a better game play into PS
2004-02-25, 08:42 PM
I wanna see coordinated, special ops, air assaults, armor pushes, etc facing coordinated defensive positions...
Thank you! This is what I was talking about with my tactical post. A system that encoureges (sp?) working togehter and planning without making it too boring or complicated.
2004-02-25, 08:51 PM
Good ideas. Have had similar ones myself. Was always a little disappointed in the command side of the game - as with the ideas expressed here, it could be so much more! This is a tad off topic, but I have always felt Sanc's role should include a "Global Situation" room like the warroom, but for displaying the recent trend of the war. We have the playback over time display in MyPS - why don't have such a nice resource as this in Sanc as well? For a place where the war is staged from, Sanc seems strangly empty of this type of thing. Recent orders, request for troops and equipment, etc... are things one would expect to have available to you at home base. Seems to me it would make it a hell of a lot easier for the newbie to understand where the fronts are and what resources are needed there, if these sort of things were available in Sanc. I think they need to emphisis the strong points of the game. This is a perpertual world and the player should have the latest up to the minute situation report available when they enter the game. If the command abilities increase, the player need for clear information and abilities increases with it. We really can't do one without the other.
2004-02-25, 09:05 PM
JumpDog, I know this isn't 10th grade Science class, but I still have fun dissecting things, so here goes :) :
I said nothing of seniority. I said I was a CR5 for a long time, didnt say u had to be a cr5 for a long time to have ppl follow you. Not many do, ur either the kind that tries to lead, or uses CR5 for the abilities only. I respect all new commanders and try and help them lead any way I can.
Hmm, intriguing... If it was true, I'd respect you, but...
I'll be damned if some rookie cr4/5 starts getting renown simply by putting down wps and saying small things... he'd damn well work like the rest of us "good cr5s" do and earn the ppl to follow his orders.
I assume there aren't two JumpDogs on these boards?
So please keep your comments to yourself unless you truly know how I act. I do not "sit back and coordinate a large zerg", I'm always on the front lines leading while I fight. And I rarely ever use the OS. I admit when I was cr4, I'd use it every chance I got just cuz it was new, but now... It's rare to see me using it at all - only against an AMS or other target or strategic value to the enemy. I am fine with limiting the value, or creating a system where you could only use it against strategic targets... but not fully deleting that ability.
Hmm, why aren't you OK with deleting OS? It really is a bit lame when a commander, who with his OS could at least temporarily a zerg by killing their AMS, instead waits for the enemies to take control of the base and then uses OS, in order to get more kills. As for EMP, I honestly think that that should not be deleted: It's a valuable and essential tool for high level infiltrators, especially in these times of screwing over the silent killers.
i've been cr5 for a HELLA LONG TIME... and I know... u cant make them cooperate, much less lead a whole battle, not together t least. many just straight out ignore command chat and just get up there for the big OS
Ya see, I may be a wee likkle CR1, but I disagree with that. IMHO, the key to making them follow you would be to just persuade the more intelligent Commanders and most of the general population to /ignore them. That way, they are effectively rendered useless. Obviously, persuading someone else to /ignore someone isn't too easy, but if you could do it, it would certainly be worth it: It's not like the /ignored asshole could get CR5 back overnight, and if he kept playing the same character, then that character's chats would be unheard by most.
2004-02-25, 09:05 PM
I agree with most of what you said Badash, except for completely removing OS from the game. EMP should be taken out, and CR4's shouldn't have OS, while their smaller OS should be given to CR5's. OS's are usually just methods of kill-whoring, but sometimes they are huge lifesavers in a zerg to take out a few key AMS'.
PS will never have the level of commanding and organization as other games, but this might be a step in the right direction.
2004-02-25, 09:28 PM
OS and EMP can stay in the game. The CR4/5 using either of them must be in the command room to do it though. As compensation he can drop it anywhere in the base SOI. That way it can only be used as to help the troops during base defense. I leave implementation of this idea to the creative stew of BadAsh.
I also think that the command room should have camera terminals that allow them to switch to any Squad leaders point of view. If they get a report from a SL, the commander can engage a camera terminal and get a live view of what that troop is looking at. There should be a small indicator for squad leaders when a commander is doing this, so that they are more alert to possible orders coming down from on high.
What about letting cloakers only advance-hack themselves a 1-way ticket into this room to "assassinate the general"? This would be extremely difficult since you would have to hack an up-and-running spawn tube.
2004-02-25, 10:22 PM
Gig, sorry, but the General's alternate view/SL thing would never work, because of the huge lag involved for both parties. Sorry :( .
2004-02-26, 01:33 AM
except for ditching os and emp (leave them so commanders have some effect on the battlefield, plus im working hard to get them so HANDS OFF! lol) all of those ideas would rock. One thing I would add is a building in the sanc that only cr4-5 can get into that helps plan raids, e.g. letting u see where the enemy troops are located by continent, sending out broadcasts to all SL's informing them of the raid, various things like that.
2004-02-26, 03:21 AM
Command rooms would take away from what a leader should be doing, that is leading by example from the front lines. There is no way that a leader buried in a room somewhere safe, is going to know the actual rythm on the battle field, even with excellent intel/sitreps. Also, trying to lead a zerg from global chat is like herding a group of cats, they are going to do their own thing. The best cr5s I have seen do just that, their seen and not heard often. They will pass on sitreps that are important (like that tech plant gen is being camped by a squad of enemy). They also pick the next zerg target and give a short explination as to why (ex: Next target is the tech plant, once we have it, the enemy wont be able to field any tanks).
We don't need a group of leaders cut off from reality, dropping useless waypoints to confuse my platoon, and spaming crap like "the gen at the tech plant is down, somebody fix it" (we can see the map too, and the fact that tanks cant be bought is also a big clue).
So, how do we fix it? I don't think it really needs fixing. Yes, we have problems with bad cr5s. Yes, we get some cr5s running a battle that don't understand tactics. But, we also get some good leadership too. I believe that the good ones eventually filter to the top, while the bad ones get ignored and fade away.
As to CR4 & CR5 special abilities? I'm totally AGAINST them. I don't believe that ANY player should have a special ability that is not available to anyone in the game. Make them a certable item if you want (and give certs for CR ranks). If the CUD was say 3 certs, EMP = 2, OS = 3, then you would give Commanders the ability to choose what they use. Also, it would make CR4 & 5 players CHOOSE what is more important, HA or OS. I bet you would have some CR4/5s choose to NOT get OS and grab another vehicle or something. Would you get some BR8 running around with OS? Yup, but he would quickly drop it, since he would then be totally ineffective for the next few hours.
As to fixing Global/Cont all? Simple, if it is being abused, take it away. The CSRs need to do their job and stop these guys from ruining everyone elses game. If you /appeal a global cat fight, then I expect a CSR to come in and stop it. This applies to orbital strike Team Killing. That one should get you insta-banned.
Anyway, my 2 cents :)
edited for spelling
2004-02-26, 03:40 AM
don't believe that ANY player should have a special ability that is not available to anyone in the game
Then what's the point of CR? And if you don't see the big red beam over your head when a friendlies preparing an OS, you deserve to die, ittakes about 30 seconds to fire, if I'm correct.
2004-02-26, 10:59 AM
Then what's the point of CR? And if you don't see the big red beam over your head when a friendlies preparing an OS, you deserve to die, ittakes about 30 seconds to fire, if I'm correct.
TR players see a red beam for the setting point of a friendly OS. The enemy sees nothing. Likewise the NC see a blue marker and the VS see a purple marker to allow friendlies to see the area is about to be plastered.
2004-02-26, 11:10 AM
Command rooms would take away from what a leader should be doing, that is leading by example from the front lines. There is no way that a leader buried in a room somewhere safe, is going to know the actual rythm on the battle field, even with excellent intel/sitreps. Also, trying to lead a zerg from global chat is like herding a group of cats, they are going to do their own thing. The best cr5s I have seen do just that, their seen and not heard often. They will pass on sitreps that are important (like that tech plant gen is being camped by a squad of enemy). They also pick the next zerg target and give a short explination as to why (ex: Next target is the tech plant, once we have it, the enemy wont be able to field any tanks).
We don't need a group of leaders cut off from reality, dropping useless waypoints to confuse my platoon, and spaming crap like "the gen at the tech plant is down, somebody fix it" (we can see the map too, and the fact that tanks cant be bought is also a big clue).
So, how do we fix it? I don't think it really needs fixing. Yes, we have problems with bad cr5s. Yes, we get some cr5s running a battle that don't understand tactics. But, we also get some good leadership too. I believe that the good ones eventually filter to the top, while the bad ones get ignored and fade away.
As to CR4 & CR5 special abilities? I'm totally AGAINST them. I don't believe that ANY player should have a special ability that is not available to anyone in the game. Make them a certable item if you want (and give certs for CR ranks). If the CUD was say 3 certs, EMP = 2, OS = 3, then you would give Commanders the ability to choose what they use. Also, it would make CR4 & 5 players CHOOSE what is more important, HA or OS. I bet you would have some CR4/5s choose to NOT get OS and grab another vehicle or something. Would you get some BR8 running around with OS? Yup, but he would quickly drop it, since he would then be totally ineffective for the next few hours.
As to fixing Global/Cont all? Simple, if it is being abused, take it away. The CSRs need to do their job and stop these guys from ruining everyone elses game. If you /appeal a global cat fight, then I expect a CSR to come in and stop it. This applies to orbital strike Team Killing. That one should get you insta-banned.
Anyway, my 2 cents :)
edited for spelling
I hear what you are saying, but other then the base security commander there is no need to stay on the command bunker. You can set the CWP and join the battle. Some commanders like to lead troops by example in the front lines, while others can be quite effective sticking with organizational duties and ensuring the right things get attacked, defended, escorted, etc.
EDIT: Also, on Thott's stats site there are over 650 CR4/CR5 players per empire... with 1 per continent being the Assualt leader/General and 1 per base being a "Security Commander" that leaves the vast majority of commanders to fill the "Field Commander" role and lead by example in the front lines. And, for the Security Commander role... you don't need one in every base... just a few key bases where the action is taking place and perhaps a few key bases to the rear... so your "cloistered" command structure would be 1-6 guys in the war room bunkers at most...
To my way of thinking if you had one player dedicated to continental force control you'd probably get pretty awesome results. If you've ever played StarCraft or any other RTS game... it would be cool if one player was the boss man and controlled troop movements and organized attacks and defensive positions while all the troops were player controlled...
Of course individualy controled player units will move where they want to when they want to... hence my incentive idea for engaging the enemy is the designated areas marked by condinental way points...
And as for controlling troops I'd use the SL command structure. If the general could right click on his map and drag to draw a box and be able to see SL's in that area and send them messages that would be very cool too.
I have tons of ideas and I need to organize them and come up with a revised version of this posting. It will be a ways off, but I appreciate the feed back so far, I'm takin good notes :)
2004-02-26, 06:14 PM
Ok, I would grant those points Badash. But, and this is a huge qualifier, you will need more incentives for a group to follow the continental leader. If, and its a BIG if, they set this structure up, you would have to award a bep/cep boost of at least 25%. You also need incentives for defensive and support operations (which don't exist in game).
Also, showing all enemy within the base is too powerful. Your system would have to stick to the benefits already derived from interlink OR CE sensors. In fact, do away with the interlink ability and only depend on CE sensors. If the troops don't care enough to properly lay out deployables, then you don't get your fancy defensive screen.
Also, no way can this room be secure from the enemy. You have to let cloakers a chance to hack in and assasinate you/trash the war room. If it's going to be a combat modifier, you have to put in a counter of some kind.
Anyway, just a few suggestions to help you flesh out your idea. It has potential, but your going to have to make it really tight if you want the devs even to give it a thought.
good luck on it
2004-02-26, 08:49 PM
I like this idea!!
I also like the idea of sending infiltrators to sneaking in the base and assassinate the enemy commanders :evil:
2004-02-26, 09:34 PM
Like It!!
I Think That OSes and EMP blasts, Should Not Be Only Used By CR4 and CR5's,
What about the SL Of a CR4 or CR5's Platoon(And only a Platoon) Can Request an OS or EMP Blast And Must Use Lazer Pointer To Mark Spot(Like Calling In An AirStrike). XP To All In Platoon.
Squads and Platoons Should Get Special Bonuses For Having A CR4-5 In their Group.
Like A Health Boost When Commanders Yell "Charge". Or Stamina Boost When Within 50m of Commanders In There Platoon.
Commanders Should Offer Something Back To The Troops That Help Get Them There.
There Should Be An Option CR6(Can Be Turned Down, You Only Get 1 Chance To Accept It) For Those Who Love Troop Support and Make The Ultimate Sacrfice For Their Team.
ex... They Lose Use Of All MAXes, HA, AV, SA, SN, MA Weapons, They Can Only Have Air Transport, Ground Transport, And Ground Support, Adv.Hack, Adv.Medic, And CE. But They Get the use of 4 Limited OSes(1 Every 30 Mins), 10 EMP Blasts(1 Every 10 Min). Tracking Bugs(Stick to nme Vehicles(1 Every 2 Hours),
and other support tools.
Just Some Thoughts.
2004-02-27, 01:28 AM
I am kinda in a hurry at work so i didn't get to read the whole thing. But as far as the war room, I really like this idea. Just to add my two since i think that commanders in the war room should all share one map... by this i mean that the commanders in that room can all see eachothers wp's, command notes, etc. But each of their squads/platoons only see their commanders notes and wp's. This would give the commanders the opportunity to coordinate with eachother on objectives, but not confuse every squad member on which wp's are "theirs".
In effect it will alow a massive battle to be extremly well coordinated and executed, provided every squad/platoon follows their specific orders.
2004-02-27, 06:04 PM
Sounds Like A Goodie
2004-02-27, 06:19 PM
Someone said coordinating a zerk is like herding cats. Thats the whole point of this idea! Its so that you can have a good (not great) overall view of the battle so that it is easier to coordinate troop movements.
2004-02-28, 03:58 AM
I think removing the Orb strike and emp blast would be dumb because those abilities give people a reason to go for CR5
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