View Full Version : The Passion of the Christ
2004-02-25, 07:25 PM
I saw this movie today.
I'm at a loss for words. I am going to try to describe this movie.
First of all, there is no anti-Semitism whatsoever. Ponctius Pilate comdemns Jesus because he is weak inside. "The movie makes it look like the **** were responsible for his death." say some ****.
A: The Jewish high priests gave him to the Romans. However, not *all* **** agreed- crying women, Mary, and the Apostles are clearly depicted as Jewish. In any case, you can't blame today's **** for the acts of a few corrupt Jewish leaders from 2000 years ago.
B: The scene I will describe next completely obliterates this thought from the viewer...
This is the most brutal, violent, and graphic movie I have ever seen.
The scourging of Jesus is brought to life extremely violently. He is whipped with rods at least twenty-five times (and you can hear the Romans laughing and counting in Latin) until his back is covered in red marks. Then they take some sort of instrument, which has six or so ropes coming out of the handle. Each end is covered in a sharp arrowhead. They lash him severely until there is not one part of his body not covered in scratch marks and bleeding. I am being fully literal. His entire body is covered in deep cuts.
The movie portrays other sides of the Passion too, the grief of Mary, the fate of Judas after he betrays Jesus, and even Ponctius Pilate. There are some sudden, scary parts too. Overall I have to say that you should see this movie, even atheists. The drama of this movie is so intense that the theater was in complete silence when it ended. (We went as a grade). I even had trouble moving.
As one person put it, "See this rated R movie!"
(NOTE: As I said before, the violence is beyond extreme, it is probably a new record. I would think twice before showing it to a middle schooler, and not show it at all to an elementary schooler, but the choice is yours if you have siblings/offspring that age.)
2004-02-25, 07:27 PM
I'm not going to see this movie. First of all, it would be weird for me to watch someone play christ. Second of all, I know what he went through, and its kind of depressing to watch it. Lastly, from what ive heard, there is too much violence.
2004-02-25, 07:30 PM
A: It's not wierd. If you can watch Bruce Almighty, you can settle with someone playing Jesus.
B: So did I. It's not depressing, it's more along the lines of "OMG!"
C: This was real. That is how it happened.
2004-02-25, 07:32 PM
I'm seeing it this weekend, my sister(7th grader) insisted we do. I want to see it because i want to see the Controversial stuff and juge for myself weather or not it is anti semetic.
2004-02-25, 07:36 PM
I saw this movie today.
I'm at a loss for words. I am going to try to describe this movie.
First of all, there is no anti-Semitism whatsoever. Ponctius Pilate comdemns Jesus because he is weak inside. "The movie makes it look like the **** were responsible for his death." say some ****.
A: The Jewish high priests gave him to the Romans. However, not *all* **** agreed- crying women, Mary, and the Apostles are clearly depicted as Jewish. In any case, you can't blame today's **** for the acts of a few corrupt Jewish leaders from 2000 years ago.
B: The scene I will describe next completely obliterates this thought from the viewer...
This is the most brutal, violent, and graphic movie I have ever seen.
The scourging of Jesus is brought to life extremely violently. He is whipped with rods at least twenty-five times (and you can hear the Romans laughing and counting in Latin) until his back is covered in red marks. Then they take some sort of instrument, which has six or so ropes coming out of the handle. Each end is covered in a sharp arrowhead. They lash him severely until there is not one part of his body not covered in scratch marks and bleeding. I am being fully literal. His entire body is covered in deep cuts.
The movie portrays other sides of the Passion too, the grief of Mary, the fate of Judas after he betrays Jesus, and even Ponctius Pilate. There are some sudden, scary parts too. Overall I have to say that you should see this movie, even atheists. The drama of this movie is so intense that the theater was in complete silence when it ended. (We went as a grade). I even had trouble moving.
As one person put it, "See this rated R movie!"
(NOTE: As I said before, the violence is beyond extreme, it is probably a new record. I would think twice before showing it to a middle schooler, and not show it at all to an elementary schooler, but the choice is yours if you have siblings/offspring that age.)
A: The Jewish High Priests... and Pilate for that matter... acted out of fear, Should the emperor learn of a Jewish man calling himself king of a Roman territory and the people of Judah supporting him... it would bring the iron fist of the roman military down on the people... As for Pilate, well, would Ceaser (an absolute ruler) enjoy having one of his Governor's let a man off for the Crime of Blasphemy (That is Jesus saying he was a member of a royal family- the roman's believed the emperor was god.)
B. Roman Military punishment was a terrible thing... a prisoner was whipped a certain number of times (acording to their crime) and a number of other punishments could be employed... anywhere from normal crucifiction (as in a person being tied to a cross rather then nailed) to public stoning and humiltiation... in the case of Jesus both were recieved on a much grander scale... that device you saw used was the cat-o'-ninetails...
Also it should be known that Crusifiction was such a terrible thing that a Roman court only ordered it use against second-class citizens (captured soldiers, slaves, conquered nations, etc...)
2004-02-25, 07:37 PM
I think its kinda wierd/stupid to make a movie out of jesus and stuff (literally it, not like Bruce Allmighty).
But the movie itself looks good, I'm gona see it. I know my bus driver with is pure pro christain is gona see it like 3 times.
2004-02-25, 07:38 PM
Why is it the passion of the christ?
Grammatical error detected!
2004-02-25, 07:39 PM
Why is it the passion of the christ?
Grammatical error detected!
I have no idea. I think that Christ means something else in Greek.
2004-02-25, 07:40 PM
doesn't Christ mean messiah in greek... so then translated it would be "The Passion of the Messiah"
2004-02-25, 07:41 PM
doesn't Christ mean messiah in greek... so then translated it would be "The Passion of the Messiah"
What about "The Passion of the"
What does that mean in Greek
Mel Gibson is dumb
Don't mix languages like that! FUCKING ENGLISH NUB!!!! :mad:
Sorry, OT, I'll go now
2004-02-25, 07:43 PM
actually that the shouldn't be there becuase translated it would be "Passion of the the Messiah"...
And Jesus= hebrew name, Christ= Greek word... thats mixing languages... balme the bible...
2004-02-25, 07:45 PM
actually that the shouldn't be there becuase translated it would be "Passion of the the Messiah"...
And Jesus= hebrew name, Christ= Greek word... thats mixing languages... balme the bible...
I do every night when my dady beats me with me with one
2004-02-25, 07:45 PM
Are you okay sputty?
2004-02-25, 07:48 PM
The christ is just how Jesus get reffered to
Kind of like king. When referecned they say "the King did so and so" not "king did so and so"
2004-02-25, 08:22 PM
I am not even remotly religious and I will probalby catch it.
2004-02-25, 08:43 PM
I can't say I'm going to see it. Firstly, the "Jesus story" has been shoved down my throat since 7th grade (due to the catholic school I go to against my will where religion is force fed) and I need not see a movie to tell the tale over again. And secondly, I'll probably get jumped by a mob of angry Jewish people upon leaving the theater :p
2004-02-25, 08:45 PM
A: The **** aren't angry.
B: If you go to a Catholic school, what can you expect? Again, I recommend that atheists see it just for the drama.
2004-02-25, 08:51 PM
I am not even remotly religious and I will probalby catch it.
2004-02-25, 08:54 PM
I know the story, and I'm not going to see it. Looks boring.
2004-02-25, 08:59 PM
I want to go see it. I've been incredibly lax in my religious practices, and witnessing what my Christ went through for my sake always renews my faith.
Also, the movie looks kick-ass.
2004-02-25, 09:04 PM
Blood is always a good excuse to see a movie
2004-02-25, 10:07 PM
I do every night when my dady beats me with me with one
You too eh?
2004-02-25, 10:10 PM
A: The **** aren't angry.
B: If you go to a Catholic school, what can you expect? Again, I recommend that atheists see it just for the drama.
I've seen catholic school, it scares me, also it pisses me off it's federally funded and the catholic school can get better equipment than a public school from the government.
2004-02-25, 10:45 PM
I know the story, and I'm not going to see it. Looks boring.
This movie is not boring. I assure you. Everyone knows the story. Nobody expected something like this. Gibson has perfected this type of movie, as Call of Duty perfected Medal of Honor which perfected Wolfenstein.
What about "The Passion of the"
What does that mean in Greek
Mel Gibson is dumb
Don't mix languages like that! FUCKING ENGLISH NUB!!!! :mad:
Sorry, OT, I'll go now
I saw a Mel Gibson interview and in the interview he says that "Passion" means Suffering. "The Suffering of the Christ"
doesn't Christ mean messiah in greek... so then translated it would be "The Passion of the Messiah"
The Hebrew word for Christ is Messiah. Messiah = annointed one
BTW, I just came home from seeing the movie and I am absolutely speechless. Words cannot describe what it must have felt like to be beaten and then crucified. I know the story on how Christ was crucified and then resurrected and all that. But I went to see the movie because I wanted to see what it must have been like to see what the one person who has saved me went through (or something remotely close to it)
2004-02-26, 02:07 AM
Haha, ruined it for all of you.......:p
2004-02-26, 02:37 AM
squeeky I like u most of the time, but right now, just go off and die somewhere.
Im going to see the movie tomorrow and im looking forward to every minute of it. My faith has always been a bit rocky e.g. I believe, I pray, but I also question. I will probably be refounded in my faith after this movie.
2004-02-26, 03:30 AM
Haha, ruined it for all of you.......:p
Damn you! You ruined it!
2004-02-26, 08:29 AM
I've catholic school, it scares, also it pisses me off it's federally funded and the catholic school can get better equipment than a public school from the government.
But it doesn't stop Catholic Schoolgirls being drooled over does it? :lol:
P.S: The day Sputty is "alright" is when Sputty isn't...erm..alright. :rolleyes: :p
P.S.S: I saw the Trailer of PoC, it was mildly interesting, but it was swept from my mind when "School of Rock" started.
I mean really, Dude Rock is the TRUE religion! Rail Against Da Man! :rofl:
2004-02-26, 08:44 AM
I was considering seeing it...
Intill I learned it wasnt in english. Screw that.
2004-02-26, 08:53 AM
Haha, ruined it for all of you.......:p
:lol: damn you!!!!
2004-02-26, 09:57 AM
But it doesn't stop Catholic Schoolgirls being drooled over does it? :lol:
no, they're all slutty drug addicts.
Holy cross(the catholic school) has more druggy idiots that just about any other school.
2004-02-26, 10:00 AM
Haha, ruined it for all of you.......:p
yeah but he comes back :rolleyes:
2004-02-26, 10:42 AM
Interesting movie, saw it on monday. Very gory. A few historical inaccuracies and a few interesting things. Don't forget the Bible is completely open to interperatation.
See it for yourself and make your own opinions and descisions.
2004-02-26, 10:48 AM
meh, Ill wait for it to come out on video, the last religious movie I went to was "The Bible" that was shown at a local church and half of the fking crowd was sobbing the whole time. Plus the movie sucked, this one may not qualify for "suckage" but if I see one moaning christian I may have to slap them :evil:
2004-02-26, 06:17 PM
no, they're all ###### drug addicts.
Holy cross(the catholic school) has more druggy idiots that just about any other school.
I go to a holy cross catholic school in omaha
there arn't any druggys there
2004-02-26, 06:23 PM
well im not religious and probaly wont see it. Mebe if some girl dragged me into it. But why would they drag me into that? :confused:
2004-02-26, 06:39 PM
Well.........if you are easliy offened skip right past this post....
Fuck god. Fuck hevan. Fuck christ. There is no god.
Flame away bitchs.
2004-02-26, 06:40 PM
no flame for opinions.
2004-02-26, 06:42 PM
not gonna flame u, your gonna have enough of that later on . . . . . .
As for the movie, I just saw it and I think its the most intense thing ive ever seen, I cant describe it, its a life-changing experience.
There is no god.
I disagree.
2004-02-26, 06:59 PM
I disagree.
I disagree.
2004-02-26, 07:02 PM
I disagree.
I agree.
2004-02-26, 07:40 PM
that handle with all the whips coming out of it is called a Cat of Nine Tails. they apparantley gave him like 20-30 whippings. i think it was 31-32 meant you were dead, or somewhere in that range
2004-02-26, 08:04 PM
The Life of Brian > The Passion of the Christ
There is the verdict, now have a nice day!
2004-02-26, 08:09 PM
Fee is the one true god!!!
2004-02-26, 09:11 PM
Im not religious, but my mom convinced me to see it. I went to the opening night, and the entire diocese of the Rhode Island catholic church sat right behind me. after seeing this movie, you will feel like a different person. its truly remarkable. Ive never seen anything like this. from when satan watches jesus get whipped with razor blades, to the nailing of the cross, I just dont know.
2004-02-26, 10:33 PM
I just saw it today. It is a great movie, but in a diferent kind of way. More of an experience. Not really a movie you want to buy on DvD and watch over and over. I went to see it at 11:00 AM and it was packed and by the end there wasn't a dry eye in the house and a couple of people where still audibly weeping when I left. Very powerfull movie.
2004-02-26, 11:34 PM
Well.........if you are easliy offened skip right past this post....
Fuck god. Fuck hevan. Fuck christ. There is no god.
Flame away bitchs.
Nobody started a debate on God. This is a discussion on the movie.
2004-02-26, 11:36 PM
Nobody started a debate on God. This is a discussion on the movie.
Well then...looks like a good movie.... :rolleyes:
2004-02-27, 12:12 AM
<Dharkbayne> Anyone here see/going to see POTC?
<Eine|Falco|RockMeAmadeus> neg
<Eine|Falco|RockMeAmadeus> but the marketing ideas for that movie are endless
<Eine|Falco|RockMeAmadeus> im gunna start selling a shirt, that says "Jesus christ died for my sins, and all I got was this stupid t-shirt"
No thanks. I don't want to support a movie thats based on the beliefs of a certain religion.
2004-02-27, 05:05 PM
did you know that a bunch of people were struck by lightning and stuff while they were making the movie. the people who weren't christian all had conversions and lots of other strange things happened.
Also the movie was not entirely realistic. Roman Soldiers would often get drunk and then ass-rape people who were gonna be cruicified. They could have put that in but than it would be ####. I think this is gonna be the closest they aver come to making an entirely realistic movie
2004-02-27, 06:31 PM
did you know that a bunch of people were struck by lightning and stuff while they were making the movie. the people who weren't christian all had conversions and lots of other strange things happened.
Also the movie was not entirely realistic. Roman Soldiers would often get drunk and then ass-rape people who were gonna be cruicified. They could have put that in but than it would be ####. I think this is gonna be the closest they aver come to making an entirely realistic movie
Yeah, the actor that played Christ got struck by lightning once on the cross and once in his car. No harm done though, so go figure.
And yeah, Mel Gibsom said their was alot of things he found out about the crucifiction that he couldn't put in and still get an R rating. For instances, the kind of beating that Jesus received with the cat of 9 tails would have left you with pretty much no flesh on your back, exposed ribs and organs and all. But I think it is definetly the best portrail of it I have ver seen.
2004-02-27, 07:38 PM
No thanks. I don't want to support a movie thats based on the beliefs of a certain religion.
... It's a movie you arnet supporting shit by watching it. All you are doing is making money for Mel :p
2004-02-27, 07:38 PM
Well then...looks like a good movie.... :rolleyes:
Stop trolling, thanks.
Actually Mel's not making money on this...
2004-02-27, 07:45 PM
I'm gonna see it soon, just because well, everyone is, and I like hopping on bandwagons
2004-02-27, 07:46 PM
Actually Mel's not making money on this...
riiiight :lol:
He spent like 20 or 30 mil of his own money on it, but it's going to make 300x that back.
Happy lil Elf
2004-02-27, 07:48 PM
Actually Mel's not making money on this...
I'll go find a link, he isn't. The money is being donated to Christian groups.
2004-02-27, 07:51 PM
I highly doubt he is gonna go home with nothing on this movie. He would be stupid to spend all his money and then not make anything back. Gibson is the man, one of my fav actors/directors. He isnt stupid :p
2004-02-27, 07:53 PM
Seeing it Sunday.
PS: Nobody cares if you don't believe in God, but don't disrespect those of us who do. You're only making yourself out to be the sub-culture you are....
Someone in my church mentioned him giving the money to Christian organizations , I'm trying to find a citation for it. So far I've found this but that doesn't prove it in any form or fashion...
2004-02-27, 07:57 PM
There will be donations to churches, but he is gonna make a profit, nothing wrong with that.
Yeah, I know that a portion definately is, apparently my friend at church that had said that it was all going to charity was incorrect... Sorry for bringing that up without a link to back me.
2004-02-27, 08:05 PM
Of course not ALL of it's going to charity, how would they pay the people who worked to make it?
2004-02-28, 01:14 PM
I actually got kicked out of the theater because I couldn't stop laughing when he was being killed.I don't know why,mabey because all the religous freaks were crying in the theater and I thought it was funny.All these people were ticked at me but man was it funny.I even ended up spitting the pop out of my mouth once because it was soo funny.
2004-02-28, 01:57 PM
yea, mel is gonna at least make up the money he spent making it. I'd say this whole thing, with charities and stuff, will net him about 50-80 mil.
2004-02-28, 03:08 PM
I actually got kicked out of the theater because I couldn't stop laughing when he was being killed.I don't know why,mabey because all the religous freaks were crying in the theater and I thought it was funny.All these people were ticked at me but man was it funny.I even ended up spitting the pop out of my mouth once because it was soo funny.
You on some kind of crack? :lol:
2004-02-28, 03:20 PM
I actually got kicked out of the theater because I couldn't stop laughing when he was being killed.I don't know why,mabey because all the religous freaks were crying in the theater and I thought it was funny.All these people were ticked at me but man was it funny.I even ended up spitting the pop out of my mouth once because it was soo funny. are my IDOL! I will now worship you as a
2004-02-28, 03:23 PM
I actually got kicked out of the theater because I couldn't stop laughing when he was being killed.I don't know why,mabey because all the religous freaks were crying in the theater and I thought it was funny.All these people were ticked at me but man was it funny.I even ended up spitting the pop out of my mouth once because it was soo funny.
WARNING: This is a clear example of the problems caused by Retard Inc.'s OMFGUrARetard pills.... maybe you should stop taking them now...
2004-02-28, 03:37 PM
I actually got kicked out of the theater because I couldn't stop laughing when he was being killed.I don't know why,mabey because all the religous freaks were crying in the theater and I thought it was funny.All these people were ticked at me but man was it funny.I even ended up spitting the pop out of my mouth once because it was soo funny.
kinda like Max Cady huh?
2004-02-28, 04:58 PM
I actually got kicked out of the theater because I couldn't stop laughing when he was being killed.I don't know why,mabey because all the religous freaks were crying in the theater and I thought it was funny.All these people were ticked at me but man was it funny.I even ended up spitting the pop out of my mouth once because it was soo funny.
damn, that is bad....i just slightly snickered some...but to openly laugh...ouch
2004-02-28, 05:33 PM
Are you insane, firecracker? If you find it funny, STFU. You're not supposed to laugh unless others are. Respect the atmosphere.
2004-02-28, 07:02 PM
Like I said before. I would not be able to watch this movie seriously without laughing at things that reminded me of "the life of bryan".
No thanks. I don't want to support a movie thats based on the beliefs of a certain religion.
Last time I checked you aren't supporting anything by simply watching the movie. Those "beliefs of a certain religion" actually happened. No matter which way you look at it it there was a man named Jesus who was crucified and then 3 days later he was ressurected.
2004-02-28, 08:31 PM
Last time I checked you aren't supporting anything by simply watching the movie. Those "beliefs of a certain religion" actually happened. No matter which way you look at it it there was a man named Jesus who was crucified and then 3 days later he was ressurected.
I agreed with you until: "and then 3 days later...". <--- That I do not believe is correct...
bah... I shouldn't have posted...
*post movie*
Mom: Yeah, by the end there, Jesus looked like Hamburger...
Me: Mmmmm, JesusBurger.
2004-02-29, 02:22 AM
"Last time I checked you aren't supporting anything by simply watching the movie. Those "beliefs of a certain religion" actually happened. No matter which way you look at it it there was a man named Jesus who was crucified and then 3 days later he was ressurected."
Heh. That's so ignorantly stated that it's funny. Kudos.
2004-02-29, 02:23 AM
Heh. That's so ignorantly stated that it's funny. Kudos.
So was that, Friend. Have some respect for people's religions - we're not pissing all over your belief system, so don't piss on ours.
A lot of people give Christian's crap for believing what's in the Bible, and to that I say, "de gustabis non est disputandem". We believe these things out of faith, and for us, that is enough.
Do not mock what you do not understand.
2004-02-29, 02:45 AM
*post movie*
Mom: Yeah, by the end there, Jesus looked like Hamburger...
Me: Mmmmm, JesusBurger.
:rofl: :lol: :rofl: That is so fucking wrong.
2004-02-29, 03:07 AM
This really isn't a topic that should be disrespected. I was pretty upset when I read some of these replies; me being a normal God-fearing person. You guys probably are far too sophisticated for religion though....watching your anime and reading some pussy-ass, lefty piece of shit literature detailing how George W. Bush is Hitler incarnate. It's surprising how so much perfectly good oxygen is wasted, just so you geniuses can take what you have for granted.
*Gets out his Fire Extingusher*
2004-02-29, 03:24 AM
"So was that, Friend. Have some respect for people's religions - we're not pissing all over your belief system, so don't piss on ours.
A lot of people give Christian's crap for believing what's in the Bible, and to that I say, "de gustabis non est disputandem". We believe these things out of faith, and for us, that is enough.
Do not mock what you do not understand."
I believe I was mocking the absolute statement of God's existence, when even the tenants of Christianity emphasize faith.
Never state your beliefs as fact. It just makes you look ignorant.
2004-02-29, 09:23 AM
I bet within the next couple months some kid will die because him and his friends wanted to re-enact Christ getting lashed and/or crucified.
Then all the media and politicians will blame Grand Theft Auto for it.
But on topic, I look forward to seeing the movie.
2004-02-29, 10:16 AM
C: This was real. That is how it happened.
Ok so... Mel Gibson is like the new moses or whatever... "He was then handed down the script!" no one alive can be sure of what happened.
I'm not gonna bother starting an argument up, I heard the soundtrack is great... probly going to buy it... not sure about wanting to see the movie but hey if it's that violent it can't be that bad...
2004-02-29, 11:49 AM
This really isn't a topic that should be disrespected. I was pretty upset when I read some of these replies; me being a normal God-fearing person. You guys probably are far too sophisticated for religion though....watching your anime and reading some pussy-ass, lefty piece of shit literature detailing how George W. Bush is Hitler incarnate. It's surprising how so much perfectly good oxygen is wasted, just so you geniuses can take what you have for granted.
Last time i checked, didnt the christian religion practice -tollerance-?!?! Just because u chose to believe and some do not, does not give you the right to domineer over others and press ur faith on them and just assume your way is the only way, there are alot of christians that wouldnt even appreciate you saying that
2004-02-29, 12:00 PM
I bet within the next couple months some kid will die because him and his friends wanted to re-enact Christ getting lashed and/or crucified.
Then all the media and politicians will blame Grand Theft Auto for it.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
2004-02-29, 12:03 PM
2004-02-29, 12:43 PM
Lets stop the argument about what actualy did and didnt happen. Unless you were there when this happened STFU and believe what you want to blieve.
On another note, I saw the movie. It was interesting indeed - the most interesting part was I never heard a movie theatre so quiet in my life.
On another note, I saw the movie. It was interesting indeed - the most interesting part was I never heard a movie theatre so quiet in my life.
On the walk out of the theatre, the entire audience of 100-somethign(full house) was DEAD SILENT. With the credits music rolling as well, it felt as if it were a huge death march. Craziness.
2004-02-29, 04:07 PM
Ok so... Mel Gibson is like the new moses or whatever... "He was then handed down the script!" no one alive can be sure of what happened.
There's a book that explains exactly what happened. It's called the Bible.
Last time i checked, didnt the christian religion practice -tollerance-?!?! Just because u chose to believe and some do not, does not give you the right to domineer over others and press ur faith on them and just assume your way is the only way, there are alot of christians that wouldnt even appreciate you saying that
I don't care what you do or do not believe in. Read what I said again, specifically the first sentence of my last post. You guys should be the ones practicing tollerance by keeping some of the comments made to deliberately upset Christians to yourselves. I see some of this as borderline discrimination.
2004-02-29, 04:33 PM
The bible cannot be proven to be accurate. And don't gimme that "God would not let it be wrong" BS. Pretend you're not catholic for a minute. Give me empirical evidence showing that everything in the bible is correct.
2004-02-29, 04:44 PM
A. I'm not Catholic.
B. Somebody already emphasized Faith. I have Faith in what I've read.
C. You guys are still missing the entire point in what I've posted....
2004-02-29, 05:25 PM
It has been historcally proven that Jesus did exsist and walk the earth...
It has been historcally proven that Jesus did exsist and walk the earth...
Yeah, I met the guy. I was in San Francisco when my radiator broke. He fixed it. Works at tuffy's, he does.
2004-02-29, 05:49 PM
I'm not denying Jesus was a real person, nor do I deny that he was a massive social and political leader at his time.
2004-02-29, 05:53 PM
I try to avoid political/religous debates for the most part, I get in trouble :o
2004-02-29, 07:27 PM
Thank you.
2004-02-29, 07:48 PM
^hear hear.
i don't like going to the movies *or* centralized religions, but i have to go see this anyway (triggar)
2004-02-29, 09:43 PM
Im am completly disgusted by what some people have posted in this thread. Please have respect for other people's beliefs, and don't make comments that you know will offend people. A healthy religious discussion is all well and good, but laughing at the death of christ is on the level of Skin-heads, KKK members, and the Terrorists.
2004-02-29, 09:47 PM
^take your own advice, remember that some people don't believe that christ is christ or that any religion has any value.
again, let's stick to movie discussion, not theology
2004-02-29, 10:01 PM
Thank you.Thanks dude, the massive text really helped get your point across. :rolleyes:
2004-02-29, 10:03 PM
I actually got kicked out of the theater because I couldn't stop laughing when he was being killed.I don't know why,mabey because all the religous freaks were crying in the theater and I thought it was funny.All these people were ticked at me but man was it funny.I even ended up spitting the pop out of my mouth once because it was soo funny.
Even if you don't beleive in Jesus, the fact that you could laugh while watching an account of someone being treated like that explains a nagging question I have been having ever since I saw that movie:
Who on earth would treat anyone that bad?
The answer my friend, is people like you. Go torture some small animals or something, or whatever it is you do...
2004-02-29, 10:27 PM
Bring this discussion back to the movie, or I will lock the thread.
2004-02-29, 10:33 PM
I just saw the movie...
I will say a few things:
1. It stunned me, not the violence as much as how real the suffering of Jesus was, for we the sinners of this world.
2. The worst part, for me, was when they hammered his hands and feet, truly, the most painful images..
3. The message of this movie, is that Jesus loved us, and died FOR us, he could have walked off that cross, he could have stopped it, but bore the hell of the Crucifixtion, to show that salvation is possible.
I am moved, and still dealing with the feelings.
2004-02-29, 10:34 PM
I haven't seen it yet, but i am kinda dissapointed with the way some people have been posting in this thread
2004-02-29, 10:35 PM
I haven't seen it yet, but i am kinda dissapointed with the way some people have been posting in this thread
People suck.
2004-02-29, 10:58 PM
Thanks dude, the massive text really helped get your point across. :rolleyes:
Just so you know. :p
2004-03-01, 12:08 AM
Hollywood has been squeezing out nauseating nuggets of filth for years now.
If anyone paid to see this movie and was disappointed, I say Caveat Emptor.
Hollywood is dead.
Theres been too much religion in the media lately, IMO. I've even seen the front cover of a popular magazine covering the fact that religion is all over TV, Movies, etc.
2004-03-01, 03:59 AM
Separation of church and state is what makes America great. Without it, we are no better than commies or fascists.
2004-03-01, 04:02 AM
2004-03-01, 04:44 AM
Separation of church and state is what makes America great. Without it, we are no better than commies or fascists.
Can you show me this seperation of church and state in the Constitution?
2004-03-01, 04:57 AM
Your question is adversarial, and fit for Political Debate.
I merely speak the truth.
2004-03-01, 05:18 AM
Your question is adversarial, and fit for Political Debate.
I merely speak the truth.
No, you speak misguided opinion. Come bring that to the right forum and enlightenn us iwth your truth.
Spouting that, then hiding behind "thats adversarial and fit for Political debate I mearly speak the truth" is craven. Do not bring political opinion in to a thread then run and hide like a coward when a dissenting opinion arises.
2004-03-01, 07:01 AM
You're clearly a partisan. The art of debate would be lost on you.
And you know what they say about arguing on the internet...
2004-03-01, 07:49 AM
You know, you bring up "your truth" as fact, when I called you on it, you deflected, demeaned, and now you have insulted me.
You sir, are not worth my time or effort, snobbish posters that bring forth their "truths" then insult people that attampt to engage them in debate because they genuinily disagree... I hold in the highest contempt.
Debate sir, is not about agreeing, its about discussing the finer points of contention between two contending ideas. If you fear such debate, you need only say so instead of resorting to attacking my intelligence in such a cowardly manner.
2004-03-01, 11:29 AM
I saw the movie ....Lets just get some things right i am a Christain ...durning the whole movie i did not feel like **** or romans were blamed for Jesus's death .. (Jesus's death and suffering was God's way of giving everyone a second chance..Gods way of showing his love for the everyone in the world....He depicted that by giving his own Son as an offering to wash away the sins of the no matter how bad or wrong your sins are all you need to do is ask the Lord for forgivness and all is forgiven.).. Also mels depictions of Jesus being beaten/killed yes was not pretty but i believe pretty close to the truth. although we must bear in mind the depiction of one man alone. But over all this was a powerful and moving movie. And i hope whoever has saw it will agree weather christain or not ..this man/Jesus suffering even though all that hate ad suffering and fear still prayed for forgivness for man kind shows how powerful forgivness can be :D I know everyone in that movie theather with Hamma and I sure walked away with something ...something silent in their hearts (weather it was religous or not) :) so i guess all i can say is see it before u judge:love:
2004-03-01, 12:31 PM
Jesus' message of love and tolerance is both the most important and most ignored of his life.
Those who kill in the name of Christ are surely the servants of Satan.
Those who dominate their societies in the name of Christ are surely the servants of irony.
Those who love with all their hearts are surely the minions of heaven.
2004-03-01, 12:34 PM
I haven't seen the movie yet (I keep nagging Martyr and he keeps deflecting), but I read that as gory as the whippings and beatings are in the movie, they're still PG-rated compared to what would have happened in real life. I guess that when they'd beat someone with the cattails, skin would come off completely, muscles would come off, internal organs would be exposed. I don't remember where I read that, maybe on the movie's website?
2004-03-01, 12:41 PM
I hate to be a cretin, but Roman soldiers would have sodomized Christ until he could stargaze through his own anus.
Do not focus on the suffering of Christ. His message of love is all that matters.
2004-03-01, 12:47 PM
Saw it yesterday, I haven't seen crowds/lines at a theater like that since the original Star Wars releases (yeah, I'm older than a lot of you). That's crazy. With all the cash this is bringing in I'm sure we can look forward to a whole bunch of poorly made 'Christian' themed films which will monumentally flop and leave the studios wondering what happened.
I thought that Mel's take on Pilate was pretty interesting, he ended up being an incredibly sympathetic character. It's certainly a perspective that I'd never seen before, I am curious exactly how he came about that opinion.
The most effective bits of the film to me were the scenes with Mary, the whole parent/child relationship struck me on a whole different emotional level. With Caveziel's face so torn apart and covered in blood so much, Mary was left to show the face of the pain and it held a lot of impact. Her flashback to Jesus skinning his knee as a child, and then the scene ending with "I make all things new" was just so powerful emotionally.
2004-03-01, 12:51 PM
I haven't seen the movie yet (I keep nagging Martyr and he keeps deflecting), but I read that as gory as the whippings and beatings are in the movie, they're still PG-rated compared to what would have happened in real life. I guess that when they'd beat someone with the cattails, skin would come off completely, muscles would come off, internal organs would be exposed. I don't remember where I read that, maybe on the movie's website?
Organs were not exposed ($30 million doesn't quite foot that fx bill), but beyond the flayed skin his ribs and some other bones were exposed. I'm not sure that showing exposed organs would have made the scourging scene any more effective, it definitely had the impact they were trying for without needing to resort to that.
2004-03-01, 05:55 PM
This thread is dead, as for Church and State. Who cares if its in the constitution or not, if church starts influcencing the way my country is run I am moving to canada.
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