View Full Version : Chat Commands
2004-02-29, 10:00 AM
Just wandering if anyone can help me as I know there are more command for the chat box then the one listed (if any) in the games manual. For example I've only been told couple of days ago that I can monitor the fps and the ping by typing /stats. For example I want to know the commands where I can see who's in what outfit etc but I can't find anything useful in the games manual. Please help if you know any usefull command.
2004-02-29, 10:16 AM
Got this from an outfit mates post.
l [text] Local chat. This text will be sent to all players within range of you. (Also /local [text])
/b [text] Broadcast chat. This text will be broadcasted to any friendlies in the SOI, or throughout the whole sanctuary. (Also /broadcast [text])
/s [text] Squad chat. This text will be sent to all members of your squad, regardless of location. (Also /squad [text])
/p [text] Platoon chat. This text will be sent to all members of your platoon, regardless of location. (Also /platoon [text])
/pl [text] Platoon Squad Leader chat. This text will be sent to all squad leaders within the platoon, regardless of location. (Must be a squad leader.) (Also /platoonleader [text])
/o [text] Outfit chat. This text will be sent to all members of your outfit, regardless of location. (Also /outfit [text])
/r [playername] [text] Reply (Private Message). This text will be sent to the player specified. (Also /reply [playername] [text])
/t [playername] [text] Tell (Private Message). This text will be sent to the player specified. (Also /tell [playername] [text])
BackSpace Key Reply to last person who sent you a tell. Otherwise opens the chat window.
/c [text] Command chat. This text will be sent to commanders of the same CR near you. (Must be CR2 or higher.) (Also /command [text])
/sitrep Sends situation report to commanders that are 1 CR above you. (Must be CR5)
/comad [text] Sends text to all friendlies in Adlivun. (Must be CR5)
/comam [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Amerish. (Must be CR5)
/coman [text] Sends text to all friendlies in Annwn. (Must be CR5)
/comcy [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Cyssor. (Must be CR5)
/comce [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Ceryshen. (Must be CR5)
/comdr [text] Sends text to all friendlies Drugaskan. (Must be CR5)
/comes [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Esamir. (Must be CR5)
/comfo [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Forseral. (Must be CR5)
/comho [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Hossin. (Must be CR5)
/comhu [text] Sends text to all friendlies in Hunhau. (Must be CR5)
/comis [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Ishundar. (Must be CR5)
/comos [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Oshur. (Must be CR5)
/comse [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Searhus. (Must be CR5)
/comso [text] Sends text to all friendlies in Supai. (Must be CR5)
/comsu [text] Sends text to all friendlies on Solsar. (Must be CR5)
/comsan Sends text to all friendlies on your Sanctuary. (Must be CR5)
/comall Global Chat. This text will be sent to every friendly player on the server. (Must be CR5)
/invite [player] Invites player to your squad. Mulitple players can be listed seperated by a space. (Must be squad leader or solo)
/cancel [player] Cancels squad invitation. If no player is given, cancels all outstanding invitations. (Must be squad leader or solo)
/kick [player] Kicks player from your squad. (Must be squad leader)
/promote [player] Promotes player to squad leader in your squad. (Must be squad leader)
/leave Leaves your current squad. (must be squad member)
/disband Disbands your entire squad. (Must be squad leader)
/accept Accepts an invitation to join a squad. (Also /yes)
/decline Declines an invitation to join a squad. (Also /no)
/pinvite [squad leader] Invites squad to your platoon. Multiple players can be listed seperated by a space. (Must be platoon leader or squad leader starting a platoon)
/pcancel [squadleader] Cancels the invitation. If no squadleader is given, cancels all outstanding invitations. (Must be platoon leader)
/pkick [squad leader] Kicks squad leader and their squad from your platoon. (Must be platoon leader)
/pleave Your squad leaves your current platoon. (Must be squad leader)
/pdisband Disbands your entire platoon. (Must be platoon leader)
/paccept Accepts an invitation to join a platoon.
/pdecline Declines an invitation to join a platoon.
/outfitcreate [outfit name] Creates and outfit with the chosen name.
/outfitform Form and outfit from a 10 person squad
/outfitinvite [player] Invites player into your outfit. Multiple players can be listed seperated by a space.
/outfitcancel [player] Cancels outfit invitation. If no player is given, cancels all outstanding invitations.
/outfitkick [player] Kicks player from your outfit.
/outfitleave Leaves your current outfit.
/outfitaccept Accepts an invitation to join an outfit.
/outfitdecline Declines an invitation to join an outfit
/alarm Allows you to set an alarm that will alert you when the timer is up.
/appeal Brings up a menu that allows you to report things to Customer Service. (Example: Report a serious griefer, account problem, character problem.)
/bug Brings up a window that makes it easy to report a bug in-game.
/em [action] Activates an animated motion. The following actions are available:
bow, cabbagepatch, charge, cheer, chestthump, choking, dunno, fistup, halt, nod, stinky and wave.
(Also /emote [action])
/emp Sets off EMP if CUD is in hand.
/filter Turns the profanity filter off and on
/help Opens the Help Menu
/ignore [player] Ignore messages and invites from player. If no arguments are given, displays a list of people being ignored. If a player is given, the ignore state is toggled.
/ia Triggers a request for instant action. (Also /instantaction)
/loc Returns your current location in X,Y,Z coordinates format.
/log Set chat logging state. If logging is turned on, all chat messages are appended to chat.log
/macro [tag] [/channel] [macrocommand] The tag is a 3 letter symbal to represent the macro. This text can be any valid chat string. (Example: /macro Hlp /l HELP! would produce: YourName says, 'HELP!')
/quit Exit the game back to the server select screen.
/recall Recalls you to sanctuary.
/report [player] Report another player to Customer Service
/showenemy Shows enemy players on map if CUD is in hand.
/showfriendly Shows friendly players on map if CUD is in hand.
/time Returns the current local Earth time and the current Auraxis time.
/who [text] Uses text provided to search for a player name that contains your text. Returns first 25 people.
/who [player] Returns player's Empire and the continent they are currently on.
/who [TR|NC|VS] Shows a list of 25 people from the specified empire with their location.
/who teams Shows how many players are online for each empire
/whopl Shows the platoon leaders on your continent. (Also /whoplatoonleaders
/whosl Show the squad leaders on your continent. (Also /whosquadleaders)
2004-02-29, 10:17 AM
Useful/nifty one I just found out is /whosl and /whopl.
2004-02-29, 10:20 AM
Many thanks :D
2004-02-29, 10:21 AM
Just here to help
EDIT: Forgot I'm also here to make random death threats but thats a whole nother story.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-02-29, 10:26 AM
i believe to get stats you can also hit shift+n+.
and to make outfit names show up hit shift+n
There is also
/macro [type of text] [3-letter abbreviation] [text]
Type of text = /b, /s, /p, /pl, /o, and any other text command listed by PaintBallBoy
3-letter abbreviation = The letters that you will see when you put it on your bar of macros (the bar with your implants on it)
After you do that a little speach bubble with the abbrivation will appear and you put it anywhere on the bar you would like and then you just press any of the "F" keys that you put it on.
2004-02-29, 12:22 PM
or simply go here:
where we have them all listed anyway :D
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