View Full Version : Nerdiest concept ever?
2004-03-03, 07:02 PM
In your opinion, whats the nerdiest thing ever? live-action RPGs? Star Trek? D&D?
I was gonna make thing a poll but theres too many damn possiblities.
I saw this video made in FFXI and I thought it was rather pathetic. it was a girl who was like "I am Protitisia of Geekia, from the guild of hunters." and it was this whole long emotional video about their game live. It makes you wonder....does this person know anyone outside their immediate family? do they wish they were night elves, and chocabos were real, rideable creatures? Im sorry. its just so sad.
2004-03-03, 07:09 PM
I can guarantee you D&D is not the epitome of Geekiness. In my opinion however, being hardcore Otaku, and wishing you lived in an anime series is the pinnacle of geekdom.
2004-03-03, 07:10 PM
Nice thread.
I'd say whether Romulan women's green boobies are as soft and supple as their D-Deridex class heavy cruisers.
2004-03-03, 07:10 PM
yea, lets here from some of the nerds here (dont be shy) and you guys can give us an educated opinion on whats the essence of nerd.
2004-03-03, 07:16 PM
live-action RPGs
2004-03-03, 07:44 PM
live-action RPGs
Unless the participants are decked out in armor. For instance, midievil tournaments held in the present day aren't live-action RPGs, they're funner! Team A vs Team B in a team tourny, a FFA, lots of stuff.
2004-03-03, 07:48 PM
Teh 1337 sp34k is the nerdiest thing I can think of...... :lol:
2004-03-03, 07:52 PM
Unless the participants are decked out in armor. For instance, midievil tournaments held in the present day aren't live-action RPGs, they're funner! Team A vs Team B in a team tourny, a FFA, lots of stuff.
nah, if they have armor that just means their rich nerds with even more free time on their hands.
2004-03-03, 07:58 PM
live-action RPGs
2004-03-03, 08:01 PM
hitting eachother with fake/real swords and yelling "HAVE AT THEE, FIEND" is different than pretending you're Gorlarioun the Dark Vampire lord of Etherium.
D&D is not nerdy, unless you are like, really nerdy about it.
2004-03-03, 08:33 PM
hitting eachother with fake/real swords and yelling "HAVE AT THEE, FIEND" is different than pretending you're Gorlarioun the Dark Vampire lord of Etherium.
D&D is not nerdy, unless you are like, really nerdy about it.
2004-03-03, 08:49 PM
D&D is not nerdy, unless you are like, really nerdy about it.
2004-03-03, 08:56 PM
I dont think that D&D is that nerdy. I admit it does have a nerdy pretext to it, with the fantasy and the adventuring and all that. However, it does encourage social...uh...ness(don't know that word...), which is not really that nerdy. Just my opinion.
However, there are some that are really, really nerdy about it. Just how you approach it.
2004-03-03, 09:06 PM
I don't see it any different than playing chess, checkers, ect. It's just the people who start calling eachother their avatar's name in real life, or having an open conversation at a resturaunt about their +4 Mace of Fear, that's when it gets bad.
2004-03-03, 09:17 PM
When I play D&D i never refer to the other players by character name. I'm such a shitty DM :lol:
2004-03-03, 09:17 PM
I can guarantee you D&D is not the epitome of Geekiness. In my opinion however, being hardcore Otaku, and wishing you lived in an anime series is the pinnacle of geekdom.
Damn, I lose @_@
2004-03-03, 09:19 PM
Linux geeks
2004-03-03, 09:21 PM
Damn, I lose @_@
you too, huh :D
2004-03-03, 09:23 PM
leet speak
I thought it was established that that this concept was erotic furry star trek self-insertion fanfiction.
2004-03-03, 09:27 PM
Sexual anime pillows are pretty geeky too.
That reminds me, mine should be here in about 2-3 days. ;)
2004-03-03, 09:28 PM
Wearing vampire teeth on days other than October 31st.
2004-03-03, 09:42 PM
Linux geeks
2004-03-03, 09:43 PM
i think klingon porn is pretty geeky, and trust me, it exists.
thats about the geekyest thing i can think of. and of course i mean, people getting off to that are really geeky, not the people that make it, they need jobs ya know.
2004-03-03, 10:03 PM
:eek: no pics plz.
I hate when people can fluently type in l33t speak. gay.
2004-03-03, 10:14 PM
hmm. there was this one time when dave attell (host of insomniac) was in some city and he went to check out this convention at some hotel and It was a huge star wars or something similar convention. while that was pretty geeky I'd say when he went upstairs to check out what kind of room parties were going on he stumbled across this one room where a bunch of people were looking over space pictures... yea that is the epitome of geekieness. sitting upstairs in a room looking at hubble telescope pictures while your geek pary is going on downstairs.. I mean come on, thats like what? they were too geeky for the rest of em..... jesus...
or having an open conversation at a resturaunt about their +4 Mace of Fear, that's when it gets bad.
I have open conversations about my Chaotic Evil frenchman who stabs people on a whim, and how the group's paladin is about as smart as a blueberry.
Of course, this is with only fellow DnD-ers
2004-03-03, 10:24 PM
I love the concept of DnD but never got anyone who wanted to play it around here and I haven't dare venture into the hobby store.
I'm a little freaked out by those kids.
2004-03-03, 10:53 PM
nah, if they have armor that just means their rich nerds with even more free time on their hands.
Woah don't you make me post some pictures of the big mother fuckers that go to the LARPS over here. Nerd my ass most of the guys carrying full plate around for the whole week-end over there have my respect that shit his HEAVY! Anyways... most of those guys could rip you in half before you even moved! :lol:
2004-03-03, 11:22 PM
This ( is by far the nerdiest thing ever done by any nerd anywhere. Somebody created a program to convert some video format into animated ascii art.
BTW, never ever associate leet speak with nerdyness. No real nerd/geek uses leet speak in a serious mannor. Only wanna-bes use leet.
2004-03-04, 12:29 AM
Klingon porn? Geez, I thought the people who translated Shakespeare's works into Klingon were geeks, but Klingon porn is going way too far.
Happy lil Elf
2004-03-04, 10:49 AM
LARPing, there is nothing lower than LARPing....
Except perhaps the people from that video who were LARPing an Everquest encouter, but then I guess that's still LARPing.
2004-03-04, 10:54 AM
LARPing LARPing....LARPing LARPing.
:huh: Wtf is that?
2004-03-04, 12:29 PM
Dressing up at Cons is pretty geeky. Nothing is worse than seeing a 350 pound balding over the hill geek with a beard try to slip his ass into a Star Trek Uniform.... ewwwww
2004-03-04, 12:31 PM
:huh: Wtf is that? in reference to LARPing
Live Action Role Playing.
The way to make LARPing cool would be to make it REAL!!! Real swords real violence and really cool then. None of this my hit does 3d55 +8d2 blah blah blah my resistance is blahblah... you hit someone with your sword and say, did that hurt? Yeah it hurt, ok you lost your arm you Geek!!!!
2004-03-04, 12:50 PM
Dressing up at Cons is pretty geeky. Nothing is worse than seeing a 350 pound balding over the hill geek with a beard try to slip his ass into a Star Trek Uniform.... ewwwww
but sometimes theres a hot chick dressed up in some really showy costumes, hot chicks can be geeks too you know.
2004-03-04, 12:56 PM
I happen to think that people who are the kind of people who won't wear something unless it's from American Eagle or has a Tommy Hilfiger logo on it, won't listen to a certain band because it isn't what all their friends listen to, won't talk about anything in-depth and keeps their conversation on a "clothes, boys, food, music" level ...
...well, they're the biggest nerds of all.
2004-03-04, 01:05 PM
triggar wins.
sorta like that south park episode where the goths were calling everyeone conformists
2004-03-04, 01:16 PM
Haha, we watched that last night.
"So what do I have to do to hang out with you guys?"
"Listen to the same music as us, dress like us, talk like us..."
"You guys want to see pain and suffering? Go live in a third-world country"
"I don't want to live in a third-world country, with all those conformists."
2004-03-04, 03:17 PM
I think Star Trek is the geekiest thing I've ever encountered, I see nothing cool about it
2004-03-04, 06:28 PM
but sometimes theres a hot chick dressed up in some really showy costumes, hot chicks can be geeks too you know.
that may be, but I'd never go out with a girl whos a star trek junkie.
you're right about the costume thing. theres nothing nerdier then dressing up like your EQ character at a convention.
2004-03-04, 08:51 PM
omfg! raiden, did you ever watch the original star trek? a hot chick in them uniforms. :drools:
plus, im a geek, i love star trek, hell, my signiture quote there is from a Asimov short story.
2004-03-04, 08:54 PM
the original star trek DID have hot chicks in uniforms, BUT I bet they didnt exactly like it.
2004-03-04, 10:00 PM
Teh 1337 sp34k is the nerdiest thing I can think of...... :lol:
eYe r teh mokXingS ovs ut wh3n43r 17 i2 teh p0o221813
*twiddles thumbs waiting for someone to correct his 1337*
2004-03-04, 10:05 PM
I happen to think that people who are the kind of people who won't wear something unless it's from American Eagle or has a Tommy Hilfiger logo on it, won't listen to a certain band because it isn't what all their friends listen to, won't talk about anything in-depth and keeps their conversation on a "clothes, boys, food, music" level ...
...well, they're the biggest nerds of all.
Define nerd.
I'd say, most of us are kind of like that, whether we realize/want it or not.
2004-03-05, 12:47 AM
IMO, LARPing would only be cool in VR, if they had that, I would LARP.
2004-03-05, 12:55 AM
eYe r teh mokXingS ovs ut wh3n43r 17 i2 teh p0o221813
*twiddles thumbs waiting for someone to correct his 1337*
If you want to see fluent 1337 sp3@k, go to and watch the Retarded Animal Babies series. In one of them there is a kid complaining about it. In HEAVY 1337.
2004-03-05, 02:46 AM
There is nothing wrong with talking about your Leeching +5 Sychte or Dormorkian Drink dispensor at a resturaunt. EVER! I cant remember the name of the damn Pepsi machine. Its a second addition thing in the First volume of the Encyplopedia Magica. Its in third edition, but as of last i saw it in a third edition book, there wasnt enough of a description to actualy use it for more than decoration.
and chocabos were real, rideable creatures?
Its japanese. There are no real variations in how you pronounce characters in a word. The few there are are gotten rid of when you translate from Japanese character to English characters.
2004-03-05, 05:12 AM
My cousin Speaks fluent klingon and a friend of his had to take ESL cause he was brought up speaking it... I rest my case on the Defining moment of NERD... Teching your Kid how to Speak Klingon before English/SPanish/etc what ever your native tongue is... to a point where in Kindergarten some school has to hire some guy like my cousin to translate for them..... that is geek
2004-03-05, 12:02 PM
No ... that can't possibly be true ... no human would do that to their child ....
Right? :crapper:
2004-03-05, 12:51 PM
A sign fo true Nerdiness is to post in a thread on a forum about a computer game debating what makes someone "teh nerd" beat me to it MrV.
truly, what could be nerdier?
I know.....if said game forum was for...oh, say....the Sims Online.
2004-03-05, 01:21 PM
Chocobo = chok-o-bo
How the fuck do you get "choke" from "choc"? :doh:
2004-03-05, 03:31 PM
That's how it's pronounced.
2004-03-05, 07:40 PM
lol /\ that is the nerdiest thing ever fighting over the pronouncation of a d&d word
2004-03-05, 08:39 PM
final fantasy... loser...
2004-03-06, 12:33 AM
D&D deosnt use japanese words execpt in the Premade Oriental campaings. And then sparingly. :ugh:
Youll never take the internet that far away from us!
2004-03-06, 01:10 AM
How about those watches with thermometers/address books/calculators/compasses/etc? I mean, it's like you're lugging a computer when you're wearing it. Well, okay, you are, but why the hell do you need all that stuff? It's like a watch for people who can't do math and get lost very easily.
2004-03-06, 01:24 AM
and yes people do do that to there children, other examples are Quenia (Tolkien Elvish), Tenguar (another form of Tolkien Elvish), Romulan, and Huttese. people actually raise their children to those languages... it's scary
2004-03-06, 01:40 AM
what about trading card games? i play MTG, not that i think its nerdy, but it seems to fit the category.
my vote would have to be for pocket protectors. i mean, after one pen what do you need? ive seen guys with short rulers in there before. that has to beat LARPing.
2004-03-06, 01:47 PM
Linux geeks
Or speaking in broader terms, Open-Source geeks. Some guys follow the open source community fanatically. That's basically the extreme essence of nerd ;)
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