View Full Version : Help a fallen friend
2004-03-07, 05:13 PM
My time on PlanetSide has been, how you say post-poned, due to lack of funds. So it would be a great help to send me some money so I may join the fight once again.
Oh yeah b4 you start to flame, Im 18 with no job working to hard at school to get one and have no girlfriend to give me money ( we broke because of PlanetSide :( ) and my parents think im addicted to this game (which i am :D ) and they wont give me any money.
So with that said i would like to ask you all to give me money. I will gladly accept the money that jingles(change) but i would rather get the money that folds (cash). :groovy:
If your going to send some money P.M. me or just reply to the post.
:flamemad: Flame away people i know you want too. :flamemad:
2004-03-07, 05:15 PM
Give me money too
2004-03-07, 05:16 PM
I could use some too.
2004-03-07, 05:25 PM
I need a car
2004-03-07, 05:27 PM
I am afraid I cannot help you with your money situation but I will of course take some money as well!
2004-03-07, 05:50 PM
Erm I could do with some money also, maybe a car, erm a magical moose, one of those mc donalds milkshake machines and a pony lol!
1)I mean come on dude, you could still get a job even if its like a saturday job, Im 17, I work hard at college too im in my last year doing A Levels I have a weekend job, 8 hours i earn plenty enough for PS and plenty else
2)I think it's pretty sad you broke up with your gf cos of a game, in fact thats pretty pathetic, I have a gf and can mangage to do all the stuff I like. And don't tell me planetside gives you nookie or i'm gonna be proper damn freaked out.
3)Yes,yes you are addicted seek help
4)Get a grip of your life and get some priorities
Oh and I don't give money to tramps a.k.a homeless people in the street so I don't see why people should give you sweet f.a when you have a roof over your head and your begging for money to play a computer game.
2004-03-07, 06:12 PM
I need money for condoms anyone wanna send me some? O and some for a plastic vagina
2004-03-07, 06:14 PM
:lol: I need money for condoms anyone wanna send me some? O and some for a plastic vagina
2004-03-07, 06:15 PM
Well, planetside is not the only reason we broke up but thats not the point. I would like to get a job but i cant find one that fits my extremly busy life.
1) I have school (everyday) plus night classes(Monday wednesday and thursday) and a online class(everyday).
2) My parents tried to put me in session with a doctor but i wouldn't allow that :mad: .
3) Yes i do have a roof over my head and im not homeless and im doing alright for myself :D , but when i take out all the money that i get from family and friends i have none for extra actives such as PlanetSide :( (which is the only computer game ive been playing after i beat Starcraft and Command and Conquer).
4) i dont think i have a problem with playing Planetside but I do sometimes i over do it, (sometimes :groovy: )
5) I makin good grades at my school so PlanetSide hasn't affected my grades any which further says im not "too" :scared: addicted to this game.
6) and my girlfriend left me because she lost that "spark", we both had at the beginning of that relationship. plus she was geting on my last nerve which is another story altogether. ( If u want to hear this funny ass story just say the word and i tell :lol: )
2004-03-07, 06:18 PM
Mine was a joke just to let all those literal people out there know.......
2004-03-07, 06:20 PM
I think he wants money so he can get those naughty channels on directtv
2004-03-07, 06:44 PM
Hey wait NC markov maybe he isnt so bad after all....
2004-03-07, 07:21 PM
I wanna buy a Stormtrooper Costume.
I need money too.
2004-03-07, 07:32 PM
I'm 17 and have two jobs one at rec center one at paintball field reffing with that money I play for Planetside, car, and other Realife 3.0 beta expansions.
I remember this situation!
*drops pants* You know what to do. :D
2004-03-07, 07:39 PM
*drops pants* You know what to do. :D
Oh man this is going to be worse than Kobe Bryant and Dharkbayne in the corner
2004-03-07, 07:50 PM
I remember this situation!
*drops pants* You know what to do. :D:rofl:
2004-03-07, 08:32 PM
I remember this situation!
*drops pants* You know what to do. :D
Uggh... I feel violated... :scared: :huh: :lol: :rofl: :scared: :huh: :lol: :rofl:
2004-03-07, 08:41 PM
pulls out scissors
2004-03-07, 08:57 PM
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