View Full Version : ex. of what SOE should have done.

2004-03-07, 11:35 PM
ok this is a simple post showing details on a what i think would have been better than CC.also there will be my own fanfic in this so dont bight my head off.

the title is Planetside:blue moon( Note: i have had some other ideas for the name such as woeing moon)

it takes pleace on four space cont's... 2 moon conts(the are the light side and the dark... so to have day and night battles. there are 5 bases one of each i think), a clean space cont(with 4 carrers as bases), and one astriod space cont(with bases in the the astriods.)

you cant use sertin items on these conts... like tanks... any and evry tank, you cant use any armor lower than max outside of the base for more than 3 mins, nor any max ablilitys... trust me you wount need them, you cant hot drop troops lower than max and rein. outside of a base. cant use frag or jammer nades outside.

what you do have to replace tanks is armored sheriks... yes there is one kind for each empire. they do not have a set weapon... there are rifles and the like that can be used.

on to bases... the carrers are just about twice the size of a drop ship cenet and have about twice the terms. there are three hangers that lead down a long hallway and into a large room with lots of air vech terms... this is where you enter and exit from. there are to spawn rooms(one near the hanger and one near the bridge next to the CC)

the rest of the bases up to the nevs.


reaver will have lock on rockets.

the new troop weapons are:
mid rifles: a plasma lancher thats simaler to a flame thrower... but lobs large blobs.
sniper:a anti-matter rounds so the bolt driver can be used in and outside.
mines:a free floting mine that trakes and lunches itself at an enemy.

sherike weapons:
they are simaler to the troop weapon used by each empire.

new equipment:
jet pack: alows for free floting manuvering in space.
rebeather:alows for an extra 5 mins in space.
air tank:it alows for and extra 3 mins in space(can also be used with a rebreather)

2004-03-07, 11:47 PM
this is just painful to read...

2004-03-08, 12:08 AM
Agreed. That hurts both to read and to imagine in-game.

2004-03-08, 12:31 AM
what you do have to replace tanks is armored sheriks.

WTF? Armored Sharks?

2004-03-08, 01:30 AM
armored sherifs?

2004-03-08, 03:14 AM

Armed and Dangerous win!

2004-03-08, 05:53 AM
and if they listen to him and do this i vote a bunch of us get to gether, gather up the members of the dev team who obvioudly quit so as not to be a part of this addition, get hired by Big Broth... I mean MicroSoft... and make a derivitive Halo Massively MultiPlayer first person shooter... red vs. blue to an all new stage... a game based on the HUman Civil War after the fall of the covenant.... oh the fun it would be

2004-03-08, 05:53 AM
you could spawn in at a space station, gear up, then request deployment to a planet that has been designated a hotspot

2004-03-08, 06:12 AM
http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/images/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.planetside-universe.com/forums/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=336966)

2004-03-08, 06:15 AM
you want to edit it so bad do it yourself, it's late i'm tired

2004-03-08, 11:12 AM
Edit butten. kthxbye

2004-03-08, 03:23 PM
you want to edit it so bad do it yourself, it's late i'm tired :rolleyes:

2004-03-08, 05:57 PM
Hey, you know what would be a great idea? To spread the game's already limited number of players over an even larger area!

I won't cast too many dispersions here, since your idea to spread out the playerbase was no worse than the one Sony came up with.