View Full Version : Who was worse: Adolph Hitler of Joseph Stalin?
2004-03-08, 10:40 PM
NOTE: I'll be damned if this gets sent to the Political Debate forum.
In your opinion, which dictator was worse: German Chancellor/Fuhrer Adolph Hitler or Premier Joseph Stalin?
2004-03-08, 10:44 PM
There's no reason for it to be in Political Forum. It's a poll on two dead psychotic fuckers. Not republicans/democrats or Christians/evolution.
They were both nuts. They were both homicidal and genocidal freaks of nature responsible for the global upheaval of their time. End of story.
2004-03-08, 11:06 PM
I'm going with Stalin, he posed more of a threat in the long run and killed WAY more people.
2004-03-08, 11:20 PM
Hitler, he may have killed less, but he killed them for a horrible reason
2004-03-08, 11:24 PM
and Stalin killed them with hardly a reason at all, whats worse?
I vote both equal
2004-03-08, 11:25 PM
Stalin was worse. He gave communism a bad face, and a bad name.
2004-03-08, 11:58 PM
2004-03-09, 12:08 AM
Hitler. Communism gives Communism a bad face and a bad name. :lol:
Happy lil Elf
2004-03-09, 12:16 AM
Communism gives Communism a bad face and a bad name.
Actually, it's more like human nature gives Communism a bad face :lol:
Communism is one of those ideas that looks great on paper.
2004-03-09, 01:11 AM
they were both brilliant political leaders who did terrible things but also helped restore economic status and stability to their respective countries.
At least for a short time. Germany's economy totally collapsed after WWII. Russia's economy is still in the dumps after finally breaking away from communism.
Stalin was definately worse though. He killed way more people and did plenty of very very nasty stuff. Hitler got the media hype because he started a World War. Hitler is the attention whore of the evil psycotic dictator world. :D
BTW, communism would work great if people weren't so damn human.
2004-03-09, 01:32 AM
Communism is one of those ideas that looks great on paper.
I agree. If it was such a great philosiphy, more than half-a-dozen countries would use it. It's ignorant to believe every single person within a country really gives a damn about the person next to them.
2004-03-09, 01:54 AM
Communism could never work even with a close nit group of trustworthy people who all cared about each other. It was originally tried by the Pilgrims when they first landed here. There was massive food shortages and many people died. As soon as they switched to a system where you got what you made and didn't have to share it with everyone else, they flourished, and they celebrated Thanksgiving. I bet they didn't tell you that in history class. The inherent flaw in Communism is that people don't work nearly as hard when the work doesn't benefit them. On the other hand, if you leave people on their own to do what they will with their lives, they end up contributing to societies well being and are happier while doing it.
I should shut up before this moves into polotical debate....
2004-03-09, 02:17 AM
Communisim flourishes among those with no thought of self, only for the greater good. Doesn't go over too wel with freethinkers. BTW if Stalin and Hitler had a fight, who do you think would win? Im guessing Stalin would kick his ass.
2004-03-09, 02:18 AM
But no large group of people will ever have enough selfless people to make communism work.
Oh yeah, I know that giving up all of my posessions and turning them over to the collective sounds like a great idea on paper. Toilet paper. Stalin did give communism a bad name. Just like all the other brutal communist dictators--basically all of them. Not recognizing that stealing everyone's property requires a lot of horrible violence is a pretty basic blindness.
If there was a country somewhere where the people responded to government theft and strongarming with sweetness, light, and delicious submission, then communism wouldn't be regarded as such a nasty ideology. Not even in Belgium.
They were both incomprehensibly evil, but I'm going to say Stalin was worse--because people still have the temerity to say, to this day, that communism was a good idea (not referring to 1024, he just said it looked good on paper). How many people are walking around claiming that Naziism was just 'implemented poorly' and would be better next time? Far as I'm concerned, modern day communist sympathizers are no better than members of Neo-nazi groups. They're murderers in waiting.
Comparing Communism and Fascism (not Nazi-ism) is like comparing night and day, apples to oranges etc. Communism and Fascism are completely opposite ends of the spectrum.
Stalin did only kill the one who was in the way for communism. Hitler killed for tehr race.., so hitler is the worst
2004-03-09, 08:52 AM
Hitler is the attention whore of the evil psycotic dictator world.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
By far, one of the funniest things I have heard in a long time. I don't think I have ever, ever, ever heard that bastage described in such a fashion.
2004-03-09, 09:12 AM
they [...] helped restore economic status and stability to their respective countries.
Welcome to my ten-meter zone. The flak vests are under the seat beneath the kevlars.
Stalin was responsible for the regime that brought poverty, destitution, and oppression to his fellow citizens. Not just in Russia, but in every Soviet satellite country. The USSR's biggest economic status was its military. More like, producing equipment to make war. The soldiers themselves were severely underpaid, but they had clothes and a place to sleep and food to eat. Most of the Russian populace couldn't say that at one point in time or another.
Stability was enforced by the secret police and the military police. I wouldn't consider stability a place where you can be arrested and disappear forever. I wouldn't consider standing in line five hours to get toilet paper and bread as a stable, economically-awesome status.
Hitler was responsible for throwing the world- not just Europe- into upheaval. He is responsible for every single death, military and civilian, that came about as a result of ethnic cleansing and World War Two. Soldiers died at his command, or as a result of them. Soldiers died trying to protect their countries from the German war machine. German soldiers died because they thought they were entitled to some fanatical dream that a psychotic madman came up with. Hitler did NOTHING to restore economic status and stability to Germany. His army needed money for food and equipment and supplies. Who the fuck you think paid for that? Some magical cheat-code for unlimited resources? Go back to your cheat hacks and play some more Counter Strike.
Hitler starved his people and bled them dry so his soldiers could pursue the Third Reich and Aryan supremacy. That's not economic status restoration or stability. Where were you when Dresden was firebombed back to the Cro-magnon age? Do you realize the sheer expenditure of money required to put out the fires and rebuild, and care for the homeless and the injured? That was just one city.
Explain to me how a continent involved in brutal combat and occupation is stablility. Where did you grow up, in an abused home at the hands of gun freaks and raving psychos? That's the only way you could see any of those men as stable, because that would be all you know.
You are an idiot and a troll.
2004-03-09, 10:25 AM
There is no 'better or worse' reason to eradicate your fellow man. Stalin is worse because he not only killed more, but he killed those who served loyally in the fight to defeat Nazism.
He was a traitor by every definition of the word. May he burn in hell.
2004-03-09, 10:42 AM
Hitler and Stalin...
Hitler was a fanatical German nationalist, who, when they lost WWI, snapped. Other people snapped, too, so they agreed with him. He then proceeded to commit genocide and bring the whole world to hell.
Stalin was a Commie.
2004-03-09, 11:02 AM
Your views are simplistic, OfaLoaf. Stalin was a totalitarianist and Hitler was a corporatist.
Study the words of Mussolini if you must understand the parallels between fascism and corporatism.
They are both sucking on Satan's schlong now, but when they lived, their miserable sycophant supporters thought they were just ducky.
2004-03-09, 11:22 AM
NOTE: I'll be damned if this gets sent to the Political Debate forum.
In your opinion, which dictator was worse: German Chancellor/Fuhrer Adolph Hitler or Premier Joseph Stalin?
Damn him, this is political send it.
2004-03-09, 11:30 AM
I vote for Hitler because he killed too many people for an irrelavent reason.
What are the numbers on both sides and I'm sorry but I forget who Stalin killed and for what reason...could anyone tell me?
2004-03-09, 11:36 AM
Stalin's Kill list (as I remember it):
**** while he was allied with Hitler
Political opponents
Hungarians (?)
Angry masses
2004-03-09, 03:33 PM
There is no 'better or worse' reason to eradicate your fellow man.
Wrong, would you consider putting a mass murder to death no better or worse then the murder an innocent person? Now I am not saying that eiter of these two bastards had a better reason then the other, but it would be possible.
2004-03-09, 03:47 PM
When you take the life of others, others being innocent people, you have no right to call yourself "fellow man". You are subhuman, you are a sick animal and you need to be put down.
Mass murderers do not count as mankind, nor are they even remotely human.
2004-03-09, 03:53 PM
Some of you may remember an OLD old thread of mine that was simliar to this, almost got me banned.
2004-03-09, 04:12 PM
Stalin did only kill the one who was in the way for communism. Hitler killed for tehr race.., so hitler is the worst
Where do u get ur information from? :huh: ... Stalin killed completely random people, not just ones that opposed communism, they would force false confessions out of them for pety theft, then execute them.
2004-03-09, 04:54 PM
Communism just sucks. It wont ever work, and it should die.
The end.
2004-03-09, 07:19 PM
My mistake. I haven't done too much in-depth research on it - only what I've sporadically read. (Which I guess was wrong.) My apologies.
I removed my post so no one else has to read it.
2004-03-09, 07:24 PM
Communism just sucks. It wont ever work, and it should die.
The end.your just saying that because you grew up in a capitalist country, study the idea of communism not the brainwash you think you know.
Communism does not equal evil
2004-03-09, 07:27 PM
No, it doesn't, ON PAPER. But greed and corruption gets in the way, along with that little thing called FREEDOM.
2004-03-09, 07:30 PM
it does in capitalism too...
wait freedom has nothing to do with the idea of communism, communism is the good of all.
If you have 100 $ and bob over there has 1000$ in capitalism he just says you suck but it communism, you both have 550$
2004-03-09, 07:35 PM
That is taking away your freedom. You earned that money. It's yours. No one has the right to take it away.
2004-03-09, 07:37 PM
it's supporting your fellow man not.
"bob fark off i've got a gun you've got 1000$, looks like your the poor biotch now"
2004-03-09, 07:46 PM
That is taking away your freedom. You earned that money. It's yours. No one has the right to take it away.
2004-03-09, 07:59 PM
As far as stats go (ie number killed, power of nation he ran, etc) it would be Stalin, but in the end, I would have to go with Hitler cause of the reasons, motivations, and general style in which he did things.
Lets face it, Hitler is the closest thing this world has ever seen to a super villian.
2004-03-09, 07:59 PM
it's supporting your fellow man not.
"bob fark off i've got a gun you've got 1000$, looks like your the poor biotch now"
It's not supporting your fellow man, it's being FORCED to. If you want to give someone 500 dollars, more power to ya, but it should be YOUR decision, not the governments.
2004-03-09, 08:00 PM
go look at the idea of it dude, and it's not forced i do not know the exact pieces of it but it is a great system by i believe Karl Marx
The primary purpose of The Communist Manifesto was to outline the theory of Class Struggle and incite the Proletarian to revolt. Furthermore, it was to define a more ideal form of government, whose economic policy would do away with the Bourgeoisie class, thus freeing the Proletariat from the yoke of their Bourgeoisie "masters." Essentially, The Communist Manifesto was an outcry against the adverse poverty of the Proletariat class.
Old Russian joke:
What is the difference between Capitalism and Communism?
With Capitalism, man exploits man.
With Communism, it's the other way around.
2004-03-09, 08:08 PM
Communism and freedom do not mix, communism does not work unless everyone has a single mindset. Basically, if you want to see communism working, look at an ant or bee colony. It just doesn't work with humans, because we think, we are aware.
2004-03-09, 08:23 PM
Some of you may remember an OLD old thread of mine that was simliar to this, almost got me banned.
2004-03-09, 08:26 PM
Honestly, communism would be the most powerfull system of orginization, where it not for the fact that man is inherently flawed and will take advantage of the system, not work hard just for the sake of doing a good job for the common good, etc.
In short, communism looks good on paper, but try to apply it to real life and you'll find yourself VERY dissapointed
2004-03-09, 08:59 PM
this question wqs harde to answer so i said both because hitler killed what was it over 6 million **** alone and stalin killed millions also. so i picked both because they both killed for a ruthless reason hitler,killed the **** because he says they were the reason germany lost ww1 and because in his mind he though his race was the only good race. Stalin he killed for communsim.
2004-03-09, 09:07 PM
2004-03-09, 09:14 PM
i wonder what would we do, if we encounter a alien race that represent the perfect idea of communism? And it was first contact by some Capitalist Humans?
Would we wage war? take advantage of it? join it?
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