View Full Version : TK'ing behavior

2004-03-09, 03:55 AM
I just have a question for everybody.

If someone shoots you, obviously on purpose, just for their own enjoyment what do you do?

Because, and I've been guilty of this a few times, my old mouse would just start to shoot for no reason at all. It would just shoot. And I would accidentally shoot someone, so they kill me. Understandable.....once. But then they proceed to kill me everytime they see me. I've been shot a few times just because someone is bored so I shoot them back. Then send them a tell letting them know not to shoot me for no reason (friendly fire in a zerg or something along those lines is understandable).

But, now that I got totally off subject, what do you do when someone shoots you for no apparent reason?

2004-03-09, 05:54 AM
I heal my self and challenge them to a knife fight.

2004-03-09, 06:46 AM
Depending on how I feel or who it is, I return the fire a bit.

2004-03-09, 07:39 AM
see if that person dies, then wait at spawn and kill him like 3 times he comes out. Fair

2004-03-09, 09:46 AM
Depends if I was really doing something then I would be pissed and go after them or maybe I would think it was just the enemy. If we are sitting at a secure base and someoen shoots me but doesn't kill me I'm fine I just heal and repair and get my JH out and make sure he doesn't do it again.

2004-03-09, 10:16 AM
It depends. I will try to answer your question as best as possible. TK'ing is a disease, a sickness we call ADHD. People who do this must be treated compassionately and amends must be made for their illness. They can't help their attention deficit disorder. So. Generally I and my platoon hunt them down and drive them out of the game, while we spread the word on command chat.

I absolutely HATE TK'ing of any sort. This includes the ADHD-sufferers that you find engaging in intra-outfit TK'ing at the last hack. Invariably someone else gets caught in the crossfire. And they better not be a Black Widow, or you will suffer the consequences. I don't pay for this game to sit there and see red killing red, regardless of what it is. If you fire in my direction, you better be shooting the enemy behind me. Or else I'm going to stuff my knife so far up your ass you'll be spitting chain links for a week.

Your job as a troop in this game is to kill the enemy. Not your buddies and your brothers/sisters. Take your Ritallin before you play, because it's getting old. FAST. While you're TK'ing every living thing in sight, the other two empires are crawling up your asses, taking back what you just fought for. You just wasted your time and you wasted mine. You will *NOT* dictate how my time is spent and if you waste my time, I am going to make you pay until I feel my gaming pay-rates have been vindicated.

If you shoot at me to get my attention or you're just having a bit of fun without the intent to put me down, you better be a long way off and pray I don't find you. You better put me out in one round and make sure there are none of my battle brothers around.

I don't care what SOE's lame-ass policies are. They don't listen to paying customers when they say things like Vanu are overpowered. So I am not going to listen to CSRDanB and his fat boss Tom Cockhard. If you engage me, I will engage you back.

I hope this answers your question, and sheds some light on the sort of mental illness known as ADHD and the sympathy we must have for rabidly-ADD'd victims.

2004-03-09, 10:21 AM
I don't care what SOE's lame-ass policies are.

I thought if someone tks you, you are allowed to fire back?

2004-03-09, 10:25 AM
I don't know what it is anymore. The DC was AI in beta and now it's coming back. What does this say about change and policies? My understanding was that any acts of deliberate TK'ing and griefing would be punished, including those who try defending themselves.

2004-03-09, 10:30 AM
If someone tries to TK me when I am doing nothing but just sit there and waiting for a hack to go through, I def will kill them.

I'll flip on personal shield and crouch MCG their ass.

And after that is done, i wait at the closest spawn for them, wait for them to get their gear, and kill them some more until they say sorry or spawn somewhere else.

I especially love when my friend and I are drivin around in a Skygaurd or Prowler and hes gettin ammo and a friendly steals it. I sit there and shoot the ground in front of the vehicle to destroy both of us inside just because he stole our vehicle. Or if they kick me out, i'll striker their ass. Or I could have a friend thats in a Reaver kill him.

2004-03-09, 10:52 AM
"Meet me at the field of Honor, at dawn."

2004-03-09, 01:03 PM
Wow...I'm so starting a TR char just to kill Black Widows

2004-03-09, 03:08 PM
Bring it on. We'll give you so much grief that you'll be locked for a week.

2004-03-09, 03:53 PM
I'm sure Firefly doesn't speak for Black Widow Company as a whole, just let them grief out man, what's the point? I get enough grief from retards running down the middle of the bridge as is, I sure as hell don't need another couple hundred just to TK some random 7-day trial newbie.

There was one occasion though, where I was, let's say, annoyed to the extreme, and in the middle of a fight for control of the CY I duck out to heal/repair, this dude walks up, spams v-n-m and so on, my squad is rallying up at another base somewhere, so I run to the tubes to decon, and that same nublet TK's me, I send him a tell

me - "wtf?"
randomn00b47 - "you didn't heal me homo."

as I stated above, I was already pissed, and when i respawn, who do I see? that's right, Mr. Nublet himself, all dressed in his grey agile like the failure he is, so i procede to give him a few dozen rounds to the spine.

I suppose there are some situations where the lust for veangence takes over, but in most cases it's better to just let it go, and pity the bored nooby for being the failure that he is.

2004-03-09, 04:07 PM
wow. killing the medic because he was too slow.

No wonder we need security in hospitals.... :rolleyes: :huh:

2004-03-09, 04:14 PM
Well, to be honest, I wasn't going to heal him anyway, I didn't pick up medical to heal other people

I know I sound like a heartless bastard, but that's just too damn bad :)

2004-03-09, 04:23 PM
I'm sure Firefly doesn't speak for Black Widow Company as a whole, just let them grief out man, what's the point? I get enough grief from retards running down the middle of the bridge as is, I sure as hell don't need another couple hundred just to TK some random 7-day trial newbie.
I'm sure you might be wrong. My fellow players, somewhat to a whole, feel the same way I do. We will never be the first to TK. I said I surround myself with like-minded players.

There's a difference in accidents and deliberate TK. I might question whether or not someone running me over on a bridge was deliberate, but I was stupid enough to be in the middle of the bridge, my fault. That is why I never run from place to place but when I do? I stay on the railing.

Now if I am sitting in the hall and some asshole shoots me, that's deliberate. If a base is under attack and there are a thousand enemies around me, then yeah I might die. That's friendly fire and it wasn't from a Lasher. I can accept that. Melee combat with firearms is not pretty.

I also don't shoot someone if they apologize. That's common courtesy and I respect someone with the honor to stop and say "Damn man I am so sorry!". I do it myself if I ever accidentally TK a member.

I'm not talking about hunting down anyone who red-on-red's a troop of mine. I mean those ADHD motherfuckers who incessantly grief their buddies and then kill others in the process. You're free to go around having intra-outfit knife fights in Akna courtyard, but you better not stab one of mine.

2004-03-09, 04:28 PM
Holy fuck it's a game. Why do people get so pissed about tk'ing?

I kill someone if they shoot me on purpose.
If I'm in the mood, I'll kill someone for doing something stupid or being a pussy.
And if I'm in that same damn mood, which I am alot of times, I'll kill someone just for being there.

Ya, I play the game normally sometimes, but othertimes I like fuckin around? So what do I do? TK. Sue me.

It's a game, a teammate kills you. Boo-fuckin-hoo, kill him. If you don't like tk'ing play a different game.

2004-03-09, 04:34 PM
Holy fuck it's a game. Why do people get so pissed about tk'ing?

I kill someone if they shoot me on purpose.
If I'm in the mood, I'll kill someone for doing something stupid or being a pussy.
And if I'm in that same damn mood, which I am alot of times, I'll kill someone just for being there.

Ya, I play the game normally sometimes, but othertimes I like fuckin around? So what do I do? TK. Sue me.

It's a game, a teammate kills you. Boo-fuckin-hoo, kill him. If you don't like tk'ing play a different game.

Yeah seriously, Black Widows tone down.

Anyways, Some ass in a reaver was spamming rockets at my lightning, His intention was to not actually hit me but otherwise I got a little pissed because of some previous stuff that happened. So I tap fire and hit him with a measly mg round. About 1 hour later he comes into the vech term where im waiting and blasts me away. So for about the next 2 hours it was a TK war, from reavers to supressors to knife fights we had it all :lol: .It was pretty fun actually, he was in my squad btw so no grief here.

2004-03-09, 04:38 PM
Yeah seriously, Black Widows tone down.
This completely contradicts what I said.

So what do I do? TK. Sue me.

It's a game, a teammate kills you. Boo-fuckin-hoo, kill him.
That's my entire point. We don't run around teamkilling people, but if you want to bring a fight, bring it and we'll respond in kind.

So yeah- Subterfuge, I agree with what he said about boofuckinghoo. My entire point is that I won't hesitate to unload on a fucking dipshit. So if you're done trying to be a smartass, get off my nuts.

2004-03-09, 04:49 PM
Ya, Subterfuge, I wasn't attacking Black Widows or Firefly....where do you get "Black Widows, tone down" from what either I or Firefly have said?

Tking is a part of the game, and pretty fun at some times. There will always be TKing, and nothing you can do but kill those who TK you, and then if you so desire, hunt them down for life. Though, I have usually outlasted the hunter... :D

2004-03-09, 05:56 PM
My outfit had this one guy that was a complete ass. Constantly Tking. mainly just pissing us off. he was kicked in a Week. one week later I saw him in Enclave His name was MrSnapple (one week later he was begging the outfit leader to let him back in he got screenshots posted them on the outfit forums and we still laugh about it from time to time.) From time to time he used Tk one of us. so we in turn just Tk'ed back. well all said and done we pretty much ignore him now and if he shoots us we will fire back. but only if it's intentional.

2004-03-09, 09:25 PM
I ask them why they did it; this resolves about half the TKs I'm in. But if they say I killed them I apologize for it. If they something like you were in my way, when we were in a courtyard, I will simply stop talking to them. If they insist on saying vulgar words and meaningless jumble I'll just ignore them.

2004-03-09, 09:28 PM
heh 321 is still sore we kicked him out for being imature...

2004-03-09, 09:53 PM
heh 321 is still sore we kicked him out for being imature...Dude...unless 321 now plays markov...

321 has always been a TR on Emerald as far as i'm converned so how could he of gotten kicked from your outfit?

2004-03-09, 10:17 PM
If you fire in my direction, you better be shooting the enemy behind me. Or else I'm going to stuff my knife so far up your ass you'll be spitting chain links for a week.

:evil: evilman agrees :evil:

:angel: so does the nice guy :angel:

2004-03-09, 11:00 PM
Dude...unless 321 now plays markov...

321 has always been a TR on Emerald as far as i'm converned so how could he of gotten kicked from your outfit?

That's not the PSU 321, that's a different one.

2004-03-10, 01:11 AM
might be same one.. I play TR emerald as well.. Catachan01 through 05

2004-03-10, 02:00 AM
It was ThreeTwoOne which was me. I was not kicked out from BH because I was immature, I left. The BH would rather have it that I was kicked because I was immature though. With bio osing a friendly coutyard to try to kill me but missing me and getting everyone else then talking on cr4 command chat about tking me on sight which resulted in cr4s coming to protect me.

2004-03-10, 02:14 AM
TKing is a really sad practice. I think that goes without saying. I've never understood why folks instigate such things. Then again I do not understand why people knife the wall of the CC for ten minutes with there backs to the door. They are leaving themselves open to assault this way. I see TKing and attempted TKing in the same light. By doing stuff like that you're not helping at the least of circumstances and really harming in the worst of circumstances, either way the team's effort is hampered. In a team game like PS that can really be disruptive.

2004-03-10, 02:21 AM
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who busts a cap in an idiot out there who shoots for no reason.

Edit: Also, why am I not being updated at PlanetSideStats?

2004-03-10, 03:48 AM
I was just saying, comparing your statement to his one. If someone shoots you, dont get all pissed like it's the end of the world and vow revenge on him for the rest of your life. Shoot ask questions later yeah, Maybe if you're in a bad mood, otherwise think nothing of it, you wouldn't like someone being on your ass because you accidently shot him instead of a cloaker and he/she thought you were bullshitting.

2004-03-10, 07:36 AM
I was just saying, comparing your statement to his one. If someone shoots you, dont get all pissed like it's the end of the world and vow revenge on him for the rest of your life. Shoot ask questions later yeah, Maybe if you're in a bad mood, otherwise think nothing of it, you wouldn't like someone being on your ass because you accidently shot him instead of a cloaker and he/she thought you were bullshitting.
If you were comparing my statement to his then you were completely unjustified in saying anything along the lines of "tone down". Where he might be prone to TK'ing for whatever reason, he said "So? TK back". Which is what *I* said. I don't swear revenge for life. Nor does my outfit. We're simply going to turn the other cheek provided it wasn't an accident, WHICH I ALSO SAID, and dump a load on you. That was my point. Not that we're vigilantes. I don't care what you do to some random shmeckle in the game, provided it's not one of my guys.

And don't give me that outfit-justice bullshit. I know of at least three outfits on my server-empire that do the same damn thing, so I *KNOW* we aren't alone.

2004-03-10, 09:35 AM
I just have a question for everybody.

If someone shoots you, obviously on purpose, just for their own enjoyment what do you do?

Because, and I've been guilty of this a few times, my old mouse would just start to shoot for no reason at all. It would just shoot. And I would accidentally shoot someone, so they kill me. Understandable.....once. But then they proceed to kill me everytime they see me. I've been shot a few times just because someone is bored so I shoot them back. Then send them a tell letting them know not to shoot me for no reason (friendly fire in a zerg or something along those lines is understandable).

But, now that I got totally off subject, what do you do when someone shoots you for no apparent reason?

I campt their spawn point and kill them every time I see them until weapons lock. You sure you haven't tked me by accident once? ^^

2004-03-10, 10:00 PM
Wow 321, and for your next short story