View Full Version : Saw something i NEVER thought i would see!
2004-03-09, 02:39 PM
went to the official boards forums today (which i almost never do, since this site's forums are by far superior :D ) and people were HEAVILY debating on the lasher! people were COMPLAINING the LASHER is overpowered! cna you believe that!? :lol: thats a new one for me
2004-03-09, 02:47 PM
went to the official boards forums today (which i almost never do, since this site's forums are by far superior :D ) and people were HEAVILY debating on the lasher! people were COMPLAINING the LASHER is overpowered! cna you believe that!? :lol: thats a new one for me
nerf da lasher
2004-03-09, 02:47 PM
not new. whiny losers do it all the time ;)
2004-03-09, 03:10 PM
If the devs just made the lash only lash to the sides, it wouldn't be a problem (and fix the orb + lash).
Diddy Mao
2004-03-09, 03:19 PM
Meh People will complain about something untill we are all shooting nerf guns in-game. But be careful they can put out and eye :-l
2004-03-09, 03:24 PM
man, i swear the lasher has always been substandard compared to the other empires superior HA weapons. i like using the JH or MCG for fun sometimes, but would hate being stuck with them. i'm spoiled; switching between regular and AP ammo sucks. i likes my beamer(more than the lasher) and my lasher.
2004-03-09, 03:28 PM
Have you been asleep since the last patch? Half of your empire now owns the Lasher, and they're spamming that buggy thing like mad. Of course people are complaining about it. There's a reason the sheep are all certing in it.
2004-03-09, 03:31 PM
Have you been asleep since the last patch
well...i play once a week lately. look at my player stats...hehe. and i try to aviod HA combat, seeing that my lasher lacks. when i go AI, i usually use my MAXes (comet or quasar). i am pretty good as infantry, but, prefer not to. usually, i like to set up mines, repair and man turrets, man cannons, and defend towers.
2004-03-09, 05:44 PM
well...i play once a week lately. look at my player stats...hehe. and i try to aviod HA combat, seeing that my lasher lacks. when i go AI, i usually use my MAXes (comet or quasar). i am pretty good as infantry, but, prefer not to. usually, i like to set up mines, repair and man turrets, man cannons, and defend towers.
2004-03-09, 06:13 PM
lol, lasher is just a bit overpowered. and the shit where it lasher behind the user sux.
2004-03-09, 09:28 PM
the lasher is still weaker IMO...NC got it easy with the jackhammer :( whenever i find one i pick it up and use it cus it takes 1 shot to kill someone.
2004-03-09, 09:31 PM
If the lasher can kill with one shot, then i think it's justified to be called overpowered. :rolleyes:
2004-03-09, 09:49 PM's not overpowered...
It's fricken bugged, thats why we complain and to all you VS that use the lasher and think it's just fine, good for you, stfu and go away.
Stop whining because we are whining.
2004-03-09, 11:54 PM
Your on crack if you think that. They need to make it so the orbs get weaker the farther they travel. I get owned a normal basis with it and I use a jackhammer. It doesnt matter if its short range or far i still get owned. Im to the point where I just find some nice TR to fight instead of VS.
2004-03-10, 12:32 AM
Problem with the lasher is the lash within 5m restriction is gone. People seem to miss the significance of this, and why it has caused these problems. For those who don't grasp the magnitude of the change, here's a synopsis:
1) The orbs lash enemy targets within 3m (correct that if I'm wrong) of the orb.
2) There is no restriction on how soon the orb starts this lash.
3) This means that if I am within 3m of the gun barrel (including behind) I will be hit by a lash.
4) If the lash inflicts at least 4 health (don't have the exact numbers...thought it was 5 or 6 though) then all the Lasher user needs to do is get within 3m and empty the clip to kill the enemy, as 4 health per lash x 25 lashes per clip = 100 health. No direct hits required, but this will speed the process up tremendously.
5) Also means that getting close to the Lasher user is not smart.
6) The people hit by it the worst are the NC JH users, ironically enough. Their weapon is only effective within 5m, which is about where the Lasher gets it's free automatic hits...the JH can still win, but has to put the Lasher down extremely quickly and hope he doesn't have a Barney friend.
7) Once the Lasher has to be 5ms away before it starts lashing, there will be a sharp decrease in the number of people using it, as it will no longer get easy surgemonkey kills (no easier than any other HA at any rate).
8) Bandwagoners will abandon the Lasher, as it has now been "nerfed".
Might be right, might be wrong...but that's the most likely outcome as I can see it. As I've said elsewhere, the 5m restriction being lifted was the only change to the damage equation made by the Devs. Nobody really complained about the damage the Lasher did before, but the Lasher didn't have this area of free damage around it either. That area is being taken away...though I still believe the VS should be given a competent MA rifle to reduce the Lasher users. The Pulsar would do more damage boiling water to throw at the enemy then it does on it's own.
2004-03-10, 12:45 AM
the lasher is still weaker IMO...NC got it easy with the jackhammer :( whenever i find one i pick it up and use it cus it takes 1 shot to kill someone.
i think he means the jackhammer kills in 1 shot.
2004-03-10, 01:56 AM
the pulsar doesn't do high damage, but, its fires a at medium rate of fire and its pretty accurate. from a distance, i can take a gauss users 1 vs 1. a good cycler would kick my but, but, the cycler is awsome.
2004-03-10, 02:42 AM
you havent run across a good gauss user then.
Damage dropoff charts give the gauss the greater TTK values at ranges above 10 meters compared to any other MA rifle.
2004-03-10, 02:49 AM
Suppressor has better TTK at range that Pulsar.
2004-03-10, 09:57 AM
I think Krinsath is correct on what will occur when the lash starting at 5m restriction is put back into place. What bothers me is I really think that the Fairweather "weapon-of-the-week" players will dust off their NC surgile newbies. When that happens, we will be back to hordes upon hordes of surgile JH monkies all over every map in the game. The population will shift radically in favor of the NC and we will be back to where we started. I wish there was a way to alter the Lasher such that it is competitive, but not ridiculous. Actually I wish that for all the HA weapons.
As for me, well I'll still be running about with a sweeper/rocklet rifle on my grunt and an AMP on my infiltrator.
2004-03-11, 12:15 AM
You obviously didn't play during lasher 2.0
2004-03-11, 03:22 AM
if u ask me the the lasher is ok.... apart from having almost no recoil the orbs are just a bit to fast for a lasing gun and its range is just so rediculas its insane......
have any of u even looked at the map thing on the officail home site VS win evry day on evry sever and u think its a fair fight. they have been beating the TR and NC by over 60% evry day this month somthing has to be done and u cant dinie(bad spelling) it its un sporting and in my opinion any one that does should hang up thier lasher and join the TR or NC :rofl: and see how conplains then.
2004-03-11, 08:02 AM
ditto what pengy said you must not have played earlier in the summer/september area where lasher was ub3r
2004-03-11, 09:58 AM
well...i remember that the VS were the lesser population. the NC were usually the top dawgs as far as population goes-since i have been playing anyway (about 8 months). the TR sometimes has high pop. i think alot of people empire hopping has alot to do with the vanu wins. you can't blame base caps solely on a damn infantry HA weapon. no way. now, you can blame it on numbers of soldiers. the TR numbers ahave drastically fell, and NC numbers have fallen. where have they all gone? VS, obviously.
i'm not here to argue that the lasher should or shouldn't be nerfed. i'm just saying i don't notice it being overpowered. now, if you think i should be nerfed, fine. that is cool-i won't mind. i'm used to it how it has been anyway. although, the faster reload and 5 more orbs is nice.
i dislike so many vanu lately. its sooo many vanu, its rediculous. i like being outnumbered. i get more kills and its more challenging. now, i end up constantly running between bases because there are so many of us and so few enemy (damn empire hoppers).
2004-03-11, 10:23 AM
I'm not sure if Flypengy was referring to me, but yes I was here for Lasher 2.0. During that time period my infiltrator saw huge gains in BR due to the Lasher Horde. I do remember lashers rolling over litterally everything (tank, man, or beast) that got in the way. My concern and point is that the 'Fairweather Players' will go back to their Jackhammer newbies. Weather it is the Vanu or the Conglomerate that is steam rolling everyone night after night is irrelevent. So long as it is just one empire all the time, the game as a whole will still suffer.
Why do I think it will be the NC? Well the Jackhammer still is the only weapon capable of dealing out so much pain at point blank range even with a triple fire mode delay. The one weakness of the necessity of point blank range is easily mitigated throught the use of surge and agile armor. As I said earlier I really wish there was a way to balance the heavy assault weapons without tliting the percieved (or realistic) balance one way or the other. That way, maybe finally the Fairweather Players will either stick it out where they are. I realize, of course that this is just a dream. I could also be wrong about all fo this, but we shall see. :D
2004-03-11, 10:44 AM
not new. whiny losers do it all the time ;)
You're slow.
2004-03-11, 11:02 AM
The only other problem I see with the lasher is that it's just an all out spam cannon. I was at Anu on forseal yesterday and I was fighting the VS and many of the VS were using their little lashers to defend the main door. It took us about 10 minutes just to get inside that door due to all the lasher spam just rolling outside the door.
I even was trying to repair myself outside the door behind the little archway and the lashes were still hitting me behind that corner of the wall. I looked up at where the lash was comming from and saw steady streams of blue lashes of death comming at me.
I don't care much about the effectiveness it has at defending doors and hallways but at least fix it so when i get close to the lasher user, I don't automatically step into a sphere of blue death.
2004-03-11, 11:33 AM
i say kill the lashers speed and give it some recoil plz and herm i wonder y no VS conplain
2004-03-11, 12:07 PM
i say kill the lashers speed and give it some recoil plz and herm i wonder y no VS conplain
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the speed, nobody was complaining about speed before this last patch and the speed didn't change in the meantime. Recoil? If you're talking about COF bloom, that thing has a horrible COF bloom for any spammers. There are few people who I see managing the COF with delayed firing. It needs to not lash through solid objects and it needs to not lash for the first 5 meters (again). Heck, go ahead and leave the bug that gives it extra damage for direct hits (lash plus hit) for all I care. Get rid of the two bad bugs and it will be fine.
2004-03-11, 12:08 PM
Heck, go ahead and leave the bug that gives it extra damage for direct hits (lash plus hit) for all I care. Get rid of the two bad bugs and it will be fine./signed
2004-03-11, 12:13 PM
2004-03-11, 06:06 PM
someone actually said the projectiles of the lasher were TOO FAST?! LOL! no way! if they got any slower, you can dodge the beams in a freaking MAX! ok, i exaggerate(don't correct my spelling! :p), but, you get the idea.
2004-03-11, 11:00 PM
the lasher is to powerful like why the f$^# can it hit you if you are standing behind someone!? Now the TR are getting killed by that as well as the disadvantages we already had (the way our maxes get nerfed frequently, and then get totally owned by phoenix's anyway!)
2004-03-12, 03:21 AM
hay iv just tryed out the lasher for a day and it took me no time at all to take over my other NC and TR character in BP i was really glad i was finaly killing summert but i felt really sorry for the NC guys i kept killing on my own when there where 3 of them and all i had was basic stuff and a lasher. but to be honest i did die from time to time and i was gunna blame the weps again when i thort its not them its me i need to improve my skill. so after this experiment i have dicided that there only about 2 things wronge with the lasher killing ppl behind stuff and a less *refire rate* (*=not much but just a lil coz i found i ran out of ammo fast this will help the VS and the others
PS im done conplaining :groovy:
2004-03-12, 05:39 AM
hay iv just tryed out the lasher for a day and it took me no time at all to take over my other NC and TR character in BP i was really glad i was finaly killing summert but i felt really sorry for the NC guys i kept killing on my own when there where 3 of them and all i had was basic stuff and a lasher. but to be honest i did die from time to time and i was gunna blame the weps again when i thort its not them its me i need to improve my skill. so after this experiment i have dicided that there only about 2 things wronge with the lasher killing ppl behind stuff and a less *refire rate* (*=not much but just a lil coz i found i ran out of ammo fast this will help the VS and the others
PS im done conplaining :groovy:
Oh Em Gee
2004-03-12, 08:03 AM
The larger the CoF, the better they can spam so that's not going to help anybody.
Seems they've nailed the lashing through wall bug (according to latest playtest patch notes) which is a good sign.
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