View Full Version : I need help.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-10, 06:43 PM
I need you're advice guys, i dunno if you can relate to me, but lately ive become really addicted to my computer, even if im not playing games im still addicted to it, it just sucks me in and i sit around doing nothing, if not i play planetside. This has become a habit i can't break. I have a ton of schoolwork i need to do, and I procrastinate. Like i have a science paper which is huge and was assigned monday which i haven't even started, plus i have makeup project i missed when i was in florida. Lately my grades have been suffering because i dont study and dont spend much time on homework or projects because im on the computer. I also have friends which im neglecting, so its not like i have no life. The point is i don't want to be sucked into the computer, thats whats happened to me, and I can't break it. Everyday after school i get on the computer and play PS, and it ends up being 7pm, then i have dinner, and my parents make me go to bed at 9, and they dont want me doing hw at 8:30. So i end up having like 1 hour to do all my homework. What do i need to do to break this habit? Also while sitting on the computer i eat lots of snacks, though i am a bit underweight, I'd rather not eat unhealthy snacks. For example, while making this meaningless thread i should be working on my science paper.
2004-03-10, 06:50 PM
dude. cut your computer power off. store your computer in your closet. do your homework. go spend time with ur friends
2004-03-10, 06:58 PM
I threw my remote at my wouldn't stop calling me......
2004-03-10, 06:58 PM
Yeah, take a 2-3 day break, trust me, it'll help.
2004-03-10, 06:59 PM
heh same things with me,Ill go on the comp get off at 930 and have 30 mins to do homework and almost never finish
2004-03-10, 07:00 PM
I've had the exact same problem lately, since I've bee under a huge workload. But I'm buckling down hard now, with the comp on...yay me! :p
2004-03-10, 07:04 PM
Well i could help ya out give me the word and i can have Hamma ban you from the fourms :D nah my advice is homework/education should away come before PS do your work then spend that last hour playing ps .. you have the weekends to engross yourself in the wonderful world that is Planetside :doh: keep your eye on the prize passing classes :love: that all i can say
2004-03-10, 07:09 PM
What I do is limit myself to 1:30 on the computer per day, tops. I actually told my parents to make me do my homework before I got on the comp, and to place friends before the computer. This has done wonders for me; I do all my homework, my GPA has risen from about a 2.8 to a 3.75, I hang with my friends, and I still get to play a good bit of PS every night. I love my life :) .
2004-03-10, 07:13 PM
What I do is limit myself to 1:30 on the computer per day, tops.
I spend nearly that amount of time posting on forums everyday, let alone playing games, chatting, listening to music etc.
2004-03-10, 07:20 PM
2004-03-10, 07:29 PM
Sit down, and go over where your priorities lie in Life. Set up a schedule and try tou damndest to work for it. Find something worth fighting for.
Set up a schedule to run and exercise, do some research on healthier snacks. Most of this is really a will power thing, once you break it, you will control it for the rest of your life. I got addicted to EQ way back in the day during Beta and the first2 to 3 years. I broke it the hard way, but now Life is on track, and the computer doesn't rule my life, it simply fills in my life when I am bored.
2004-03-10, 07:32 PM
one of the first stages is understanding the problem, so its good you've done that.
try to take a break from the computer for a while, and limit your time. make a schedule like mentioned above.
you can finish homework and hang with friends before spending computer time..that will help to get your mind away from the pc. (So you are doing something rather than thinking about all the pretty things you can click :))
im sure you'll be fine, just work at it! :love:
2004-03-10, 07:48 PM
I've actually cut down on the computer time,i used to spend even MORE time on it,and since i took a small break my gpa went from .75 to 1.25
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-10, 07:59 PM
actually the snacks im eating arent so bad, my mom buys them from whole foods market, which doesnt sell ordinary junkfood, i just ate a whole package of oatmeal cranberry cookies which was a pack of 12, which means that if i get a hold of anything tasty i will chomp it down in under 2min.
the hard thing is that i do my homework at my desk, and right in front of me sits my computer, and i have no where else in my house to do homework, the computer just sucks me in
plus i dont have that much of a problem doing ordinary hw assignments, but whenever i get a paper or project i procrastinate a ton, i wont have time to do my science tonight, ill have to do it tomorrow if i manage to stay off the comp, and the english hw will have to wait for study period tomorrow morning which i could use to do newly assigned hw
2004-03-10, 09:11 PM
I don't think it's your computer that prevents you from doing your homework. You, me, and many many other people, are just plain lazy. You just don't want to do your homework because you think it is unimportant. Don't worry, I do too, though I spend alot of time outdoors. I end up doing my homework, if at all, at about 12 or later (I'm talking about assignments, the stuff that counts...I could care less if a teacher calls home about incomplete homework). I just hate sititng at a desk and endlessly writing about shit I don't care about, and will never use.
Not your fault your lazy, bud....but if you feel like you're on your comp. too much, tell someone to hide the powerbar or something for a while.
2004-03-10, 09:28 PM
Angel, that's bullshit. Sure, if you wanna grow up, make a miniscule amount of money which will probably be just barely enough to pay for a new cardboard box every year, and die unhappy, then slacking off is the way to go. But, in the opinion of most, a college degree, from any school, is the only way to make a good living in this economy. How the hell do you propose getting into college if you never study, flunk tests, and laze around?
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-10, 09:28 PM
No because when i do my homework, the computer distracts me, so i pause my hw and play a game or two, and then an hour passes by and i end up not finishing my hw. Its the comps fault. I am lazy, but at the same time i want good grades and i know i should try harder, but the damn comp gets in the way.
2004-03-10, 09:37 PM
Angel, that's bullshit. Sure, if you wanna grow up, make a miniscule amount of money which will probably be just barely enough to pay for a new cardboard box every year, and die unhappy, then slacking off is the way to go. But, in the opinion of most, a college degree, from any school, is the only way to make a good living in this economy. How the hell do you propose getting into college if you never study, flunk tests, and laze around?
You dont need college for a good job.Theres plenty of jobs that pay good and you dont need college for them.I slack off,I dont do homework,I fail and yet at my job I was the best worker there and got a bonus.Not wanting to do school work and not wanting to do good in life is totally different.Im a lazy ass in 10th grade who has failed 9th grade math twice and am retaking again,I failed 9th english,10th english and a few others but its because school is the most useless shit you will ever have to do in life.I can care less what 96x+345-26y= because I will NEVER need to know that,its what calculators are for.Schools useless and because it is kids like us aren't motivated to do good in it.Not to mention the way they teach is shit.They sit up in class and make us copy stuff that we could easily look up in our book in under a minute.I can barely get thru class anymore without falling asleep.My only thing keeping me up is I bring a 17oz propel bottle with vodka in it.Without it id be asleep within minutes of class.So in conclusion school sucks,I'm right,your wrong,thank you and have a good night kthxbye!
2004-03-10, 09:38 PM
Angel, that's bullshit. Sure, if you wanna grow up, make a miniscule amount of money which will probably be just barely enough to pay for a new cardboard box every year, and die unhappy, then slacking off is the way to go. But, in the opinion of most, a college degree, from any school, is the only way to make a good living in this economy. How the hell do you propose getting into college if you never study, flunk tests, and laze around?
Die unhappy? I wasn't aware to be happy we have to live by your standards. What makes you happy could bring others to laughter, or tears. I am happy, and I don't need to spend hours on my homework to make me happier.
I don't study and I do fuck around. Ever occur to you I don't need to study? I remember all the BS I learn in class, while others, after hours of studying, draw blanks on their exams. But when did I say I got bad grades? I could get better, but am fine with what I'm doing now. Colleges/universities can't mark you on your fuckin work habits.
2004-03-10, 09:55 PM
EXCERPT: college graduates earn an average of $1 million more over their careers than high-school graduates.
Hmm, I guess you guys are right. After all, these figures sure don't seem to indicate that college graduates make more money than HS graduates :rolleyes: . Angel, you're probably right when you say I was wrong when I said that you'll 'die unhappy'. That was stupid on my part, and I accept that fact. But I hope you do believe that it is at least marginally important to make enough money for yourself to live 'well' (i.e. in nice lodgings with insurance and food), and to support your family if you have one. As such, it seems to me that being a college graduate would be important part of that.
On another topic, I disagree with you guys when you say that school is boring. If you're a complete dumbass, which I think neither of you are, then you probably won't have a very good time at school: However, you probably won't have a great time in life either. If, on the other hand, you're a smart person, and you'r ebored out of your fucking mind by the retards the faculty likes to call teachers, just take Honors classes. The thing is, the harder the work is, the more likely it is that the teachers will be interested in their subject: Bad/Bored teachers won't be able to make up cuirriculums and keep up with smart students. Therefoer, if you take Honors, the teachers will be more engaging and more exciting, and you won't have to drink alcohol to stay awake. Besides, even if you get worse grades in Honors thanyou would have normally, who gives a fuck? A B+ in an Honors class is worth just as much to a college as an A in a normal class.
2004-03-10, 10:24 PM
ivwe been feeling the same way lately neon. FFXI and CoD has me addicted. Heck even when I'm at school i spend my study halls posting on the forums.
I'm a rationalist, so to rationalize my time on the compy, I put it like this.
Weekdays: either me or my friends all have too much work to do to hang out really (and they do), so computer is the only thing i have to keep me amused.
Weekends: I try to do at least one day of stuff with friends, one day of something with parents or a hobby (IE going to a car show or practicing gokarting) and the other day is mine to do whatever with. The past weekend I had no time for the computer, and this weekend i wont have much either. Therefore I"ll probably spend more time on it this week and maybe next week.
I know I will probably break this once something really tantalizing presents itself, but nothing has yet, so computer is my number one escape from stress.
Anyways a tip for you Neon, would be to join a club, group, get a hobby or something you really want to advance in and work at and have fun doing that. I enjoy making people laugh, so I joined a new improv comedy troupe last month. We have 2 practices a week and soon we'll be doing shows every weekend, so I will be occupied with it for a good chunk of time.
Sorry for long post, but I could so relate to your problem that I felt like I needed to share too. (Computer addicts anonymous :) )
edit: Just read noobs post about disliking school. I don't agree with you that you would like school if you were smart. I have a 4.17 GPA (honors weighted classes) and I detest school much of the time. My algebra teacher is my worst. She is qualified to teach for sure, but she doesn't. However, I see what you mean though. I have a class called 20th Century US History, in which we go over nearly every year of the 20th century and learn about events and such. This class I actually enjoy most of the time. I'm probably a history/english person rather than math/science. But it interests me and I enjoy learning about our culture as opposed to learning about parabolas and thermochemistry.
2004-03-10, 10:30 PM
Reading this thread made me realise I had to do my Homework, so thanks Neon :)
But yeah, my advice is to get grounded from the comp on weekdays, then stay up till 4am weekends playing.
That'll help you do your work, and still have an allotment of fun per week.
2004-03-11, 12:28 AM
Dude I know exactly how you feel. Ever sit there, staring at the screen and think, "There's nothing else on the internet."? I have. I am, right now.
My advice to you is to not even get on the computer in the first place when you get home. Break the cycle that way - it's a lot easier to not have it at all than to tear yourself away from it. COme home from school, have a decent lunch, do your homework, and THEN get on the computer. It works like a charm for me.
Except now, when I have to go to bed. DAMN YOU NEVER-ARRIVING SPRING BREAK!
2004-03-11, 07:11 AM
Quote " You dont need college for a good job.Theres plenty of jobs that pay good and you dont need college for them.I slack off,I dont do homework,I fail and yet at my job I was the best worker there and got a bonus.Not wanting to do school work and not wanting to do good in life is totally different.Im a lazy ass in 10th grade who has failed 9th grade math twice and am retaking again,I failed 9th english,10th english and a few others but its because school is the most useless shit you will ever have to do in life.I can care less what 96x+345-26y= because I will NEVER need to know that,its what calculators are for.Schools useless and because it is kids like us aren't motivated to do good in it.Not to mention the way they teach is shit.They sit up in class and make us copy stuff that we could easily look up in our book in under a minute.I can barely get thru class anymore without falling asleep.My only thing keeping me up is I bring a 17oz propel bottle with vodka in it.Without it id be asleep within minutes of class.So in conclusion school sucks,I'm right,your wrong,thank you and have a good night kthxbye!"
Whoa man you are wrong there big time. I took physics, Advanced physics, calculus 1 and 2, and advanced english classes in high school. When I got to college i was so well prepared it wasn't even funny. I use Calculus about 1 a week in my everyday life, from derivatives to anti-derivatives. I use Physics about 1 every 2 to 3 days, there nothing in the world, like sitting in the oasis in Chicago, eating a chicago style hot dog while you are driving between clients, and saying, How fast is that car going, taking 30 seconds and coming to a speed that is give or take 5 mph off with just your eyes and equations.
I use for the most part everything I learned is high school in every day real life. I work as a Network Engineer and I love it. I would not be where I am today WITHOUT a college degree.
You have to find ways to encourage yourself to get your work done, it's all a willpower thing.
You could try spending less and less time on your computer like when people start to stop smoking.
2004-03-11, 09:49 AM
The PC patch: a Three step program.
Dude, I'm at school right now and I'm on. It's very addicting. Force your parents to force you to stop.
2004-03-11, 10:20 AM
I don't think making your parents make you stop is a good idea. Many times if you want something you can't have you end up trying even harder to get it. Just ween yourself off it gradually.
2004-03-11, 10:37 AM
Do your homework when you get home the day you get it, even if its due a week later.
You'll have plenty of time to play games later.
2004-03-11, 12:08 PM
2004-03-11, 12:23 PM
Ever since I got in HS i have gotten bad grades. I'm a junior in HS and my grades were horrible my sophmore and freshman year. Right now, my parents kicked me off the computer during the weekdays so I have time to study for my ACT and get my good grades.
I am also being forced to get all B's and I'm only allowed 1 C. This is keeping me motivated to do better and better in school. The only bad thing that my social life is kinda fuxored on the weekdays since I can't get on AIM or TS. Once you start getting homework done and projects/assignments done when they are due...things start to get a whole lot better and you don't feel so lost anymore. I have learned that once you start on this little non-computer schedule..don't even try to change it back to what it was before because you'll lose sight of whats really important and then you'll have to start from scratch again.
Just stay focused and kick yourself off the computer or ration it so you can do whats really important. Never lose sight of that.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-11, 02:54 PM
You guys are right, i should do my homework first before gettting on the comp, which is exactly what im doing the opposite of right now. The only reason my grades aren't so bad is because i'm smart. But i really need to try harder. Recommendations are coming up next week and i would like to be in all of the honors classes. I probably won't make honors english, and science because of all those other times slacking off on papers. And I have a sci paper due tomorrow which i haven't even started typing. The good thing is its only 2 pages maximum w/ diagrams so it shouldn't take long to write, though i should spend some time refining it. Its not the homework that bugs me, its projects. I can do homework very quickly and still get a great deal of learning out of it with a good grade. But when it comes to projects and papers they suck up so much time, and I slack off and procrastinate bringing my grade down. I really don't find most projects necessary, papers are but i'm still to lazy to spend much time on them.
What I wan't to know (from our older people) is if working my ass off right now is worth it. Because i really hope this shit pays off when i'm older or else theres no point to all these projects.
Also I find that some people (the smart ones with good grades) seem to enjoy doing projects and papers. I sure as hell don't. So how do I enjoy working on something? I think the reason i don't like spending time on things like these is because i don't enjoy them at all, I think i only become good at something when I enjoy doing it.
2004-03-11, 03:06 PM
It's tough to justify many things in High school from where you stand right now. If you give it 5 to 10 years you might start to see why it all was important.
I went to a High School whose sole purpose is to get you prepared for college. The high school pushed heavily College math, College english and college sciences. They helped greatly with college when I transitioned to it. It all really depends where you plan to go in life.
For me, looking back 90% of what I did in High school has influenced and affected my life.
2004-03-11, 03:19 PM
It all really depends where you plan to go in life.
Exactly. If you want a PhD, work your ass off. If you know what you want to do and how to get there, work accordingly.
2004-03-11, 03:36 PM
I've had the same thoughts Neon. Asking myself if stressing out over school is worth it. I've come to the conclusion that stress motivates me, but at the same time to not worry if i dont get straight A's every year. I've taken a much more laid back approach this year and I'm much less stressed (with only 1 B in Honors algebra II) so I'm doing fine. But yes I think high school matters and you should continue to work hard.
And I don't like writing papers, but when I finish I like to see how well I did on them. In reality I guess I enjoy writing (which is why I have a fan fic with 2.2k views and am starting another one) so papers aren't awful for me.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-11, 06:12 PM
well i am only in 8th grade, this year is all about being good enough to qualify for honors, next year i think is going to be alot harder, so i guess i should get in the habit of working harder.
2004-03-11, 06:13 PM
Ok work accordingly.Hmmm how do I work for army? I already take weights and Conditioning,Sports Medicine,Advanced PE and Health so I figure all that could come in handy.Now how does knowing how to write a 10 page report on a stupid book gonna help me.It wont,its useless unless i was gonna become a english teacher.I think school is useless unless u plan for college which I dont.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-11, 06:48 PM
You're definitley right there, but college does help with alot. If you want to be an ordinary grunt in the army then no education is required. But if you want to become a good commander then you have to go to west point and work your ass off.
2004-03-11, 07:17 PM
Ok work accordingly.Hmmm how do I work for army? I already take weights and Conditioning,Sports Medicine,Advanced PE and Health so I figure all that could come in handy.Now how does knowing how to write a 10 page report on a stupid book gonna help me.It wont,its useless unless i was gonna become a english teacher.I think school is useless unless u plan for college which I dont.
Ok, all those things you're doing? Weights, sports medicine, and all that? That's working accordingly. Working accordingly doesn't mean writing essays, and I don't know where you even got that from. School isn't useless, as you need the marks and grades if you want a job where you require alot of education.
2004-03-11, 10:43 PM
advanced PE... :lol:
(srry just i didn't think they judged people in PE by how good they are at the sports anymore)
2004-03-12, 03:09 PM
Its more advanced shit like bowling field trips,archery,Golfing,and a few others.Its for the people who actually WANT to be in gym.In regular gym class you get your ghetto thugs who are too cool to change for gym,stupid girls who dont want to break there new nails.In advanced gym its all the jocks and stuff,its really fun.All the hot girls join too,the ones who play sports and stuff.Gotta love short shorts W00t!!
2004-03-12, 03:43 PM
I enjoy PE, when I get to play. I have always been up until this year but still kinda very short. I'm not unathletic, but I can't compete with people that play basketball, football, baseball and such on the school teams. Being a Xcountry runner doesn't contribute to much cept running lol.
2004-03-12, 04:39 PM
I actually dont play any sports and yet im good at them all cept football which I have no idea how to play.
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