View Full Version : Personal PlanetSide Pet Peeves

2004-03-12, 04:23 AM
PlanetSide is an awesome game, but there are a couple of things that consistantly bother me when they happen to me. Mainly, I hate having no control over my death, so just about anything that instantly kills you without chance of defense or retribution really chafes me.

Things that irritate me are
Getting OSed - I do however have the ability to run from these, and I don't tend to die from these too often, but when I do I am usually rather irritated.
Getting Flailed - Harder to avoid dying to these, but you still can avoid the shots in some cases, and you do have the ability to retaliate by retracing the orbs. Enemy flails don't bother me nearly as much as Flail TKs though. I don't know why but there's something about dying to a friendly flail that is ten times more irritating than dying to an enemy one.
Getting Camped - Spawn tubes mainly, waiting for your spawn timer to count down just to die the instant you spawn is one of the more annoying things in the game. Tower camping also bugs me, you know, where you get surrounded by 5 tanks and they all just hang out outside lobbing insta-death through the doors? Yeah, that bugs me just a little :mad: .

Two things that really bug me though are:
Getting Telefragged - This often happens fresh after a spawn (whether in the caverns or via a Router which are often deployed near AMSes), where you run through a teleporter and someone follows hot on your heels and *zap* nothing but charred ashes and a respawn button. Can't you wait 2 friggin seconds for me to get through and dash off the pad before you follow through? :mad:
Vehicle deconstructing - You know, when you're driving a vehicle seemingly way clear of the pad, only to get zapped when someone spawns a vehicle. I have adapted my tactics and try to steer way clear of vehicle pads, but sometimes I think I'm clear, or I'm flying over at mach 3 and get zapped anyways. I mean, c'mon, isn't 20m just a little bit much? What's this there for anyways? Also, to a lesser extent, door proximity deconstructing is annoying, but at least they have the courtesy to boot you from the vehicle instead of telefragging you inside. This doesn't happen too often, but with larger vehicles it sometimes happens without you even realizing it, mainly with Galaxies. I don't fly them often but occasionally when I have the cert I'll park it near a tower only to have my wing be too close to the door and bye-bye hard-to-come-by Galaxy.

Anyhow, those are my pet peeves, what are yours?

2004-03-12, 08:19 AM
TR MAXs have to be immobile to be as effective TTK wise with other MAXs.

2004-03-12, 10:36 AM
TR MAXs have to be immobile to be as effective TTK wise with other MAXs.Agreed, thats the stupidest thing..

2004-03-12, 10:43 AM
Getting TKed continuously by friendlys (im a cloaker)

2004-03-12, 10:43 AM
quite simply, vanu n00bs, yes iam a vanu, it seems to me (on werner) the vanu has alot of n00bs, the amount of times iam lasher'd in the back is unbelievable, if im running up the stairs a guy comes in front of me, why fskin shoot at the guy through me :huh: just gay

2004-03-12, 10:58 AM
:lol: indeed that goes the same with TR on emerald :rolleyes:

2004-03-12, 04:02 PM

2004-03-12, 04:11 PM
my pet peeve is thumper users

Ive never seen a bigger bunch of morons in an online game than the packs of TR on markhov who use thumpers, they constantly cause our tower attacks to fail by poping a plasma grenade into us when we are fighting people, I mean really, cant you just fking wait until you have a clear feild of fire before you fire a weapon as destructive as that?

it may seem on but that one really gets me, because one night we got pushed off a continent because 2 newbs were bouncing plasma grenades off the walls back into us, instead of bouncing them up or down the stairs, luckily they left after screaming like retards saying "WTF WHY DI I GET 200GRIEF FOR ONE GRENADE" and "GOD THIS GAME SUCKS WHY CANT I FIRE MY GUN" how can anybody be this stupid? :confused:

my other pet peeve is people in aircraft running me over when they fail to kill me with their main weapons. I mean really, they have about 20X more health as I do, and they have weapons that do tons of damage but they suck so horribly that they cant hit a footman with 32 rockets splash damage, so they ram him... :doh:

my last one is also strange, but I get REALLY annoyed when an infil fails to kill me with a full clip of an amp into my back when Im using a phoenix or sniping. Would you like to know why this is? Well personally I played infil 90% of the time up until a month ago and then I switched to NC, it anoyys me greatly when a class I consider to be elite stealth assasin/covert ops/skillful is used by a dweeb who cant hit something that isnt moving from a foot away with 15 bullets out of 30, the dweeb who, most likely, after I turn around and kill him with my knife after poping a health pack, goes onto the official forums and bitches about how much infils suck and that they should beef them.

like any of you read all that :groovy:

2004-03-12, 04:27 PM
I also hate OS's, For some reason , They always happen the exact instant I spawn from an AMS. Oh look I lagged, oh look im dead, hurray
Tanks running me over. They run you over and you get 40+ grief, woop-de-doo
Reaver pilots, I hate them. Mainly because most of them just spam rockets at lonely infantry but run at the sight of 3 or more guys
People who spam, the "You cant beat me/Zero Chance" voice command after they pitifully killed you, egomaniac bastard.
People consistent on getting between my crosshairs.
People consistent on running in front of me on a bridge while I'm driving a vehicle.
People who shouldn't be allowed to drive, ever. Example: Driving a liberator into a tree causing it to be upside down and end up bombing itself.

2004-03-12, 08:18 PM
- Getting grief when a friendly runs into me
- When I'm sniping and my crosshairs are on an enemy and I miss
- Reaver pilots who rocket spam infantry
- People who use the lancer/phoenix as an AI weapon.
- People who shoot my dead body after they've killed me.
- The respawn system, "The frequency of your deaths has slowed your respawn time by 15 seconds" just pisses me off.

2004-03-12, 08:21 PM

2004-03-12, 08:34 PM
To keep it simple, the entire Vanu Empire. I wish I were the only Vanu..sigh

2004-03-12, 08:43 PM
Surge crybabies.

2004-03-12, 11:57 PM
The idiots who come to repair at the same pad as me under full afterburn and slam into me, often blowing up my battered helijet.

2004-03-13, 03:10 AM
I hate running into a MAX because I don't have anything to kill them with but, it's not something I hate just something that I try to avoide.

2004-03-13, 02:14 PM
at mach 3

:eek: WE CAN FLY AT MACH 3!!!!!! :eek:


2004-03-13, 02:37 PM
TR MAXes and their almost total impotence.

AV used as AI

Guys who whine about how you kill them faster and must be hacking or doing some other sort of cheat...then loot their corpses to find they only had yellow bullets in their inventory.

The stupid squad XP system. How hard is it to give the current XP to everyone else but full XP to the guy who made the kill?

People who complain about Reavers but don't realize that they die in about three seconds if there's any sort of AA around.

Actually, people who complain about any weapon that kills them because they refuse to use teamwork and tactics instead of relying solely on themselves. If you want to be a lone wolf, fine...but realize that there will always be a segment of the population that will completely own you.

2004-03-13, 04:14 PM
People who INSIST on running into radiator bubbles.

Why? WHY? Do you insist on running through the radiator bubbles! Go around it! Or just don't go through there! Putting Radiator Bubbles at the backdoor is a favorite of mine, but my teammates just go right through the bubble, expecting NOTHING to happen.

2004-03-13, 05:27 PM


2004-03-14, 09:42 PM
1) No driving dumbasses who only know one speed for thier vehicle, full throttle, and can't find the brake to save thier life (much less someone else's) thus hitting my damageless vehicle or plowing any friendly grunts in a 5 klilometer raduis. These boneheads do more damage to thier own empire than the enemy.

2) Striker bug, 'nuff said.

3) People who run in front of MAX's, TR MAX's have it hard enough as is, why make things harder on them?

4) CR 3 EMP blast, I spend great time and care setting up my mine fields and Spitfire nets and it is gone or useless in a matter of seconds. :mad:

5) Dude speak names, will NEVER join a squad with the SL having a dude name.

2004-03-15, 08:12 AM
The TR weapons seem to lack "Unf"

2004-03-15, 10:13 AM
The TR weapons seem to lack "Unf"/signed.

2004-03-15, 10:15 AM
1) surge being nerfed.

2004-03-15, 10:17 AM
1) surge being nerfed.You can't exploit anymore 321, sorry you don't have an unfair advantage anymore.

2004-03-15, 10:19 AM
You can't exploit anymore 321, sorry you don't have an unfair advantage anymore.

:( I know it sucks and yes I am a real surge monkey and not a poser. The real surge monkey wears standard not agile.

Edit: Surge isn't an exploit.

2004-03-15, 10:26 AM
Here we go, found the post you made.


I think it's about 14 down.

2004-03-15, 10:28 AM
You can't exploit anymore 321, sorry you don't have an unfair advantage anymore.

It is not unfair, you can get surge also, it is not an exploit, it is perfectly fine except sometimes in stairwells.

This is coming from a rexo gauss user, if you suck to much ass to kill some surgile then you should not be fighting on foot.

2004-03-15, 10:31 AM
I never do, I use Rexo MCG all the time, never Agile and I still get over 100 kills a day.

I have no problem killing surgiles, it's just another challenge.

2004-03-15, 11:45 AM
:( I know it sucks and yes I am a real surge monkey and not a poser. The real surge monkey wears standard not agile.

Edit: Surge isn't an exploit.

No surge itself wasn't an exploit. Surging in light armor carrying an HA weapon and jumping up and down because you know it F_up the others players video so they can't shoot you back IS.

2004-03-15, 04:13 PM
It is not unfair, you can get surge also, it is not an exploit, it is perfectly fine except sometimes in stairwells.

This is coming from a rexo gauss user, if you suck to much ass to kill some surgile then you should not be fighting on foot.

That is the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. It's not an exploit because it's common pool?

If a gun was added to standard assault that was a one hit kill, fired as fast as an MCG, and never ran out of ammo, but it was common pool, would that mean it wasn't overpowered?

2004-03-15, 05:21 PM
1) STUPID CR 5s . yes Every sever has its own stupid CR 5. (VS emrald oe night thay have a spam war with abotu 4-5 CR5 smaping crap loike this (o)(o) an PEE!PEE!. :huh:

2) haveing to put Cr5s on Ignore because thay are annoying an stupid.

3) haveing no clue what people are talkign about with arping an such since i have a high end Pc an have never seen it.

4) geting ran over by a Magrider everytime i am clocked an close to one(i swear thay must not be able to see your name)

5)geting Osed by a Friendly *&^&^%$ CR4 an him spaming "I told yall i was going to do it so stop wining" :mad:

6) When you are in a tower that is getign spaming by 2 or more skyguards (i mean come on go after air thats what you are good for)

7) Flails fireing on a base that wre have already over ran the court yard an he is doing nothing but kilolingf friendlys. (get a life use a mag)

8) NC or TR that send me message after thay kill me like "take that F*g" ( what is your prob i did nothing to you to make you call me names.) I my sefl if i am sneackign aroudn or soemthgin an someoen gets a good shot on me i will send thhem at tell saying nice shot. dont be a A-hole about it.