View Full Version : Hippie Hair

2004-03-13, 01:48 PM
help plz, my Techlab partner and i are making a movie. we need a picture of a Hippie who has really long hair. the movie will be called Pacfroman, basically Pacman with an afro :) we are using Director 6, but i took home AVI files so i can put in music and string different clips together, because Director 6 wont export it with sound. also, a picture of a hobo or bum on the street would help :D thanks.
BTW, i already Googled it, all i got was pr0n and haircare products :scared:

2004-03-13, 02:04 PM
"Mullet", "Long Hair", "Hippie"... did you check the "Images" section?

2004-03-13, 04:25 PM

2004-03-13, 04:33 PM
Go to google, type in "Long hair guy", "Mullet", or other related words, and then click the handy-dandy "Images" tab up on the Google taskbar on the webpage.
I did it and easily found a bunch of pics of long haired guys.

2004-03-13, 06:51 PM