View Full Version : Anger Management
2004-03-14, 04:37 PM
I Just got done destroying about $5-6,000 worth of stuff cuz i was pissed, does anyone else have serious anger management issues?
2004-03-14, 04:40 PM
Woh, what did you destroy?
2004-03-14, 05:08 PM
several computers, some paintings, a couple TVs, a couch, a table, a stereo, and some other stuff
2004-03-14, 05:09 PM
... why?
2004-03-14, 05:20 PM
lots of reasons, mostly the fact that i was grounded for staying out all night.
2004-03-14, 05:22 PM
You need help.....
The worst I ever did was completely shredding an origami book when my computer deleted the english paper I had just finished writing.
2004-03-14, 05:46 PM
yes, i know i need help
2004-03-14, 05:47 PM
I picked up a $300 tv and threw it against my wall and took a $200 computer moniter and threw it on the cement cause I was pissed for being suspened from school for 10 days
2004-03-14, 06:08 PM
No, fire, no! You sit at home and PLAY the computer.
2004-03-14, 06:17 PM
You sir have issues.
That is all.
2004-03-14, 06:21 PM
Can't wait to see what squeeky's destroyed :p
2004-03-14, 06:42 PM
Play a violent game and shoot everything. (GTA3 or VC)
Yell very loudly.
Draw violent things.
2004-03-14, 06:52 PM
I Just got done destroying about $5-6,000 worth of stuff cuz i was pissed, does anyone else have serious anger management issues?
lots of reasons, mostly the fact that i was grounded for staying out all night.
you seem like a pathetic 3 year old screaming and crying because you didn't get your own way. I've never had this problem mostly because I have self control much like the majority of people.
2004-03-14, 06:54 PM
Can't wait to see what squeeky's destroyed :p
Happy lil Elf
2004-03-14, 06:56 PM
Next time send me the 5-6k worth of shit then get a bat and some large carboard boxes and go to town. Just as satisfying and I get some new stuff to boot :)
2004-03-14, 07:06 PM
you seem like a pathetic 3 year old screaming and crying because you didn't get your own way. I've never had this problem mostly because I have self control much like the majority of people.
I usually have self control, but i was out with my G/F and now i wont be able to see her for a month and a half, that tends to push me over the edge
2004-03-14, 07:16 PM
I usually have self control, but i was out with my G/F and now i wont be able to see her for a month and a half, that tends to push me over the edge
And.. you have jeporadised your relationship more! :eek:
Girlfriend = Moneysucker.
You will be paying back for all that shit you broke for a long time
You'll get dumped, you're family will disown you, you'll get expelled from school and live in a cardboard box. Welcome to loserville, population = you.
Seriously though, learn how to play guitar, best stress therapy yet.
Nothing like storming in the house, pissed off, whacking the stereo on full, flicking on the amp, slinging the axe over your shoulder, and jammin' along till the sun goes down.
2004-03-14, 07:24 PM
I Just got done destroying about $5-6,000 worth of stuff cuz i was pissed, does anyone else have serious anger management issues?
doubt it :rolleyes:
2004-03-14, 07:27 PM
doubt it all u want, i see a turned over coutch and dining room table, a 52" inch projection TV fucked up, etc.
2004-03-14, 08:26 PM
I usually have self control, but i was out with my G/F and now i wont be able to see her for a month and a half, that tends to push me over the edge
you must lack logic skills then, this is how I see it.
Your grounded for 6 weeks, thats a long time. Most parents usually pardon you on good behavior if your responsible and accept the punishment with dignity and obediance. After 3 weeks or so if it appeared that you had learnt your lesson they would probauly unground you but now you choose to go on a rampage and destroy a bunch of valuables that your parents worked hard to earn the money to purchase. They are most likely no longer angry like this :mad: they are probauly more now like this :flamemad: :sniper: . Your have just probauly added on a couple MONTHS and a few grand to your sentence. Well enjoy it, you really earned it.
2004-03-14, 08:31 PM
actually, i never get a pardon on good behavior, and now, with a little guit work, and threatening to break more, i have just gotten out of being grouned completely PLUS i dont have to pay for it
2004-03-14, 08:41 PM
you have probauly just gotten smacked with the worst punishment of all, its that there not mad, just disapointed to the point where they simply don't care about you.
2004-03-14, 08:45 PM
frankly, i dont care if they hate me, i havent cared for 5 yrs.
2004-03-14, 08:48 PM
If your parents are strong willed you'll see.......... :devilwink
2004-03-14, 08:58 PM
lol, if...but arent
2004-03-14, 08:59 PM
several computers, some paintings, a couple TVs, a couch, a table, a stereo, and some other stuff
mkay you need help .. i would hate to come up agaist you in PS :lol: :rofl:
2004-03-14, 08:59 PM
lol, if...but arent
then I guess your all set if your out of punishment, pretty expensive though
2004-03-14, 09:05 PM
No offense world vengeance, but you sound like a whiney teenage guy in mid adolescence loaded up on hormones. I can't say that I am not of a similar age, but at lease I have self control. And if your parents won't yell at you, then the people on this forum should. 5-6 thousand dollars worth of stuff being destroyed should result in some serious punishment for you. Sure, your parents may be dumb fucks and not punish you, but Im sure your potential boss would. If this kind of behavior is how you commonly act, then you have no future. :groovy:
2004-03-14, 09:10 PM
/agree with Jaged...sad that you destroy so much for something so stupid. And yet you're parents "hate" you so much that they don't even punish you for something that deserves a good ol' slap.
Next time, suck it up and take it like a man.
2004-03-14, 09:11 PM
Aye. Don't be a bitch, if you're angry, don't go around breaking expensive shit. That's not cool.
2004-03-14, 09:12 PM
I see. I get the urge to break everything and everyone within a 3-mile radius a lot. So... I just hit my computer desk really really hard, and my dad gets pissed (I don't know why... I mean there's so much more that I could hit).
2004-03-14, 09:13 PM
Hahahahhaa, that reminded me of that episode of Family Guy, where they change the thermostat
2004-03-14, 09:24 PM
i dont do this all the time, this is the first time, and the last, uniqe situation, and many of the details i wouldnt post on this forum for why i didnt get in trouble or why i was soo pissed
Make excuses all you want. Youre a whiny bitch and need to STFU and act normal.
it's a shame that beating your child isnt legal. A right hook would straighten you out.
2004-03-14, 09:55 PM
You know, someone had to buy all that stuff with hard earned money. It's okay to want to break things when you're mad, but it shouldn't be things that someone bought with his/her time and effort. Heck, I'm sure your parents bought those items for your use as well, and destroying them is a shame. Besides, your girlfriend is going to think you're an immature little kid if she hears about it.
Try running. I found that running an extra mile or two, even if I already ran in the morning, takes off a lot off your mind.
2004-03-14, 10:05 PM
1) she already knows about it, and she doesnt care...2) 80% of that shit was mine...paid for with my hard earned money, so fuck off
2004-03-14, 10:20 PM
If your girlfriend does not care, then she is not a human being.....
damn aliens
2004-03-14, 10:20 PM
lol, thanx, ill pass that sentiment on to her
2004-03-14, 10:21 PM
That was fuckin fast, are you monitoring this thread?
2004-03-14, 10:22 PM
no, ironically i had just ran upstairs when i typed that
*Starts stopwatch* Yeah, breaking stuff isn't cool. Just do what Frag said, buy a guitar, best therapy ever. Just be sure to tune it to drop d, then you can transfer your anger into depression.
2004-03-14, 10:37 PM
sounds like a plan
2004-03-14, 10:42 PM
actually, i never get a pardon on good behavior, and now, with a little guit work, and threatening to break more, i have just gotten out of being grouned completely PLUS i dont have to pay for it
i yet again doubt it :rolleyes:
2004-03-14, 10:44 PM
lol...good for u, the reason i got out of it, because except for a few things, it was all my stuff...i just gotta clean it up
2004-03-14, 10:45 PM
If your girlfriend does not care, then she is not a human being.....
damn aliens
ten seconds now and then a reply..
ohh... and you just contradicted yourself ;)
2004-03-14, 11:32 PM
Make excuses all you want. Youre a whiny bitch and need to STFU and act normal.
it's a shame that beating your child isnt legal. A right hook would straighten you out.
man, id beat my kid if he did something like that, thats the problem with america, the only punishment besides death is "time out". america needs more short term but more meaningful punishments, like flogging.
2004-03-14, 11:34 PM
1) she already knows about it, and she doesnt care...2) 80% of that shit was mine...paid for with my hard earned money, so fuck off
Fair enough. If you're fine with your loss, then that's fine by me.
2004-03-14, 11:43 PM
Make excuses all you want. Youre a whiny bitch and need to STFU and act normal.
it's a shame that beating your child isnt legal. A right hook would straighten you out.
exactly what I was thinking
2004-03-14, 11:45 PM
I can't believe you guys actually bought this. Okay, maybe he wrecked the place. Maybe he was pissed. Then he gets out of it? I think not.
2004-03-14, 11:52 PM
hypotheticaly, of course, if he did do what he says he did, he should be whipped with a whip, in town square of course.
2004-03-14, 11:56 PM
guess he wasn't beat enough as a child. stupid hippie parents.. dont beat thier children and then they grow up all fucked up.
it's a shame that beating your child isnt legal.
No it isn't but, my parent's wouldn't do it even if it was legal.
2004-03-15, 12:35 AM
Posted by worldvengence
1) she already knows about it, and she doesnt care...2) 80% of that shit was mine...paid for with my hard earned money, so fuck off
Here is a little piece of advice: if you are going to post on a forum how you lack any self-control and state in essence - "I'm a bad mother fucka cause I just destroyed a bunch of stuff and I don't care, btw I have spineless parents who let me get away with it" then you are gonna get made fun of by the rest of the community. By telling someone to fuck off when you are acting like a five year old attention whore shows your utter lack of maturity and personal responsibility.
BTW if I was your parents you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week and you wouldn't be going anywhere until you showed an iota of maturity and responsibility. You exemplify the problem with portions of today's younger society - no personal accountability
So, I am sure that I am speaking for the rest of the adult community out there when I tell you to grow up and shut the fuck up.
2004-03-15, 12:38 AM
BTW physically punishing your child is legal in all states. NY law has a provision in the criminal code that exempts a parent from child endangering charges if the physical conduct can be deemed reprimanding. I don't have the statute right in front of me but I will post it tomorrow.
2004-03-15, 12:44 AM
damn straight beating your child is legal. fuckin parents need to wise up and start crackin heads.
2004-03-15, 12:46 AM
hahaha, the reason i didnt get in trouble was THE STUFF WAS MINE. I have mentioned this before, i bought it with MY money. My mom came in and said, and i quote "Damn, you could tear up a cast iron jack ass with a rubber mallet. Oh well, all this shit is yours, so it is your loss, now clean it up" and then she proceded to go downstairs and watch TV..end of fucking story
2004-03-15, 06:59 AM
hahaha, the reason i didnt get in trouble was THE STUFF WAS MINE. I have mentioned this before, i bought it with MY money. My mom came in and said, and i quote "Damn, you could tear up a cast iron jack ass with a rubber mallet. Oh well, all this shit is yours, so it is your loss, now clean it up" and then she proceded to go downstairs and watch TV..end of fucking story
so you pretty much punished yourself...
2004-03-15, 07:31 AM
ya, basically, lmao, i wasnt about to destroy that much of their stuff, i was pissed, not retaded
2004-03-15, 07:34 AM
Listen to loud music, jump around, scream and generally tire yourself out. Then fall asleep. Best done in a public place.
2004-03-15, 08:59 AM
i liked that movie, it is funny.
2004-03-15, 10:08 AM
Well I stopped reading after I reached the text which I quoted last, I believe it was halfway down the second page.
lots of reasons, mostly the fact that i was grounded for staying out all night.
BOOFUCKINGHOO. Maybe you should think about the consequences of your actions. You're lucky you just got grounded. And breaking stuff AFTER the fact? Son I would have buried your ass. Alive.
I usually have self control, but i was out with my G/F and now i wont be able to see her for a month and a half, that tends to push me over the edge
Again- BOOFUCKINGHOO. Consequences of your actions. Had you not acted like a fucking moron in the first place and trashed a bunch of stuff, you'd not be in that predicament. You have only yourself to blame, and the sooner you accept that and work on not being such a dumbass, the faster you'll cease to be in such easily-preventable situations.
actually, i never get a pardon on good behavior, and now, with a little guit work, and threatening to break more, i have just gotten out of being grouned completely PLUS i dont have to pay for it
This is where I stopped reading. After the lateness, I might have conceded to let you off. But the trashing of property... You're lucky they didn't have you arrested, you maladjusted malcontent little shit.
That's the problem with kids. They can't own up to the consequences of their actions and take responsibility for what they did. AND when someone tries to punish them, they freak out and flip out. Someone needs to whip your ass for about ten days straight. THEN you need to be psychologically-examined so the touchy-feely types can feel justified in a little corporal punishment.
Yeah- Anger Management is the least of your worries, but it's a start.
2004-03-15, 10:31 AM
Wow this place has changed.
First off here's your flag -
Not for breaking shit, but for coming here and expecting people to believe it.
I don't buy it -
If you weren't full of complete horse shit you'd have posted pics, but you are.
Hopefully this little excursion into whoredom has made you feel even more insecure and possibly hate your life a little more.
So in conclusion -
Have a nice day!
O by the way -
2004-03-15, 12:22 PM
see thats why I love Nav. comes in at the right time and dispenses wisdom to those who need it.
2004-03-15, 02:21 PM
hahaha, the reason i didnt get in trouble was THE STUFF WAS MINE. I have mentioned this before, i bought it with MY money. My mom came in and said, and i quote "Damn, you could tear up a cast iron jack ass with a rubber mallet. Oh well, all this shit is yours, so it is your loss, now clean it up" and then she proceded to go downstairs and watch TV..end of fucking story
congratulations, you have just shown, and have been showing, your lack of maturity, it doesnt matter if it was or wasnt "your stuff". you just showed that because your parents got a little upset because YOU broke a rule you decided to act like a little bitch, off my fourms. and that is of course assuming you are telling the truth.
2004-03-15, 03:04 PM
I've got 2 words that will solve every angermanagement problem there is.
Punching Bag. Get one and it will save you money.
You really should get that anger thing taken care of. I've known a few people with serious anger management problems. They're all in jail now. You think being grounded is bad, try being grounded for a few years. Then add unwanted butt sex on top of that.
2004-03-15, 07:20 PM
Then add unwanted butt sex on top of that.
Who wouldn't want buttsex?
BTW, Nav > yu0!!11
2004-03-15, 07:27 PM
Nav > this thread
2004-03-15, 07:37 PM
Nav > this thread
indeed. :rofl:
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