View Full Version : my eyes burn..

2002-10-24, 02:04 AM
i hate america army...i just got off of it...everytime I would die its from some dipshit throwing a nade so unbeliveable far is defies logic. ...it just one big nade lobbing war.

i hope to god in PS you cant throw like...intercontenintal nades or any of that bullshit.

speaking of which...hey thatd be bad ass if they had long range artillery where you can call it in...or like an orbital attack to the surface that can reach any continent, at any time/place.

thatd be tasty...

...lol use it on some soloing guy out in the middle of no where...

"la la la...sittin on my hillll snipin from this hill la la la...hey whats that noi-"

...crazy vanu boobs :) sittin on thier hills...I just sent him to the 9 hells....with massive shells....

2002-10-24, 07:52 AM
I played AA once. Then I realised I had to train or some shit so I uninstalled it :D

2002-10-24, 08:16 AM
I hope they don't add stuff that like in. Sure its fun to blow /other/ people up with that stuff, but when it happens to you (not specifically you, but whoever) its gonna be whine city (blaa its too powerful). Super-weapons suck. And yes, AA did suck bad.

2002-10-24, 08:47 AM
Never got round to playing AA online, I qualified as a soldier and then an experienced marksman (whatever 30 out of 40 targets gets you ;)) and after trying for so long to get into sniper school I just gave up :p Battlefield 1942 stole my all my interest in that game.

2002-10-24, 06:09 PM
intercontinental grenades..heh

2002-11-03, 12:53 PM
I thought the bas thing bout bf1942 was the artillery callings-in thingies. I too hope they arent possible in PS.
I have AA on, its amazing once you pass the training gayness, give it another try Hamma.


2002-11-03, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by Hamma
I played AA once. Then I realised I had to train or some shit so I uninstalled it :D

Don't you have to get trained for certain duties in PlanetSide? I could have sworn I read something about that. :confused:

Thanks for the avatar. ;)

2002-11-03, 04:18 PM
You have to earn certifications, but its an MMO

2002-11-03, 04:54 PM
I dunno, I kinda like AA.
It's a change from other games where everyone is bunny hopping and stuff.
But you're right about those nades, they can be a real pain in the ass.
I qualified for everything.
Getting Expert marksman was the hardes part.
I tried and tried and tried for days until I just gave up...
kept missing it by one or two hits...
then about 3 weeks ago I went in and nailed it on the first try.
So now I'm some kind of parachuting ranger sniper.