View Full Version : New Feature: Command Squads (revised)

2004-03-16, 12:39 AM
Command Squads thread contents:

1.) Commander�s UI Window
2.) Task Forces and Command Squads
3.) Creating Command Squads
4.) Creating Task Forces: Inviting Groups
5.) Creating Task Forces: Inviting Individuals
6.) Commanding Task Forces
7.) Communicating in Task Forces
8.) Communicating in Task Forces: Task Force Chat
9.) Communicating in Task Forces: Division Chat
10.) Communicating in Task Forces: Chat Hierarchies
11.) Communicating in Task Forces: Non-Task Force Players

To view the following Command Squad graphics and diagrams as thumbnails, you can visit the Command Abilities section (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/idea_command_abilities.shtml) at Planetside-Idealab.com (http://www.planetside-idealab.com).


"With all of the changes that have been made to PS in recent weeks and with the great new features that are on the horizon, one aspect of the game that has not been given a great deal of consideration is the current disparities with the command structure and the ability for player commanders to effectively coordinate with their forces. We have put together an idea based initially on the dev's commanders list concept, our own thoughts, and the feedback we received on our initial post. What follows is a detailed description of a new suggested feature that we like to call Command Squads"


�We are very excited to finally present the revised Command Squads concept to the community. More concept graphics and helpful diagrams for these concepts will be added to Planetside-Idealab and to this thread as they are finished. We hope you enjoy reading about the idea and we thank you for your consideration.�


1.) Commander�s UI Window

Commander's Pane concept (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/commanderspane.gif)

There are two elements to the new Commander�s User Interface window. On the left side of the window is the Commander�s List, on the right is the Mission Screen. The Mission Screen ideas are still being formed, so here we will just talk about the Commander�s List.

The Commander�s List shows players who are leading Squads, Platoons, and Task Forces on a continent. Units will either be listed as part of a Task Force, Looking for Commander, or as an Independent unit. Each squad may also designate themselves by type for a particular role. The number of troops in each unit will also be listed. The Commander�s List is a useful tool in finding a unit to join or in recruiting squads to form a platoon or a larger task force.

Commander's List concept (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/commanderslist2.gif)

2.) Task Forces and Command Squads

A Task Force is the union of several Squads, Platoons, and individuals that join together for cross-continent or global campaign-sized team operations. Task Forces are created by first forming a Command Squad, the administrative core of leadership for all task force operations.

3.) Creating Command Squads

Any CR, wherever they are, can attempt to form a Command Squad (CS).

CS formation requires at least one other CR to join the squad through a /csinvite command.

Command Squad invite popup (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/csinvite.gif)
Command Squad composition chart (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/commandsquads2.gif)

There are only 6 slots available, including the Command Squad Leader (Task Force Leader). Command Squads only gain CEP when other units join them (excluding Operatives. See below for details).

There are 6 designations, or divisions, available in the CS:

1. CS Commander
2. CS Air Commander
3. CS Armor Commander
4. CS Infantry Commander
5. CS Support Commander
6. CS Spec Ops Commander

Only the leader of the CS can be the CS Commander. The remaining designations may be chosen by a maximum of 4 additional members in the Command Squad. There may be one of each kind of designation, or four of a kind. A timer will prevent instant switching between roles.

4.) Creating Task Forces: Inviting Groups

Once the CS has been formed, the CS Commanders are able to create a Task Force (TF) by sending a /tfinvite to a unit leader or individual.

Task Force invite popup (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/tfinvite.gif)
IronEddie-K invites Smokejumper's squad (commander's list concept) (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/cmdrlist3.gif)
Task Force composition chart (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/commandsquads4.gif)

Each squad/platoon in the TF can assign themselves to a division or type designation (Air, Armor, Infantry, Support, Scout, Special Ops) by their SL/PL. Members of the CS are able to search for troops based on their designation and can select and invite/boot SL/PL to join the TF at any time, like-wise a SL/PL can ask to join/or leave a TF at any time.

Each CS Commander may create a name for their Task Force. This name is permanent for as long as the Commander is leader of the TF. If another takes his place, the new CS Commander has the option to change the name.

SporkfirePS adds squads, changes Task Force name (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/cmdrlist6.gif)
Task Force composition chart (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/commandsquads6.gif)

5.) Creating Task Forces: Inviting Individuals

Individual players invited into a TF are automatically placed into a new group called Operatives. This group does not have a unit leader but they can take orders directly from the CS via /op chat and hear all /tf, cont, and global chats of the CS commanders, but not standard command chats unless they have the appropriate Command Rank. Troops do not receive Squad XP benefits for being in the Operatives group. Each Operative can choose a personal designation (Air, Armor, Spec Ops). This position (Operative) is created for the �Lone Wolf� players that are still interested in being part of a TF. If an Operative joins a squad within the same or other TF at any time, they are then identified with that squad regardless of which TF they were in when they joined.

Task Force invite for individual player (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/tfinviteop.gif)
Adding individuals creates Operatives Group (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/cmdrlist7.gif)
Task Force composition chart (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/commandsquads7.gif)

For example:
ZeusPrime is soloing as an AA MAX unit. Hayoo /tfinvite�s him into the �Army of Darkness� TF, placing him automatically in the Operatives group. A few minutes later webRat who is a PL in the �Psycho Jedi� TF invite�s ZeusPrime into his squad. ZeusPrime accepts and automatically become affiliated with the �Psycho Jedi�, since SL/PL membership overrides Operative status. ZeusPrime also has the choice of leaving the squad for the operatives group, or to quit the task force all together. This enables Operatives to move freely from solo to TF to squad and back again without having to use any complicated interface.

6.) Commanding Task Forces

Each CS Commander can set 4 type-specific WPs and has direct communication with the SL/PL in their TF that are designated as a particular type via /division /d chat. Command WP only show up on the map, no spinning beam of light in game (unless CS Waypoints are toggled on).

Overhead Map with Command Squad symbols (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/images/csmap.jpg)

The Command Squad waypoints are:

Command Squad Leader: Red
Infantry Commander: Green
Armor Commander: Gray
Air Commander: Blue
Spec Ops Commander: Black
Support Commander: White

CS Commanders can ally with other Command Squads and share unit location data through a toggle. Squads and Platoons that are not in a Task Force can be seen by the highest commanders in respective groups.

E.g. only members of the CS can see the location of Independent platoons and squad leaders on a continent. Squad and Platoon leaders within the same TF cannot see the map locations of Independent platoons and squad leader locations unless those units have toggled the �share unit location� button; otherwise their locations are anonymous and their names only appear on the Commander�s List. Independent unit leaders can see other Independent unit leaders and TF leader locations, but not the TF subordinate unit-leaders unless the CS has toggled the �share unit location� button. Leaders will only see these external units as grayish numbers or symbols, signifying that they are under another commander's control.

Continued in next thread...

2004-03-16, 12:40 AM
7.) Communicating in Task Forces

CS Commanders can chat directly with everyone in their command squad, and can chat with other CS commanders. They can do a /sanc for reinforcement calls. /global is only seen by members of that Task Force, not by other troops. /cont works like /global, just on a smaller scale. The point being that the common soldier in a TF will get his orders from one place and the CS commander will be able to know which forces are going where at all times.

Also, when a commander sends a chat message, a maximum of 2 small symbols can appear with his or her name in the chat box. The first symbol will denote whether that person is leading a squad, platoon, or TF. The second symbol denotes command rank: 1 chevron for CR1, 2 chevrons for CR2, 3 chevrons for CR3, 1 star for CR4, and 2 stars for CR5. A third symbol may appear, that of an outfit's decal, if an outfit leader makes a post in outfit chat.

8.) Communicating in Task Forces: Task Force Chat

Essentially, /tf acts as a /sitrep channel for all commanders, but the higher CR you are, the better you will be able to respond to it. This of course changes if a CR is in the Command Squad, in which case he can communicate to all TF squad and platoon leaders anywhere regardless of command rank.

A CR1 Squad or Platoon leader cannot hear /tf chat of another SL or PL.

A CR2 Squad or Platoon leader�s /tf chat reaches other unit leaders in the TF, but only in a SOI-sized radius out from the sender.

A CR3 Squad or Platoon leader�s /tf chat reaches other unit leaders in the TF from a larger radius out from the sender.

Operatives can use /tf but it only sends a one-way tell to the CS commanders. Operatives can use /op to speak to one another, but only in a CR3-wide area. /tells are still available to all. When the Command Squad chooses to do a /cont or /global, all Task Force members in that area can hear it, but /tf chat is the normal method for Command Squads to direct troops through their unit leaders.

9.) Communicating in Task Forces: Division Chat

/d or /division chat allows Typed-commanders (Armor, Air, Infantry, etc.) to reach unit leaders and operatives within the Task Force who have designated themselves as either Armor, Air, Infantry, Support, or Spec Ops divisions.
For example: The Air Commander can send out a /d chat message requesting close air support above a particular facility. This message would be received by all Air squad leaders and any Air-designated Operatives. If one of the Air Squads is part of a platoon, then the Platoon leader also receives this message so he knows who is requesting his troops for missions. The Platoon leader then has a chance to accept or deny the request and explain, or to let the Air Squad leader accept or deny the CS request himself.

CS commanders can still use the /tf chat to make requests, but can choose to make directed requests via /d chat so the channels do not become too cluttered.

10.) Communicating in Task Forces: Chat Hierarchies

This system adds 3 new chat channels: /tf, /d, and /op
/t - tell chat works as normal
/s - squad chat works as normal, also allows CS members to talk to one another privately.
/p - platoon chat works as normal
/tf - task force chat, allows TF unit-leaders to reach other TF leaders according to their CR. Allows CS commanders to reach all Task Force unit-leaders globally.
/d � division chat, allows typed-commanders in the CS to reach unit leaders designated as the same type (e.g. the Air commander can send objectives to unit leaders and operatives designated as Air Division).
/op - operative chat, allows players grouped in the Operatives division of a Task Force to communicate to one another within a large radius.
/global - global chat, allows any CR5 to reach all Task Force unit leaders globally. Allows CS commanders to reach all forces globally, both leaders and troops (for general information
/cont - continent chat, allows any CR4 to reach all Task Force unit leaders on continent. Allows CS commanders to reach all forces on a continent, both leaders and troops.
/c - still works as normal, each rank able to talk amongst themselves regardless of TF, CS, or Op Group. This is the standard way for CS to communicate with other Command Squads and commanders.
/sanc � allows CR to broadcast for reinforcements at the Sanctuary.

11.) Communicating in Task Forces: Non-Task Force Players

If a non-squad CR or non-aligned unit leader wants to know what's going on, he can look up a commander on the Commander's List and send a /tell or create a squad himself and flag himself as "Looking-for-Commander" to be invited as part of the Task Force's communication.

If a solo player wants to know what is going on, he can solicit a nearby player, outfit member, or passing commander for info, ask for an invite into an Operatives Group of a Task Force.

More graphics and diagrams describing Command Squads will become availabe in the Command Abilities section (http://www.planetside-idealab.com/idea_command_abilities.shtml) at Planetside-Idealab.com (http://www.planetside-idealab.com).

2004-03-16, 12:49 AM
erm from what i read meh ya it would be nice

2004-03-16, 12:55 AM
We could certainly use more basic 'command' tools.

2004-03-16, 08:42 AM
thats an absolutly awesome idea
it even adds the nice screenies to clearly show u instead of all this vague bull shit ppl r startin to rabble on about

2004-03-16, 07:56 PM
I'll try to get more helpful diagrams and map examples up in the coming weeks to answer any questions people might have. Anyone else have any comments or suggestions for Command Squads? We'd love to hear them. :)

2004-03-16, 09:19 PM
Best. Idea. Ever.

2004-03-16, 11:11 PM

2004-03-16, 11:12 PM
Best. Idea. Ever.

2004-03-17, 04:53 AM
i want to quote that new McDonalds commercial, but i f34r teh copywrite 14ws!

2004-03-17, 07:46 AM
OMG, great! :D

I havn't read it all yet, but I looked at all the images, and it looked real interesting :)

2004-03-17, 10:42 PM
Thanks, guys :) Glad you're liking it so far. Any extra things you guys can think of to add to the Command Squads idea?

2004-03-18, 02:26 PM
ps idea lab ... you guys are my heroes. especially for spelling "capital" correctly in your menu.

2004-03-19, 02:22 AM
ps idea lab ... you guys are my heroes. especially for spelling "capital" correctly in your menu.

Yeah, the capitals I'm referring to are the government's urban areas, not the actual government buildings. So that's what the side menu is refering too: my designs for a sanctuary central city as it were.

For you grammar students out there, here's an easy trick to remember your capitals from your capitols.

The Capitol building has a "dome", but the Capital city covers an "area".

2004-03-20, 12:10 AM
An awesome idea for sure! I wish I could see it in action, massive teamplaying!

2004-03-20, 12:18 AM
once again planetside idea lab = teh win

Kudos to Hayoo for a kickass site