View Full Version : What was your 1337est moment in game?
2004-03-16, 01:32 AM
What was your best moment in game?
For me it would have to be the time I owned a terran with a sweeper at close range, armed only with a bolt driver when he had gotten the drop on me. I had just logged in and harted behind enemy lines on a highly contested continent. I had just set up sniper shop on a hill by a back-line base when I started taking damage. I spun around and saw a charging terran with a sweeper. I took a pot shot at him assuming I was going to die, and hit. He got scarred and retreated a little bit while I reloaded. At that point, all I had to do was charge him and hit him a second time. It was another successful hit, and he dropped. He later sent me a tell complementing me on my truly 1337 kill. :groovy:
Last night I ordered Core Combat so I could use the weapons, and I purchased a flail with my vehicle character (Cube). My squad had a wp on the base and I started shelling it, but I was getting no hits whatsoever. I decided that it kind of sucked to be doing that, and rolled my flail onto a hill overlooking the highly contested base. I must have killed 50 or more people with that flail. I could see the courtyard and they were firing up at me, but I laid waste to them every time they fired. I destroyed two packed courtyard AMSs and a couple of vehicles without breaking a sweat.
Eventually other flails set up on the hill, but the cy was basically clear of enemies at that point. I guess that doesn't demonstrate my own leetness as much as how ridiculously overpowered the flail is under the right circumstances.
I must have killed 50 or more people with that flail.
WOW that's a lot I've never had luck with a flail. I don't even think I got a kill that whole night that I had the cert but, then again I didn't have a spotter or whatever they call them :lol:
And I can't think of my best moment right now but when I do I will edit this post :groovy:.
2004-03-16, 02:29 AM
hotdropped over a hot TR base, surged down with my lasher, killed about 16 infantry and 2 maxes
I declared wtfpwnage
2004-03-16, 02:35 AM
Once, and only once, my stolen Striker and I took out a Magrider all by my lonesome, essentially at point blank range.
This may not sound to profound or impressive, but hear the tale.
It was a warm spring eve on Cyssor and we'd just finished hacking Leza back from the TR. I'm rather fond of TR weaponry for one reason or another so I went ahead and ran all over the base looking for packs to loot. I picked up three MCG's, two Cyclers, and two Strikers with plenty of rockets. It was a pretty good salvage run.
Anyways, i'm making my way out of the spawn room and i get a broadcast from some n00b screaming ENEMY TANKS because he doesn't know how to use macros yet. then, subsequently, i hear four or five macros shouting the same thing.
My squad leader knew that i loved hitting tanks more than anything and told me to have a look at the north end of the base. I went, and there were many a tank. But i expected two or three prowlers. In the stead of prowlers, i see six Magriders cruising through trees and up the road toward the north end of Leza.
I ran out to see what was going on and i get a local saying ph34r teh M4gr1dr!!11!
I heard that loud and clear, those thing's are an infantry squad's worst nightmare. Anyways i made my way out to the woods and took cover for a short while until a mag floated right past my ass and scared the shit out of me. I thought THAT was close, then i step out from behind the tree and another floats by shooting, not at me, but still, scared the shit out of me.
I started lagging and didn't know where the hell i was for a sec, then my computer picked up and here i'm standing next to a tree and a VS carrying a Lasher. I had my striker out and was in no position to take on a Lash spammer, so i ran around the tree and then darted toward a big ass rock. I ran around it and on the other side to greet me was a Magrider, which was currently strafing and firing the stationary gun at some poor Gauss sniper on the wall.
I drew the Striker and opened up in dumb-fire mode. I got off two shots and the tank started strafing in my direction. I ran behind the rock and was face to face with the VS carrying the Lasher. So, i did the dumbest thing i could think of and shot him with my striker. He dropped. I never laughed so hard in my life! then, the mag comes rolling around to the other side of the rock, where i'm busy laughing about my amazing luck. I saw it and sprinted as fast as i could for the other side of the rock. I turned on my implat, advanced targetting thingy, a waste of an implant sometimes, but not if you want to know which tank is lowest on armor and only needs a couple shots to go bye bye. I ran around the rock, saw the ass end of the Mag and it read at full armor. I about shit. It takes about quite a few shots from the Striker to nail a Mag, so I was currently getting my game face on.
I ran out, chucked a Jammer grenade and started hitting the ass of the Mag with rocket after rocket in dumb-fire until it started running. It got around the other side of the rock and glided toward a tree, then came charging back toward me. I had no more jammers so it was a straight up fight now. The tank had quite a bit of armor left so it wasn't too afraid of one Rexo with a Striker. We played hide and seek for almost three whole minutes, i used another clip of rockets plus a few more and both my medpacks, the tank was almost done. It drove around the rock a few times and i ran around just as many. It was hilarious. I waited and waited and waited. Finally he made a move to the other side of the rock and i hit the Mag a few times. It realized it was pretty near screwed so it took off. I shot at it and missed, then again and missed, turned on radar guidance and waited, waited, and shot. The rocket put the tank on it's last leg. One more hit and it was gone. I locked, fired, and added another Mag to my stats. It was great. Shoot, he was probably a n00b, but it was still extremely fun shooting that Mag in the ass. I hate mags. :p
2004-03-16, 03:33 AM
I dunno, probably when me and my squad were looking up at an enemy gal, few of us got striker locks, fired a few rockets, and he just flew right into the sea...and drowned. Can only figure he got so scared he was like "wtfomgomgomg it's BigFreak and his leet krew" and lost mental stability.
2004-03-16, 03:37 AM
:rofl: :lol: :rofl: :lol:
2004-03-16, 03:54 AM
Taking out a VS Lasher during it's recently insane overpowerering. On Forseral near Caer...guy was just spamming me with orbs. I was armed with a Repeater, the BD and a striker, not a real CQB loadout. I run up a hill to a tree and crouch figuring that this is one of those VS n00bs and wait. Sure enough, he comes right up the hill and gets a sniper round to the face. I then pull out the repeater and start shooting, Take him down and just say "damn, I'm glad that's one band wagoner that's not on my empire" :lol:
My other favorite was as a sniper on Markov for the VS where the TR were evidently not issued brains. Was set up covering the approach from the tower to the base (somewhere on Esamir) and there were about 15-25 TR in the tower. I'm just sitting there pegging random targets of opportunity (i.e. - not going for kills so much as hitting anything dumb enough to pop it's head up....which in the case of TR Markov is evidently a lot). Of course, it occurs to none of these guys to go back and heal...nor did anyone cert medic obviously, but they figure after 10 seconds, the sniper that *just hit them* forgot about them, because sure enough they start sticking those big red elmo heads of theirs up again. They're just standing relatively close together and the (then) Advanced Targetting implant and see that there's a whole cluster of about six or seven TR that are below half health. I just start chambering rounds and dropping those bastiches as fast as I could load the rifle. The kill window almost got sniper spammed out...which is impressive for anything other than blowing up an AMS. :D That's not so much 1337 as it is "wow, those guys were DUMB"
2004-03-16, 06:49 AM
When I snipered 4 NC guys from behind. :p
Sniped one, he went back to heal. Stood still. Dead.
Rince and repeat.
And they even had a max to protect them and everything. :D
Not many kills, but a lovely moment for me :D
2004-03-16, 08:14 AM
Best moment for me is when I think about the people I already killed (playing time: 2 or 3 long long evenings)... 1 MAX and 4 normals :D *0wn0r* ;)
Diddy Mao
2004-03-16, 08:42 AM
WOW that's a lot
The Flail is like a Crack Addiction
One day on Ishundar with the newly purchased Core Combat I decided to check out the flail. The Zer was caught up between Enkidu(NC) and Akkan(Tr), I just set a waypoint on the Vehicle pad @ the dropship center and got 300 kills for the day cuz all i did was flail for an hour. Now back to the drug analogy, after that day I fell in love with the flail I was addicted. But I could never find the kill spam I once had like the first time I ever used it. I've been cold turkey from the flail for about 4 months now and I couldn't be happier
1337357 moment
It would have to be when one day on Cyssor the VS were starting the "Hack Orisha every half an hour" attack. A good full squad was there it was (This is during the Lasher 2.5 era). I just came from solsar fight'n off TR with my newly acquired MCG, I flew down there in mos Killed 2 outside ran inside got one hiding behind the lil compartment in the Air terminal room. Healed up then ran in got the two I only had 1 deci on me vs. Quasar and a Comet I took out the Quasar first shot 1 into the commet ran down all the way to spawn tubes got my armor again got the quasar. Then on my way back up the 3 left that were in the spawn came down after me. Luckily I had Interlink on my side so I played cat and mouse and picked em off 1 by 1. Surely enough they respawned @ the tower and capped the base but that was the first time I took out a whole squad by myself ;-) :groovy:
2004-03-16, 09:04 AM
I still remember the first time I played the game at a friends house when I got my first kill.
I had just spawned at a tower and just messing around I go upstairs with suppresor and standard, I see a TR with MCG and rexo and he kills me (big surprise) I spawn again and hes there, firing at the other spawn tube, so I crouched behind a eqiupment terminal and fired............and I killed him.
Meaning that my first kill was a TR in Rexo with a MCG while all I had was standard and suppresor. w00t
2004-03-16, 09:36 AM
A Starfire was picking on a buddy of mine in a Reaver, I was in a Vanguard gunning. I got it mid jump with the main gun (1st shot I fired at it, but it had taken a bit of a rocket spam) from about half an SOI distance away. My driver and I at the same time said "that was a fucking beautiful shot" on TS. Not really a 1337 moment, more just a great fluke shot.
1337est moment would've been raping 3 lightnings in my lightning all at the same time in that stretch between Itan and Kaang right after the BP. Or defending that top base on the island on Searhus by myself from 8 TR all on my own for over an hour. They came in groups of 3-4 so I went Cambodian on them.
2004-03-16, 10:36 AM
Probably when I was commanding a platoon in 7th Legion and we started a massive invasion and ended up taking 3 continents in addition to our 4 that we already had locked. We had a convoy of 10 prowlers, 25 aircraft, some transport/atvs and lightnings etc.
Or when I started an invasion of Esamir with only the help of a squad of dragonwolves and we ended up getting 200+ ppeople on the cont and locked it.
As far as killing streaks go- I surged into a tower back in the Rexo days and took down 5 conglomerates, then rushed into the basement of the tower spamming with thumpers, then hacked the terminal, got a pounder and spawncamped for another few minutes till we took the tower. Got about 20 kills or so.
I can cite numerous other occasions where I've pwnd very badly (like my 100 kills in 2 hrs on Searhus driving a magmower that i stole).
Mine had to be taking down a reaver that was looking for me (I was in an infilitration suit) with my MagScatter.
2004-03-16, 11:07 AM
The most leet moment I can remember happened nearly 2 weeks ago, when, after bailing from a Liberator, armed only with a Rocklet and clad in Agile Armor, I took out a group of 6 NC.
I was doing Liberator strafing runs with the 35mm nosefun on some NC while defending a nearby friendly TR base. I managed to kill 3 or 4 NC before concentrated fire heavily damaged my aircraft and required me to bail. As I bailed from the lib, I realized I was dropping into the very group of NC who had shot me down and was assaulting the base. Pulling my Rocklet on the way down, I hoped for the best.
As I landed, I realized I was staring at an NC who had his Pheonix launcher equipped. I quickly switched to secondary fire mode and wasted him with a flurry of Rocklets before he could react.
Another NC nearby saw the kill and pulled a Sweeper. He came after me firing. He was at medium range however, and his shots did little damage as I sent Rocklet after Rocklet smashing into the ground at his feet. He succumbed to the last Rocklet in my clip, so I reloaded as I hid behind a tree.
I look out from my cover to see 2 more NC coming after me. One of them was armed with a Jackhammer I think, and I'm not sure what the other one was carrying. They were running in close proximity to one another, and so I figured that I'd just spam Rocklets at em with secondary mode and do as much damage as possible before I died. To my surprise, the one carrying the JH died! I quickly ducked behind a rock again to reload, and waited for the other guy to come around the edge of the rock. I kind of anticipated his arrival, so I was ready with the Rocklet on secondary mode again. Just as I see him start to come around the edge of the rock, I pull the trigger. I must have caught him by surprise because he didn't even get a shot off at me. I can't even remember what gun he was using, it was kind of hard to tell because he was covered in Rocklet explosions, lol!
Feeling pretty kickass, I ventured out from behind my rock. I could see an NC firing a Pheonix from a short distance away, and emboldened by my recent victories, I charged him firing Rocklets in single mode. He turned, looked at me, and fired a Pheonix off at me, missing. He moved behind his tree, and I assumed he was pulling out another weapon. I kept up my charge, firing rocklets near the base of the tree. A moment later he pops out with a Guass rifle and pegs me with a few shots. I quickly hide behind a tree, and since my clip is empty, I reload. I peek out, and he's still there, crouching behind the tree waiting for me. I strafe out from behind the tree, firing more Rocklets at the tree's base, killing him.
At this point, I decided to make my way back into the base. I run along the outside edge of the base wall, making for the courtyard gate. As I turn the corner, an NC with a Thumper spots me. He fires off a plasma 'nade at me from medium range, missing (yeah don't ask me how) and then pegs me with another. I charge at him firing my Rocklet thinking "ok this guy is definately going to bring me down, I'm badly hurt, 1 more nade and I'm dead." However, after hitting me with the second grenade, he has to reload. I took advantage of the time to charge at him, pumping all 6 Rocklets into him, killing him just as he prepares to hit me with his reloaded Thumper.
I head into the relative safety in the courtyard, and crouch behind some crates as I take a few screenshots of the kill messages in the chat window. I complete this, and head for the main door as I only have a few Rocklets left in my inventory! At this point, I holster my Rocklet Gun, and just as I'm about to pass through the doorway, a cloaker comes up behind me and AMPs me to death. :rolleyes:
I've also had a few other pretty leet kills, including several of my sniper kills. I killed a loaded Vanguard with my Bolt Driver last week, it had taken heavy damage and was trying to escape. :sniper: ::POW:: ::BOOOM!:: The next day I did the same thing with an enemy Skyguard who was causing me much pain. I love it when stuff like this happens in game, but for some reason its NEVER when I'm running FRAPS!
Happy lil Elf
2004-03-16, 12:11 PM
Taking out 2 reavers and a Lib at the same time, all of whom were trying to kill me, with the Lightning and coming through it at over 50% health. Of course this was back when it still had crazy acceleration. It's a good thing the Reavers were obsessed with killing me with rockets and the Lib (for some unknown reason) kept trying ot bomb me. Had either the reavers or the Lib decided to use machine guns I would have been toast :lol:
2004-03-16, 01:02 PM
Once when running up to a friendly dropship center to grab some wheels, I came upon an enemy harraser coming out the gate. We were still some distance apart so I grabbed the rocklet rifle off my back and crouched down letting loose single shots at him while his gunner took shots at me. Since this was back in the day when vehicles could mow just about anything the driver didn't feel like waiting for his gunner to get me and began his collision run on me. I realized I was about to be mowed as I reloaded, and really had nowhere to run to avoid it, so I switched my rocklet to secondary mode and when he was a few seconds off opened up on him.
The resulting explosions on my screen, combined with the natural reaction to an object coming straight at your head, caused me to jump back in my seat. When I looked at the screen again my armor and health were virtually untouched. I turned my toon around to see the wreckage of the harrasser just to the back and left of me. Somehow I had done just enough damage to get him first. :)
2004-03-16, 01:06 PM
Way back in Closed Beta, when I killed a TR Dual Cycler with a beamer, in standard.
2004-03-16, 01:40 PM
chasing down a galaxy on searhus and destoying it using a basilik
2004-03-16, 02:19 PM
Killing over a hundred Terrans with a Vanguard because they had absolutely no chance to retaliate against armor as profound as the Vanguard.
Killing hundreds of infantry because they had no chance to dodge my Phoenix barrage.
If you want to kill without the chance of being killed, just play New Conglomerate. Whatever gimpitude protects them from the wrath of statistics is founded in the ego of some misguided developer.
Milk it.
2004-03-16, 02:56 PM
Killing over a hundred Terrans with a Vanguard because they had absolutely no chance to retaliate against armor as profound as the Vanguard.
Killing hundreds of infantry because they had no chance to dodge my Phoenix barrage.
If you want to kill without the chance of being killed, just play New Conglomerate. Whatever gimpitude protects them from the wrath of statistics is founded in the ego of some misguided developer.
Milk it.
You must have missed the memo, bitching about the NC is soooo 2 months ago.
2004-03-16, 03:17 PM
I had just gotten my reaver. Flying over a base, i see 20 TR atleast crossing the bridge. Get roughly 9 of them with my reaver before the strikers made me drop. LAnded on the bridge, and was packin 4 MCGs (Maybe 5) that I had just gotten from an outfit mate playin a TR toon. dropped out, and killed the rest of em at 40 meters. Packin 2 more MCGs I charged to the tower where they were spawning from, stood by the door and got 3 more as they came up, surged to the tower CC, hacked it, and laughed as I hopped in a phalanx turret and shot the remaining 13 or so who had ran out of the tower looking for me. My leetest day ever.
Killing over a hundred Terrans with a Vanguard because they had absolutely no chance to retaliate against armor as profound as the Vanguard.
Killing hundreds of infantry because they had no chance to dodge my Phoenix barrage.
If you want to kill without the chance of being killed, just play New Conglomerate. Whatever gimpitude protects them from the wrath of statistics is founded in the ego of some misguided developer.
Milk it.
A. Maybe TR should use their tank?
B. Wtf? That does not happen.
C. Stop trying to troll in this thread.
I can never think of one moment and these threads are getting so old. One day I got 487 flail kills in two hours though, that was pretty cool.
2004-03-16, 07:03 PM
When playing as a NC Cloaker on Markov I once completely terrorized an entire Squad of VS in the caverns. By playing a game of cat and mice I alternated assassination runs (scatter pistol to the back), deployable traps, plasma grenades from way above, jumping into an ancient turret to down aircraft or kill MAX units, boomers, and melee boosted knife stabs I frustrated them big time.
I had a blast making a kill, retreating to a safe elevated distance, and watching the darklight enhanced search commence. Once, they gave up looking for me, I�d hit them again and retreat past a deployed CE trap. You could feel the frustration in the air.
When it was all said and done I had gotten about 50-60 kills and they abandoned the caverns leaving 2 charged modules to expire. I did get killed once towards the end by a guy with a Maelstrom. I got too aggressive and followed him as he was trying to escape me by using a zip line. He just turned around and fried me. He then sent a tell �not this time�. So I respawned and followed him to the surface and as he passed near some water I killed him and detonated his shield module in the water. Nothing says �F**k You� like destroying a stolen module after a slaughter like that.
I then respawned in the caverns (I was bound to an AMS) and proceeded to turn them all blue. I got a few more hate tells, but all was quiet from that point on.
Oh, and...
One day I got 487 flail kills in two hours though, that was pretty cool.
Yeah, the Flail is the biggest skill substitute in this game. The NC have nothing that matches it's power. My 3rd and last time using a flail I got about 200 kills and pretty much single handedly stopped a VS zerg that was trying to emerge from a watch tower. Just wait for one of the 3 doors on my side to open and left click... 5 kills, left click... 3 kills, left click... 4 kills, etc... *yawn* Id rather fight then just rack up an impressive kill count. Though... it was amusing once, but that was enough for me. I've not used a Flail since.
2004-03-16, 07:08 PM
Looted Beamer on AP mode. (I'll carry them for shits n giggles). I was shot down, and didn't have my striker (was carrying my glue gun). 3 shots on AP mode and I popped the Reaver that got me.
Yea, he was pretty badly damaged already, but damn, a Beamer.
Happy lil Elf
2004-03-16, 07:15 PM
Killing over a hundred Terrans with a Vanguard because they had absolutely no chance to retaliate against armor as profound as the Vanguard.
Killing hundreds of infantry because they had no chance to dodge my Phoenix barrage.
If you want to kill without the chance of being killed, just play New Conglomerate. Whatever gimpitude protects them from the wrath of statistics is founded in the ego of some misguided developer.
Milk it.
Hi, you're being a fucking jackass, that's my job, damnit.
Cauldron Borne
2004-03-16, 09:05 PM
I had sniping for a day - killed a claoker at 367m away. I uncerted that night, one kill.
I loaded up w/ boomers and deconned into a zerged base, cloaked, i then:
laid a boomer, deconed to a nearby tower, detonated the boomer, rinse repeat. Got 40+ kills that night, and no-one ever knew where the cloaker came from.
2004-03-16, 09:20 PM
My best moment was when i killed about 8 nc snipers without them even seeing me. stupid suckers never moved after the first shot. :sniper: + :confused: = :blowup:
2004-03-16, 09:35 PM
Hey, CB, what's up? :)
2004-03-16, 10:21 PM
Official 1337est moment. This is from close to a month ago. I'd almost forgotten about how much fun this chase was.
I was being chased by two complete asses in Reavers for almost thirty minutes across Cyssor in my Deliverer. I drove over every hill, through every damn grove of trees, over water, under and over bridges, all over the damned continent.
I'd cruise into a base, sit there for a minute, and leave to go to my set waypoint. My gunners were getting pissed at these damned reavers. We drove into Honsi which had no one else in it and I went to reload the Deliverer and my front gunner repaired. The reavers cruised over and started hitting us with machine gun fire. My repair/gunner got nailed and respawned in the basement of Gunuku where he had bound himself much earlier. So now I had to drive to Gunuku which had a Large Enemy Force attacking it on the south side. The reavers made another pass and my rear gunner and I ducked out of Honsi.
The reavers were hot on our ass and I knew they'd drop off once I got to Gunuku. I pull up to the northern side of the base and it's being hacked about a zillion VS perched all over the walls and trying to break in through the main door. As I'm looking at this spectacle I forgot to take my foot off the gas so i slammed right into their cloaked AMS. Well, my gunner decides to shoot it. Hooray, now we've got Lasher spam to deal with as WELL as the damned Reavers.
I hit the gas and this turned into a high speed chase. A harasser and two reavers plus a stolen Vanguard were now on our ass. We were flying down the road and I ducked off into some woods. Just then, I hit a nice patch of Lag-berries and smashed into a tree. The reavers passed over and the harasser cruised up hitting us as it passed on the road. I reversed and pulled away from the tree, cruising through the trees and up a small hill. The Vanguard was still chasing but it finally decided to drop off.
I get a squad message saying that my forward gunner is chilling in the tower north of Gunuku. So, we turn around, to the dismay of the Harasser which zoomed by us while his gunner and my gunner exchanged harsh language and lewd gestures. I drove over a hill, back onto the road, and got a nice battery of rockets in my face. It knocked the piss out of my already very badly damaged Deliverer. I needed my repair/gunner, badly, so I flew to the north tower and drove up to the north side of it. A VS Comet was floating in my direction as I pulled up behind the base. It landed right near me and started opening up. Luckily we pulled away fast enough to get out of his field of fire and I cruised along for a minute before I felt it was safe to go back.
The Reavers had stopped to help take the tower so I figured that it was safe now to hurry up and pick up my other squad mate. I drove up to the door of the tower, waited, sent a tell to my gunner and a second later he was hopping in my Del macroing "MOVE" over and over. It was great!
We took off down the road and the damn reavers came after us. I don't kow what gave those stupid pilots a hard on for killing us but they were pissed. Plus they'd gotten repair/refit at the newly hacked Gunuku.
We pulled some seriously impressive maneuvers getting away from these reavers. I mean, I'm talking Jason Statham in "The Transporter."
Finally we got to the big lake separating Faro from Chuku and Ekera. We had about half armor left and our shield was starting to repair. The reaver had had to break off at Faro because it was under our control. Next thing I know, we're half way across the lake and the damn thing floats up behind us again. My gunners were firing in unison and as I turned and maneuvered I watched their guns rotated following the Reaver in the air.
Apparently my maneuvers were good enough and the gunnery of my guys was good enough to peel away enough armor to scare the Reaver into ducking off.
What a sweet chase. It was the most exciting moment I've had in PS. In a word, it was 1337.
Yeah, the Flail is the biggest skill substitute in this game. The NC have nothing that matches it's power. My 3rd and last time using a flail I got about 200 kills and pretty much single handedly stopped a VS zerg that was trying to emerge from a watch tower. Just wait for one of the 3 doors on my side to open and left click... 5 kills, left click... 3 kills, left click... 4 kills, etc... *yawn* Id rather fight then just rack up an impressive kill count. Though... it was amusing once, but that was enough for me. I've not used a Flail since.
Stop trying to be a jackass, I had it for one day, and used a total of four flails that whole time.
Don't insinuate that I am a skillless killwhore because I used a flail for a day. My kills are split between gauss and aircraft stuff, so go be an asshat somewhere else.
Definitely when I was in my Rexo, Pulsar/Lancer config on Ishundar. It was Akkan, we were trying to hold off the hack. After owning a bunch of Terran with my Pulsar, I see this Reaver spamming the hell out of some of our infantry forces. Eventually he goes for a U-Turn back, and with my l33t leading skills, I nailed him with my Lancer. I did the same to about five more. And no, there were no other Lancers or Starfires or anything.
2004-03-16, 10:44 PM
Stop trying to be a jackass, I had it for one day, and used a total of four flails that whole time.
Don't insinuate that I am a skillless killwhore because I used a flail for a day. My kills are split between gauss and aircraft stuff, so go be an asshat somewhere else.
I was slamming the flail not you, but if you want to take it personally then be my guest. So if I say shit stinks, you will become offended once you remember you shit too?
2004-03-16, 10:51 PM
Shudup both of u.
My most 1337 moment is when i first got PS and i had baskilik (sp), a NC ANT and Harrasser (no gunner) were on a NTU run. So i stalked them untill they got their NTU's and were crossing a bridge. Then i blew up the Harrasser, and took out the ANT within the minute. I was so pumped up, then i left and i think they just went on their run again. :P~
2004-03-17, 01:09 AM
anyone who starts flaming in a forum being used to tell about a fun time you had in the game needs a swift kick to the testicles. this thread is for fun, not for asshats.
when i killed 7 out of 8 at backdoor whit 5 thumper nades.. (the backdoor had just 1 defender, me)
2004-03-17, 01:49 AM
I remember once my outfit-mates and I were on Tower D when a JHn00b came down the stairs and pwoned like 5 people with MCGs. I chased him up the stairs (I guess he didn't see me) and onto the roof only to figure out that instead of my MCG config, I had grabbed my Agile sniper config by accident!
He stopped to reload and heal (still somehow with his back to me) and I did the only thing I could think of at the time...
...I drilled him in the back with my repeater while he was reloading.
About a week ago I decided to spend some time on my NC toon that I had been neglecting and picked up the JH to see if it had half the stuff wrong with it that some NC I was arguing with on the station forums were saying it did.
Outside a base backdoor we engaged some TR with MCGs. I was in agile but didn't have surge, and one TR had rexo. He dropped in two bursts. A second guy was also in rexo, but my Improved Targeting told me he was wounded so I switched to primary and hammered him. Meanwhile his buddy was finishing off another NC or two with Gausses so I ducked behind a tree to reload and he didn't seem to see me (I expected to die quite soon thereafter but didn't.) finishin up reloading I poke my head around the trunk of the Iron Tree(tm) and see this guy kissing bark with a med aplicator in his hand...
...okay...(he was asking for it) I ran up, put my JH into secondary...and drilled him in the back.
fastest 1500 xp I've ever gotten...I felt so 1337 :groovy:
Later that same battle some guys from the 666th (markov) had charged into the backdoor and goten pwoned. I came running up on a fellow NC sniping down into the corridor with his gauss when the door hack timed out. Knowing full well that a TR surgile-n00b probably couldn't hold out with a gauss-toating NC at the top of the stairs I planted myself firmly in front of the closed and locked door, and crouched.
Door opened and blam-blam-blam...kill...blam-blam-blam...kill...blam-blam-blam...kill
It felt so good :D
Of course another NC then saw fit to drill ME in the back with his JH (either a mistake or for sitting in the doorway)...but i degress...
My last 1337 moment was reciently with my TR toon at a VS backdoor.
The lasherspam was flying up the hall thick as anything I've ever seen and TR were trying to rush them with little success.
I, on the other hand, wasn't about to run headlong into death and was just itching to play with my newly certed combat engineering.
So I set up two mines, one right outside the backdoor and another one just outside of the recess holding the door.
I hear the lasher spam die down and figure that they've finished off the other TR that went down and are either reloading, or comming up the stairs.
Well, it turns out that they were surgile n00bs that didn't have a firm grasp of the concept: "low health, no armor = bad" because they ran up the stairs, out the door, and died two by two on my shiny new mines.
They did this at least ten times before spamming the doorway with jammers first.
It felt so good :evil:
2004-03-17, 03:32 AM
I was manning the cannons on a prowler earlier today and the driver had just rolled us into an NC base, the tank was at about 60% life and a vangaurd came up behind us and starting shooting, one shot before the prowler died the vangaurd's crew tried to bail and my shot blew up their tank and killed them both.
2004-03-17, 09:20 AM
I cant think of my most 1337 moment but i think this is pretty good.
me with 1/5 health, 1 ace, infil, and a knife vs. Reaver with 1/3 armor. Im claoked and crouching and he is stalking me and is right over me, he continues to sweep around for me until he gets so close to the ground i could knife him without looking up. i plant a mine and boom, i win.
2004-03-17, 09:35 AM
My most recent was probably knifing 3 guys who were coming over a hilltop. I'd run out of ACEs (was in infil) and had just recently cleared some people off of the hilltop and healed myself when some guy crested the hill and I decided to go after him too. As I got to him I realized he had 2 guys with him which I hadn't noticed in time, and at this point I was sure my movement had given me away and there was no turning back. I stabbed the guy once and then made every effort to keep him between myself and his two buddies which seemed to freeze them from firing on me. He just began spamming and hoping to hit me and I stabbed him again and dropped him. I immediately changed over to one of his buddies, got the first stab easy and tried the same strategy of keeping him between me and the last guy. I missed one stab as we were each juking, and he started spamming with the cycler and I started taking damage. I got in another stab, and down he went. At this point the last guy just cuts and runs. I sheath my knife and begin following, I get close enough to him and take the knife back out and...he makes an incredible move, fake left, go right, spin while removing his weapon from the holster. I'm able to land one stab and I'm thinking that's it. Then I hear a familiar sound, the good old Magscatter. Rather than use the cycler on his back, he's for some unknown reason decided to try that on me. He gets off 2 shots which miss wildly and I stab him in the chest. Melee Booster owns.
2004-03-17, 10:08 AM
Heh. Last night, I ran up some stairs in a tower, and literally ran into a TR with a MCG. All I had was my bolt driver. Before he could even begin to fire, I pumped the shot into him and he died. I simply LOVE it when that happens.
I also was running along yesterday and I thought I saw a little shimmer/distortion several yards away, at the corner of my screen. I turned and popped off a shot, kind of just to make the cloaker back off while I switched to my grenades, and to my surprise I hit him dead on, killing him.
The Bolt Driver makes a kickass ghetto shotgun! When I'm in a tower I like to run up the stairs with my Bolt Driver, pegging an enemy I find with my round, and then quickly switching to my pistol /'nade to finish him off. Its surprising how many HA-wielders I kill this way.
2004-03-17, 10:12 AM
I like to run into a zerged nme tower and run to the top of the ting and whip out my Striker and kill any and all MAXes up there, they never expect that. I would then continue to heal/repair and then head downstairs again and pick off a few infantry that are just sitting at the steps waiting for my friendlies to come up. I go back upstairs and rince and repeat until I get killed or we get the tower.
And my l33test moment from this would be 3 MAXes, and 7 infantry in one run, eventually capping the tower. :)
2004-03-17, 10:23 AM
I'll throw another one in...illustrates NC stupidity for once. :D
Tower on Amerish, Kyoi I'm pretty sure...possibly Heyoka. TR are attacking from a base and hitting this NC zerg full in the face. I'm sure you know what stalemates look like. Well, the NC have their roof phoenix barrage and sniper battalion going and the TR are just getting nowhere on taking the tower.
Being the clever little elmo I am, I swing out wide of the tower (called a "flanking manuever" for those among you unfamiliar with know who you are) and come around to the S side of the tower (all the NC are streaming out to the north). There's some lonely CE wandering around putting down mines and such on the hill so I just come up on him and waste him. How no NC noticed this, I don't know. Pick up the Gauss rifle he was carrying, figuring this would be a good weapon for a mini-SpecOp and walk into the tower. Bear in mind, this is a tower in the middle of a heavy battle and I'm wearing TR rexo. Walk up the entire tower, not a single NC shows their face. Get to the top floor and a badly wounded JH user comes in. Paste him with the Gauss easily. Go out the S side, work my way around to the side with all the NC. They're mostly agiles using bolt drivers and phoenixes. Start at one end with the Gauss, work my way to the other...killed about 7 or 8 NC and most of them didn't even look up despite the steady scrolling of people killed by a red gauss. The JH guy comes back up in a MAX, which I use my striker to pound down and a Sparrow that was following him. Deciding that I'd pushed my luck a little far, I jump over the railing and run like hell towards our lines, which as it turned out had advanced quite far with the disruption on the roof.
Stopped at an AMS to rearm and spent about five minutes laughing about how dumb those NC had been. :lol:
2004-03-17, 03:11 PM
Got in a nasty dog fight in my reaver just after the ammo patch. 5 reavers and 5 mossys on me. It took like 3 minutes but I got them all. The last two kills were done using rockets only :( .
Oh yea. Hot droped on a tower once. Thought nothing of it at first... till I realised I had droped with supressor and a deci. So I went a running down the stairs. One Jackwhore, two jack whore, gauss, sniper... shit max, retreat, hot swap Deci and supressor... dead max.. hot swap... Gauss... loot gauss... CC.. cloaker... JH... Gauss... take ammo.... spawn room.... soldier arming... loot him... take his two decis.... blow tubes... hack.
Neon Apocalypse
2004-03-17, 08:52 PM
Ive done some impressive stuff in my max, like mowing through atleast 10 people.
I also like jumping off a base wall finding 10 TR healing each other, so i just nailed them all with my lasher.
Today i took out 4 maxes, a full marauder, and a full prowler all in one respawn.
Ive also killed a TR max from all the way from one end of a bio lab to another end.
Ive had lots of l337 moments, but i forget most of em.
2004-03-17, 09:41 PM
I've had quite a few really good killing sprees in game, but the one that really sticks out because of its intensity was when I was attacked by 2 Reavers and 3 Mosquitos while standing on one of the really tall hills on Esamir. I was in my Starfire alone and suddenly this squad attacked me all at once. I went for the 2 Reavers first and took the first one out as I was jumping up. At the top of my jump, I reloaded and killed the other Reaver as I was coming down. I started strafing left and right to throw off the aim of the 3 Mosquitos and when I had enough capacitor built up I used my jump jets sparingly to throw them off further. I took out all 3 Mosquitos, but wound up dying to a decimator thrown at me by one of the pilots that bailed. It all happened in less than a minute, but while it was going on I was in just the right frame of mind to pull it off.
My elite skills at piloting a Starfire (under different character names) have probably contributed to the silly rumours that they are over powered. :lol:
My most humourous kill was when I killed a Reaver attacking our AMS. I was cloaked and firing a Repeater with standard ammo. I thought I'd just maybe annoy him, but was pretty shocked when he blew up and I got the kill. :)
2004-03-18, 12:32 AM
Alright, I've had many great moments, over the many months I've played planetside. but one recent one has to top them all.
I was infitrating, with all my CE gear, we were assaulting a base pretty hard and pushed them back to the basement. this was a good 50 on 50 fight here, so there was alot going on in the hallway. we were fighting the TR and of course they had a buncha maxes pinned down pounding us into the synthetic cement like material. anyway, I sayed back, watching everyone die, and then my surge implant became activated.
Believe it or not, I got this crash idea. I turned it on, dashed through the hallway, past at least 7 maxes and over a dozen infantry, and into the spawn room. I didnt have any time to spare, because it wouldnt be long before a TR found me. So I ran in, planted a boomer in the dead center of the room, and they all paniked. they shot eachother up as I dashed out of the room just waiting for the detonator to appear. the few short moments felt like hours. with the suspence that you're exposed to thousands of hitpoints worth teh firepower with no protection. then, as I went through the door into the hallway it appeared.
BEEEEEEEEP. I was next to about 3 maxes as I detonated it. I looked back and saw 15-20 corpses hit the floor. everyone was in so much panic no one could get their gear. For all of you who don't infiltrate, boomering a crowded spawn room is something all infiltrators treasure and dont take for granted. Scoring a boomer kill is always satisfying, whether it be an entire AMS, or just a lonely noob sniper, its always a great feeling.
2004-03-18, 02:31 AM
Oh I just thought of something that happened long ago. I don't know if you can call it leet, but it was pretty cool and hilarious!
I was flying along in a reaver, headed to an enemy tower to attack. As I coasted along, an enemy Reaver flew up behind me and shot me down. Somehow I managed to bail, and head into a dense group of trees, and the Reaver gave up looking for me and took off. Now, here I am stuck in the middle of nowhere. I see a nearby NC base (I was TR) and decide I'll head there and get someone to kill me (I had no grenades). So, I head towards this base, and as I approach, I see a bunch of NC sitting around, seemingly waiting for a hack to complete.
I pull out my Cycler and think, ok, I'll hit a few of them, and a sniper will take me out. So, I crouch, and fire a round into the back of an NC on the walltop. Now theres a group of like 4 or 5 NC on the wall standing together, along with a ScatterMax. After I peg the one in the back with my bullet, I see him turn and look at the other NC behind him. He seemed to think that the guy had shot him. I figure he probably did a "Cease Fire!". So, I aimed, and fired another shot into his back. The NC turns around, and pumps a few shots into the other NC behind him. That NC returns fire, TKing the guy I'd hit. The ScatterMax then gets involved, and wastes him. Another NC pulls out a Deci and blows away the MAX!
Meanwhile, I'm sitting there laughing my ass off at the mayhem I'd caused. The TK grew, until it was practically a civil war lol. I could hear Guass fire and Jackhammers going off for quite a while. Finally, I got up, and ran towards the base. I stood at the base of the wall, and fired my Cycler until a few NC peered over at me. I did a "Hi There!" and they responded by dropping a few grenades on my head. To this day I wonder if they'd figured out that it was me that started that huge TK...
PS: Tonight I went on a run with my skeeter as my NC char, fighting against the VS. I destroyed a Magrider, a Lightning, an enemy Skeeter, a Reaver, 4 snipers (one with a Lancer), like 5 grunts, and almost got a Lib too, before I was killed. I was almost out of Skeeter bullets too hehe!
2004-03-18, 03:24 AM
I Orbitalled 5 Prowlers with full crews idling on Ceryshan...
At the same time...
Cauldron Borne
2004-03-18, 11:31 AM
This was my leetest day:
The TR zerg had met up with a VS zerg in a base on Ish (VS had possession). The TR were stailamted outside the base as the two zergs slammed into each other. Through the confusion it was easy for a lone cloaker like me to sneak into the base. There were a whole ton of vecs in the base, and being the advhack dirty sneaky cloaker i am i begane to have them all in turn. hack, decon ,rinse repeat. I hacked a Gal and before i deconed it someone hacked it back. So i hacked it again. Again someone hacks it back, I hack it once more and FINALLY pull off the decon. Now with the massive confusion in the cy, i made my way down the stairs to the CC. I sneaked in and hacked the CC. That was when I got a brilliant idea: I knew i couldn't hold this hack, so I laid a boomer and activated audio amp. moved down the hall four rooms and just kept my eye on the cc. Everytime a VS red dot made its way to about where my boomer was, BOOM. I did that till i ran out of boomers (four) then stabbed about six more VS before i died. We got the base, no-one ever re-hacked it. I was amazed. oh, so kewl.
2004-03-18, 11:39 AM
One of my L33t moments had to have been when I droped at a VS tower congested with VS I had Medium armor and a JH I hacked open the door and ran inside blew through about 10 Vanu hid in a corner and repaired thinking I was gona die anyway i decided to attack their spawn i rushed down stairs with my JH blazing though they had Lashers I still pwnd em all eventually I made it to the tubes and took em out with my decis I had almost over 15 kills that evening
2004-03-18, 11:52 AM
Oh yeah i just remembered this one
It was an intense battle on Forseral a long time ago. I was flying in my skeeter towards the last base we had (anu), just as the NC zerg was starting to push on it. Well while flying my squadmate told me there was an ams near the south wall. As I flew near the wall, I saw a bubble light up with a good amount of NC near it. I decided to bail out and orbital it. I bailed out, and while falling in mid air acftivated the orbital and launched it. I hit ground on a tree right as the noise began to start. Then the blast. I get a good 18 or so kills and I look at the wreckage. There are 2 ams's! My OS (CR 4 at the time so it was small) hit in the exact perfect place to kill both AMS's. Was veyr funny, outfit and i had a good laugh
Vis Armata
2004-03-18, 12:01 PM
Running 2 platoons of fully-crewed Liberators. We dished out some serious damage that day. :D
2004-03-18, 02:21 PM
My best moment was just last week.. the NC had one of our Tech Plants hacked, I forget which continent but the gens and tubes were down. I made my way to the backdoor on my wraith and heading into the building. On myway to the stairs I took out 3 infantry with my AMP, and another one right before I started up the steps.. As I was crouch-walking up the stairs on the floor just before where the CC is I took out another infantry.. by then I was sure I was dead. So I get to the top floor and peek around the corner into the CC room, low and behold theres an enemy boomer planted right in the middle of the room.. so I back up around the corner and pull out a jammer grenade, come back around the corner and toss it into the CC, detonate the boomer and take out 8 NC's as well as myself :lol: that was the greatest moment ever.
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