View Full Version : Hear the news on Ask The Devs!? RACE TRACKS, DUEL ARENAS AND MORE ON THE SANCTUARY!!!
2004-03-18, 06:46 PM
This was by far THE highlight of Ask The Devs. I can't wait, it's gonna be exactly like it's been in my outfit (I usually organize little parties of my own ^_^), but with more people! OMFG!
Post comments, ideas, and suggestions please!
O_O :D
The only thing I don't wnt to see is everyone spending their time in these areas and teh main focus goes to them instead of the fight on other conts.
2004-03-18, 06:48 PM
I'd like to see occasional outfit vs. outfit fights
2004-03-18, 06:49 PM
Can you outline the interview please?
2004-03-18, 07:01 PM
just download it gohan
2004-03-18, 07:15 PM
The only thing I don't wnt to see is everyone spending their time in these areas and teh main focus goes to them instead of the fight on other conts.
2004-03-18, 08:21 PM
i agree with Dhark. i can't imagine this change causing people to spend all their time racing or intra-empire skirmishing. it's just gonna be a break from the real fighting, not an alternative to it altogether.
2004-03-18, 08:22 PM
2004-03-18, 08:41 PM
Some of the people with vehiclke certs could use a little driver's training on a racetrack anyway!! :D
2004-03-18, 09:19 PM
Haha, I got mowed down by a friendly MOSQUITO while sniping, ontop of a hill, not an enemy around me, he just ran straight into me, on accident today. I would really like a place for them to practice flying, because some of 'em just don't seem to have a handle on it yet.
2004-03-18, 10:18 PM
Tell me when this actually gets implemented. I may just come back for it :).
Cauldron Borne
2004-03-18, 10:54 PM
*cough VR Vec Training *cough *cough
2004-03-19, 02:14 AM
If my memory serves me this was brought up in the first ask the devs (the idea of a CTF-esque arena in sanctuary, for a casual mess around). If they implimented this, and maybe a decent offline testing thingymagig (so you can test all the empires' weaponry/vehicles, vs standing targets like in VR, so as to make an informed decision on your empire choice, and to actually see which empires vehicles are the best), I will be super happy.
2004-03-19, 02:31 AM
Can you outline the interview please?
"It's on the schedule..."
"It's not on the schedule..."
>>>> Take dozens and dozens of old issues and questions and apply one of those answers. :D
this is why I don't see much need to follow the development aspect of PS anymore, so much as play PS. I don't think the game is going to change much, it really hasn't changed much, so play if you're gonna play, and put your creative fruits into something else if you want to be creative... let's be serious this game was done a year ago but everyone likes to play imaginary designer just because it's fun.
2004-03-19, 05:25 AM
wow that would be awesome, hehe maybe people would race for exotic weapons (like enemy empire weapons) and the winner gets them, that would be cool. Can't wait
2004-03-19, 07:13 AM
Exotic weapons? Wow, that brings up a few weird images.
2004-03-19, 08:57 AM
Fear the exotic weapon of doom!
The night they include these features the continents will be empty, novelty factor will wear off soon after and they'll get casual use :)
2004-03-19, 09:44 AM
Yeah, like when the introduced Lodestars =)
We had more Lodestars than we had infantry that night lol.
2004-03-19, 09:58 AM
The main advantage for the "scrimmage" arenas is that outfits can actually take these players who don't understand "squad combat" and teach them group coordination. That's currently only possible on the battlefield, where you can't go "Damnit...he messed up his assignment, ok people...back to the beginning of the battle and lets try that again."
I don't know for a fact that it'll change anything, but if it builds up more squads acting like real squads...I'll be quite happy. :groovy:
2004-03-19, 10:00 AM
The only thing I don't wnt to see is everyone spending their time in these areas and teh main focus goes to them instead of the fight on other conts.
This was my main concern, and if it doesn't happen, then this will be great.
2004-03-19, 11:04 AM
If this does get implemented, we will have many people in the sanc broadcasting to fight someone constantly and wanting to duel. IMO.
2004-03-19, 11:12 AM
If this does get implemented, we will have many people in the sanc broadcasting to fight someone constantly and wanting to duel. IMO.
Own them and move on...
2004-03-19, 11:13 AM
I'm saying it'll be a spam fest and worse than it already is now.
2004-03-19, 11:15 AM
Well to be honest, I only worry when I can hear crickets in sanc...
2004-03-19, 12:53 PM
i'm starting to worry that we may have more guys in the sanc then on the battlefields.. that's all.. i didn't think it was possible at first, but now i'm starting to wonder.. i mean, as with the lodestar thing: when the first came out they were everywhere. i'm concerned that since this is a new thing that people are all going to crowd into it and leave the continents dry for weeks.. that's all. it's probably pretty damned absurd, but hey, you never know.
2004-03-19, 01:07 PM
I've always been concerned about deathmatch areas in the sanctuary (that's how this sort of idea started out anyway) that people would just fight in there instead of having to go out, fight pop lock and find the battle.
Perhaps exp could give you arena credits that you can use in the sanctuary, perhaps even use outfit credits to book your own arena.
2004-03-19, 01:51 PM
Actually Dharkbayne, Sporkfire mentioned aerial obstacle courses as a possibility as well in the ask the Devs...
2004-03-19, 03:57 PM
yeah, i think the new areas should be both a privaledge and a thing you have to schedule to use. like a party room or something, :D .. that way people won't just spend all their time in there.
2004-03-19, 04:08 PM
The night of the Liberator patch was so very good. Everyone getting nuked, not knowing what was going on exactly....ahh...PS was great :'(
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