View Full Version : Tr suck?
2004-03-19, 09:14 AM
Is it just me or does anyone else think the tr are soooooo underpowered?
Since the new lasher nerf the nc seem way over powered, with their jack hammer!
All they ever do is tri-fire 1 click of a button instant surge kill u, Maybe the Dev's could switch the tri fire to double fire instead? Also they could change the pounder max bk to ai as its pointless now :oS In real life the splash damage would kill and atm it does no damage!
Also they could decrease mine power on maxes and buff max armour! These days eveyone has a av cert and that owns maxes too much making them worse than troops. When all maxes are, are heavy armoured troops so they should do the same damage to ttroops aswel :oS that makes no sense to me!
The cycler and mcg are pointless too! Lasher just owns everyone tr gun!! The jh can kill me from a distance better than mcg :oS!!!!!!!!!
So basically nerf the jh!
2004-03-19, 09:28 AM
Im sorry but you are retarded. A, the MCG can own both those weapons if you are skilled. B, the JH is not overpowered, you are just a noob, and C, the only thing that is underpowered about the TR is our tank (which sux real bad)
2004-03-19, 09:30 AM
It's not underpowered as much as too crew intensive and poorly armored with no speed and a 100m tall profile. Who the hell designed that anyway? Paul Bunyan?
Swap the armor OR speed with the Vanguard and you'll probably see a much more balanced tank around. And do something about that 150% crew requirement.
2004-03-19, 09:31 AM
Oh and another thing! Why are people sooo nasty on this website :oS I've posted 3 topics b4 and all of them is just you guys arguing and swearing etc :oS
On every other website threads ppl listen and then give their nice answer. So i'm sorry but this site from people like you is sucky if you can even take things into view, without insulting!
2004-03-19, 09:41 AM
Making threads that are completely biased and not well thought out which also include calls for nerfing of weapons don't normally get received with open arms. Let's go over some of the more blatant issues, shall we?
The jh can kill me from a distance better than mcg :oS!!!!!!!!!
See, that statement right there is just ignorance. If you have an MCG and you're getting killed at distance by a Jackhammer user then you were either on death's door or you terminally suck. No other way to put it. Reading the statement makes it obvious that you haven't spent any real time with either weapon, so why should people listen to your calls to nerf one of them?
Also they could change the pounder max bk to ai as its pointless now :oS
Again, this just shows that you haven't played that much. Every AV MAX is pointless for the most part. It blows, but that's life. There are people on this very forum who are quite fond of the Pounder in it's current incarnation, but you'll have a tough time finding defenders of any of the AV MAXs. The Pounder isn't exclusive to this.
So basically nerf the jh!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you have 0 characters with an HA cert in the NC. The Jackhammer used to be overpowered, but it's been hit with the nerf stick as much (or more) than any weapon in this game. It's the least certed HA weapon out of all of the empires for a reason. To then ask for a nerf of a weapon that people are flocking to get away from? Really, why does it come as such a surprise to you when people reply to such thoughtless nerf cries with anything less than open arms?
The shame of it is you have an excellent point about MAX armor and how easy they are to take out, but it's hidden in the middle of your ignorant empire bias. Because of that it's almost certain to see no response.
2004-03-19, 09:52 AM
CDL is a bit short-tempered when people imply things that aren't's the wolf in them.
However, when ideas are presented in a cogent format with valid points, they tend to be well received. I've had two major threads started proposing major changes to the game and they've not had a single insult war start up, as the ideas are presented in a fashion that encourages discussion.
People keep insisting that the TR are underpowered when really they're as balanced as everyone else is. The JackHammer is a very specialized weapon and not terribly useful outside of the circumstances you mention. That is it's trade-off.
The Pounder was one of two things as an AI MAX: completely useless or horribly overpowered, depending on the situation. The DC is a much more balanced approach. ALL the Empire AV MAXes are pointless, that's not a TR-only thing. The splash damage doesn't kill you because there is no weapon that is good against armor AND infantry on a reliable basis. That forces you to use teamwork and tactics instead of picking up the biggest gun you can find. In real-life, the phoenix would be a one-shot kill as a guy getting hit by a TOW missile would disappear in a messy shower of guts. Same can be said of the other AVs, but then everyone would carry AV around and nothing else, making for an insanely boring game.
The MAX is currently a bit weak on survivability, but again, this is a game-wide situation and not unique to the TR. A MAX's armor is done in a manner like vehicles, not infantry. Infantry armor absorbs SOME of the damage and passes the rest to health. A MAX must lose ALL it's armor before it's health starts to be affected.
The Cycler is probably the most evenly balanced weapon in the *game* and the MCG is the most versatile HA and the only one that's really any good at a range of more then 30m (not much, but more than the other two). Hence, neither of them is "pointless".
The Lasher is a nasty weapon *IF YOU GET HIT BY IT*, but assuming that doesn't happen, it is far from a game-breaker. Those orbs are relatively easy to dodge at all but point blank range, and the lashes, while not exactly fun, won't kill you outright either.
If you're losing to JHs at range with a MCG, I suggest you visit VR and improve your burst firing abilities. The CoF bloom on a MCG is large, while the JH has a more steady CoF due to the fact that the pellet spread is already a form of CoF. The bigger that cone, the more shots that are missing.
They weren't trying to be overly mean, but when you post comments that aren't really true as though they're immutable facts, people will be quick to show you the errors of your ways. Take your lumps with a grain of salt and learn.
Also, I recommend play other empires. If you used a JH, you'd see that it really isn't all that great unless you're a Surgile. Even then, unless you're good at warp exploiting, it's not the end-all be-all weapon. JH has been nerfed to the point that the Sweeper is generally more damaging on a shot for shot basis. The Tri-Shot is nasty, but wear Rexo and that's not as much of a problem with the insta-kill.
2004-03-19, 10:03 AM
2004-03-19, 10:50 AM
This is ridiculas and this thread is pointless.
In this community... You have to be respectful and know what your talking about to succed and if you are stupid and start dumb threads, you therefore get no respect.
The TR are the most balanced empire and have been for the longest time and the other empires are fine now that the JH is fixed along with the Lasher.
This thread has run it's course.
2004-03-19, 12:43 PM
No. In fact, since the patch... the empires seem... dare I say... balanced.
I play a LOT a day usually so I can tell you I've easily run into all sorts of battles lately where us TR owned, and as many where the NC or VS owned. It's often about cr's getting more bodies to an area and OMG!!! strategy now. I haven't seen any overpowered weapon that's spoiling things, nor been killed over and over by one type of weapon.
The only thing I would like to see is an exactly equal buff to the assault type weapons in the empires as they are a bit weak and nobody uses them.
2004-03-19, 12:50 PM
Only changes that need implemented NOW in my oppinion are:
Prowler should be faster.. oh yeah.
HA weapons should be tweaked to do a TINY, i'm talking SMAAALLLLL bit more damage.. small. incremental.. eeny-teeeny.. small...
AND, they need to incorporate a better vehicle physics engine.
okay, FUH-LAME my ass now if you wish.
Red October
2004-03-19, 01:07 PM
okay, FUH-LAME my ass now if you wish.
I just really took that statement the wrong way
2004-03-19, 01:12 PM
I just really took that statement the wrong way
? :confused: ?
Red October
2004-03-19, 01:17 PM
? :confused:?
Trust me, you don't want to know....I really have to lay off watching the Beavis and Butthead DVD's
2004-03-19, 01:19 PM
I really have to lay off watching the Beavis and Butthead DVD's
Oh dear :p
2004-03-19, 01:19 PM
Red October
2004-03-19, 01:37 PM
I smell pork.
he said pork
Happy lil Elf
2004-03-19, 03:33 PM
GAJ_|_VESTITE, Krinsath already said what I was going to say and he said it a lot nicer than I would have so, yeah, what he said ;)
I smell pork.
K, that made me laugh.
2004-03-19, 05:20 PM
K, that made me laugh.
Me that guy was a dick
2004-03-19, 06:42 PM
enough nerf the JH/Lasher/MCG threads pls! thx
EDIT: i didnt really read through all the posts btw
2004-03-19, 11:12 PM
Oh and another thing! Why are people sooo nasty on this website :oS I've posted 3 topics b4 and all of them is just you guys arguing and swearing etc :oS
On every other website threads ppl listen and then give their nice answer. So i'm sorry but this site from people like you is sucky if you can even take things into view, without insulting!
It's spam, it's everywhere, get used to it.
And it's ego.
2004-03-19, 11:19 PM
I smell pork.
DAMNIT! Beat me to it. :mad:
2004-03-21, 09:07 AM
This is worse than "I'M Great" thread yesterday. (and that was hard to beat)
2004-03-21, 10:01 AM
the tr is a little under powered but we got numbers. hey on markov we had almost all the continents taking over,know the vs almost have them all taken over.
2004-03-21, 11:15 AM
Oh and another thing! Why are people sooo nasty on this website :oS I've posted 3 topics b4 and all of them is just you guys arguing and swearing etc :oS
On every other website threads ppl listen and then give their nice answer. So i'm sorry but this site from people like you is sucky if you can even take things into view, without insulting!
they are more polite on this website than the offical PS forums post one thing there and you get called a n00b a fvckhead you name it
I didn't read any replies to this topic. But, I'm just gonna say. The TR are underpowered, but only by a hair. The MCG is a perfectly fine weapon, and sure as hell takes out infantry at range better than the Jackhammer. Not effectively, but better than the Jackhammer. Their MAXes are a little under par to the other MAXes, but are still good. The Prowler sucks, but the Marauder isn't bad. You whiners had your time to blame all your deaths on the Jackhammer, it's no longer the time for that.
MCG is fine and if you saw the map on Markov yesturday around 4PM PST the TR had 7 conts and were taking over two other conts.
2004-03-21, 11:56 AM
The TR have good weapons. I'd take a Cycler and a Mini-Chaingun over my Pulsar and Lasher almost any day of the week.
2004-03-21, 01:30 PM
Dude, im just sick of hearing people bitch "nerf the JH!" or "The TR suck! Im gonna quit and play NC or VS!"
2004-03-21, 04:11 PM
The prowler needs much love. It is the slowest tank in the game. The least armored tank in the game, the weakest gun in the game (this is compared to the other empire tanks) The magmower has a straight shot, instant hit projectile as its tank weapon, it has plenty of armor, can drive on water, etc. The vanguard is very fast, has an instant kill weapon on infantry, even a mosquito. Plentiful armor, and a very low profile. The Prowler has.....uh...2 guns....that suck. Give it twice the armor it has now and its weak guns might be justified. Also allow the chaingun on it to look straight up, because right now if a reaver or mosquito gets in the right spot, the prowler is defenseless, and it's too slow to move out of that vulnerable spot.
I agree NC are still overpowered, and probably always will be. They have the close range heavy hitting weapons, as well as a few heavy hitting long range weapons, and where do all of the fights end up? Inside, close range. NC have the best HA weapon for the way PS battles are designed, and they have the best tank.
If the prowler were to be buffed up a bit I wouldn't complain so much though...
2004-03-21, 04:24 PM
mag has weakest armor prowler is 2nd and van is on top of the hill
2004-03-21, 07:40 PM
hell no they dont! i have so much fun fighting the TR becuse they have a brain to fight with.
2004-03-21, 07:45 PM
your the most retarded person if you think the TR are underpowered.
2004-03-22, 08:23 AM
your the most retarded person if you think the TR are underpowered. Of course he is it's pork he's been banned from this sight three times at least and he keeps coming back. Just look at his post in the "NEW MCG RENDERING" thread he screwed up YET again and basically told everyone who he is.
2004-03-22, 11:40 AM
who is this pork, and why does he suck?
2004-03-22, 11:48 AM
EvilHomer was banned came back as PorkFryer (I think...I didn't really pay attention to the chronology there)...hence the "Pork" reference.
But essentially, he never would post anything productive...his posts were RARELY on topic (Imagine someone talking about nerfing the JH in a discussion about the post-BR20 abilities)...and when they WERE on topic, they'd be nothing but calling an idea stupid without any reasoning as to why (It's ok to call something a bad idea, but you have to explain why and how to fix it).
Add in his penchant for posting huge pictures that served no purpose and the very limited grasp of the English language and that is why he is persona non gratis around here (for those who can't read my butchering of fancy terms, that means "he ain't welcome 'round heah no mo'...").
I'm not sure that we have the total evidence this time, but enough of a suspicion to warrant watching.
2004-03-22, 12:00 PM
just cause ur all fuckin american dicks who think their sooo great :| i fuckin hope korea bomb u! and iraq will get their own bk! plus r prime minister is a dick for bummin up to u! but he speaks for himself not the country. who r a bunch of fucking ***** anyways! dunno how english ppl cud move and turn to such dickheads! let me just say them trade centers were blockin my garden view, im glad they were destroid and all them ppl died! made u fucking realise u rnt powerful u just think u r!
This is what pork did that sent me off the deep end. My brother died in the WTC and this guy had just insulted his memory. so I started a ban poll to get rid of him and it worked. but he keeps coming back again and again. I'm just sick of him.
2004-03-22, 01:12 PM
This is what pork did that sent me off the deep end. My brother died in the WTC and this guy had just insulted his memory. so I started a ban poll to get rid of him and it worked. but he keeps coming back again and again. I'm just sick of him.
Just as an aside (since this thread has derailed anyway...for the better since the original was kind of bad):
Al-Qaida - Took down 2 buildings in 1 city.
United States - Took down 2 regimes in many cities without any real difficulties in the initial military operations.
Ummm...America still seems pretty powerful to me...especially since they aren't even drafting people to fight the war and are doing no rationing and not even in a "war economy"...
Japan actually did more damage in Pearl Harbor...were a hell of a lot better fighters than the terrorists...and had a lot more backing them up. They were still trounced with the LEFTOVERS of the American war effort (priority went to Europe...the Pacific got what couldn't be easily sent there...hence why in the early phases of the war, the Marines were fighting with bolt-action rifles while troops in Africa and Italy had the M1 Garand and Thompson submachine guns).
All the terrorists proved is that when you piss off America, you get your ass kicked...HARD.
And historically, the English are bigger dicks than the Americans could ever HOPE to be...ask any Indian (that's from India, not native American...though they certainly didn't get treated very well by the then-English settlers)...or any Arab like about Lawrence of Arabia in World War I where the English told the Arabians to revolt against Turkey promising an independent nation and then instead went totally back on their word divided up the Middle East with the French (giving us the bizarre little nations we have now). The English have always been asses in the international community since the late 1500s, where do you think the US gets it from? :lol:
2004-03-22, 05:26 PM
Move this crap to the lounge, wrong forum for it! Start a thread over there if you want to continue this.
2004-03-22, 05:32 PM
the English are bigger dicks than the Americans could ever HOPE to be...ask any Indian (that's from India, not native American...though they certainly didn't get treated very well by the then-English settlers)...or any Arab like about Lawrence of Arabia in World War I where the English told the Arabians to revolt against Turkey promising an independent nation and then instead went totally back on their word divided up the Middle East with the French (giving us the bizarre little nations we have now). The English have always been asses in the international community since the late 1500s, where do you think the US gets it from? :lol:
LOL I happen to be English and I couldnt agree with you more, the English ARE dicks :mad: , we laugh at being the butt of peoples jokes, we treat ourselves as second rate citizens (just ask any foreigner over here) we are the LEAST patriotic country in the world as we celebrate every other culture apart from our own and i was ordered by the police to take my countries flag (the St Georges flag, not the Union Jack) out of my car during the FIFA world cup because it "offends" other cultures here, so your certainly right about the English being dicks, and i also agree that this topic has de-railed big time so if we want to carry on Pommie/Limey (or whatever you want to call us) bashing, then this is one for the Lounge........
Getting back to the topic in hand, no i dont think that the TR are underpowered although i think that MAXes (not just TR MAXes) are too easily destroyed nowadays as most people have certed AV, lets just say that they dont strike fear into me like they used to.
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