View Full Version : Whats the most Awesome sight you've ever seen
2004-03-21, 03:30 PM
Mine...20 Prowlers 10 gals and millions of reavers all engaging 3 Magriders
2004-03-21, 03:32 PM
a person using a beamer
2004-03-21, 03:44 PM
The first time I performed a Galaxy air assault on a hot tower.
2004-03-21, 03:49 PM
The first time i had to pay the bill
When the Devil Dogs rally up.
2004-03-21, 04:42 PM
When the Devil Dogs rally up.
Yep, that puts even the mighty Sturmgrenadier attacks to shame... Atleast in terms of numbers :) .
2004-03-21, 04:58 PM
When some guys from Werner arranged an event day; got like 100 people in Gals and Reavers through the warp gate to Ishundar. Loads of aircraft all over the shop. Looked great.
2004-03-21, 06:41 PM
Would have to be my outfit doing it's onetime impressive 12 crewed Vanguards on 12 Lodestars dropping behind a TR tank platoon on Ishundar south of Baal...
They never saw it coming, and we had zero losses :)
2004-03-21, 07:01 PM
It was back on Konried, I don't know who did it, but they assembled the largest armor column I ever saw. I counted 30 Prowlers, and I didn't see a single 12mm stay silent when an enemy reaver showed up. Ishundar was a bit lacking in infantry that night though...
When a Vanu armor platoon lined up many Magriders, Lightnings and Skyguards by the south Gunuku bridge. Right before it got moving, someone said: "Victory! Revolution! CHARGE!!" Eh, it sounded cool.
2004-03-21, 08:32 PM
When Gunning for a prowler in a bridge battle with the NC
The air was filled with sooo many shells, sniper bolts, flail shots, reaver rockets, liberator bombs, it's a miracle anything smaller then a fully shielded galaxy lived past 15secs
Diddy Mao
2004-03-21, 08:55 PM
50+ vanguards roll'n to 1 base
2004-03-21, 10:00 PM
TR against VS on Hossin...I believe at Ghannon, might have been Acan. The VS are driving up with all sorts Magriders and heavy vehicles, and they're swarming out of this's basically everything the TR can do to keep their heads above water. I'm sniping so much that the Bolt Driver barrel is glowing red and still this swarm of VS keeps getting closer and closer and closer. Just when it seems like they're going to break into the base and start swarming everywhere, these massive explosions rock the VS between the tower and the base as five Prowlers come rolling up with guns blazing. You could almost hear the cheers from the base defenders as three APCs come rolling up and unload a mass of troops into the tower and the Vanu assault is stopped dead in its tracks....very cinematic.
The other REALLY great sight was when I instant actioned onto Ngaru on Searhus against the NC (again as TR). The TR are gunning the NC down, but they're not really making a dent in their war effort. I spot their AMS off in the distance and just keep dumb-firing strikers into it and up it goes. Apparently that was the lynchpin because you see a sharp decline in NC. Since I was a Sergeant in the outfit...I felt the need to be Sergeant-ish and broadcast out "THE NC ARE RETREATING! FORWARD FOR THE REPUBLIC! TO PELE!" and dramatically leap over the wall just blazing away with a Guass I picked up on the ground. There were like three NC soldiers who I blasted on the way in and turn around about 3/4s of the way there to see this wave of a scene out of a WWII movie or something. The Battle of Pele after that was sort of anti-climatic...apparently the NC in their finite wisdom all spawned at the tower in the north of the Caldera, leaving Pele almost completely the TR took the base in about three minutes. That moment prior though...that was really cool.
apparently the NC in their finite wisdom all spawned at the tower in the north of the Caldera, leaving Pele almost completely the TR took the base in about three minutes. That moment prior though...that was really cool.
So...When did Bethesda Softworks take over production of PlanetSide?
2004-03-21, 11:36 PM
^^^ GEEK/NERD/DWEEB :looks down in shame: ....yeah me too
In any case mine is when NoS or Lunar pwn you while riding in my Lowrider of Doom(c)
EDIT: Or how about any of the numerous bridge battles I've seen on Cyssor or Cery they are the awesomeristic (it's a word now don't question me)
2004-03-21, 11:59 PM
So...When did Bethesda Softworks take over production of PlanetSide?
Ok...firstly, just to establish, from
Main Entry: cal�de�ra
Pronunciation: kal-'der-&, kol-, -'dir-
Function: noun
Etymology: Spanish, literally, caldron, from Late Latin caldaria -- more at CAULDRON
: a volcanic crater that has a diameter many times that of the vent and is formed by collapse of the central part of a volcano or by explosions of extraordinary violence
Since there is lava in the aforementioned area of Searhus, it is obviously volcanic in nature. In addition, being as that there is only ONE caldera on all of Auraxis, referring to it as the Caldera (i.e. - a proper noun) is correct grammar. Had I been referring to a town on a Vvardenfell, I would have simply said "spawned at the tower in the north of Caldera" since in this case, the proper noun is a name instead of a place.
If you're going to be a troll and attempt to be a grammar/spelling nazi and/or a smartass, at least do it right. :groovy:
Nice reference though.
Diddy Mao
2004-03-22, 01:10 AM
I revoke my Previous Statement The Most "Awesome" sight i ever seen was my Behind in 3rd person after i got my backpack
2004-03-22, 06:33 AM
I revoke my Previous Statement The Most "Awesome" sight i ever seen was my Behind in 3rd person after i got my backpack
I agree ( diddy, I am just glad I remembered to SS it.
Got mine at faro capping the last base on the cont, wewt!
2004-03-22, 07:13 AM
NC controlling 97% of Emerald about a week ago. THAT was awesome. haha, i now some TR and VS are gonna bitch and moan and flame my ass for that one. Oh well, i'll just sprinkle them with NC sunshine.
2004-03-22, 07:31 AM
Bridge battle on Cyssor. TR had Gunuku, NC had a base over a bridge. NC kept rolling out Vanguards, we rolled out Prowlers. Both rolled out miscellenous tanks and vehicles. It was massive battle. The clincher was a galaxy pilot mowing down the NC infantry as they crossed the bridge.
On a slightly more cooler note, waiting for an attack by the Vanu on Hossin. The clouds darken, and it begins to rain and thunder. It was like something out of the Two Towers :)
2004-03-22, 09:51 AM
Logging on and hotdropping on Esamir to find a lone Terran base. The number of hotspots around it is insane. The words massive enemy force flashing over and over. I get in the base and look at the radar.... there are no green dots. Only 17 diffrent numbers. All of them belonging to the Dragonwolves. (We held this base for over two hours)
2004-03-22, 11:04 AM
Well last night I took a picture of a MASSIVE dogfight featuring dozens of aircraft all tearing eachother apart in the air.
Also, last night I was tail gunning in a Liberator, and we flew over a TR base, bombing it. Immediately, a wing of about a dozen Reavers and Mosquitos (it had to have been an aircraft outfit) took off from the base, and chased after the lib. There were so many aircraft chasing the lib that I LITERALLY could NOT miss with my tailgun fire. It was absolutely insane. If I wasn't completely freaking out at the time ("OMGOMG WTF AHHHHHHHHHH, TOO FRICKIN MANY OF THEM!") I woulda taken a screenshot...
2004-03-22, 01:32 PM
yeah, I remmember once there was a battle on south gunuku bridge that was simply awesome. I'm a dedicated NC, and I don't remmember who was on the other side, but if anyone rememmbers the area well, you'll remmember the mountain just south of the bridge which is easy to access from the south, but it's northern side (one facing the bridge) is a giant cliff. they had a bunch of AMS's there I guess cause there seemed to be no end to the snipers sitting up there. thing is, they put the AMS just out of phoenix range. it was a great standoff that didn't end until 2 am israeli time, that's midnight GMT, when I went to sleep. I think it was the NC cause there weren't any mags crossing the water. really fun, was ages ago though, and now with the flail in the game and the VS not being an insignificant purple blob it's hard to get a good bridge battle. you always get those god damn magriders crossing the river and spoiling the fun.
2004-03-22, 01:44 PM
Logging on and hotdropping on Esamir to find a lone Terran base. The number of hotspots around it is insane. The words massive enemy force flashing over and over. I get in the base and look at the radar.... there are no green dots. Only 17 diffrent numbers. All of them belonging to the Dragonwolves. (We held this base for over two hours)
2004-03-22, 02:19 PM
lightning pack 20 strong
2004-03-22, 03:16 PM
Most awesome site is probably 20 or so prowlers in a circle with 30+aircraft, 4 gals and some other vehicles in the center of the sanc preparing for a multi outfit multi continent raid.
Also when my outfit fielded an armor column of 10 prowlers and 20 aircraft in addition to a few pimp buses.
2004-03-22, 04:14 PM
Pulling out my medical applicator and seeing 10 other crosses(advanced medics) on the radar.
It's the cert that keeps on giving.
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