View Full Version : Coolest Ops/missions Ever

2004-03-22, 03:21 PM
As I was reflecting on time spent in PS, I thought of some of the neat operations we did in my outfit. One of my favorites, entitled base defense 101, was when my outfit of about 30 people drove in convoy to esamir, which was empty at the time and under VS control. We drained the base by sabotaging it. We had an ANT (driven by me as i was the designated ANTN man back then) that came in precisely at the time it went neutral, and then upon capturing tried to hold it for as long as possible. It was kinda cool to see what happened. The first 15 minutes we had like 5 people. then as they told their friends we got more and more until finally we had a whole friggin zerg on us. Course we had to take 3 or 4 more bases around us, but it was cool to combat the entire zerg with just our outfit.

What cool missions have yall done with ur outfits?

2004-03-22, 03:48 PM
Sometimes we solo Nott...

It's a great base to defend, cause there isnt any easy ways to attack it...

2004-03-22, 05:38 PM
Any operation or mission that the Black Widow Company plans and conducts is awesome. We stand out because we don't have lame-ass outfit nights- we plan ops for at least three, if not up to five nights a week using the military Operations Order format. This ensures levels of control and detail that are unparalleled with a simple "Hey guys, let's raid Gunuku with fifty Reavers!"

Perhaps some day we can declassify them and post them for your viewing pleasure. Or you can simply join and find out for yourself. And then there's always asking thru PM for examples.

2004-03-22, 10:46 PM
haha declassify :rofl:

2004-03-22, 10:53 PM
Anytime the BH's get a decent squad up.

2004-03-22, 11:15 PM
Most every Tuesday owns for the DragonWolves. Not much can stop us once we get rolling. Example 4 Lightning, 2 Dels, 2 Basilisks, a Harasser, 3 reavers, 3 mossys own a 10 vanguard, 3 skyguard armored column. And when I say own i mean they pushed 4 times and we crushed them 4 times loosing only one or two lightnings. And yes the basilisk drivers killed a vanguard.

2004-03-23, 12:18 AM
Most every Tuesday owns for the DragonWolves. Not much can stop us once we get rolling. Example 4 Lightning, 2 Dels, 2 Basilisks, a Harasser, 3 reavers, 3 mossys own a 10 vanguard, 3 skyguard armored column. And when I say own i mean they pushed 4 times and we crushed them 4 times loosing only one or two lightnings. And yes the basilisk drivers killed a vanguard.

we just pwn :doh:
but saturday drain and holds are always fun (drain enemy base on locked cont hack and hold)

2004-03-23, 01:24 AM
three words:

The BEAM Team

2004-03-23, 06:16 AM
Back when I was NC: loading up a Galaxy of tactical gen-nukers, fallowing a trail down the Cyssor ocean, completely bypassing the battle that engulfed the cont. Landing on the penninsula directly south of Orisha, big enough for a Gal yet outside the radar bubble. Moving up to the base, nuetralizing 4 spitfires and a minefield, and avoiding the sight of an active-gunnered wall turret. As we got to the backdoor, 2 Vanu MAXes were rounding the corner. They immediately opened fire on us, we ducked into the back, avoiding any damage. We rushed to the gen (pain-modded at that) and unloaded on it, losing a couple to the pain mod. on our way out, we met the 2 MAXes again, however this time we had our decimators drawn. We quickly exited the base to the dropship and sped off. And that's how Mr. Vanu lost his Magrider.

2004-03-23, 01:42 PM
When the Trojans loaded up a Deliverer with gen blowing equipment, drove to the edge of an SOI of a base with a huge battle, us three guys managed to get inside, blow the gen, get back out and take down 3 Reavers and 5 infantry on foot.

2004-03-23, 02:22 PM
We stand out because we don't have lame-ass outfit nights- we plan ops for at least three, if not up to five nights a week using the military Operations Order format.Firefly, I know and respect your Outfit's tactics and skills, but to say something like this is a little harsh, in my opinion. That is exactly what we as the CDL do, have Outfit nights, or as we call them Ops Nights. Not every outfit has a SOP like yours, but that doesn't make us "...lame..." :(

2004-03-23, 04:18 PM
Manitou, I firmly agree with you. Firefly sometimes gets a bit carried away. He is really proud of what BWC can do, as I am. I'm sure he will be the first to agree that CDL is not "lame". That's the problem with using labels, sometimes they apply too broadly.

I don't think there is anything lame about any outfit, regardless of their organization/tactics/etc. It's all about fun, and if they are having fun their way, thats cool. Being Active Duty military, I'm drawn to the BWC way of doing it, because that's what makes it fun for me.

BTW, I have seen CDL in operation, you guys kick some serious rear end!

2004-03-23, 04:21 PM
Hey man- haven't we worked together? BWC and CDL I mean. Didn't I mention how badassky that was? Lame is hardly the word I'd use when referring to CDL.

2004-03-23, 05:14 PM
Best Ops night mission: Raid on Oshur.

Shortly after the Lodestar went public we got an AMS, Skyguard, 1 Galaxy (me being the pilot), and about 20 CDLers.

We flew into Oshur from Ceryshen and used the cliffs for our invasion. Flying down below the cliffs on the ocean side we made our way to the western part of the continent. We deployed the AMS and lodestar into the cloaked bubble, unloaded the skyguard and had one squad sit and defend the mini-base. The other squad hit one bases' gens and spawn tubes. After dropping off the first assault team, I headed back and picked up the other assault team. Orders were plain and simple; Blow tubes and Gens and defend until you were killed. We successfully took Oshur completely offline. No Spawn tubes, No gens. Utter and complete domination by 20 CDLers.

We're not elitest, we enjoy killing things with extreme predjudice.

2004-03-23, 05:19 PM
I remember being air cover for that op...I think.