View Full Version : Do you remember?

2004-03-23, 08:53 PM
Here is a ranking for the things you remember in Planetside

Betas (Press Beta - Open Beta)

If you remember not having a world map and only having a list of bases to spawn at (5 Star General)
If you remember the Galaxy having 75mm guns (4 Star General)
If you remember Orbital Stations (3 Star General)
If you remember Dual Cycler "originally" being Anti-Infantry (2 Star General)
If you remember Harasser's 12mm on the Passenger Seat Window (Brigadier General)
If you remember old sanc with one villa (Colonel)
If you remember player to player trading (Lt. Colonel
If you remember when people used to laugh at those who certed in Jackhammer (Major
If you remember pre-lattice (Captain)
If you remember before the Darklight Icon next to player's name (1st Lieutenant)
If you remember when In-Game Voice over IP was implemented (2nd Lieutenant)
If you remember when In-Game Voice over IP CTDed you every 30 seconds (Sergeant Major)
If you remember when Spork and other dev team members were "begging" others to move to another battle (Master Sergeant)
If you remember bridges not showing up on Radar, and floating Bridges (Staff Sergeant)

Release (May 20th, 2003)

If you remember before Orbital Strikes (Sergeant)
If you remember before the Vehicle Queue (Corporal)
If you remember before Skyguard and Liberator (Lance Corporal)
If you remember pre-balance patch (Private First Class)
If you remember re-certifications (Private)
If you remember before the Lodestar (Recruit)

__________________________________________________ _______________

Im a Colonel :D

2004-03-23, 08:58 PM
4 star general :D

2004-03-23, 09:01 PM
Lt Colonel

2004-03-23, 09:03 PM
Sadly, I missed beta.

I'm a sargeant.

2004-03-23, 09:05 PM
Here is a ranking for the things you remember in Planetside

Betas (Press Beta - Open Beta)

No If you remember not having a world map and only having a list of bases to spawn at (5 Star General)
Yes If you remember the Galaxy having 75mm guns (4 Star General)
No If you remember Orbital Stations (3 Star General)
Yes If you remember Dual Cycler "originally" being Anti-Infantry (2 Star General)
Yes If you remember Harasser's 12mm on the Passenger Seat Window (Brigadier General)
Yes If you remember old sanc with one villa (Colonel)
Yes If you remember player to player trading (Lt. Colonel
Yes If you remember when people used to laugh at those who certed in Jackhammer (Major
Yes If you remember pre-lattice (Captain)
Yes If you remember before the Darklight Icon next to player's name (1st Lieutenant)
Yes If you remember when In-Game Voice over IP was implemented (2nd Lieutenant)
Yes If you remember when In-Game Voice over IP CTDed you every 30 seconds (Sergeant Major)
No If you remember when Spork and other dev team members were "begging" others to move to another battle (Master Sergeant)
Yes If you remember bridges not showing up on Radar, and floating Bridges (Staff Sergeant)

Release (May 20th, 2003)

Yes If you remember before Orbital Strikes (Sergeant)
Yes If you remember before the Vehicle Queue (Corporal)
Yes If you remember before Skyguard and Liberator (Lance Corporal)
Yes If you remember pre-balance patch (Private First Class)
Yes If you remember re-certifications (Private)
Yes If you remember before the Lodestar (Recruit)

Im a 4 star general.

2004-03-23, 09:05 PM
Lance Corporal here

2004-03-23, 09:06 PM
Corporal WEEEEE

2004-03-23, 09:09 PM
2 star general

2004-03-23, 09:27 PM
5 star


2004-03-23, 09:28 PM
5 star

me too :D

2004-03-23, 09:30 PM
5 star

id expect u to be one :)

2004-03-23, 09:32 PM
2 Star General

2004-03-23, 09:38 PM

2004-03-23, 09:52 PM
4 Star General here.

2004-03-23, 09:56 PM
Hey some of you old guys can you post some pics of the orbital stations?

2004-03-23, 10:07 PM
If the orbital stations were what I think they were then they were just a concept that never made it into the game. There might be concept art though, but I haven't seen any. Does anyone remember what these orbital platforms were going to be?

2004-03-23, 10:15 PM
Lance Corporal

2004-03-23, 10:43 PM
4 star. I remember orbital stations, but they never made it into any playble build.

I Hate Pants
2004-03-23, 10:44 PM
Think im a Lance Corporal

I either joined just before they added the skyguard and liberator or just after. Cant remember.

2004-03-23, 10:47 PM
4 star.... 75mm :( I only wish.

2004-03-23, 10:47 PM
2 star :) maybe 3 im not sure tho i doubt it...

2004-03-23, 10:51 PM
lance corporal (i hate myself i hate myself)

2004-03-23, 10:55 PM
Either 5 or 4 Star General.

I heard about the orbital stations but what drove me to ps was those phat ass guns on the galaxy, i was like omg lets see that son of a bitch roll out of the warpgate!

2004-03-23, 10:58 PM
Shit that was a long time ago. I think 3 star, I have a selective memory. Btw, top thread.

2004-03-23, 11:39 PM
5 star

Btw, you can find the music and the graphics files for the orbital stations in your PlanetSide folder...

When do we get to see the world?!

2004-03-24, 12:39 AM
im 2 star general

2004-03-24, 10:43 AM
Cool i'm a Sgt.

2004-03-24, 11:32 AM

Unfortunately I was not in beta

2004-03-24, 11:36 AM
Pretty sure I came in just around the time the Harasser was changed as I definately remeber the old sanctuary. Didn't drive the Harasser then so I don't actually remember. I'll play it safe and say Colonel.

2004-03-24, 01:33 PM
Orbital Stations were never part of the game (beyond the music). They were intended to be an intermediate step between the HART and the Drop Pod. You'd HART to the orbital station. You would then enter a Drop Pod and be given a world map to pick your drop point. The Devs realized this was an unnecessarily step and just delayed gameplay and allowed the players to just drop pod from the HART as it is now. Orbital Platforms still have relevence however, as that's where Orbital Strikes supposedly originate from. So despite never have seen them, they must be there, and who knows? The devs may someday let you go there. :)

oh yeah: 5 star :p

2004-03-24, 01:37 PM
oh yeah: 5 star :p:)

2004-03-24, 02:00 PM
Do you remember when the hart timer was 15 minutes long and there was always at least 3 gals in sanc taking troops to battle? I miss those days :tear:

2004-03-24, 02:07 PM
Orbital Stations were never part of the game (beyond the music). They were intended to be an intermediate step between the HART and the Drop Pod. You'd HART to the orbital station. You would then enter a Drop Pod and be given a world map to pick your drop point. The Devs realized this was an unnecessarily step and just delayed gameplay and allowed the players to just drop pod from the HART as it is now. Orbital Platforms still have relevence however, as that's where Orbital Strikes supposedly originate from. So despite never have seen them, they must be there, and who knows? The devs may someday let you go there. :)
Space Expansion ;)

2004-03-24, 06:50 PM
Now that i think of it, i might remember the orbital facilities. It did seem like it would be cool to be in space and see the planet from such a large perspective, but of course they left it out. Do any of you guys remember when they were going to make every soldier have their own room(barracks) where tehy could put their stuff. My that would of been a fun addition, would of definitely added more of an rpg feel to it though.

2004-03-24, 07:04 PM
I loved the 15min hart, it made gals usefull, now they are nearly worthless

2004-03-24, 07:05 PM
I loved the 15min hart, it made gals usefull, now they are nearly worthless
i liked the 15 min hart as well

2004-03-24, 07:09 PM
i liked the 15 min hart as well

2004-03-24, 07:31 PM
Corpral.....I came in before the veh que but after the OSs were implamented

2004-03-24, 07:53 PM
2 Star General

2004-03-24, 10:48 PM

I Hate Pants
2004-03-24, 10:50 PM
i liked the 15 min hart as well

those were the good days

Diddy Mao
2004-03-24, 11:28 PM
I r teh 2 star

OH yeah bring back 15 min hart, it was some of the best times in sanc just wait'n for the hart

2004-03-24, 11:52 PM
Hmmm, aren't you the people who begged it to go down?

Do you now see why the dev's don't listen to people?

Hmmm, not that i think of it, do any of you know if they got any expansion in the drawing boards? I mean got something planned, in their heads that they would somehow like to create?

I wana see a sea expansion (before the space oddyse(bah sp)). Not like it will be very possible. I mean somewhere there will have to be a water gate and it would mostlikely be open to air vehicles and boats only.

Then after that a space expansion, maybe even bringing in the orbital platform (maybe even beforehand so to reach the water areas with droppods, because i don't think its much possible to droppod into water and live unless the pod itself turns into a submarien....wait that would be kool). But if there would be any space expansion, it would either be the opening of the wormhole and a crapload of spaceship flying (talk about a new flight sim) or the last puzzle peace to the vanu dissapearence that lays in the moon's crater(s) and you gota go up there.

Ahhh......the future.......

I wonder if there would be a Planetside2:welcome home...or sumthing....not like it would come out in the near year or two, just if.

2004-03-25, 12:06 AM
4 star.

Wow, I've been around a while...

2004-03-25, 09:16 AM

I came in day one of release. This game rescued me from EQ. I remember hating the 15 minute timer back then. Now that I have played all this time though, I see all the benefits lost by reducing it. Squading was so much easier then, as you were all standing around together longer and could actually get a group organized while waiting on the HART. Gals were so much more usefull back then, but thanks to the broadcast warpgates, they have become usefull again in getting into the owned conts quickly to start the first hack.

2004-03-25, 12:29 PM
People weren't the swiss army knives they are now though.

2004-03-26, 07:44 AM
i miss the 15 minute timer, as a GAL pilot, i actually had something to do at a low BR, was fun picking folks up

and i miss the meeting rooms in the central building(dont know why though)


2004-03-26, 10:34 AM
and i miss the meeting rooms in the central building(dont know why though)

Me too I wish they left them in was so much easier finding squadies by just broadcasting "Squad forming in meeting room 2 need a gal pilot" people who actually wanted to join a squad could go there and join up.

2004-03-26, 11:30 AM
5 Star General

2004-03-26, 11:31 AM
4 or 5 star. I was in the first exclusive external test. Late feb, 2003. My e-mail never went through and i got BlackbirdPS to hook me up with the email and got in early march.

2004-03-26, 11:40 AM

2004-03-26, 12:12 PM
Private first class... i am teh roxxorzzz

2004-03-26, 02:18 PM
erm, wastn't DC max switched to AI in like the last week of beta? cause I remmember something like that and I only played the last week of beta. tihng is I don't remmember most of the other stuff, mainly cause after beta it took me 4 months to buy the game. had to order from the UK.

2004-03-26, 02:34 PM
4 star general here :)

2004-03-26, 04:45 PM
erm, wastn't DC max switched to AI in like the last week of beta? cause I remmember something like that and I only played the last week of beta. tihng is I don't remmember most of the other stuff, mainly cause after beta it took me 4 months to buy the game. had to order from the UK.
DC was AV until recently, it was switched to AV from AI in beta...

2004-03-26, 05:06 PM
They changed the DC to AV in beta because the Pounder grenades rolled out of the barrels, so the devs said (paraphrasing) "it makes more sense for grenades to be an AI weapon."

Obviously they saw sense and put a MAX with machine guns on its shoulders back to AI :D

2004-03-26, 08:31 PM
I want the overpowered pounder AI back.....it was fun blowing the shit out of nc and vs with the addition of my own fellow teammates(TR). Hell I think i got more TR rexo kills than i got nc!:lol:

But hell, the long range pounder nades is pretty sweet, I can sit on top of a base and lob nades over a hill where an enmy ams is supposibly parked.

2004-03-26, 10:28 PM
Btw, you can find the music and the graphics files for the orbital stations in your PlanetSide folder...

I looked but, only found the sound clip for them.

2004-03-27, 12:56 AM
I looked but, only found the sound clip for them.
Shit, I'll have to install PS again to look =/