View Full Version : New Mech Render! See inside!
2004-03-24, 12:14 AM
This rendering demonstrates my concept for a new class of combat unit I am calling the GIANT (Gun Interceptor Armor - New Technology). I'm developing the concept for my game that I'm working on: "Futuristic Tactical MMO FPS". Basically Planetside, but with more realism, and none of the existing play/balance problems.
Anyway, the idea behind the GIANT is that it's a small mecha, with the classification having a height between 10 and 12 feet. This is different than infantry heavy power armor (MAXes for instance) in that you can't readily change into/out of the GIANT. I have a lot of fiction surrounding the technology and what not for the GIANT concept, and will be posting that in the near future, if anyone is interested.
The main goal of this model was just to practice and get the general sizing of the geometery and such. Feedback is greatly appreciated. BTW, before anyone screams at me about Steel Battalion, yes, I borrowed (heavily) from that style of design. Again, this was just to feel out the overall scale of this new class of mecha.
Also, I refined my little infantry figure, complete with new cool looking helmet :)
2004-03-24, 12:44 AM
Maybe you could make one that takes a bunch of MAXes and puts them together to form an uber-big MAX. :D
2004-03-24, 02:22 AM
No transformers, please.
My battle tank would kill that fragile thing and use the guns as toothpicks.
2004-03-24, 04:06 AM
It doesnt look too beefy, for being called a GIANT, looks more like a ballerina. I could see if this thing was emphasis on agility and speed but if It's supposed to be an uber mecha it should seriously be toned up.
2004-03-24, 05:35 AM
Looks cool!
But with those arms, I would rather say its a repair-giant than a battle-giant. :groovy:
But I would be interested in details from your game. How do u want to do it? :confused:
2004-03-24, 10:32 AM
Where does the guy fit in?
2004-03-24, 10:34 AM
Here are 2 more renders of a more detailed model. I beefed up the legs, changed the guns a little. Generally fleshed it out a bit.
2004-03-24, 10:46 AM
It looks pretty good except it needs to be a little bit taller and have a head for the pilots head to fit in maybe a slighty bigger cockpit for the pilot to sit down in and instead of having as the people call it "pea shooters" for guns possibly a short range frag cannon so at range it would be an easy target while up at close range it could be deadly even to a tank.
2004-03-24, 12:39 PM
The trunk is way too small compared to your infantryman. You'd have to use children or midgets to pilot that thing, because no one else could fit comfortably inside. Remember that the central body would have to include things like an armored(!) cockpit, engine, central computer system, and possibly ammo for the weapons. You also might want to shield the shoulder and hip joints, since those would be prime targets for crippling this vehicle.
2004-03-24, 12:47 PM
New comparison rendering showing all the different gun models to scale, along with the GIANT. And btw, I'll be posting the fiction explaining how the GIANT can be so small, and still have a pilot inside it :)
2004-03-24, 12:53 PM
GIANTs- 10-12� in height:
The �pilots� physically resemble a 6 year old child, in all respects, but being genetically engineered for the express purpose of piloting a GIANT, they are intellectually and emotionally completely adult. A typical GIANT pilot would be considered a 25 year old adult, for all intents and purposes, other than their physical appearance.
GIANT pilots are contained in a support capsule, and are in a fetal position inside the capsule. This allows for a very compact support capsule. Even for the very tiny pilots, the support capsules are extremely small, and they are just barely able to fit inside as it is. The typical capsule dimensions are approximately 14� in diameter and 18� tall. This is extremely compact.
Once inside the capsule, the pilots are �jacked in�. Consider this comparable to a situation similar to being in a Matrix Pod. All life support functions are assumed by the support capsule: the pilot�s heart stops, their breathing stops, all blood is pumped and oxygenated by the capsule. Waste is directly removed from the blood. Once the capsule is connected to the GIANT chassis, the pilot then brings all of the GIANT�s systems online. Due to the neural interface between the pilot and the GIANT chassis, all commands are simply thought of, and they are realized. This allows the pilot to control the GIANT as if it were their own body.
The end result is an incredibly powerful combination of a state of the art combat chassis with a pilot interface system that allows for instant and perfect communication of the pilots wishes. The agility, speed, power and precision achieved is unparalleled in any other combat unit.
The one inherent weakness of this design, and it can be a very large weakness, is that once buttoned up, the pilot is pretty much helpless to take care of themselves in regard to support issues. The pilot can�t quickly enter/exit the chassis like a conventional vehicle or mecha. Getting into and out of infantry heavy power armor (the equivalent of a PlanetSide MAX unit) is simple by comparison. GIANTs need assistance to repair, re-arm or for the pilot to be loaded/unloaded. Additionally, because of their size, while small for a mecha, they still can�t fit inside most buildings and facilities. Once again, the last 10 meters must be fought and held by infantry.
Power for GIANT chassis is provided by a micro fusion reactor. With the core smaller than a marble, this reactor provides the power density needed, while maintaining the durability and safety requirements needed in a field combat unit. If the power unit is damaged, it has a cold failure state. In other words, if it is damaged/destroyed, it powers down, rather than having a run-away fusion reaction, and the subsequent fusion detonation.
Locomotion is provided by solid-state superconducting magnetic joints. Nearly all of the GIANT chassis is high density armor. All of the motive power is provided by these magnetic joints, as there are no hydraulics or other moving parts in the sub structures so typical of vehicle designs. All power transmission systems are quadruple redundant, again with no moving parts. This allows for a very compact design, with the majority of the chassis mass devoted to armor and weapons systems, instead of internal structure and support systems.
Weapons systems consist of a wide variety of medium and light caliber cannon, grenade launchers, machine guns, rocket and guided missile systems. Due to the high rates of fire of most of its weapons, ammunition consumption is one of the largest drawbacks to employing GIANTs effectively. They must operate close to supply points in heavy battles, as there is no provision to reload. Generally, 100% of the ammunition carried on board is in the loaded and ready position. Some weapons systems do have dual magazines however, allowing for multiple ammunition types to be carried, with the pilot switching between the two at will.
GIANTs employ a diverse array of sensor systems, as well as utilizing stealth capabilities and ECM systems to improve battlefield survivability. With both passive and active sensors, the pilot can choose the most appropriate systems to achieve surprise and tactical advantage. Additionally, targeting computers ensure that the pilot has the most accurate information possible to maximize the number of rounds on target. Lead Computing Optical Sights (LCOS) is standard on all GIANTs. This allows the targeting reticule to float into the proper position to allow the operator the proper amount of lead in order to hit a moving target. Note that this will only compute the lead for a target that is being currently tracked and locked on to.
GIANTs (and most other large units such as vehicles and TITANs) are usually equipped with a multi-laser anti-missile defense system. This is an array of small high-intensity pulse lasers positioned on the chassis to provide optimal defensive coverage against missile attacks. The anti-missile laser system (AMLS) isn�t designed to actually destroy the missiles themselves, but to destroy the guidance systems, thus allowing the missiles to be dodged, once they are no longer homing in on the GIANT. Missile manufacturers have countered with multi seeker arrays in order to minimize the effectiveness of AMLSs, so that a single missile may require three or more direct strikes to knock out all of its guidance sensors. This degrades the AMLSs effectiveness, due to the limited re-fire rate of the AMLS.
FAST packs- Fuel Armor Sensor Tactical- adds armor/ammunition/special recon sensors (missiles in some cases) adding to the weight of the GIANT, but is able to be jettisoned when the armor/ammo is gone, thereby enabling it to move as it would normally, without the extra weight.
2004-03-24, 01:15 PM
2004-03-24, 02:02 PM
GIANTs- 10-12� in height:
The �pilots� physically resemble a 6 year old child, in all respects, but being genetically engineered for the express purpose of piloting a GIANT, they are intellectually and emotionally completely adult. A typical GIANT pilot would be considered a 25 year old adult, for all intents and purposes, other than their physical appearance.
2004-03-24, 02:12 PM
I'm gonna just take a wild guess here. Maybe you would have to spawn this way to operate them and die or deconstruct to be a regular solider again?
2004-03-24, 02:41 PM
They are this way so that they can physically fit into the mech. It's just game fiction. For in-game purposes, you'd just spawn as the mech anyway.
2004-03-24, 03:01 PM
umm for the guns how about beefing up the guns and instead of having twins make one anti-tank and one anti-personal. For example with the AT have it fire larger armor piercing rounds and the AP fire like shotgun shells or a smaller round.
2004-03-24, 04:23 PM
GIANTs- 10-12� in height:
The �pilots� physically resemble a 6 year old child, in all respects, but being genetically engineered for the express purpose of piloting a GIANT, they are intellectually and emotionally completely adult. A typical GIANT pilot would be considered a 25 year old adult, for all intents and purposes, other than their physical appearance.
GIANT pilots are contained in a support capsule, and are in a fetal position inside the capsule. This allows for a very compact support capsule. Even for the very tiny pilots, the support capsules are extremely small, and they are just barely able to fit inside as it is. The typical capsule dimensions are approximately 14� in diameter and 18� tall. This is extremely compact.
Once inside the capsule, the pilots are �jacked in�. Consider this comparable to a situation similar to being in a Matrix Pod. All life support functions are assumed by the support capsule: the pilot�s heart stops, their breathing stops, all blood is pumped and oxygenated by the capsule. Waste is directly removed from the blood. Once the capsule is connected to the GIANT chassis, the pilot then brings all of the GIANT�s systems online. Due to the neural interface between the pilot and the GIANT chassis, all commands are simply thought of, and they are realized. This allows the pilot to control the GIANT as if it were their own body.
The end result is an incredibly powerful combination of a state of the art combat chassis with a pilot interface system that allows for instant and perfect communication of the pilots wishes. The agility, speed, power and precision achieved is unparalleled in any other combat unit.
The one inherent weakness of this design, and it can be a very large weakness, is that once buttoned up, the pilot is pretty much helpless to take care of themselves in regard to support issues. The pilot can�t quickly enter/exit the chassis like a conventional vehicle or mecha. Getting into and out of infantry heavy power armor (the equivalent of a PlanetSide MAX unit) is simple by comparison. GIANTs need assistance to repair, re-arm or for the pilot to be loaded/unloaded. Additionally, because of their size, while small for a mecha, they still can�t fit inside most buildings and facilities. Once again, the last 10 meters must be fought and held by infantry.
Power for GIANT chassis is provided by a micro fusion reactor. With the core smaller than a marble, this reactor provides the power density needed, while maintaining the durability and safety requirements needed in a field combat unit. If the power unit is damaged, it has a cold failure state. In other words, if it is damaged/destroyed, it powers down, rather than having a run-away fusion reaction, and the subsequent fusion detonation.
Locomotion is provided by solid-state superconducting magnetic joints. Nearly all of the GIANT chassis is high density armor. All of the motive power is provided by these magnetic joints, as there are no hydraulics or other moving parts in the sub structures so typical of vehicle designs. All power transmission systems are quadruple redundant, again with no moving parts. This allows for a very compact design, with the majority of the chassis mass devoted to armor and weapons systems, instead of internal structure and support systems.
Weapons systems consist of a wide variety of medium and light caliber cannon, grenade launchers, machine guns, rocket and guided missile systems. Due to the high rates of fire of most of its weapons, ammunition consumption is one of the largest drawbacks to employing GIANTs effectively. They must operate close to supply points in heavy battles, as there is no provision to reload. Generally, 100% of the ammunition carried on board is in the loaded and ready position. Some weapons systems do have dual magazines however, allowing for multiple ammunition types to be carried, with the pilot switching between the two at will.
GIANTs employ a diverse array of sensor systems, as well as utilizing stealth capabilities and ECM systems to improve battlefield survivability. With both passive and active sensors, the pilot can choose the most appropriate systems to achieve surprise and tactical advantage. Additionally, targeting computers ensure that the pilot has the most accurate information possible to maximize the number of rounds on target. Lead Computing Optical Sights (LCOS) is standard on all GIANTs. This allows the targeting reticule to float into the proper position to allow the operator the proper amount of lead in order to hit a moving target. Note that this will only compute the lead for a target that is being currently tracked and locked on to.
GIANTs (and most other large units such as vehicles and TITANs) are usually equipped with a multi-laser anti-missile defense system. This is an array of small high-intensity pulse lasers positioned on the chassis to provide optimal defensive coverage against missile attacks. The anti-missile laser system (AMLS) isn�t designed to actually destroy the missiles themselves, but to destroy the guidance systems, thus allowing the missiles to be dodged, once they are no longer homing in on the GIANT. Missile manufacturers have countered with multi seeker arrays in order to minimize the effectiveness of AMLSs, so that a single missile may require three or more direct strikes to knock out all of its guidance sensors. This degrades the AMLSs effectiveness, due to the limited re-fire rate of the AMLS.
FAST packs- Fuel Armor Sensor Tactical- adds armor/ammunition/special recon sensors (missiles in some cases) adding to the weight of the GIANT, but is able to be jettisoned when the armor/ammo is gone, thereby enabling it to move as it would normally, without the extra weight.
Forgot to say not a bad idea
It's not that the design is too thin, which it is, it's just got a wacky center of gravity.
2004-03-24, 06:03 PM
The �pilots� physically resemble a 6 year old child, in all respects... A typical GIANT pilot...
Oh sweet irony!
Diddy Mao
2004-03-24, 06:28 PM
looks like a budget Dc max :lol:
2004-03-24, 06:58 PM
New render with missile pods added. 28 missiles per pod, fire and forget, 3000m range. Missile to lower right is what they look like once they are out of the pod. Pods are jettisoned after they are emptied, allowing the mech to move without the added weight of the pod assemblies.
2004-03-24, 07:07 PM
They are this way so that they can physically fit into the mech. It's just game fiction. For in-game purposes, you'd just spawn as the mech anyway.
Where praytell would you spawn one?
2004-03-24, 07:52 PM
Missile pods look way to big for those arms, Id say they would snap off if they had that weight.
2004-03-24, 07:55 PM
You need to make it bulkier, it looks like a twig...especially with the edition of the rockets. Increase the legsize and also the torso a bit. You might also want to redesign those mg's, they look frooty and also look like a child could snap them in half.
Also, are you sincerely designing this for planetside? 3000m fire and forget missiles? Ha.
2004-03-24, 09:25 PM
Seer... people shouldn't speak of things.... The walls have ears.
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2004-03-24, 11:20 PM
Two more pics: one with smaller missile pods, the other, a new design using parts from the first one. Let me know what you think!
Diddy Mao
2004-03-24, 11:25 PM
Ma Daddy always said "If it ain't broke, Dont Fix it"..... and that's all I gots to say about that
2004-03-25, 12:06 AM
Why not make it look a bit more like that robot from RoboCop?
2004-03-25, 12:40 AM
The barrels look like they'd snap off, I want dual Gauss cannons or Railguns if it's gonna be skinny. Otherwise make them a little less like Squeeky's penis.
2004-03-25, 01:02 AM
Where praytell would you spawn one?
Remember, this is not meant for PlanetSide...
2004-03-25, 01:57 AM
definately kickass xx7xx. A big improvement on the first render IMHO. Don't forget to do the sensor thing... makes it easier for ppl to see that the "head" is actually built into the cockpit, not where the Radar Dome is.
2004-03-25, 02:34 AM
The short stocky looking one is my favorite.
Looks like a dwarf with a taste for missles.
2004-03-25, 02:48 AM
Remember people, the weapon systems are modular, just because the ones in these renders have dual 25mm guns doesn't mean that thats all they can mount.
2004-03-25, 05:11 AM
not working. will post new render tomorrow :p
2004-03-25, 08:49 AM
That last one definately looks much better. If you aren't going for a sniper type of mech I would make the barrels wider and shorter, and maybe add some more flare to the design (of the barrels), they are still kind of twiggy and not very detailed.
Other than that, you do great work with your renders, keep them coming man.
Edit: And those reverse joints in the legs make them look much better, I like that style.
2004-03-25, 10:17 AM
yes the last rendering does looks kick ass. but the Mgs on it. honestly the missles should be for long range while you got a frag cannon or something for close range encounters.
2004-03-25, 12:46 PM
Ok, here is the render I was trying to post last night (at 3 AM in the morning, no less). I messed with the materials a bit, and finally got my sensor additinons to look right. It took quite a few test renderings to get the mirror effect right for the optics. Anyway, hope you like it.
Also, I added some detail to the missiles, with their sensor arrays- the little black dots on their noses. Multiple guidance elements in the nose allow for better survivability against AML systems (Anti Missile Laser). AMLs don't destroy the missile outright, they just lock onto the missile and then burn out the guidance elements.
2004-03-25, 02:26 PM
Missile Pods anyone? Hahaha. One render of both side by side, and another of the humanoid mech with multiple missile pods.
2004-03-25, 03:11 PM
Missile seeker arrays. Which one do you think looks the best? What other designs/arrays would you think would look cool?
2004-03-25, 03:31 PM
I like the 2 middle ones. O and yes I think this is the best stuff I have seen in a long time. I mean yeh the second one kicks ass. But are htey empire specific? Or are they common pool? Keep it up though
2004-03-25, 04:46 PM
I don't know if anyone said this, but those mechs are almost exact copies of Steel Battlion's VTs.
2004-03-25, 04:54 PM
Actually, I said it. In the first post of this thread. People really need to pay attention. Additionally, here are some renders with some miniguns installed:
2004-03-25, 05:03 PM
I want dual guass cannons, dual reaver rocket pods, some Jump jets, and a nice ECM sweet
2004-03-25, 05:11 PM
The little infantryman looks exactly like the guy from Truck/Stair Dismount.
I've always wanted to shoot that guy...
But on a serious note about your game, how can you expect to have all the problems of PS ironed out in yours? FPS games have balance issues, so do MMOs. If a large team of people who do this as their job can't predict all that's going to happen in their game, how would you? PS still has quite a bi of patching up to do, but just because you can see the current (read: this week) balance issues of PS doesn.t mean yours will be bulletproof as well.
2004-03-25, 05:25 PM
Dude, that first mech on your very last addition (with the quad MG's) looks superb.
Edit: If you add a semi-small missle pod to each of the quad mg one's legs, it would look sweet.
Edit 2: Or even better yet, put them on top of the mg's as LRM's.
Edit 3(lol): You should add little stubs to the opening's of the mg's. If you've ever looked at the DC MAX or the MCG, you'll notice that the end isn't flat, it has stubs where the bullet exits the barrel. That would give them more detail.
2004-03-25, 07:39 PM
Pretty sweet. Have you thought about melee "last ditch effort" weapons? You said it yourself this thing guzzles ammo faster than Kidriots mom. (well I'm just paraphrasing...) I don't know where you would put'em but just a thought.
I have to say, your latest revisions, with their proper center of gravity, beefier construction, and more threatening weapons would look more at home in a battlefield. I still don't know if they would be alright for ps, but they look straight out of mw.
2004-03-25, 09:25 PM
I really liked the design with the long thin guns, the latest addition just looked... cumbersome to me. But still, very nice stuff you got there.
I'm not sure if the whole six-year old thing is necessary. Couldn't you just make it somewhat like the AT things from CC? Where you warp in and out?
2004-03-25, 10:10 PM
Gun Interceptor Armor - New Technology
word! they're MaxNT
2004-03-26, 12:16 AM
Your latest renders are excellent! You should try a mix of weaponry now... perhaps one of the long-range sniper-like gun mounts along with a missile rack + mini-gun mount. That would be a GIANT used for a mission where a variety of targets could be engaged at varying ranges.
2004-04-09, 02:21 AM
Working on artillery style weapons, sniper weapons, inti-infantry weapons, etc.
Additionally, Lasher and Pulsar models are on the way. Gauss as well.
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