View Full Version : Planetside Optimisation Issues a.k.a FPS issues
2004-03-27, 02:55 PM
After the surge changes I strongly feel that the dev's should sort out the way the game is optimised and these FPS issues. I mean I should be getting more than 65FPS while im stood still and just staring at the wall. I have a good computer and connection too by the way so that is not the issue. I hope I am right in saying this but does planetside render everything in your'e line of sight? surely this is the problem and render distances should be cut down. Please don't flame if this is wrong or just not the issue creating FPS problems. I just think as a paying customer the devs should make the game more playable without FPS issues before balancing as this is just more important. I love the game it's just this narks me right off.
After the surge changes I strongly feel that the dev's should sort out the way the game is optimised and these FPS issues. I mean I should be getting more than 65FPS while im stood still and just staring at the wall. I have a good computer and connection too by the way so that is not the issue. I hope I am right in saying this but does planetside render everything in your'e line of sight? surely this is the problem and render distances should be cut down. Please don't flame if this is wrong or just not the issue creating FPS problems. I just think as a paying customer the devs should make the game more playable without FPS issues before balancing as this is just more important. I love the game it's just this narks me right off.
qwitcher bitching. I played PS with 10 FPS in battles of all sizes, and 4 FPS in a zerg.
2004-03-27, 03:02 PM
qwitcher bitching. I played PS with 10 FPS in battles of all sizes, and 4 FPS in a zerg.
mmm..I think you just validated his point.
As for me, i get around 10-15 fps too. its so annoying that i can't crank up my video card t othe maximum just because I can't even play if i did.
No beautiful graphics. :(
mmm..I think you just validated his point.
No, youre misunderstanding which point I was replying to, and I take blame for that, cause Im a lazy fuck that doesnt like to edit quotes.
People bitching about 65 FPS need to be shot You cant mentally process more than 60, so STFU. And, the reason I got shitty frames is because im playing on an eMachine, not because PS code is a flaming pile o' crap, which I admit it is.
2004-03-27, 03:12 PM
Spee, stop flaming man, the freakin graphics are crap and need to be fixed along with the code. This problem should be the player bases next mod of assault to the devs.
2004-03-27, 03:28 PM
Yea, the prerelease videos and box art are a little misleading, for these reasons, heh.
2004-03-27, 03:33 PM
average i get between .08 and 103 fps, normal (not zerg)battle conditions are around 20-30
zerg is 10-25, though lately it seems to be getting a bit better
It woudl be nice to have better FPS but alot of it is the fact that no other games has ever done this before, and you need alot of power to keep trak of 100+ people.
People that say it should be put onto a different engie for better FPS (unreal warfare being the one most wanted) are dumb as that is a max of 30 some plaers and we would acctualy get worse FPS in ps with that
2004-03-27, 03:38 PM
PS loses a lot of players to UT2004 and CS, the kind of players who aren't used to the grinding frustration of waiting 10 seconds to do anything. This is an important issue, and I feel that the Devs should take serious steps to try and correct it.
2004-03-27, 04:00 PM
Did you notice when I said I was standing still and looking at a wall? I've played with 10FPS too so STFU Spee I'm fed up of you constantly flaming everyone, who gives you the damn right to criticise my opinion and as usual you have taken the thread off at a tangent ignoring the issue. Read the thread title its called FPS issues not flaming thread. I feel the FPS issue needs to be sorted and alot of resources should be put into it.
2004-03-27, 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Spee
qwitcher bitching. I played PS with 10 FPS in battles of all sizes, and 4 FPS in a zerg.
You win the I'm an obnoxious ass award of the week.
2004-03-27, 05:11 PM
Spee your brain can't process over 45 fps actually not 60. Other than that I'm staying out of this flame war
2004-03-27, 05:19 PM
Flames end now, back to topic people. FPS Optimization.
2004-03-27, 05:22 PM
I was wondering what you guys would think about a large download? Lets say if a 500mb patch was released which sorted out the FPS issues and how Planetside is optimised (for the good) would you be prepared to accept it with open arms?
2004-03-27, 06:16 PM
If it solved all the studder and such, i wouldn't care at all.
Most of their end users have broadband. The other part, imo, is whether or not they are willing to pay for the bandwidth for every customer to pull down a 500mb patch.
2004-03-27, 07:41 PM
Most of their end users have broadband. The other part, imo, is whether or not they are willing to pay for the bandwidth for every customer to pull down a 500mb patch.If they did optimise the engine... Do you even know how many people would come back... I bet tons.
2004-03-28, 01:53 AM
I don't know if it is just me, but the FPS seem to get worse and worse every patch. I have a shit video card (FX5600 huzzah) but a everything else in my box is great, so I never get FPS in the red, ever. I rarely use to go in the yellow, back a few months ago, like pre-BP. I completely agree that if anything is going to kill this game, it will be FPS problems.
2004-03-28, 02:32 AM
Everyone who reinstalls has to download hours worth of patches (assuming 512kbps line); I'm sure it's not a problem.
2004-03-28, 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Spee
qwitcher bitching. I played PS with 10 FPS in battles of all sizes, and 4 FPS in a zerg.
You win the I'm an obnoxious ass award of the week.
There is a automatic quote button below and to the right of everyone's post.
2004-03-28, 03:12 AM
I don't know if it is just me, but the FPS seem to get worse and worse every patch.
I've noticed this too. I used to have decent FPS around 80 in most cases, but now it's dropping considerably. 20 seems to be the norm for me now.
2004-03-28, 03:26 AM
I have a totally crap system, so Im not even bothering to play till I build my next one...
2004-03-28, 03:42 AM
This has always been a problem, and in my eyes, the largest one planetside has. Half the time I play it's so laggy and catchy that I just get frustrated and quit. And the biggest frustration from me is that last August when I started playing PS I was having a ball and the world was my burrito (um, nevermind). But consistantly after every patch my FPS got lower and lower and lower. And now sometimes I lag in Sanc. And the real kicker is, my system has gotten BETTER since I started playing. Added in a bunch more Hard Disk space and a 9800PRO! I agree that this will be the ultimate downfall of PS. Why get pissed off watching the PS slideshow when I can go play Far Cry (just an example) or some other beautiful game with no lag whatsoever? Even the draw of the huge battles doesn't compensate for that.
/me shrugs.
2004-03-28, 05:43 AM
it's a very simple RAM issue. if you don't have a gig of ram then even a Radeon 9800 XT won't help you.
there is one thing those of us with 512 can do. that is set the virtual memory to an initial size of 2048 MB (2 gigs) but you will be forfeiting 2 gigs off your hard drive.
one of the things that causes lag is when you don't have enough ram, and the computer uses the hard drive as "virtual memory". not much you can do about this except for buying 4 gigs of ram.
there is one more thing that causes much more lag and that is when windows has control over virtual memory. in order to save an extra 500 MB on your 120 GB hard drive it starts with small virtual memory, and increases/decreases it according to need. increasing/decreasing it causes ALLOT of lag, and can be solved simply by setting the initial size to 2 gigs meaning windows won't need to increase it, and won't be allowed to decrease it.
8 months ago this trick allowed me to play with 256 ram, now it made almost all the lag go away with 512.
2004-03-28, 05:59 AM
How would you do this? I know it's in the system bit in control panel under advanced and performance I've set the inital for 2048 do I set the max as 2048 too?
2004-03-28, 06:49 AM
I have two partisions. C and D. I made C automatic and D be initial 2048 and max 2048.
basiclly, when the 2 gigs on D get filled up (almost never) it should start using C.
2004-03-28, 08:42 AM
I have not really noticed the decline in fps that everyone is goin on about, around the time of BP i got my second gig of ram, and lately I have been fiddling with oc'ing my 9800. My fps have been going up. :eek:
OH and the thing teddy is talkin about works, I have 3 gigs set aside in addition to ram. It only really uses 1.5 of it, and thats when I am running 2 planetsides, but I still get manageable fps in that situation.
2004-03-28, 09:01 AM
the decline in fps was caused by the additions to the game, mainly CC. the extra models require more ram. if in july you could put all the weapons, veichles, different people in different armor and the rest of the stuff you see most of the time allong with windows and background apps into less then 500 megs, now it's just too much.
2004-03-28, 05:20 PM
Did you notice when I said I was standing still and looking at a wall? I've played with 10FPS too so STFU Spee I'm fed up of you constantly flaming everyone, who gives you the damn right to criticise my opinion and as usual you have taken the thread off at a tangent ignoring the issue. Read the thread title its called FPS issues not flaming thread. I feel the FPS issue needs to be sorted and alot of resources should be put into it.
chill bro
Happy lil Elf
2004-03-29, 02:30 AM
I'm currently running a AMD 3k, 1.5GB of PC3200 400mhz RAM, and a Raedon 9800 Pro 128mb video card. I get about 50-60fps if I'm just flying or driving in an open space. In a close combat situation (in bases/towers/etc) it get around 20. Now, while this is a vast improvment over the 20fps I was getting in open spaces and 4-7fps in infantry combat situations on my old rig, I still get the feeling something isn't right. Especially when I can run many other games in 1600x1200 with full detail with virtually no fps lag what so ever.
I can handle 20fps in combat situations though, epsecially since for 9 months I considered that good :lol:
2004-03-29, 10:16 AM
I currently have two HDD's on my system with a 1.8 GHz P4, 640 mb RAM, and a Radeon 9600np OCed to about 392/540. My main HD has my windows files, planetside, and every program that is installed on my system. Now on my other HD, I have only the files that are needed for it to funtion properaly. The page file that is on my 2nd HD is set to 4096 (in other words, 4 gigs). This works really well in my system and frees up alots of memory and kills some studder.
2004-03-29, 11:25 AM
i dont get any lag,
i always find a new patch makes the game work better...
i use 1024 mem and 9800 xt p4 2.6
2004-03-29, 01:12 PM
Planetside already does quite well under the circumstances, but smoother gameplay can only be welcomed in my book.
2004-03-29, 04:28 PM
lately with te new patchs my FPS have gone up a decent amount, i now hit 103 max in sanc staring at a wall(i even moved to med textures, my FPS seemed to go down no if not improve a bit, i've heard of some games wer more detail can acctualy boost FPS of Nvidia cards).
normal battle conditions range from 17-30
though i do sometimes get a wierd stutter thing, but that seems to be connected to my downstream ping skyrocketing.
The bigest thing in this game is the CPU, if you have a good CPU you can get very nice FPS talk to Electrofreak
2004-03-30, 10:44 PM
I... must... get... money...
2004-03-31, 11:40 AM
I have 512 RAM, and up until around the balance pass maybe even later than that, I got 35-50 FPS in most battles, 80 or so in non battle situations and around 20-30 in zergs. I could easily play with this. Then it started getting worse, up until the point when I tried to fight in a zerg the last day of my subscription, I was pulling .1 FPS (basically freezing). I do not care to shell out another 100 bucks for extra ram just so i can play this game that I was already paying 12 bucks a month for. They need to optimize their servers or something. I agree that a gazillion people would come back if they just fixed the damn FPS issues. It does seem that each patch they release makes it worse.
It makes me sad now that I think about how much better I could have been if i had had optimal RAM. I can only imagine if I was able to become as good as I was at piloting/grunting how much better a smooth system would have made me. /shrug
2004-03-31, 12:22 PM
I played on a 64mb card with 512 ram and got about 30-50 FPS on average. Sometimes it would drop into the teens but not too often. Although as for the whole deal about not mattering above 60 I think there might be something wrong there. I've played when I got over 100 and I've played at 60 and I think there is a big difference.
2004-03-31, 12:37 PM
I never have this problem. I get a very very low ping and my FPS hovers around 60-70 in a massive combat situation (zergs don't fight), and it hovers normally around 100.
2004-03-31, 04:36 PM
Yeah, I have a Radeon 9800 PRO, and an AMD 64 3200+. I typically get like 250 FPS in the sanctuary. The only problem is that I currently have only 256 meg PC2100 in my computer, so I get a LOT of stuttering. Its almost amusing.
A typical game play session for Electrofreak:
Log on. Go get something to eat during continent load screen.
Once logged in, spin the character around a few times to load all textures. The screen will stutter for a good 5 seconds or so at a time, until suddenly "bing!" I'm getting crazy FPS and awesomely smooth gameplay.
...Until I try to go through a doorway (where it usually hangs for several seconds)
Or if anything happens that requires displaying new textures. (ie if someone SHOOTS at me, or if a vehicle approaches too quickly, or if I afterburn over a hill in my Reaver)
Again, its really wierd. I'll average like 60+ FPS in large battles, but I spend 50% of my time staring at an unmoving screen, waiting for my RAM to catch up. :(
Thank god tho, this weekend I get my paycheck, which I will pour into a good gig or so of RAM for my computer to play with :)
2004-03-31, 04:37 PM
I have 512 RAM, and up until around the balance pass maybe even later than that, I got 35-50 FPS in most battles, 80 or so in non battle situations and around 20-30 in zergs. I could easily play with this. Then it started getting worse, up until the point when I tried to fight in a zerg the last day of my subscription, I was pulling .1 FPS (basically freezing). I do not care to shell out another 100 bucks for extra ram just so i can play this game that I was already paying 12 bucks a month for. They need to optimize their servers or something. I agree that a gazillion people would come back if they just fixed the damn FPS issues. It does seem that each patch they release makes it worse.
It makes me sad now that I think about how much better I could have been if i had had optimal RAM. I can only imagine if I was able to become as good as I was at piloting/grunting how much better a smooth system would have made me. /shrug
Sorry for you but my FPs has gotten mcuch better with the last few patches
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