View Full Version : planetplanetside

2003-01-31, 07:19 AM
This sounds a bit weird but do you reackon there will be a

2003-01-31, 07:24 AM
You voted to shut yourself up?...:huh:

2003-01-31, 07:30 AM
yeah y not, its a poll.
If ppl want me to STFU on this issue, then so be it.
I say again, its a poll.
I could say all that crap about freedom of shit, but no.

2003-01-31, 07:37 AM
WTF is bannana suppose to mean?(Sorry maybe I missed that thread)

I know bannana's are good in a Smoothie, (eMa know what I am talking about :love: )

2003-01-31, 07:41 AM
enjoy the banana while you can ! they think in 10 years the banana plant will be exint because we genetically altered the plant to make the bananas we have now and this fungus keeps going around really fast and killed the plants.

2003-01-31, 08:01 AM
if you would like to know.
Banana is from the fruit rating system, someone made it up but i like it.
This is how it works (i think)
for teh banana example.
Do you like banana?
Revolution said: know bannana's are good in a Smoothie
Thats a perfect answer to the question, which is will there be a planetplanetside.com

i think food and games go really well, cause i like both equally(maybe food more)
so if i rate something such as banana chocolate, or somthin foody, then just think what that food means to you and you will get my answer.

2003-01-31, 08:24 AM
:lol: There is already a gamespy operated PS site, not planet-planetside.com but its at 3dactionplanet.com/planetside

2003-01-31, 08:27 AM
holy shit there is a www.planetplanetside.com
wow things happen fast
acutally now that i think about i have been to that website and never realised it was from 3dactionplanet
nows that pretty funny, i like it.
thxs Hamma

2003-01-31, 08:29 AM
omg ahhahaha