View Full Version : City of Heroes Public Beta
2004-03-29, 09:42 PM
Just started, go sign up weather your interested or not.
I'll take any extra beta accounts you guys get but don't want.
2004-03-29, 09:45 PM
looks like the site is getting pounded
2004-03-29, 09:47 PM
Pounded like yer mom...lolz
I will sign up and give you my beta if i get in Einey!
2004-03-29, 09:48 PM
Server crashed and burned. Too much demand.
You may as well start a free hotcake stand in Ethiopia. You'll run out in thirty seconds.
2004-03-29, 10:21 PM
I applied, but this asked if you were a forum member of the COH website.. that'll probably be a big factor...
2004-03-29, 10:26 PM
Bah if it's open beta the pouding is normal... if not odd... I know I'm having problems with lineage II beta it won't log on a fucking server X_x
2004-03-29, 10:29 PM
Says they're random.
2004-03-29, 10:58 PM
You think someone who applies for this has a reasonable chance at getting in?
2004-03-29, 11:01 PM
There is no server problems. I assure you, the server works and the Beta tests will go on as scheduled, praise Allah. The non-forum members have been repelled. There are no non-forum members in Baghdad!
BTW, Lineage 2 sucks. I'm laughing at you all.
2004-03-29, 11:03 PM
My old outfit leader has been playing Lineage. He says its the best ever.
2004-03-29, 11:10 PM
April 14th?!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I don't like waiting.
Looks like I'll just pass the time with Lineage. Wait a tick, I just remembered... Lineage II blows.
2004-03-29, 11:13 PM
I am only a sexy level 7 orc fighter but so far Lineage 2 has been really fun. I did see a few small fights break out but no one was out PKing newbies like I had heard was happening often. Plenty of friendly players.
2004-03-30, 09:09 AM
What's your name Zod? Once I figure out how to get in without too much problem I'll probly come and assist you with my sexay lvl 1 dark elf mystic! or dark elf fighter...
2004-03-30, 09:29 AM
Lineage 2 is a terrible game. I played it for a few days and immediately dropped it. (This was in closed beta, not in open.) The PKers run rampant, there is no content, the run speed for a world that size is awful, the spells are not creative or diverse whatsoever, and the drop rates on mobs (to use an EQ term) must be about .02%
The graphics are very nice, I must admit.. but that's the only thing that game has going for it.
I applied, but this asked if you were a forum member of the COH website.. that'll probably be a big factor...
Sign up make some dumb posts then apply :thumbsup:.
2004-03-30, 03:32 PM
Assuming they're not wiping the old heros when this public beta begins, drop me a PM if you make it in and we can do the superteam thing.
2004-03-30, 04:47 PM
Ill check it out
2004-03-30, 10:19 PM
I really want in, really, really I do. Im not a member of the site, ive just been following the game.
2004-04-09, 08:54 PM
W00t. Finally got the pre order in. 2.5 hours left till playage
2004-04-09, 08:55 PM
GOhan, were definatly going to play together!
2004-04-09, 09:00 PM
Err, I know asking this makes me a total n00b, but what is City oif Heroes?
2004-04-09, 09:03 PM
:lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :lol:
Omfg dude thanks, I needed that.
2004-04-09, 09:08 PM
W00t. Finally got the pre order in. 2.5 hours left till playage
me does happy dance for gohan and me. yay CoH rules
2004-04-09, 09:14 PM
SO who is actually IN the beta, and what server do you play on?
I Hate Pants
2004-04-09, 09:52 PM
Im still waiting for my PlayNC verification e-mail.
EDIT: Got it! Now its just a matter of waiting and seeing if i get in.
2004-04-09, 10:50 PM
Lineage 2 is a terrible game. I played it for a few days and immediately dropped it. (This was in closed beta, not in open.) The PKers run rampant, there is no content, the run speed for a world that size is awful, the spells are not creative or diverse whatsoever, and the drop rates on mobs (to use an EQ term) must be about .02%
The graphics are very nice, I must admit.. but that's the only thing that game has going for it.
Yuo is the suck. L2 > yuo
2004-04-09, 11:02 PM
Ima have to go with strygun on this one.
Somethings wrong when you go through 8 lvls using 1 spell twice on everything on the contient and they all die.
2004-04-10, 12:05 AM
<--- Main Character is noncreativekid, on Prime. Is a Natural Storm/Radiation Defender.
2004-04-10, 12:42 PM
I was using fire aura tanker, Vaberus
But I think I like ice sheild tankers, Firzen better. Eh, im still experimenting.
This. Game. Fucking. Ownz.
2004-04-10, 03:33 PM
I keep creating characters to try new things out. Luckily every time I do it I've learned just a little bit more about the game, so each time I get somebody to a much stronger point when I get to level 6. Character creation just rules, too.
2004-04-10, 03:45 PM
Okay, I'm Einne and Katsuro (main) on prime.
We should all meet up sometime, and go out and pwn some baddies :)
2004-04-10, 03:50 PM
What lvl eine.
Those fuckers aren't sending me a verification code. :mad:
I Hate Pants
2004-04-10, 04:43 PM
Can I play as a villian in this game?
I've signed up for PlayNC. When do I get to install the Beta?
2004-04-10, 04:45 PM
no, buy they may release a patch that allows you to eventually.
2004-04-10, 04:46 PM
Signed up to the forums 2 weeks ago, NOONE ACTIVATED MY FUCKING ACCOUNT. WTF/
I Hate Pants
2004-04-10, 04:49 PM
no, buy they may release a patch that allows you to eventually.
They damn well better! I wanna play as a super kung Fu Neo Nazi!
They damn well better! I wanna play as a super kung Fu Neo Nazi!
Sig-Heil Karate Chop of Doom what?
2004-04-10, 05:57 PM
Sig-Heil Karate Chop of Doom what?
Sig-Heil Karate Chop of Fachism, n00b
2004-04-10, 07:11 PM
Erm, I dont think beta is guarrenteed unless you preorder. The beta you signed up for would be, teh selection one.
2004-04-10, 07:12 PM
Hehe. Clan leader asked "How good is character customization"
Lmao. Lmao. Roflban.
Fuck double post :(
2004-04-10, 10:49 PM
Signed up to the forums 2 weeks ago, NOONE ACTIVATED MY FUCKING ACCOUNT. WTF/
its beta, servers are probably jammed solid.
2004-04-10, 10:54 PM
I suggest you get them to resend your activation email heh.
2004-04-11, 09:02 PM
I did not make two movies. They do not outline character development and basic gameplay. Do not PM me for the links.
2004-04-11, 09:05 PM
alri9ght I won't pm you . gimme the links
2004-04-11, 10:55 PM
Fuck it. I already said my character. This community wont care, they rock. Please dont get me banned :p
Character creation:
Basic Gameplay:
And this has info of all the powers and such in it.
List your main character and server so we can play together sometime.
Prime- Vaberus: Technology Tanker
2004-04-11, 11:00 PM
EDIT nvm but some of those are broken
2004-04-11, 11:02 PM
Oops, my bad you are right, copy paste wanted to ..... one of the links. fixed.
2004-04-11, 11:17 PM
how do i sign up for this?
2004-04-11, 11:18 PM
lil late now, now you have to try and win a contest somewhere. they closed now the application thing.
2004-04-12, 12:17 AM
Pre order from a physical store.
2004-04-12, 01:02 AM
so what all is there to do in the game? It sounds interesting but i dont wanna spend monthly money on something that isnt very broad. (i havent really looked into the game either :p)
2004-04-12, 01:39 AM
The game is mainly focused on combat. Which I like. I hate crafting.
Get mission complete mission get new contact, ect.
Im only lvl 8 so I cant tell you a large amount.
2004-04-12, 12:10 PM
Prime-Gravedigger-Magic Defender
That's the main one. I'm a whore in this game, I jump characters like mad. That probably explains why my main is only lvl 6.
2004-04-13, 01:45 AM
NDA has been lifted, and the game has gone Gold.
So thoes movies are safe now :p
2004-04-13, 11:11 AM
NDA has been lifted, and the game has gone Gold.
So thoes movies are safe now :p
:clap: :rock: :rock: :rock:
2004-04-13, 04:15 PM
Must Buy Game, finally an originall MMORPG where it doesn't require you to run around in the middle ages with a bunch of fairies that believe they are actually their characters. Of course I could be walking into a whole new realm of nerds I have no expierence with! This could be dangerous.
2004-04-13, 04:53 PM
just comic book junkies, and 40 year-old adults that live in their parent's basement :D
2004-04-13, 09:56 PM
Beta emails get sent out today. Anyone get in?
2004-04-13, 09:59 PM
There is a rumor of a 15 dollar sub fee. Fuck that if its true. Ima cancel if the trolls on the boards are correct.
2004-04-13, 11:34 PM
There is a rumor of a 15 dollar sub fee. Fuck that if its true. Ima cancel if the trolls on the boards are correct.
No rumor, 15 bucks. Includes the 'subscription' to their own comic which is sent to your house each month. I'd rather they toss the comic and charge me 12 bucks.
2004-04-14, 06:30 AM
yeah, who relly needs it. It's probably just talking about stuff we already know. Those guys are dumbfucks.
2004-04-14, 07:07 AM
I've been in the beta, its a pretty cool game.
2004-04-14, 07:34 AM
When does it offically come out? I think I'll buy it, or just pre order it from the website so I get that 3 day head start.
Whats the most fun of the character types, and whats the most in demand type of hero for groups? Does equitment play a big role in this game (I hope not, hate EQ). Whats the fighting style like is it more interactive than clicking A?
I Hate Pants
2004-04-14, 07:36 AM
I'll only buy it if I can play as a villian.
2004-04-14, 10:44 AM
When does it offically come out? I think I'll buy it, or just pre order it from the website so I get that 3 day head start.
Whats the most fun of the character types, and whats the most in demand type of hero for groups? Does equitment play a big role in this game (I hope not, hate EQ). Whats the fighting style like is it more interactive than clicking A?
April 28th is the release date, April 25th is the date that pre-order people are allowed in.
The most fun? Honestly, I've played each of the character types and they're all fun. A lot of it depends on your playstyle. The most in-demand that I saw when grouping up were tanks. When I'm playing my tank and click on the looking for group I have an invite inside of 10 seconds. The most overplayed class is going to be Blaster, which kind of sucks because they are very fun. Equipment plays almost zero role in the game. Basically your gear is all a part of your character, there are no rare drops or anything in the game to screw that balance over. What they do have are basically 2 types of items. The first are called 'Inspirations' and they work like potions would. Temporarily up your accuracy, or damage, or defense, whatever. They drop left and right, and are available to purchase from your contacts so there's never an issue with those. The second are called 'Enhancements' and those are basically boosts that you can place in slots in certain powers. Again, they drop fairly regularly and are also available for sale so you shouldn't have a problem having as many enhancements as you'd like. The key is going to be figuring out which enhancements work best with your playstyle and maximizing them, but there is nothing others can do to slow that process down on your end. It's really up to you.
Combat is, hands down, the best I've seen in a MMORPG (I don't consider Planetside to be in that class). There is a lot of moving your character around to avoid hits and choosing which power to use at which times. Basically, when you get in a solo fight you'll have more than enough going on to keep you amused. When you're in a group fight it's absolutely chaos but amazingly fun. It's a good thing, too, because there's not much to the game once you get past the combat.
2004-04-14, 12:50 PM
Damn, Gohan, did you have your flame retardant suit on while posting over at the CoH forum?
2004-04-14, 03:40 PM
I think I'll pre order it now, it sounds good, I need something to get addicted to, I signed up for Beta on the 13th but I think I might missed the deadline :(
2004-04-14, 06:44 PM
Hey I got into beta and I only signed up yesterday, its a big Download, it will be done tommorow, which is perfect! I'm on vacation after tommorow! so anyway when I think of some character names I'll post them here so you guys can find me and tell me how everything works.
2004-04-14, 08:14 PM
Hoss, get on prime server so we can play this weekend.
MadCow, I want your opinion. I felt pretty much the exact same way you did, except that after 3 days, I got sick of doing practically the same mission over and over and over again. 1. See contact 2. Go to wherehouse 3. kill all baddies/bosses 4. click all the shiney things. 4. return to contact. 5. Rinse and repeat.
Have you started to notice this, or are you still going, happy as ever?
2004-04-14, 08:25 PM
Planned updates:
I'm sure many of you are curious what we're adding to the game and I thought I'd talk generally about our first update content. I'm not going to get too specific here, because we're still working on stuff and things might change a little in production. We're aiming for an update a month or so in - again, we're aiming for a month, but things might slip. But anyway, here's the scoop...
1.Opening up levels 41 to 50- the cap at release is 40 - this opens it up to 50 (where it'll stay for a little bit). Naturally, this means new contacts, Enhancements, tasks and story arcs.
2.Two new zones- One zone is the HQ of the Portal Corporation, where they house the top secret "Project Looking Glass." You'll see that this has enormous ramifications for the game background as well as gameplay. The other zone is a crash site for one of the Rikti base ships. It remains a constant war zone between the military and the Rikti.
3.Three New Villain Groups - The mysterious Malta Group. The macabre Carnival of Shadows. And the immensely powerful Praetorians.
4.Two Trials - These are two repeatable tasks that a group of heroes can undertake for a special Enhancement reward.
5.Tailor - Give players the ability to change their costume for an Influence cost. But there may be a little more to this keep your eyes peeled.
6. New Mission "Interactivity" - As some have noted on these boards, players would love to do "more" on missions. Ya asked for it - ya got it! I'll give you a taste of one of these features: if heroes are defeated in some 5th Column bases, they'll wake up in a cell instead of a comfy hospital! The hero will need to knockdown the cell door, overcome the guards and find his way back to his teammates. Plus, you never know what kind of allies you can make in the 5th Column's jails...Anyway, that's just a tease of several features we'll be adding into the mission sets.
So, there ya go. I promise we'll be detailing the updates as time goes by, because I know that the fans want to know as much as possible as soon as possible.
Damn, Gohan, did you have your flame retardant suit on while posting over at the CoH forum?
*cough* started to be painfull after a while. I still had more valid points the the fuckwads there.
2004-04-14, 11:00 PM
I think I might be a technology based tanker or scrapper, I just like the idea of being a big robot type guy. It seems to me that scrapper is offensive warrior, tanker is defensive warrior, blaster is mage, defender is cleric, controller seems unique. Man there are so many choices to make on how you want to specialize your character, ARGH too many choices I'll never be able to decide!
2004-04-14, 11:02 PM
How would you guys rate this (out of 10)? Plz explain your answer. And can you play as a villain?
2004-04-14, 11:42 PM
Just got my beta email invite now. Downloading. Name is gonna be Xenoneo, i'll be playing on prime since everyone else is. I'll give you all a hollar when I get on.
2004-04-15, 12:11 AM
Hoss, get on prime server so we can play this weekend.
MadCow, I want your opinion. I felt pretty much the exact same way you did, except that after 3 days, I got sick of doing practically the same mission over and over and over again. 1. See contact 2. Go to wherehouse 3. kill all baddies/bosses 4. click all the shiney things. 4. return to contact. 5. Rinse and repeat.
Have you started to notice this, or are you still going, happy as ever?
Oh, I'm in the exact same boat as you. The combat is great in the game, I just don't see much to it beyond that. It's a blast to play each archetype, and this is the first game that has gotten me to willingly party up with others (group missions/combat are the gem of this game), but I have a hard time seeing the game staying interesting to me beyond a couple of months at the most. I'm glad I got to beta the thing because it's given me a decent perspective on it. I don't find myself really wanting to get back to the game like I used to with Planetside. If I don't log on, no big deal. When I do play I have a decent amount of fun.
With all that being said, I think this game has absolutely amazing potential if the developers head in the right direction. From what little I've seen I think they understand what they need to do with the game, but I'll most likely wait a few months before buying the game just to see where they go with a few things.
2004-04-15, 12:13 AM
How would you guys rate this (out of 10)? Plz explain your answer. And can you play as a villain?
Out of 10? 6.5 overall, 8 for the first few nights you play. My answer is pretty much explained in what I posted in response to Eine. The game has potential to be far more than it currently is though. Missions are currently too repetitive and while the storylines are cool they just aren't enough to truly suck you in. You can't currently play as a villain, they are mulling the idea for future expansions. I personally doubt they will do it for a long while as I think they would like to avoid PVP in this game except for the Arena setting they are planning on patching in (which obviously won't be true PVP).
2004-04-15, 12:37 PM
hey does anyone know where the drug is in the office building in the tutorial?
2004-04-15, 12:42 PM
hey does anyone know where the drug is in the office building in the tutorial?
Find the flashing computer in the building and click it to search the files. Large flashing crates/computers will become familiar to you very soon.
2004-04-15, 01:47 PM
Mad cow you playing right now? I'm a level 2 Science Tanker named SkullStomp, you'll know its me because I'm a giant albino in a tight red leather fetish suit.
2004-04-15, 01:54 PM
Mad cow you playing right now? I'm a level 2 Science Tanker named SkullStomp, you'll know its me because I'm a giant albino in a tight red leather fetish suit.
I'm at work atm, played a bit last night. Got tired of the mission I'd been given, teamed up with somebody who was asking for help, he needed help doing the mission I was trying to avoid, I did the mission with him (which did not clear it from my mission page, just the team mission page) and we exited the cave we were in. I left the team, was invited onto another team, accepted and had the same damn mission selected as the team mission. Seriously, the same mission 3 times in 30 minutes or so? I quit before doing it again.
2004-04-15, 01:59 PM
Hmm, this is an MMORPG, right? If so, and if the Devs are continually adding new plotlines and villains, this could bepretty damn cool. But they'd have to have a damn good and, more importantly, big Dev team to keep it running.
2004-04-15, 02:10 PM
Hmm, this is an MMORPG, right? If so, and if the Devs are continually adding new plotlines and villains, this could bepretty damn cool. But they'd have to have a damn good and, more importantly, big Dev team to keep it running.
Their live content team seems impressive from what I've seen so far. I like the items they've released that they're working on for the first patch. I still think I'll wait a few months to buy the game, however.
2004-04-15, 03:58 PM
I got bored of being super so I just made a commando looking guy with a gun. Now its fun again! He's call War Hog. Was thinking about making a scapper soon, they seem cool.
2004-04-15, 04:45 PM
I applied 2 times w/ diff emails. If anyone wants, I have another beta account.
2004-04-15, 04:48 PM
I applied 2 times w/ diff emails. If anyone wants, I have another beta account.
Sounds interesting...
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