View Full Version : Idea for more strategy for base caps

2004-03-30, 12:39 PM
Everyone always askes for cloaker buffs and while i agree that there needs to be something done i have no idea what. However, i do have and idea that would give a cloaker a little more use. Although anyone can do it.
Have more hackable consoles in the bases, for sabatoge purposes. For a set period of time.
For instance:
1.) A CC that when hacked disables all IFF on base doors. (3 min duration, same as hacking the IFF on a door except it effects all doors with IFF)
2.) A CC that when hacked brings power off-line. (2 min duration)
3.) A CC that when hacked disables all IFF on equipment terminals. (3 min duration same as hacking an equipment terminal only it effects all equipment and vehicle terminals)

These should be separate CC's in different areas of the base.

*note* these are not tied in with the base hack. They are seperate hacks and new terminals.

Yay or Nay?

2004-03-30, 01:26 PM
Why do we wish to make it harder on Ze defenders?

2004-03-30, 03:08 PM
It would still be even because this doesn't effect just one empire. Everyone has to defend at one point. However, i can see your point. So how about they can only be hacked one at a time and the base CC cannot be hacked while any of the other consoles are hacked.

2004-03-30, 03:32 PM
It would still be even because this doesn't effect just one empire. Everyone has to defend at one point. However, i can see your point. So how about they can only be hacked one at a time and the base CC cannot be hacked while any of the other consoles are hacked.

Ok, so using this idea I go running into the CC of the base and try and hack it seconds after a cloaker has hacked one of these mini terminals. Now I have to wait 2 min at least before I can actually hack the base, assuming that same cloaker isn't sitting at another one of the mini CCs and hacks it before I can hack the base again. In theory a cloaker could actually keep a base from ever being hacked simply by hacking these mini CCs.

2004-03-30, 04:31 PM
Are you saying a trader cloaker that is hacking these terminals just to keep the hack from going through? If so, then this is what i got...
Instead of the base not being able to be hacked at all when either of the 3 are already hacked. How about just the hack that shuts down power to be the only one that effects the base hack. Because taking power off line that easily will be too easy to get a base hack and run through bases. And maybe cut the timer down to 1 min. Or maybe even have the power hack only effect spawning or effect everything but sqawning. That way defenders can still defend just without some base abilities for a certain duration. (i'm not trying to make it unfair to either attacker or defender. Only have more options than runing in and killing until you get to the base CC.)
Just to cover all the bases here. A friendly troop at their base cannot hack these terminals. Only enemies.
Don't just argue with me. Come up with some ideas if you think that something would work better. I'm just throwing stuff out there.

2004-03-30, 06:06 PM
dude... defenders need a the help they can get, i say nay.

2004-03-30, 06:43 PM
We're trying to help defenders now, in case you didn't know. (No offense intended in that remark, I'm just saying maybe you didn't know.) Currently there's a huge problem with people feeling like there's no reason for defending a base. Attacking a base is much easier than defending, and the rewards (currently) are greater. There have been some helping factors to counter-act this, such as the Capitol Buildings and also the long-standing 25% greater XP for killing and enemy while in a friendly SOI. However, these don't seem to be enough right now.
While your idea has some merit, and I will give you credit for its originality, I'd have to say that any ideas like this that will help attackers should be held off until the whole defense issue is straight.

2004-03-30, 10:16 PM
fair enough... just thought i'd try.
as far as defenders go they should probably help sl's get cep while defending. but that's a whole different thread.

2004-03-30, 10:19 PM
would be more trouble than its worth. All i have to say.

2004-03-30, 10:54 PM
Like all three terminal ideas.

2004-03-31, 09:23 AM
I say nay.

only because its not the time to be talking about this now. When defending a base is easier then attacking. then you can post this thread again. So intil then...........


(dont take that the wrong way just trying to be funny :groovy: )

2004-03-31, 09:52 AM
ok batousai just send me a PM when i'm alowed to start posting agian.

2004-03-31, 11:10 AM
intilThe correct spelling is 'until'.

2004-03-31, 06:33 PM
The correct spelling is 'until'.

A fellow nazi! Let us slaughter innocents and be pigs together!

2004-03-31, 07:03 PM