View Full Version : Empire Incentives

2004-03-31, 07:51 PM

2004-03-31, 07:57 PM
I have mixed feelings about the Empire Incentives...

On one hand it's nice to be somewhat compensated for being outnumbered...

On the other hand your Empire Selection is restricted by character development... meaning that beyond your first time playing you have little choice what empire you will be fighting for unless you are willing to delete your hard earned character and start over... So this is meaningless as a way to balance or even the teams numerically in any gaming session past your first.

2004-03-31, 08:15 PM
That system sucks and does not do anything it was designed to do.

2004-03-31, 08:21 PM
I doubt it'd stop the teams being unbalanced but it should in effect give some compensation to being outnumbered. Whilst the induvidual effects are small, over the course of an army every little helps.

2004-04-01, 01:51 PM
not going to do much for the pop difference but i do like the compensation my emerald tr characters going to get.

2004-04-01, 03:21 PM
i'm not sure it'll affect the overall empire populations, but i forsee a serious hit to the zerg battles - it's going to be VERY worth one's while to take a squad to a completely unfriendly continent.

i'm pretty happy about it, and excited to see these go into effect.

2004-04-01, 04:36 PM
yeah i hope it promotes less zerg situations and more platoon/squad size engagements