View Full Version : Free CC

2004-03-31, 08:41 PM
ok, I know people already have this idea, but they didnt cover one part! what about the people that bought CC? Well, I have a solution here it goes

1)Give CC as a free download to all who do not have

2)include some major patches with it

3)THE MAIN POINT WE WERE WAITING FOR! All the people that bought CCwill get 4 Months free! ( i know, CC'c price only covers 2-3 months, but since the people that bought CC forked out alot of money, they get a bonus 1-2 months)

2004-03-31, 08:46 PM
I like the idea though I doubt it will happen.

2004-03-31, 08:50 PM
oh well, it is nice to dream though...

2004-03-31, 09:01 PM
I'd rather that the ppl who paid for CC got reimbursed and then it just patched outta the game...

2004-03-31, 09:04 PM
I'd rather that the ppl who paid for CC got reimbursed and then it just patched outta the game...

well. the 4 months would be the re-embursment...

2004-03-31, 09:04 PM
Bah, CC made me mildly sick at what SOE is willing to do to get money. The billing of the game as 'Urban Combat' was complete bullshit, and since so many people preordered it, they got a product that was nothing like they had hoped. In short, SOE made a POS expansion sound nice, and scammed some cash out of trusting players :ugh:.

2004-03-31, 09:34 PM
what he ^ said... i bought it and it is teh suxxorz

2004-03-31, 09:36 PM
Bah, CC made me mildly sick at what SOE is willing to do to get money. The billing of the game as 'Urban Combat' was complete bullshit, and since so many people preordered it, they got a product that was nothing like they had hoped. In short, SOE made a POS expansion sound nice, and scammed some cash out of trusting players :ugh:.

nice analysis........

2004-03-31, 11:26 PM
Unfortunatly so true....

2004-04-01, 01:44 AM
They could just add content to make it worth the money we paid; but they're not gonna do that as we already paid for it. They'll just make another expansion, possibly putting worthwhile content into that.

Real Mulambo
2004-04-01, 03:47 AM
I heard it was pretty shit and I still bought the piece of shit. I have only been in the caverns twice and it just makes me mad. Then again I was warned.

I hate flails anyway :mad:

2004-04-01, 05:21 AM
My biggest problem was being sniped by a guy like 5 times through walls in the caverns. I warned him he was bug abusing and he continued. I reported and appealed and they like needed more complaints against him or something before they'd do anything. :/

2004-04-01, 08:39 AM
If only if only...

2004-04-01, 09:54 AM
3)THE MAIN POINT WE WERE WAITING FOR! All the people that bought CCwill get 4 Months free! ( i know, CC'c price only covers 2-3 months, but since the people that bought CC forked out alot of money, they get a bonus 1-2 months)

I like it, since I was one of the pre-order CC smucks.

2004-04-01, 10:16 AM
Bah, CC made me mildly sick at what SOE is willing to do to get money. The billing of the game as 'Urban Combat' was complete bullshit, and since so many people preordered it, they got a product that was nothing like they had hoped. In short, SOE made a POS expansion sound nice, and scammed some cash out of trusting players :ugh:.Teh noob is right on this one.

2004-04-01, 10:56 AM
Welcome to Sony Online Entertainment. If it can't have expansions, don't make it.

2004-04-01, 11:48 AM
My biggest problem was being sniped by a guy like 5 times through walls in the caverns. I warned him he was bug abusing and he continued. I reported and appealed and they like needed more complaints against him or something before they'd do anything. :/
I had the same problem with a TR guy on Emerald. I was cloaking and came up on him while he was facing a wall shooting his sniper rifle reapetedly. I thought it was just some dude messing around or someone that had glitched out and just needed to be killed to respawn, but as soon as i lobbed a plasma nade at him he clicked on DL ran inside the wall and hit me with an MCG.

After talking to him he let me know that he was, in fact, glitching out but the only thing it effected was that there where no walls or crystals or anything. Just my guys runing around with absolutely no cover from him.

After that i ran into him again while he was doing the same thing and didn't waste any time killing him. He was definatly using the glitch to his advantage.