View Full Version : Heavy Supression

2004-04-01, 05:55 PM
Musing, as always...

Note: ALL weapons have a warm-up time. This is not meant to be a Q3A weapon.

Vanu - Heavy Lasher - WU time = 5 seconds - Heavy Lasher bears only a few minute similarities with its HA breathren. During the 5-second warm-up phase, the weapon draws the equivalent of 25 power cells worth of ammunition from the soldiers backpack, concentrates it into a small orb, and fires it at an extremely high velocity. However, upon impact, it does not explode. Rather, it moves a few feet away from the point of impact, and hovers. When an enemy passes by it, that enemy receives the equivalent damage of one direct hit by a lasher orb. The HL "floating mine" can lash up to 25 times - Hence the 25 cells used.

Terran - Heavy Supressor - WU time = 4 seconds - The heavy supressor bears absolutely NO similarities with its Standard Assault counterpart, aside from using projectiles. Heavy supressor loads up approximatly 6 rockets(ala rocklet rifle) and then discharges them rapid-fire style. However, much like the liberator bomber, once it nears the point of impact, it divides and explodes. The pellets, that were in the main shell that did not explode, propelled by the explosion, then detonate. Its simply a weapon that uses an expanding field of supression, albiet the wider the supression, the less damage is inflicted, whilst damage at the epicenter of the attack is at the maximum.

NC - Plasma Rifle - WU Time = 6 seconds - The plasma rifle, contrary to its names' suggestion, is not really a rifle at all. Rather, it is a shoulder-mounted cannon which fires a projectile at extremly high velocities, and, at the point of impact, splashes plasma everywhere. However, contrary to how the regular plasma works, this plasma stick EVERYWHERE. On the floors, walls, ceilings, field floor, whatever, and the plasma stays there for approximatly 5 seconds, thus making coordinated supression infinitly more successful, due to the warm up timer.

When a soldier walks across the field of plasma, it will have the same effect as a plasma grenade detonating at 10m away from them - Not a huge amount of damage, but enough to not go into it willingly. Non-stacking, for if it did stack, it would be an instagib trap.

The function of all of these weapons are to create a better method of supression. The TR one needs revisions, but, what do you all think?

2004-04-01, 07:04 PM
I seriously like these ideas, assuming that a new 'Suppression' certification would be created for them. If you put some hard data into your original post (i.e. exact damage, reload time, etc.), I'd add it to PS.

2004-04-01, 07:24 PM
Interesting ideas

2004-04-01, 08:20 PM
I like...

Would these be like...hand held weapons?

2004-04-01, 08:31 PM
Surpressor for TR? PLasma rifle for NC? I dunno..the overall idea is nice though.

2004-04-01, 08:41 PM
I like...

Would these be like...hand held weapons?

Shoulder-mounted, all of them. theyre solely for the purpose of allowing troops reorganization time by creating a zone that the enemy cant pass through - Think a more effective version of the radiator.

Surpressor for TR? PLasma rifle for NC? I dunno..the overall idea is nice though.

The TR one, I admit, is the odd one out - The most sensible one would be an explosive version of the mini-chaingun, however, logistically, thats INSANE. Can you imagine the grief?

Another idea was essentially a rocklet with a bigger clip, only one firing mode, and extreme rate of fire, however, that lacks character, thus, the handheld liberator bombshell launcher idea, which helps create a deadzone by just spamming the area senseless - What most TR weapons are good at. Thats not a knock at the TR, but they have the have weapons with the highest possible spam potential.

The NC one - I ran out of ideas. Sue me. :p

2004-04-01, 09:00 PM
Doh, was just coming into forums to post my idea.

Machine guns :)

-would be a common pool weapon(to keep whinners quiet)
-would take up 2 rifle slots and have to be deployed to fire
-would have it's own certification

2004-04-01, 09:01 PM
Here's my thoughts on these upon further reflection:

The problem with these weapons is that they are incredibly powerful in a simple damage per shot sense. While I am not saying that they will unbalance the game per se, the problem is that attackers or defenders would use these to replacece tactics. Offensive and defensive strategy could likely be composed of: "Guy #1, fire, fall back. Guy #2, fire, fall back" and so on and so forth. This would much further the war of attrition way of playing, which I for one think is abysmally boring. Also, picture this: Surgiles, running rampantly through your base, spamming away with huge area affect weapons. Granted, they'd probably only get a few shots off, but one or two shots with a plasma gun in a crowded spawn room would be huge. The thing about Planetside that I've really grown to love is that while the big picture is all about a massive war being waged, that massive war is composed of hundreds of little 1v1 and squad-based firefights. I'm leery of adding anything to the game that might simply replace tactics with BFG-style warfare. Just some thoughts_TheN00b

2004-04-01, 09:11 PM
Great ideas all around, good job peoples. :groovy:

2004-04-01, 09:15 PM

2004-04-01, 09:55 PM

2004-04-01, 10:05 PM
Very Clever. Would be worth the devs having a look at them. But need a new name for the TR Supressor and the VS lasher. NEW NAMES. Like for the VS the Slasher i little close to Lasher but still different. And for the TR instead of the suppresor the Raven maybe or something of that sort.

Great ideas again :groovy:

2004-04-01, 10:09 PM
Here's my thoughts on these upon further reflection:

The problem with these weapons is that they are incredibly powerful in a simple damage per shot sense. While I am not saying that they will unbalance the game per se, the problem is that attackers or defenders would use these to replacece tactics. Offensive and defensive strategy could likely be composed of: "Guy #1, fire, fall back. Guy #2, fire, fall back" and so on and so forth. This would much further the war of attrition way of playing, which I for one think is abysmally boring. Also, picture this: Surgiles, running rampantly through your base, spamming away with huge area affect weapons. Granted, they'd probably only get a few shots off, but one or two shots with a plasma gun in a crowded spawn room would be huge. The thing about Planetside that I've really grown to love is that while the big picture is all about a massive war being waged, that massive war is composed of hundreds of little 1v1 and squad-based firefights. I'm leery of adding anything to the game that might simply replace tactics with BFG-style warfare. Just some thoughts_TheN00b

Hence the warm-up time being incredibly long. And you cant cancel the shot once you engage, meaning it could go off prematurely, and own yourself harcore.

Also, possibly putting in a MASSIVE COF while moving, and a relatively large one while crouched/still? These arent meant to be precision weapons with thie AOE, but it would prevent surgiles.

2004-04-02, 08:38 AM
Have to say I oddly like this concept. For certification I could even see bundling this in with the heavy assault. You would get 2 large weapons for your 4 points.

2004-04-02, 10:36 AM
The more I read this, the more I agree with N00b on this idea.

2004-04-02, 11:07 AM
1. Great ideas. I like them all.
2. New names plz.
3. Surgiles cant use it, it takes 2 rifle slots (rexo)
4. Surge cant be used with weapons soon enough anyways
5. When this weapon is out you cannot run only walk (speed as if you ran out of stanima).

So killing its COF wouldnt help now, YOu cant surge with it, you cant use agile with it, and you cant even run with it. It seems to be a perfectly balanced weapon type.

2004-04-02, 11:11 AM
Nice ideas Spee although to the guy who thought about renaming the heavy lasher as slasher come on dude thats taking the piss literally (as where I come from "to take a slash means to urinate") So maybe not slasher eh?